Chapter 217 The Demarcation Line between Emotion and Reason【Part [-]】

Words appear before language, so in many cases, what you want to express in words cannot be expressed in words.

There are some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, like being asked "Who are you?" for the third time, even though the literal meaning is still difficult to understand, but as slow as Steve, he has realized some things.

So he asked back: " you think I'm not human?"

Kashima bit his lip, hesitated for a moment, then nodded honestly.

"That's right... Oh, this is difficult."

From the beginning of coming into this world, Steve has understood.I am different from other people, but as an adventurer, a person who is used to seeing their own strange settings, he just accepts this fact frankly.

It doesn't matter if you accept such a setting, this "heterogeneous" relationship is nothing more than that.

It is very easy for an individual to modify his own thinking, but it is very difficult to change the thinking of a group.

Ideas are sometimes more ingrained than matter itself.

"It's difficult?" Kashima cast a frightened and worried look, and the secretary, Ms. Jian, carefully asked if there was any deeper meaning in Steve's words, "Admiral, what are you talking about?"

"There are a lot of difficult things to do..." Steve shrugged, "Then am I your admiral now?"

"Uh..." Kashima, who was asked back, hesitated a little, but still nodded.

"Okay," Steve gave a thumbs up, "Then let's go back and see other people's reactions. You are responsible for helping me explain the situation about the Northern Sisters."

Although Kashima didn't know why Steve did this, she still nodded, and she had no reason to refuse this reasonable request.

On the way back, Kashima kept walking behind, her voice was silent, she was not at all like the nagging and arrogant secretary ship in front of her before.Thinking back to when I first met her, she seemed to be a little rusty and cold like this.

Thinking of this, Steve shook his head.If the harbor sisters disappear, I can still understand it.Regarding the change of Kashima's attitude, it's really hard to say. It should be what happened when he lost consciousness... So what is the missing part in the memory?

As soon as the two of them stepped onto the side of the ship, they saw the six-drive sisters resting and chatting on the deck. However, when they saw Steve, Steve obviously saw that the expressions of the three of them were stunned. .

"The commander seems to be more eloquent than before..." Dian's statement completely ignored logic, but subtly hit the point.

To this, the black-haired girl retorted: "What are you talking about, the commander is very good!"

"Although I said so, it still feels more convenient!"

Regarding Dian and Akatsuki's evaluation, Steve could only make a face at them.

Compared with his two sisters, Hibiki's expression is much more serious.When the sisters were talking, she just watched from the side. After they finished speaking, Xiang asked quietly: "What happened before?"

Steve shrugged: "I don't know either. The harbor sisters disappeared after a disagreement. I don't know what happened now."

Xiang quietly looked at his admiral for three seconds: "Well, I see."

After ringing out these words lightly, he turned around and left.

"Uh, what's the matter with you, Xiang-chan?"

"It's nothing, don't come here, I want to be quiet."

"Wow, suddenly said so fiercely!"

"That's right, Xiangjiang is so fierce!"

Seeing the six-drive sisters leaving, Steve looked back at Kashima helplessly, and the latter could only smile wryly in return.

At this moment, the familiar sound of high-heeled shoes came from the exit of the bridge, and the maid saw Steve as she walked out the door.

When she saw Steve, she froze for a moment, and then saw her pinch her wrist.After this action, the maid came straight over and said, "Master, welcome back, how is the peace talks going?"

"...the other party is gone."

"It's gone. Oh, so that means something unusual happened?" Without giving Steve a chance to explain, Shengfu continued speaking at a very fast speed, "I also have something to report to you , I seem to be missing something in my brain."

"Huh?" Steve was dumbfounded now, "What's wrong with you?"

"The concept of you being a human has disappeared in my mind. There is still a sense of identity, but the feeling that the logic cannot be connected." Renown said bluntly.

Prestige said so, and Steve understood a little bit, so it was not just Kashima and Renown who had this idea.

Not noticing Steve's little idea, Renown continued: "As a ship's wife, I may have gone wrong, so if I do anything strange, please master dismantle me at an appropriate time."

After the words of dismantling came out, Steve realized that the problem was more serious than he imagined: ", no, no, don't make a mess, it's not your problem."

"It's not my problem?"

"Well, because Kashima said the same thing just now. This feeling is as if, in your hearts, the part of me as a human being has been directly taken away by something." Steve's face was full of helplessness.

The maid bit her glove and thought for about five seconds.

"I seem to understand a little bit. The current situation is not so much that I am re-acquainting with the master, but rather that I am re-recognizing myself. I see, is this feeling reasonable or not?"

"...What do you understand, can you explain it a little bit more clearly?" This sentence was said by Kashima who was standing next to her, and the secretary, Ms. Kan, looked a little anxious.

"I just understand how I feel," the maid tapped her temples with her fingertips, "What kind of feeling is this? It's like telling yourself emotionally that the master is a person, and he has already been with you." I have been with him for so long, his way of expression, his means of communication tell me that he is a person. But my rationality tells me that this is not a person, this cannot be a person, it is impossible for a person to have such a Constructed, and if he hadn't got a seamless handy bag over his head, he wouldn't be human."

"..." Steve felt very speechless, how could this happen...he just wanted to say that this was too strange, and then he noticed that Kashima next to him had a thoughtful expression on his face.


I forgot to delete the previous note, sorry...

Chapter 218 The dividing line between emotion and reason [Part [-]]

"Can you understand what she's saying?" Steve asked tentatively.

Kashima's expression was a bit tangled when asked this question, but he nodded seriously: "Inexplicably agree..."

"Master, I'm serious," the maid said with a straight face, "Understanding requires a foundation, and reasonableness is the cornerstone of understanding. Only when you can feel the rationality in it will you have emotional approval. Although some Sometimes, reasonableness and reasonableness do not always exist at the same time, but generally speaking, what is reasonable basically has a reasonableness. But now you feel in front of me, as if the piece of 'reasonable existence' The cornerstone is taken away, and the feeling of having nothing to rely on begins to become unstable. Rather than saying that I can’t agree with you, it’s better to say that I can’t accept the emptiness in my heart.”

... Reasonable.

Steve smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the expression that he asked to dismantle himself when his reputation came up before.Then I thought of the reaction of the six-drive sisters before, or the reaction of the ring...

"Sure enough, it's not an exception."

"Uh, sure enough?"

"The reaction just now." Steve turned his gaze to the corner where there was no one there.

Kashima was silent, just now she was only focusing on sorting out the thoughts in her mind, so she really didn't notice.

"Okay, anyway, let's go back first and tell everyone about the current situation." Steve, who originally thought the situation was serious, felt that it was nothing, and he was informal as usual.

Steve doesn't care, but someone does.

The prestige standing in front of Steve didn’t let go: “Master, I still have something to say.”

"Anything else?"

The maid had a serious expression: "I think you need a mental preparation to face the future."

"..." Looking at Sheng Sheng's serious expression, Steve couldn't be more careless, "Uh, do you think the problem is serious?"

"Very serious." Prestige said bluntly.

Prestige's pair of different-colored pupils showed determination that was difficult to face. Steve, who was not sure, turned his gaze to Kashima, and the secretary, Ms. Jian, nodded with difficulty: "I also think that the matter will be serious, maybe it will be more serious than Miss Prestige now. considered more serious."

In the end, under the joint opinion of Shengfu and Kashima, it was decided to hold a short meeting in the admiral's room to sort out the current situation a little bit.

Kashima described the situation during the previous peace talks in detail. Although some details about her personal psychological state were deleted, she basically covered all the specific situations that can be said.After Steve added some details, he presented the accident of the peace talks from the perspective of the two people.

After the two finished speaking, the prestige of being a silent audience pondered for a while before saying: "That is to say, after the admiral touched the key item and lost consciousness, something happened during the period; then the other party's The attitude changed, and then they just disappeared."

"There is no gap in time?"

"Yes," Kashima nodded, "No, it's just that the other party's attitude has changed a bit strangely... although I also feel a bit strange."

The maid nodded while holding her chin: "Then everything is related to that key item. What about that item?"

"I didn't find it," Steve shrugged. "Maybe he went to other worlds with those two Qi Ji."

"That is to say, the clue has been broken."

"Yes." Steve was also helpless when he didn't get the module.

Steve was lying on the admiral's table with his chin in his hand, the secretary, Miss Jian, was half lying on the sofa, resting her forehead with her hand, and the maid was also standing aside silently, and the admiral's room fell into a brief silence.

"Let's put it aside if you don't understand it for the time being!" Kashima flicked his twin ponytails, as if trying to get rid of his chaotic thoughts, "I think the biggest problem now is the admiral."

"Uh, me?" Steve looked puzzled.

Compared to Steve who didn't understand the situation, Prestige nodded knowingly: "Yes, the current situation of the master is the biggest problem. We can accept the existence of the master, but others may not, and the North Island deep-sea habitat ship The leadership has disintegrated, and it is only a matter of time before those remaining bandits are wiped out, and the next thing will be very difficult."

"I think the admiral should not show up in the future, so maybe he can hide the matter for a while."

"But it's not a long-term solution..."

"It's not a long-term solution. Anyway, it's like this now, and there's no way to make up for it."

Shengfu and Kashima were talking about their own affairs, which forced Steve to interrupt them: "Wait, is this a big problem?"

"Of course, it's very big." Seeing that Steve hadn't fully recognized his current situation, Kashima turned his head and explained, "Admiral, have you ever heard of a saying in human beings that 'people who are not of mine must have different hearts? '? Most people who become admirals don't have much contact with ordinary humans, because humans have very low tolerance for aliens."

"But even so, the Governor's Office is just another conceptual person."

Steve blinked: "I see, you think I'll be excluded?"

"Yes, you will definitely be excluded." Prestige asserted, "Of course, maybe things will be more serious later, because the current result is that we just won the North Island, and there will be many things to come."

"Whatever." Steve shrugged, dismissively.

Kashima could only smile wryly at Steve's expected attitude.

Of course she knows what kind of person her admiral is, but it is precisely because of this that she has reason to worry.Steve would never distort his actions because of doubts from the outside world, but because of this, he would be completely excluded as an outlier!

After the short meeting was over, Kashima called all the staff of the tutelary fort and held a mobilization meeting.

First of all, I informed that Qi Ji from Beibei Island has been resolved. Although it is not certain that the Harbor Sisters have indeed been eliminated, but when it is certain, at least they have no way to prevent the girls from sweeping Beibei Island.

In this case, victory in the battle on Beibei Island can basically be assured. Regarding this point, the ship girls clapped their hands and celebrated.

The next thing is about Steve, because after Steve came back, he was seen by the six-drive sisters, so there are some things that cannot be hidden from the inside.Steve didn't intend to hide it either, which made everyone suddenly feel awkward.

Why didn't I feel that my admiral was so abnormal before.

Just like the prestige said, it's okay for the girls in the tutelary mansion to say that they were more concerned about why they didn't find out about this matter earlier than about Steve's change.

Finally, there is the final mopping up operation on Beibei Island. Even if there are no Harbor Sisters, the remaining deep-sea troops still have to be wiped out. Letting these rogues wander around may be more dangerous than letting them gather in Beijiu.

Chapter 219 North and South

On the third day after Steve suddenly attacked the North Island, the Northern Admiral's Office received an official victory report signed by Steve.

Announced that Steve's tutelary mansion has completely leveled the North Island and wiped out Qi Ji in the north, and said that he would continue to attack the deep-sea ships around the North Island to help the people in the north destroy the deep sea.

Immediately after receiving this good news, many admirals from the tutelary mansion volunteered to go north to help Admiral Steve recover the lost ground together.

But in fact, needless to say... What is regaining lost ground, isn't it just grabbing resource points?

Everyone knows that Steve is just an outsider, and the land here is of no use to him. If he can take over the North Island from him, the resources he can get are definitely not what a small governor's office can provide.

However, facing the fiery look of the Governor's Office, Admiral Shiba Inu was worried.

On the one hand, the big victory brought by Steve has made many people restless; on the other hand, Steve's own motives are really doubtful. He remembered the things that the cat admiral had told him before.

It's just that Steve is in full swing now, even if it is true that he is collaborating with the enemy, a photo can't change anything!

Therefore, Admiral Shiba Inu chose to be silent as always, and waited and watched.

Steve's big victory made everyone in the Admiralty's Office have the illusion that the deep sea is full of chickens, and they can be dealt with casually.But hallucinations are hallucinations after all, and soon, news of the defeat on the Eastern Front came.So the admiral of the guarding mansion began to complain that Steve had falsely reported the situation of the battle. Not only was Qi Ji in the north alive, but she also defeated the admirals fighting on the eastern front.

That's right, Northern Qiji is still alive.

But the northern sauce is not doing well.

It was only on the second day after the North Island was attacked that she got the news that humans had invaded the North Island, and then rushed back all night.However, when returning to that familiar place on the third day, North thought he had returned to the wrong place.The place where I lived has also disappeared, only the sunken hole on the ground, it can be seen that someone has torn down the entire building, including the floor.

If it’s just a building, it doesn’t really matter. The North doesn’t care where to live, because where there is a sister, there is a home.

But... what about the sisters?

Beibei searched back and forth on the island three times, making sure that he did not miss any place, but still did not find any trace of the sisters, as if they had completely disappeared from this world.

Although none of the ships under him dared to say it, everyone probably understood that this was a war after all.

Survival is a simple and crude relationship between plunder and being plundered, and between annihilation and annihilation.

Human beings conquered the North Island, took away the resources on the North Island, and then left without stopping, just like the things that the deep sea people have done countless times.

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