"That's the council's decision, and it has nothing to do with me." Kihara Kazuta didn't want to share the blame with Tsuchimikado on this issue, and it's not his turn to worry about it. "According to 'you', after inquiring Is there any details about that guy?"

"I don't know, anyway, he's a strange barbarian." Tsuchimikado put on his sunglasses again and shrugged, "He's not a magician at all, um, not at all...Compared to this, your 'second 'But it's going to rot, okay?"

"One of the missions this time is to recover the 'Wei Yuan Substance'."

Kihara Suta's tone was very flat.

Knowing that this man has always been bloodless and ruthless, Tsuchimikado did not intend to peek at the other party's psychological thoughts from his expression. According to the concept of this city, these people are just experimental products with "technology".They regard all superpowers as experimental animals, but they are actually no better than the executioners of the Church of Necessary Evil.Just such a quick reaction, it feels like...

"Have you anticipated this outcome in advance?"

"I don't know," Kihara Suta replied simply, "I just follow orders."

Having said that, the middle-aged man with blond hair and short hair suddenly turned his head as if thinking of something, "By the way, there is one more task I need to tell you."

"Uh, can you not say it? Just pretend you haven't met me." Tsuchimikado, who felt that this matter became more and more troublesome, smiled wryly.

"No," Kihara Suta replied crisply, "If the Hound Force can't solve the target, we ask you to dispatch Saints."

Chapter 283 Attack [Part [-]]

"Stop joking, how could the saint be so casual..."

"That's your business." Kihara Kazuta walked past him, not giving Tsuchimikado any chance to bargain.

"Oh, ok, ok, ok, I'll just go and call." Tsuchimikado shook his head helplessly, but after Kihara Kazuta walked away, the yellow-haired young man who wiped his sunglasses smiled: " Well... when can I call, that's not my business, the saint is very busy."


Just after Kakine Teito was dealt with, Steve saw heavily armed human soldiers rushing from the other side of the street.

Their reaction speed was quite fast, and it took less than 3 minutes from the start of the attack to the present, and there were even innocent civilians who hid under the flower beds because of fear and did not leave.

The Steves turned their heads at the same time, quietly watching these people surround themselves.

Kihara Kazuta at the front walked over with a shotgun on his shoulder and a cigarette in his mouth, and then stopped about ten meters away from Steve.

"Okay, you can leave now, leave it to us."

Glancing down at the place where he stopped, Steve didn't put away the bow and arrow in his hand, and one of Steve came over: "What are you doing here?"

"Come and collect some things." When he said this, Kihara Shuta glanced at Kakine Teito, who had turned into a blood man on the ground.

Steve noticed this subtle movement, and he tilted his head slightly: "You...is he the thing you want to recover?"

"Well, hand him over to me, and your mission will be completed."

Kihara Shuta said so, but did not take any further action.

Of course, Steve knew why the other party was in such a state, because they were all beasts, and they had already... smelled danger.

"Is that so?" With rolling eyes, Steve glanced at the soldiers with guns, "Are you just here to recover him?"

"Yeah, leave him to me." Kihara Shuta emphasized his tone.

Steve raised his face and looked at Kihara Kazuta out of the corner of his eyes, "If you just came to collect him, then...why?"

"what why?"

"Why are they pointing guns at me?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the members of the heavily armed hound troops.

At this time, Suta Kihara suddenly turned around, and he glanced at the soldiers of the Hound Unit, because it was announced in advance that a fierce battle might occur, so it is normal for the people below to be so vigilant.

So he raised his right hand and signaled everyone to put their guns away.

The boss had spoken, and after the soldiers of the hound unit exchanged glances, the muzzles of the automatic rifles in their hands hung down to the ground.

Seeing that the soldiers of the Hound Army had lowered their alert, Steve smiled slightly: "Okay, then you guys recycle it!"

But at the moment he said these words, dozens of arrows suddenly flew out from behind him.

The hound soldier who was shot exploded in an instant, which was obviously the arrow shot by Steve and the others.

Kihara Kazuta didn't even have time to yell and curse at being despicable. Facing a flying arrow, he raised the mechanical prosthetic limb of his left hand and shot the arrow straight out. He picked up the assault rifle and wanted to fight back... But the second The wave of arrows came much faster than expected.

Without even raising the gun, Kihara Shuta found that the arrow was already in front of him.

He had to roll with a donkey on the spot to avoid the arrow.

The arrow stuck on the ground exploded in an instant, and the air wave shook him several times. Fortunately, he was lucky and happened to touch the flower bed at the corner of the street.After climbing about ten meters, he found a safe bunker behind the green belt.

After coming here, I realized that I was not alone.



Kihara Shuta raised his head and found an ordinary person in uniform hiding behind the flower bed like himself. This was a young man wearing glasses who looked like an office worker.

"Yes, can you save me?" The young man knelt on the ground, the slightly dark cloth under his crotch showed his fear.

"Oh, yes." Kihara Suta agreed very simply.

Then he directly took out the silencer pistol on his waist and shot the opponent directly.

After doing all this, he didn't even look at the corpse that fell on the ground. He squeezed his headset and asked, "This is the leader of the hounds. Please report back from all units. How is the situation?"

"This is Hound 01, seventeen of us have lost contact, please help!"

"Hound 03 said that the casualties were not serious, but we have no way to fight back. The situation is very chaotic. Damn primitives!"

"Hound 04 is already engaged in a long-distance exchange of fire with the opponent! The opponent's firepower is extremely fierce! Call for support!"

After listening to the report, Kihara Shudo adjusted the channel: "This is the leader of the hounds, has the battle here been detected?"

Responding to him was a female voice with a slightly mechanical feel: "Reply to the leader of the hound, the urban street fighting in the seventh school district has been detected, the school district defense system has been activated, and the refugee crowd is still being evacuated..."

"Stop talking so much nonsense, is the tactical support system ready?"

"The tactical support system is in place and ready to support."

"Okay, request tactical support, confirmation code NICING15637."

"The code has been confirmed, and the support system in this area is being connected..."

"Okay, hurry up, don't hurry up, those trash fish troops are about to die." Obviously it was his own troops, but Kihara had a lot of people but called them trash fish unceremoniously. He took out another cigarette and started He took out a lighter from his pocket and ignited it with a "chuckle", and let out a puff of smoke leisurely on this battlefield where people could die at any moment.

"...Yan Mo's support system has been loaded and is ready for combat at any time."

"Huh, what are you waiting for?"

When Kihara Suta said these words, the whole sky suddenly darkened.

This kind of blackness is not the blackness of the sky or the smoky blackness, but it is as if the sky is covered with an iron curtain, and it is quickly darkened. fire.

...It's this kind of shit again.

Kihara Shuta thought about it, and adjusted the channel: "Attention all teams, the Enma support system has been launched, and the thermal imaging system will be used to fight next."

The first part of the so-called Yan Mo support system is to make the entire area invisible by spreading particles that can actively absorb light.The reason why human eyes can see things is because light sees things clearly through straight rays. In other words, as long as all the light is absorbed, then even if the enemy is right in front of you, you will not be able to see.

However, this black technology particle is just a foreplay.

There was an obvious tremor on the ground, as if some heavy gate had been opened.


In the thermal imaging system, I saw a huge beam of white light shoot out from a certain position in the northeast corner, directly hitting the place where the guy was just now. In an instant, the shock wave of the explosion tore apart everything that blocked him.

Kihara Shuta lay on the ground covering his head, waiting for the storm to subside.

"Those bloody lunatics."

But there is no way, this is Academy City.

This is the city with the most cutting-edge technology in the world, so the levels in this place are divided like this: human, mechanical and superhuman.

Although Academy City itself is very taboo about such things as artificial intelligence, and uses the things bred by machines to study superpowers, but as a nest on the science side, it will definitely not be what it looks like on the surface.

Firepower is justice, this is the cognition endowed by science to human beings, and it is still difficult to be shaken.

Turning his head back and getting up in shame, Kihara Suda picked up his gun and began to search for creatures that still had heat within the visible range.

Except for the burning white that still remained in the center of the explosion, no other self-heating objects that were still active were seen.

But at this moment, suddenly, almost instinctively, Kihara Shuta subconsciously hid to the right, and the next second, he felt a gust of cold wind flying past his cheek.

Then, there was an explosion from behind.

He immediately rolled over on the spot and shouted into the headset, "The target is not eliminated! Keep attacking! Keep attacking!"

all of a sudden.

Various white dots lit up in the dark space. Although I don’t know the exact location, but with the previous sense of space, I can almost feel that the location should be the top floor of the street store, the wall of the office building in the distance, or the other side of the street. Hotel signboard.

The same white light as before appeared in various unexpected positions.

These things are plasma cannons.

Although it was not as earth-shattering as the previous shot, countless white lines were cutting across the dark space, and each one was fatal.

Everyone in the hound unit lay on the ground and did not dare to move, for fear that the locking system somewhere would misjudge themselves and kill themselves by the way.

Even if there are many Kiharas.

After the indiscriminate bombardment, it was probably because the firepower was so intense that the particles that absorbed the light were also wiped out and scattered a lot.

Kihara Kazuma could see that the locked position just now was devastated.

"How is it?" he asked.

"No targets were found within the set area." The mechanical female voice replied.

"What?" Kihara Shuta frowned. While imagining the possibility of these things surviving, he ordered, "Disarm the support system immediately, and we need to clean up the scene."

"Understood, the removal process is being initiated."

With the activation of the release procedure, the black range began to shrink visible to the naked eye, and in about ten seconds, the last trace of black disappeared at the mouth of the sewer.

Kihara, who had seen the sun again, had no time to marvel at the beauty of the sun. He hurriedly commanded the remaining hound troops to start searching for signs of Steve and Kakine Teito in the neighborhood that was already in ruins after being bombed by plasma cannons.

10 minutes later, the rebuilt heavy industry department arrived.

An hour later, ordinary security officers entered the scene.

Three hours later, the entire block had been completely restored.

But there was still no trace of those two people.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, Suta Kihara puffed out his cigarette lightly. He had thought of this result from the very beginning.

"It seems that you have a problem here too."

A voice rang in his ears, Kihara Suta was stunned, showing a surprised expression: "Director Yaxiong Tianjing? Why are you here?"

"The heavy industry department is my old subordinate, have you forgotten?"

"Oh, you're here to see the excitement," Kihara Kazuta couldn't help but taunted after a short conversation, "I heard that your plan has been cancelled!"

"Yeah... I really don't know what the board of directors is thinking." Yaxiong Tianjing shook his head, looking as if his ambition was unfulfilled.

Kihara Kazuta grinned secretly.

That plan was supposed to be a front...huh?etc.

Thinking of this, Suta Kihara suddenly realized something. Speaking of which, that guy appeared in the first place because of the plan he was in charge of...

"Hello, Tianjing-san?"

"Why are you so polite all of a sudden? It's disgusting."

"Hehe, I know why your plan was suspended. Would you like me to help you restart the plan?"

Kihara Kazuta said so, with that iconic, malicious smile on his face.

I have nothing to excuse about the recent update.

If I were to say the only excuse, it would be that breaking the update would do me all harm but not any benefit.

If I stop updating now, I will have trouble with readers, with the website, with myself, and with manuscript fees.

If other authors still don’t want to update because their subscriptions are too low, I’m probably the only Shuke author whose subscriptions are increasing and manuscript fees are decreasing.Why?Because I broke the update! 233

So why should I do this?

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