Naturally, this terrifying technology cannot be made into a conventional weapon.

Therefore, the weaponized product is this kind of graviton pulse warhead.

The imaginary enemy designed by this warhead is actually an alien warship that may be encountered in the universe in the future... But now, it seems that it doesn't make sense to say that to vampires.

The graviton pulse after the explosion will shrink in an instant, which leads to clear mediations that can be seen from a distance.That's not the collapse of the space, it's just the result of the air being pulled and deformed.

Remilia's figure was ripped apart in that instant.

This is also the expected result.

The monitor was also destroyed by the missile, and Kihara Shuta frowned as he looked at the screen covered in snowflakes.

Then, the operator's report came from the headset: "Boss, the target is completely silent."

Kihara Suta took a deep breath: "Keep on high alert, the opponent hasn't been eliminated yet."

"Uh, boss, but the transfer image has shown that the target has been eliminated."

"Shut up," Kihara Shuta glanced at the sky, feeling a headache for this group of mindless subordinates, "Then tell me, why is that weird red cloud still not clearing?"

Everyone was at a loss for words.

In broad daylight, the sun was covered by red clouds and mist, and the whole city was filled with eerie red. Even if someone said that zombies broke out at this time, some people would believe it.Obviously...someone would do it, whether it was as a joke or a genuine fear of chaos.

Ever since, the entire Academy City is now in a dangerous state.

The streets are full of people who are at a loss. They don't know what kind of impact the red color will have on them.

At this time, any information with ulterior motives may have an avalanche-like effect.

"...Damn it, this kind of savior's job is really not suitable for me." He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, and Kihara, who was standing on the command vehicle, waved his hand, commanding the driven armor troops to move towards the target location .

5 minutes ago.

He had just received the news from the council that the task given to him was to eliminate the culprit of Hongyun, and he had been given a clear location.

At first he thought it was a simple job, but as soon as he came out of the underground base, he knew it was not that simple.If the panic in a block can be covered up, then the threat at the city level is not so simple.

The missile attack just now should have made many people aware of what happened, which is probably intentional by the council.

Along the way, uniformed guards were trying their best to guide order.

But in a hurry, relying on the police force of the guards is obviously not enough... and this red cloud does look a bit evil.

On the sidewalk by the side of the road, a young man suddenly ran up. Before anyone could realize what had happened, he bumped into another man's body, and immediately blood spattered on the spot...


"Execute the mission." Kihara Suta replied coldly.

He doesn't need to find out why, he can also feel... This kind of red has a power that can awaken the madness in the hearts of human beings.


Compared with Kihara Shuduo who was still on the road, Steve and the others saw it more clearly.

Lily has long realized that Remilia's actions will be resolutely countered by the city ruler, which is one of the reasons why she has not been far away from confronting her head-on.

So from the very beginning, the little witch was paying attention to the surrounding situation.

At the moment when the missile hit the roof of the building, the master and servant who had arrived on the outer wall of the TV tower thousands of meters away with Steve teleported away had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

...the fireworks in the distance are beautiful.

Steve understood that because of Lily's decisive judgment, he was able to express such irrelevant emotion here, turned his gaze to the little witch, and he gave a thumbs up: "Thanks to you! I thought I was really going to die .”

"Everything is calculated."

After wiping her little nose, the little witch could finally say this proudly.

In this regard, Steve just smiled noncommittally.

Looking up at the red sky above her head, Lily also realized something, and then began to build a magic circle to cover her breath: "...that guy should still be alive and well."


Steve's assessment was simple and to the point.

In the distance, the three-story roof of the building that had been blown away by the missile was gradually revealed. Apart from the flames and thick smoke, there was only the exposed internal structure of the bombed part.

A burning desk can be vaguely seen, as well as other indescribable objects.

...The missiles hit the roof of the building, so the things that fly out are the real killer moves?

Steve thought calmly, those strange circles really looked scary, because he noticed that in the building next to him, there was a part missing, and the scar on that place seemed to be partly eaten off by some monster .

But he didn't give him much time to think.

A vast amount of crimson matter flew out from the exploded roof.

Oh, that's not some crimson stuff, that's a bat... well, at least it looks like a normal red bat.

"Why a bat?"

Steve asked the question unconsciously.

"Because the prototype of a vampire should be some kind of large bat! After all, there are bats that can suck blood." Lily looked at the group of bats that were constantly flying and gathering in the sky with her cold eyes. Undead monster, but there is no doubt that this thing will not die so easily, but I don't think she will be killed by a modern weapon. The nature of that bat should be similar to the treasure you obtained, Master...or , should it be better..."

In the ear was Lily's worried interpretation, and Steve also noticed that the bats in the distance had gathered into a human shape.

next second.

The bat disappeared and Remilia appeared in the air unharmed, even her parasol was intact.

"Damn it, monster."

"For you to say this, Master, you are indeed a complete monster," Lily let out a long breath after the magic circle was completed, "but it's not bad to be able to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger now."


Lightly flapping the wings on her back, Remilia looked around with her hands.

She didn't care about the thing that attacked suddenly. That kind of weapon looked powerful, but it wasn't actually lethal.

The reason why vampires' weaknesses are so obvious and famous is because apart from them, there is really no way to kill a vampire--provided, of course, that this is a real vampire lord.

Apart from being disassembled and then reassembled, Remilia did not suffer any harm, after all, disintegration is also one of her common tricks.

She looked curiously at the roof of the building that had been bombed out of shape. The two guys had apparently run away just now.

Regarding this artificial object that can fly in the sky and explode, Remilia still knows a little bit, and she seems to have seen it in a book of the library owner.

I can't remember the specific content, because it was just used to pass the time.

All in all, a personal creation.

If it is a man-made object, then it is naturally emitted by humans.It's been a long time since I've been in contact with the outside world, so there will be a lot of interesting things!If there was such a thing back then, maybe the barrage battle would not have been lost to Reimu.

So... who is playing such a game?

The vampire lady was full of curiosity at the moment.

"Whoosh! Pop!"

Remilia, who felt something flying towards her, grabbed it, and blood flowed from her palm.

This familiar tingling.


He opened his hand, and on the white palm was a deformed silver bullet.

Sure enough, humans have not forgotten this technology.

Remilia crushed the bullet directly.

There are many things that can restrain vampires, besides sunlight, there are things like flowing water and garlic.But Remilia herself...

"Crack!" Catching another silver bullet, Remilia completely ignored someone who shot at her.

This time, because it was not blocked, the bullet was completely caught.

Holding the silver bullet in your hand, you can see the inscriptions and crosses engraved on it.

Well... it is said that vampires are afraid of crosses, so the legend says.Remilia tilted her head to carefully look at this delicate bullet with inscriptions.

But Remilia wasn't afraid of this thing—because she didn't know what to be afraid of.

The silver thing does have a weakening effect on the strength of the vampire, but the weakening range of the silver itself is limited, and this thing can only make the part it touches slightly tingle at most... If you want to kill yourself by this, It is estimated that it will be enough to be submerged in silver water.

In short, I don't quite understand where such rumors come from.

But this thing looks very exquisite, give it to Sakuya as a gift, the silver color matches her very well!

Thinking of this, Remilia put the bullet in her pocket directly, and then, the vampire lord's eyes turned to the hound team member who was holding a sniper rifle in the distance and lying on the balcony of the hotel.

Chapter 295 Remi

"Report! Sniper Point No. [-] is completely silent!"

"Target lost track, request headquarters support!"

Holding the map in his hands, Kihara Kazuta quietly listened to the report from the earphones...

According to the previous layout, on the premise that it is known that this is a vampire, the first counterattack plan is to use special tactical bullets for vampires.

The reason why it is the first set of plans is because this kind of tactical bullets, like their targets, only exist in theory.

Vampires are already legendary "prehistoric creatures" in this world.

At least in the huge database of Academy City, there is no specific information about vampires.Research on this humanoid mutant is limited to pretending that it really exists.

If it didn't happen to happen at the beginning of this month, an incident related to vampires occurred, which made the research institutions at that time seriously consider the possibility of the existence of vampires, and made such bullets, it is estimated that this time they will use weapons against the opponent nothing.

It's just that, looking at it now, things that haven't been tested in actual combat seem to be useless...

The silver bullets didn't do as much damage to the vampires as expected, so if black-tech missiles are useless against this guy, what should we do next... Reports of the loss of our own personnel are constantly coming from the channel, Kihara Shuta closed his eyes, as if he hadn't heard.

Then, he suddenly thought of one thing.

"Sugita, help me retrieve the details of the vampire-related incident that happened on August [-]nd."

"Okay, boss."

Putting the interface of the command map aside, soon, the specific content of the "Vampire Slayer" incident came from the data terminal.

The general course of the incident is that a lolicon magician kidnapped a girl with the ability of "vampire killer"... Of course, it was found out afterwards that this incident was not kidnapping, at most it was abduction.

Of course, Kihara Shuta is not interested in the specific circumstances of this matter.

What he wanted was information on the vampire slayers.

The so-called vampire killer is not the ability to instantly transform into a superhuman when seeing a vampire. On the contrary, it is more suitable to be called poison than a killer.

Vampires are creatures that are attracted to blood.

So for vampires, the blood of the vampire killer should be regarded as the most powerful drug.

It has a fatal attraction and a real lethality.

Of course, for the current reality where there is not even a vampire as a research material, the value of this ability is only used to disprove the existence of vampires.

Like the myth of a certain giant octopus...

Kihara Kazuta is in a delicate mood right now.

On the one hand, it is fortunate that there are indeed such weird guys among the huge base of capable people in Academy City, which will have a huge effect in wonderful places; on the other hand, they are also full of distrust of the actual ability of the vampire killer.

Because since it is ability, there must be size and degree.

According to the data collected so far, even that "Fantasy Killer" has an upper limit on his abilities.

The main reason why this tasteless ability couldn't be graded, and was even abandoned by Academy City, was simply because it couldn't find a reference at all.

"Sugita, help me apply to the council. I want them to transfer over the frozen experimental material of the vampire slayer."

"Understood, I will submit the application now."

The operator quickly submitted the application documents to the central control system, and in about three seconds, the application was approved.

And gave a reply to the hound troops who are fighting.

Send the Vampire Slayer to the destination within 5 minutes.

After receiving a specific reply from the command center, Kihara Shuta stepped down from the observation position of the command vehicle.

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