But the black that appears in people's eyes at this time is a black that is slowly spreading and bottomless.Mingming raised his head, but had the illusion of peering into the abyss.

"When you are peeping into the abyss, the abyss is peeping into you."

For some reason, Kanzaki Hichi remembered this sentence... No, this is not an illusion.

In the "abyss" slowly opening above the head, the dense and piercing sense of peeping makes people feel chills and shudders down the spine.If you look up carefully, you can see countless blinking eyes, as if there are some taboo monsters living inside.

While the witnesses were still immersed in the fear of the unknown enemy coming, some people had already moved.

"The location of the passage has been determined, and it is 600 meters above the surface."

"[Aksha's Sword] has been charged to 95%, and the positron cannon can enter the firing state at any time."

"Obtain the launch permit and enter the air strike mode. The target, the entrance to another world, and launch preparations."






Under everyone's astonished gazes, the crimson beam pierced the sky and directly fell into the huge "eye".In the next second, the huge explosion that everyone was waiting for did not appear.Just when no one could react to what happened, the beam of light suddenly appeared out of thin air from the sky, and then flew towards the place where the beam was emitted.

The violent explosion made the earth tremble.

"...What, what's the matter? Fa, what happened?" Clutching her big hat, Water Witch Marie screamed and asked.

"It's a weapon on the scientific side..." As the former pope of the Amakusa Cross Church who is good at modern magic, Kanzaki Hichi, who still understands scientific knowledge, explained, "The opponent reopened a portal at the moment of being attacked. Send back the shot that was fired... In other words, are all long-range weapons ineffective against them..."

In the end, Kanzaki was already talking to himself, and an ominous premonition spread all over his body.

Surprisingly, the visitor from another world seemed familiar to her.

It's not that he knows that person, but the girl who floated down slowly from the sky and landed lightly on the ground. Her outfit looks familiar.

A red dress, white sleeves, and a red ribbon on the cuffs; a striking red bow is tied on the back of the head. Although the details are a little different, isn't this the shrine maiden?Especially the wooden stick with two strips of cloth in her hand, that is clearly the royal coin used by the witch!

...There are also humans over there?Such a thought popped into Kanzaki Huochi's mind.

This thought just popped up, and the next thing told her that she really thought too much.

The members of the British Knights saw that the other side's reinforcements had arrived, and without saying a word, they waved their glowing two-handed swords and charged directly.

Their motives are not incomprehensible. Now the opponent's reinforcements have only come one by one. Although they don't know why they came one by one, it is better than when they have more people.

"Good evening, Reimu." The vampire in the distance stood up, held up her skirt and saluted the witch...

"...You monsters who are just looking for trouble, what the hell is this time?" The priestess who had leaked her smooth armpits asked the other party in an accusing tone, carrying her imperial coins on her shoulders.

But the strange thing is that the vampire shrugged: "This... You asked Yakumo Zi, didn't she say anything when she sent you here?"

"She only said that the reason for the instability in the Great Barrier in the past few days is because it is connected to this place, and she wants me to solve the mutation... So, is it you who are going to solve it now?"

"Ah, no, no, no, it's not me, look over there." The vampire pointed to a group of armored knights rushing towards this side.

"Huh? What's that? The new Fairy of the Forest?" The girl tilted her head, looking a little confused about the situation of the knights who charged from the group. Township rules, "Forget it, just beat me up first and you'll be clear."

The witch took out the talisman and shot directly at the charging knight.

The talismans are dense and regular, looking like beautiful fireworks.Faced with such an attack, the knights paused for a while, and finally set up their knight shields and smashed the light-emitting talisman directly.

Seeing the opponent's act of smashing the barrage directly, Miko was slightly taken aback.At the moment when she was in a daze, the golden cassock rushed towards her face.

Seeing that Lingmeng was about to die, Sakuya instinctively took out the throwing knife... and then found that the young lady's hand was blocking her.

"Don't be nervous, that's Reimu." Remilia's tone was rather speculative.

While speaking, Reimu was firmly hit by the sword, and the golden lightsaber cut a deep "V" on the ground, but Reimu who was directly hit was bounced away, and she hit the ground , and then slowly floated up...

"What are you doing... so it's not a goblin." The shrine maiden whose skirt was cut off complained.

At this moment, Sakuya was dumbfounded: "How could it be..."

"What's the surprise? Have you forgotten what Reimu's ability is?" Remilia asked back.

"Uh... Boli Divine Fist?"

It seems that her maid was very impressed with the other party's physical skills. Although Remilia thought it was funny, she explained: "Reimu's ability is the ability to fly in the air."

"Isn't that kind of thing that everyone in Gensokyo can do?"

"Indeed, it is very easy to fly in the Hakurei Great Barrier, even a human like Marisa can do it through hard work, but this is just an illusion... In order not to make people think that the witch is the biggest It's weird, it's an illusion created by Yakumo Zi," the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion squinted his eyes and smiled, "Reimu's ability is to fly in the air, but it doesn't use magic power to support the body to fly, or something else The method is very simple, it can fly in the air."

"...Miss, I still don't understand." Sakuya felt a little confused.

"Don't you understand the knife just now? The essence of Lingmeng's flying in the air is because she is an existence that cannot be restrained by 'force'! True invincibility, no matter what kind of attack moves, the strength itself will not It works... the invincible Paradise Priestess who suppresses the gods and youkai of Gensokyo all by herself, that is Hakurei Reimu's true appearance!"


Running 2333 all the way towards his second design.

In fact, many of the previous settings do not need to be so tangled.

In the language of literature, the image determined at the beginning is called the set image, and the image written in the text is called the artistic image.

In many cases, the original author writes it himself, and there will be deviations between the set image and the artistic image, let alone written by others.

It's just that most people remember the artistic image, and then use it as a setting image to argue against other authors' artistic images... In fact, it is quite laborious and meaningless.

Huh, three shifts, strive to reach 3K per shift tomorrow, and then keep three shifts.

Chapter 320 The Strongest and Unscrupulous

As Remilia said, the knight who chopped off the girl was also strange.

He squeezed the hilt of the sword with his hand, not sure if it was because he didn't hold the hilt tightly just now, he always felt that it felt strange when he looked at it.But looking at this girl from another world, the damage on her clothes is real.

...Could it be physical defense?The knight guessed so.

At this time, several of his companions jumped up.The armored knight leaped tens of meters high, waving the sword of light to chop off the girl floating in the sky.

An ordinary first blow can hit the opponent, but if it's just a relatively tough guy, it's not a big deal—that's what the knights think.

But then, when the girl sold the skirt of her bloomers indifferently, and casually twisted a few strange poses in the sky, and then avoided the joint attack of the knights, the one who succeeded in the first strike The knight seemed to sense something was wrong.

So he subconsciously glanced at the girl's companion, that is, Remilia and the others standing not far away.

His original intention was to worry about whether the other party would come to help... Why did they hide so far away.

"So it's human... What a troublesome thing."

Face up to the sky, the position of the head is 45 degrees downward, and the posture of the iron bridge in the air looks like a hacker who has just dodged a bullet.

The red and white priestess muttered with some irritability, and then took out a slender metal sharp weapon—a needle from her sleeve.

The magic sealing needle is a sharp weapon against monsters, no matter how powerful a barrier or monster is, it is not perfect, as long as you look for the weak point and stick the needle in, any enemy can be defeated.Of course, needles, an extreme weapon that can only be used proficiently by experts, are also very convenient for humans.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The red rail bounced off the surrounding buildings two or three times, making a crisp golden sound.

Before the knights who hadn't landed understood the opponent's attack intention, the magic sealing needle rebounded and pierced into the gap of their armor accurately.

Where there are gaps in the armor, there are naturally joints.

With a few muffled sounds accompanied by metallic sounds, the knight who fell from the sky wailed and rolled on the ground.

The magic sealing needle itself has the effect of destroying demons, so the magic defense of the body is useless, and the appearance of being pierced by a [-] cm long metal needle through the knees and elbows is painful.

As the instigator, the red and white witch has a bored look on her face: "If it is a monster, it will be eliminated directly, but the result is still a human..."

She seemed quite troubled by the fact that her opponent was a human.

As if seeing Sakuya's doubts, Remilia added: "Hakurei's witches are bound not to kill humans, but Reimu's temperament is loose, God knows what she will do, let's hide Further."

It has to be said that although she has only known this generation of shrine maidens for a year, Remilia knows Reimu quite well.

If the person standing in that position at this moment is Sakuya, maybe she will cleanly and take the trouble to bring down all the enemies at the smallest cost.

But if Reimu...

"...I just smashed into the ground, I didn't see what's down there...I just dropped into the ground, I didn't see anything down there...I just dropped into the ground, I didn't see anything down there...I just It hit the ground, I didn't see anything below..."

Chanting "magical spells", the red and white witch raised her right hand, and a black and white Taichi Yin-Yang ball was held high by her, and it was constantly spinning in the palm of her hand.

"Ghost and God Yin-Yang Jade!"

The yin-yang ball held up by the witch suddenly multiplied thousands of times. It was originally an object held up by one hand, but now it looks like a giant oil storage tank in an industrial area.

Then, the Red and White Miko threw the "oil storage tank" down.

The huge Yin-Yang Jade Street couldn't fit at all, it directly squeezed down the buildings next to it, the utility poles were also crushed, and the leaking sparks fell everywhere.

The dark blue shimmering Yin-Yang jade was like a falling star, and the knights of the British Knights looked at the falling shadow above their heads and lost the courage to survive.

However, unexpectedly.

The expected huge roar did not happen, and the huge Yin-Yang Jade stopped in front of him.

……what happened?Is this thing stuck?Or did the other party stop?

"Quick! Go! Ah!"

Only at this time did the knights realize that the Yin Yang Jade was caught by a woman.

"Why are you in a daze! Hurry up! Come on! Let's go! Ah!" From the voice, one could hear how hard Kanzaki Huochi was working at the moment, and it seemed that the Yin Yang Jade hadn't already been determined to be this big.

The sound of the building being knocked down and collapsing came again, and everyone realized that this huge ball was still getting bigger.

The pavement under Kanzaki Huochi's feet had begun to sag and crack, and centered on where she was standing, the entire ground began to make a terrible cracking sound of "bang bang bang".I don't know where the ground is broken.It gives the feeling that there is a hole under the black blanket, and then the whole blanket is slowly sinking into the hole.

"Retreat!" The commander of the Knights shouted loudly.

After receiving the order from the knight commander, the knights in the distance began to retreat immediately, while the others helped and dragged their companions whose joints had been pierced by the magic sealing needle, hoping to rescue them.

Kanzaki Huochi was still holding on desperately, the joints all over his body were crackling, and his pain sensation was already numb.

The only remaining sense of touch was that she felt hot liquid flowing from the corners of her eyes and ears.

The saint's physical fitness is extremely strong, but no matter how strong he is, there is a limit.Kanzaki felt that he was like an orange in a hydraulic press, ready to burst "juice" at any moment.

"You're amazing! I've only seen Cuixiang with such a physical quality. You have the strength comparable to ghosts, so you are not human! Hmm... Could it be like Bailian? Not true , Bai Lian is not human now either. Well, if you are not human, you can be dismissed." The little witch said happily.

It was obviously a compliment, but it was like bad news, Kanzaki didn't even have the strength to open his mouth now, he just looked at the red and white girl in front of him in shock and puzzlement.

...Why did she dare to walk into the attack range of her spell?

"Okay, since you're not a human being, then I'm not welcome!"

The girl less than 1.6 meters tall flicked her ponytail, and the huge bow fluttered with her movements.He took out a talisman from the witch's big sleeve, and the girl clamped it between the index finger and middle finger.

"Divine skill——"

She held up the talisman high, and chilling ripples appeared on the talisman, and the golden light like sea waves illuminated the entire block.

"Eight-directed dragon killing array!"

Chapter 321

After the golden aftermath disappeared, the huge Yin-Yang jade also disappeared together.

Except for the few buildings that were knocked down at the beginning, Miko's ultimate move unexpectedly did not cause too exaggerated damage to the surrounding buildings, but there was a big pothole in the center of the road.

The bottom of the pit is empty, and the stones that fall from the edge fall into the pit, and the echo is heard far away.

Probably the buried water pipe was crushed, and water seeped out from the cracks, forming a small pond in the pit.

Kanzaki floated on the water, Bloody swaying gently beside her.

Recalling just now, she didn't know whether she should be lucky or not.If it wasn't for the ground collapsing and causing him to fall before the opponent released that trick, he would probably have been killed directly.

"Hey, is that monster down there still alive?" The girl's voice echoed in the darkness.

...Bastard, who is the monster.

Kanzaki Huochi wanted to complain, but when he opened his mouth, it was filled with the smell of blood.All the joints on my body are itchy, this is because the physique of a saint is at work.If it was an ordinary person, he would have died long ago with this degree of injury.But the saint is different, as long as he is not killed by a single blow, even the fatal injury can be recovered through self-healing.

Lie flat on the water, facing the stars.

After luckily surviving, Kanzaki Huochi couldn't help recalling the details of what happened before.

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