"Uh... Occupy the mountain as a god?"

"Yes, there are many indigenous gods over there."

"It's probably just a bunch of primitive beliefs that couldn't be reconciled, and then they were forcibly pieced together into a god system." Lily said straight away.

Although Steve was still confused, he probably understood what it meant, but he was curious and asked again: "Isn't this the first time you know, Lily? How do you know so well?"

"Because, if I were in this place, I would probably be some kind of god!" Lily smiled again after thinking of something.

"..." Steve seemed to understand the meaning of the little witch's words, he subconsciously looked at Izayoi carefully, but luckily the maid was still indifferent and uninterested.

Fortunately, Izayoi did not have any strange thoughts, and Steve brought up the topic again: "Then our goal now is to send that Yakumo Zi back to his hometown!"

But Izayo immediately interrupted: "No, our main purpose is to rescue the eldest lady first."

"No! I want to have a good time!" Flandre held up her fork, which was also covered with cream.

Lily, whose face was full of indifference, scanned the faces of the three people one by one: "All! All! Reject! Reply!"

Fran, who joined in the fun, shrank back first, and then carefully checked the reactions of the others.

Izayoi was silent directly, and she obviously put on a posture of "it's useless even if you want to stop me".

"...Why." Steve couldn't understand why Lily dismissed his opinion.

"Are you talking about why you are in a hurry to challenge an unknown enemy?"

"Because the final boss is there."

Steve's words made Lily choke for ten seconds without saying a word, so that she had to accept the cube man's way of thinking that never turned: "Okay...but Master, even if it is like this , our goal should also be to blow up the channel, not directly challenge the opponent!"

"Uh...it seems to be right." Because of inertial thinking, Steve felt that he had to beat the boss first without thinking.

"It's useless," sixteen nights suddenly said, "We can't find Yakumo Zi's realm, and there is no other way than pulling her out and beating her up to force her to stop."

Regarding this point, Lily shook her head: "If she doesn't stop when she dies, then we still have nothing to do, so we must first find the location of the door. And I don't believe in this kind of passage across the world, she can just do it casually." Open the channel. I understand the matter of teleportation. The energy consumed by phase conversion will increase sharply with the distance. No matter how powerful she is, even a god, assuming a cross-world channel, this burden is not considered Small, let alone open it wherever you want.”

Hearing Lily's words, Izayo Sakuya froze for a moment, and she immediately realized what the other party meant: "You mean..."

"That's right, the passageway should be where you came in. No matter where she leads the people who come out, the entrance must be in that place." Lily locked her eyes on Izayoi On Sakuya.

The maid didn't respond to Lily immediately, she was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Is this also your ability?"

"What?" Lily, who didn't understand what she meant, was startled.

"You knew from the beginning that we were the first ones here."

Facing Izayoi's sharp gaze, Lily handed her gaze to Steve with some astonishment.

"Yeah, a nasty guy told us," Steve, noticing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, took up the conversation, "Someone opened the gap in the world by stopping time...it probably looks like this."

"...It turns out that it has been detailed to this extent, so you don't plan to punish us?"

"Punishment? Why?"

"If you are a management organization, you will definitely be punished for those who cross the world without permission!"

"It seems to be like this!" Steve felt that what the other party said made sense. Seeing his appearance, Lily also became serious... because she really didn't ask Steve about the punishment in detail, "But it is true No! And if we want to say it, we are actually violating the regulations, but to be honest, I am a wage earner who was forcibly pulled here, so I should avoid punishment or something!"

Chapter 350 Target [Part [-]]

In the end, Izayoi still believed what Steve and the others had done, and they would not be punished for bringing disaster to Gensokyo, or more precisely, they would not endanger the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

This tiny episode also made Steve realize one thing.

I have always taken it for granted, so I didn't notice it; the reaction of Izaya Sakuya is normal-it stands to reason that if the main god is the management agency, then this kind of behavior must be punished, why is that light? The ball is a helpless attitude, which is really confusing, but no matter what, it is better to do the current thing well.

A simple battle plan was drawn up, which was basically divided into two parts: one part was a feint attack, and the other part was to bombard the entrance while it was unprepared.

The plan was clear, but there were contradictions in the grouping.

It stands to reason that in this plan, the best grouping plan is Sakuya and Fran. After they take the opportunity to pass through the passage, they will be destroyed by the way, without delaying their return to Gensokyo.

But the problem is that although Fulan promised to help rescue her sister, she is unwilling to be with Sakuya who has the same goal as her.

And if there is a compromise and let Steve and Sakuya go together, Lily disagrees.Everyone knows the reasons for disagreement, and those who don't know can't remember why.

In the end, we had no choice but to make Lily and Sakuya a team. They were responsible for restraining the enemy, while Steve and Flandre were responsible for destroying the passage... To destroy that passage, Fran's ability is essential, she Only in the second group.

Sakuya doesn't have to worry about not being able to go back. After all, the current situation is not in her plan. As for what method she will use to go back, she doesn't want to say it herself, and it's no one else's turn to worry about it.

After formulating the battle plan, the two groups set off separately at about ten o'clock in the morning.

Because Sakuya Izaya's current combat strength is trustworthy, Steve is not worried about any accidents to Lily this time.On his side... Steve glanced at the little girl who was looking around behind him.

"Hey, Cube, how much longer do we have to go! Can't we fly?" It was obvious that Flandre was confused about why she had to walk in such a dark tunnel.

"Hmm... If you want to see Miss Izayoi's angry face in advance, maybe you can try it?" Steve made a half-true joke.

"Sakuya is angry? I haven't seen it before..." Fran's reaction startled Steve, just when he thought his joke was going to come true, the girl flicked the ponytail next to her head again , "But I still don't watch it, I feel terrible when I think about it."

After experiencing a psychological "roller coaster", Steve decided not to seek such stimulation for himself in the future, but it is quite useful to know that this little crazy girl also has her own psychological bottom line.

"According to Ms. Sixteen Nights' description, the place where they first arrived at this place should be on the third floor of an abandoned factory in District [-], so we have to go quietly, quietly, carefully, understand?"

"Hmm... like a cat?"

"Yeah, like a cat, meow!" Steve meowed like nothing else.

"No, it should be like this meow~meow~meow~, gently."

"Oh, meow meow."

"Um, yes, meow~meow~meow~"

The little girl held hands and yelled in a low voice, and then she took a step ahead of Steve, bowing and walking forward lightly.

Seeing her funny and cute look, Steve couldn't help but smile a little... If not crazy, she is actually a pretty cute child.

The "kitten" in front walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, her little nose moved, as if it was really a cat.

"What's wrong? Smell something?" Steve asked casually.

Originally, he only thought that Fran was directing and acting in a game, but he didn't expect her to turn her head, "There are humans... where the wind blows, there are humans."

"Uh...really?" Steve wasn't sure if she was getting too deep into the drama, so he said it casually.

"Well, it really smells like someone, um, it should be the smell of four people... There is another one who doesn't know what it is."

"Don't know what it is?"

After a little thought, Steve decided to trust Fran.He skillfully took out the pickaxe and hammer, quickly dug out a trap, and then opened a bypass to escape.

After doing all this, Steve and Fran crouched in the dark, waiting for those people to appear.

I didn't feel how long the time had passed, but I heard scattered footsteps in the distance. The opponent's pace was relaxed and casual, and the possibility of soldiers was first ruled out.

But the other party didn't seem to want to hide, and soon heard a female voice complaining: "How long is this passage? Was it really built by that person? You are not lying to us!"

Steve thought the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't tell who it was.

"It's not wrong. He must have dug out the underground passage of this structure. You want to find him. This is the only way."

When he heard this voice, Steve knew who it was—a classmate from Outlying Islands. He didn't expect that she would actually lead the way.

"But even if he has the ability to dig the ground, this scale is too exaggerated! We walked here from the seventh school district! This is already the distance from Tokyo to Chiba." The woman took out a Steve A reference that is not well understood.

"Do you believe me or not? If you don't believe me, we will go back the same way." Li Dao's language was also ambiguous.

Ah, sure enough!A group of people are so hostile, how can it be so easy to cooperate sincerely, but at this moment, a third male voice rang out, "Okay, both of you shut up."

It was the voice Steve remembered, and he was supposed to call Accelerator.

It seems that he really has a bit of prestige in this small team, so that the whole team fell silent.

...So it seems that the temporary trap is not enough.Steve still has some understanding of Accelerator's ability, should we withdraw now?Steve was a little hesitant. If he bypassed them now, he would have to delay his plan.

If this little girl's mind is normal, then it's easy to deal with. After all, the goal of these four people is herself, as long as she lures them away.But this girl doesn't seem like a master who can complete the task well... What should I do?Use clone?But they know this trick, but they don't know if it will work...

Just when Steve was struggling, a fourth voice rang out: "Are they okay as partners? It feels like they don't agree internally!"

"It's okay big sister, this group of guys is like this, they will do a good job when they work."

Steve hissed when he heard the fifth man's voice.

The voice of the fourth woman, he didn't recognize who it was, but he knew that the voice of the fifth one was that yellow-haired man named Tsuchimikado. It's... that female saint!

Chapter 351 Attack [Part [-]]

It's over, the plan is facing bankruptcy before it even gets started.

Probably hearing Steve's gasp, Flandre glanced at him curiously, her big red eyes flickered, as if she was asking a question, and seemed to be expecting something.


The little girl seemed to understand something, but she didn't seem to understand anything, and followed Steve: "Shh..."

But this "hush" was careless, even a little too loud.

Almost at the same time, there was a cold cry: "Who is there!"

The sharp sound of metal wire cutting objects makes one's scalp tingle. Although Steve himself can hardly imagine that such a metal wire can cut through a ten-meter-thick layer of slab soil, but the next second it pops out from the wall, That flash of light no longer gave him a chance to fantasize.

It's over... Before the thought was over, Steve suddenly noticed that the little girl in his arms made a grabbing movement, and then, the slender steel wire appeared in her hand.

"...Hey, are you okay!"

Steve was a little stunned, and grabbed the opponent's ultimate move with his bare hands. Although he knew that she was crazy and powerful, in Steve's perception, she hadn't reached this level yet!

"Fran is fine." The little girl smiled all over her face.

Steve glanced at her bloody hand, "Hey, it's bleeding."

"It's normal to bleed!" When the crescent-like eyes opened, Steve realized that there was not only a naive smile, but also a bloodthirsty madness in the eyebrows, "sister said, these smells Guys, they all have to be killed."

"Taste?" Steve didn't know why.

"Yeah, that's the smell..."


Before Flandre could tell what the smell was, the whole ground shook violently, and Steve was almost knocked to the ground.Fortunately, it didn't fall down, because after the sudden shaking, the top of the tunnel collapsed directly.

Steve quickly took out his voyeur, which had been enchanted with underwater breathing, and put it on to prevent himself from being suffocated directly.

But his worries seemed unnecessary.

Flandre shook the falling clod lightly.


The earth was shaken, and Steve sat down on the ground, and the sand that fell down along the way covered his chest.But even so, Steve could feel the sun, and the earthy smell of fresh air.

...I've had enough of these saboteurs.

The passage was destroyed again, and Steve, the sufferer, was full of helplessness. Compared with these guys, the creepers back then were no more than a wake-up alarm clock.

Probably the other side didn't expect that there would be a character like Flandre, and they were almost buried alive when they were caught off guard.

But after all, it was the elite team that came to chase Steve, and it was impossible for them to be stumped by several tons of sand. Several strange noises in the distance showed that they also used their own methods to escape.

Steve had a hard time digging himself out of the sand.

Looking up, she saw Flandre's bloomers... The little girl was flying in the sky, looking around for something.

"Looking for what?" Steve asked.

"I'm looking for that nasty thing?"

"What do you hate?" Although I am already familiar with it, I still feel that there is a communication barrier.

"Yes, the annoying thing is the annoying thing... Ah! I found it! Don't run away!" After leaving these words, Fran disappeared.Before Steve understood what happened, a private house 30 meters away exploded instantly.

The fragments flying around were like ice sculptures shattered by a cannon, flying all over the sky, and the fragments hit Steve's face like rain, so that there was a lot of garbage in the package.

"Fuck, shit, shit, lighten up... Forget it, I can't hear it anyway."

In the distance, the battle between the "Supermen" has already begun. The 30-meter-high high-voltage electricity tower was split in half in an instant. Then came the exploding like celestial maiden flowers, and the sharp metals whizzed around.

Japan is an earthquake-prone country, so most of the houses are made of wood. As a result, the nearby houses were instantly smashed into sieves by these flying debris, and the solar panels on the roof were smashed to pieces.

Steve presciently built himself a roof of stone bricks.Although it is only three meters high and only covers nine square meters, it is at least much better than those guys not far away.

"Square face, we finally meet again." The familiar voice carried familiar resentment, Steve turned his head following the voice, and saw that familiar loli face was full of arrogance.It's just that the way she pulls the metal rod from her ass now really makes people feel that it doesn't match her stern expression.

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