There was another roar in the distance, this time it was not gunfire, but shelling.

However, Gensokyo didn't seem to show any weakness. A colorful beam of light flashed across the black night sky, and the sound of explosions came from the distant forest.

From the end of the flickering beam of light, Steve vaguely saw the figure of a girl in black and white, but she seemed to fall down quickly, and her life and death were unknown.

"Master, what should we do?" Lily turned her head to ask Steve for advice.

Because Steve, as a third-party force, does not have much obligation to participate in the war between the two sides, it might be better to say that this kind of thing is not expected by the person named Yakumo Zi!

Steve turned his attention directly to Kanzaki Huochi.

The message he conveyed was also very simple, that is, to see if the female saint who is a "temporary ally" accepts his help. If she accepts it, then the next ally relationship can continue to be maintained.If she wants to fight alone, then she has to stand by and watch.

However, Kanzaki Huochi didn't pay attention to Steve's gaze, but rushed directly towards the place where the cannon was fired.

"..." Watching the back of the female saint disappear into the forest, Lily looked back at Steve's face, not knowing what to say.

Regarding this, the square man dragged his chin and thought for a while, "Let's go to the place called Eternal Pavilion first."


As soon as the words were finished, Hong Meiling and the green-haired woman with a pair of ivory and white horns came over on fallen leaves.

"What happened? What was that sound just now?" the horned woman asked sternly.

"I have seen the information, it should be the powered armor of Academy City... By the way, who is she?" Steve couldn't help but take a second look at the other party's cool look.

Hong Meiling was stunned before she realized that Steve was asking herself: "She is Teacher Huiyin, who used to be the tutor of my sister."

"Uh..." Steve subconsciously looked at this virtuous woman with a more virtuous name. Her red eyes were full of wildness. It's no wonder that brat Fran was so wild when she was asked to be a tutor. up.

But to Steve's surprise, the woman seemed to see through her own thoughts: "I am half-animal, half-human, and half-Bai Ze. Bai Ze's state is a bit more beastly. Don't get me wrong."

"Huh? Really?" Steve made no secret of his suspicion.

The other party frowned unhappily, and when she pinched her waist with her hands as if preparing to explain to Steve seriously and in detail, suddenly the ground shook again.

Before he could react, the shock wave with fiery breath mixed with countless broken branches and debris smashed his head and face.Then the two people in front of Steve were rushed into the forest at once... As for Steve, he turned his head belatedly, only to realize that there was a big hole behind him at some point.

... No wonder that kid is not afraid of anything, this ability is really a bit too comfortable.

The crater in the ground was caused by the shock wave that was automatically bounced back by the reflection. The scattered reflection caused more damage, and the only thing that was intact was the part under Steve's feet.

Lily moved away the moment the shock wave arrived, and reappeared when the aftermath dissipated: "Master, there is a large mechanical weapon 400 meters away, let's retreat first!"

"Uh... I want to withdraw, but..."

Before Steve could finish speaking, two shadows rushed past, and the target was obviously the direction from which the shock wave came.

"...But the guide doesn't seem to want to go," Of course, it's too late to say anything now... Steve forgot to glance at the moon in the sky, and now that the moon is shining in the sky, he can't tell what time or direction it is here.It is said that the place called Yongeongting is in a place where it is easy to get lost, "Forget it, let's go and have a look!"

"it is good."

Stepping up, Steve, who used "Vector Reflection" again, used twenty reflection superpositions this time.

Leaping up to nearly a hundred meters in the air in an instant, one could clearly see from a distance the gleaming under the moonlight, almost six meters high, equipped with naval gun-like mechanical weapons on the shoulders, and there were more than one of them.

In this battle line composed of bipedal mechanical weapons, a figure confronts those metal weapons... Only people with such physical fitness can find a way out in the space surrounded by three Gatling machine guns, but dare to only Fighting against these metal weapons with fists, Cube Man felt that this reckless woman had her own style.

...Forget it, since this is the case.


Stepping on the uppermost armor plate of the bipedal weapon, the two-story mechanical weapon was instantly smashed into a pile of scattered parts.

The subsequent shock force was also fully reflected, and the ground exploded like a flower, exposing the dark brown soil.

"Damn's cool."

Taking a deep breath, Steve was also surprised by his sudden kick. It turned out that someone in the world was using such a perverted ability.With this ability, any defense is paper...

"Bastard! What are you doing?!"

It seemed that the friendly army was injured, and Kanzaki's roar came from beside him.Steve grinned and didn't care about her. It's not because of her that he joined this battle, so care about her!

The toes hooked up a mechanical leg inserted into the ground, and the cube man jumped into the air, kicking on the closet-sized mechanical leg.

Of course, this kind of kicking is just a habitual action and has no practical significance.

The fundamental reason is that at the moment of contact with the surface of the mechanical leg, the reaction force is reflected hundreds of times, so there is a "meteor"-like visual effect in an instant.

Due to the resistance and friction of the air, the mechanical legs instantly became red and even their tips melted.Carrying the sputtered metal solution and the shock wave formed by the high-temperature collision, it moved forward all the way.

Tear open a gap in the sea of ​​trees as wide as a highway, and crush all the driven armor along the road.Finally, when it hit the mountain in the distance, it made a huge roar, and the soil and vegetation on the upper part of the mountain shattered and collapsed for nearly a hundred meters in a burst of shaking and shaking, and the dust was blown out in the flying dust. A perfect sector.

"Idiot! This is Gensokyo! Do you want to demolish this place?!"

Hearing this sentence, Steve turned his head and found that it was the teacher Huiyin with green hair and red eyes.The square man grinned and said, "You can tell the other party about this matter! If they agree, I agree."

written request for leave

I have been moving recently, and my new home is on the sixth floor. Today I am as tired as a dog, and I was dragged to a wedding by my classmates again...

In short, I can't hold it anymore, today's chapter will be added tomorrow.

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— 100 words patch

Chapter 369 1+1 is greater than 2

The sound of shelling sounded one after another from a distance.

Steve just wanted to help the girls who were the guides, and he absolutely didn't have any idea of ​​being a hero, so when the huge metal shells flew through the air, he didn't have much motivation.

So when he was indifferently noticed by this Huiyin teacher, the other party was very angry, but he didn't have time to get angry with Steve.

A huge explosion exploded in the open space, but unexpectedly, no scars were found on the ground... What's going on?

The square man soon noticed that Teacher Huiyin's face became a little ugly. That ugly look was not angry, but a bit painful.

"Master, this woman's ability seems to cover up reality." Lily's voice came from the contract side.

"...But it doesn't look so perfect." Steve looked up and down the girl with horns.

"Yeah, it looks like it's just a cover-up, and there's no way to erase the facts... If that's the case, God should give way."

"She looks pretty miserable."

Compared with Lily who focused on ability, Steve felt that it was necessary to help people to the end.Since they have all shot and are still being resented by others, isn't that too half-baked?

Of course, in terms of momentum, it still can't make people feel that they should help her.

"Hey," Steve turned up the volume, "want my attention?"

The other party's vermilion eyes were full of pain. After noticing Steve's provocative gaze, she gave the other party an angry look: "...Do whatever you want!"

Steve grins, a little maliciously, but it's not like he's really planning to do anything bad, but it's nice to let people down.

After leaping vertically and flying a hundred meters into the sky, the driven armors lined up in a row in the distance can be seen in full view.

Although the ability of [Vector Reflection] is indeed powerful, it is still too inconvenient to touch the operating object.However, if it is combined with [Weiyuan Matter], then it will be perfect.

Put your hands together, and when you open them again, there is a small white square on your hands.This time I won't change the sword. Against this kind of target, that kind of efficiency is too low. Faced with such a large number of enemies, the most effective is "that kind"!

"Grow hair!"

Following Steve's strange orders, countless "fluff" grew out of the white square in an instant.

The fluff stretches to look like hair, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes a waterfall. The 3000-meter white silk hit the array of the driven armor like a wave, and naturally encountered fierce firepower during the period.

If it is an ordinary [Weiyuan Matter], it will be shattered in the face of such firepower, but with the blessing of [Vector Reflection], even if it is as thin as a hair, it will be shaken by ordinary artillery fire.

The driven suits in the front array were sieved almost immediately. Even if the subsequent driven suits responded quickly, it would be difficult to survive such a dense and large initial fan-shaped blow.

Academy City's drive suit troops suffered a hellish blow, but for Steve, it was just jumping up and then falling down, which was not a difficult thing in this short process.

"OK, Lily, how's it going?"

"The effect is very good, the opponent's mechanical troops are basically wiped out."

It could have been answered only in the contract, but Lily had already appeared and told the situation directly in front of everyone.Lily's original intention was just to let them understand that her Master helped them with this matter.

But the lively battlefield suddenly turned cold, and the people present were a little bit at a loss as to what to do.

"Really, really?" Hong Meiling asked back with lingering fear, even though she had noticed that the sudden quiet voice in the distance seemed to prove something.

"Well, it should all be resolved," Steve gave a thumbs up, "Let's go on!"

Hong Meiling had already nodded in agreement, but was suddenly stopped by the horned woman: "Wait! China, where are you taking these outsiders?!"

"Uh, the eldest lady ordered me to take them to the Everlasting Pavilion." Hong Meiling, who was suddenly questioned, reacted a little cutely, and then she realized something, and replied, "My name is Hongmei Ling, don't call me China."

"Why?" The other party looked disbelieving, "Why did Remilia do this? Isn't it very dangerous?"

"I don't know either! I was sleeping when they came in, and I was stabbed by Miss Sakuya because of it." Menfan tilted his head, scratched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Missy agreed, it should be There is no problem!"

Hong Meiling chooses to trust her eldest lady unconditionally, but this is not the case from Shang Baizehuiyin's point of view. She no longer asks about this always confused family, but shifts her serious eyes to Steve On his face: "Sorry, if possible, I still hope that you can go back, Gensokyo has been peaceful for a long time, I hope you understand this."

"Puff!" Steve laughed rudely.

This made Huiyin's expression very ugly.

It could be seen that she said these words very seriously, and it didn't seem like a perfunctory scene, but Steve had to tell her the truth: "...No, the problem is that we don't want to go back, but we can't go back, Now we need to find that person named Yakumo Zi, and let her put back the world that was swallowed here."

"...The world swallowed here? What do you mean?" Huiyin was obviously completely ignorant of this matter.

"Let me explain this!" Lily stepped forward, "The one named Yakumo Zi used a technique similar to the division concept, connected to the high-level space, and pulled everything in the other world into this world together. .Although I don’t know why she did this, but the result said that the world over there suddenly lost hundreds of square kilometers of land, and you don’t know what kind of disaster will happen! You are the first to act.”

Huiyin was stunned. Her originally red eyes looked a little confused now. After glancing blankly at the sky, she seemed to understand something and asked back: "...Yakumo Zi did it...why is she? No... Reimu! Where's Reimu? Didn't Reimu stop her?"

"If you said it was the red and white girl, she is the vanguard who invaded our world." Kanzaki Huochi walked out from the bushes, it seemed that she had noticed the fact that the other party had been completely wiped out.

The gentle faction of Gensokyo is still digesting this shocking fact, and Kanzaki Huochi has already pointed the finger at Steve: "Fang Fang, I know that you are very powerful now, even if I am completely victorious, it may not be yours now." Opponents! But can't you limit your own power? You will be destroyed sooner or later in this way of using it!"

Ah, it's so cool to touch fish for a week! ! !

Well, it’s not fishing, let me explain to you why I stopped updating!

In fact, many people should have noticed that I stopped updating after the annual meeting. It was not that I went to the annual meeting, but that I was disgusted by the "annual selection" at the annual meeting while watching the live broadcast of the annual meeting...

It's also psychologically unbalanced!Obviously everything is my first 2333.I can only say, "Unlimited Flow was raised by my stepmother!" And I happened to Google this book, pirated 278 chapters, and my mentality exploded at that time.

But it's okay, I'm used to it.I decided to give it a go, so I prepared to double-publish the new book. If the editor-in-chief can get the internal signature, I will publish it.This book will not be a trap, I still have five battles + FGO to write, and Lily's story can only be properly concluded if it is explained clearly.

that's all.

Chapter 370 Consciousness of the Strong

"What?" Steve tilted his head, not seeming to understand what the woman was talking about.

"Didn't I say it? If you continue like this, you will inevitably become the most terrifying person. Don't you have any self-awareness?"

Kanzaki's fiery appearance looked a little hysterical.

"Uh... I don't really understand what you mean," Steve wanted to push away the other's face that was approaching in front of him, "No, I understand that you said that it is possible, but so what? I'm just being myself It’s just something that can be done.”

"..." Kanzaki Huochi stared at Steve quietly for ten seconds, took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, "If you are really the kind of villain with a firm goal, I won't waste my words here But why do I think you don't understand the consequences of the ability you hold in your hands? You should understand one thing, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility."

"Really?" Steve tilted his head, "There is no necessary relationship here!"

"Of course it matters! You have to understand! At this time, here, when the two worlds are connected in an abnormal way, you must make a fair and just choice to ensure that everyone can get a fair result! Not like this Just do whatever you want! If you don't control your own power, it will definitely be a more terrible disaster."

After being yelled at by the other party, Steve lowered his head and thought for a while: "Hmm... what you said makes sense."

"Of course!" Kanzaki said immediately.

"But it doesn't make sense," Steve said while thinking, "I'm not a god, why do I have to do such a difficult thing."

"You!" Kanzaki Huochi was almost choked by Steve, "Even if you're not a god, don't you have the self-consciousness of being a strong person?"

Faced with this stubborn cube head, Kanzaki really wanted to teach him a lesson, but in the current state, it seems that this matter is difficult to do... At this time, a calm and powerful female voice suddenly came from not far away .

"Yes, the strong must be self-conscious, but it's up to them to do what they want, as long as it's a good wish. Nan, no, three."


Kanzaki immediately put on a stance, and at this time she made this gesture, which made people feel that she was very insecure.

"Nan Wusan, the poor monk Sheng Bailian, is the abbot of the nearby Minglian Temple."

Following the direction of the voice, Steve saw a woman coming out of the darkness.But what is surprising is that this host looks different from the Buddhist temple host in the general impression.

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