Jumping on the spot, he patted the pumpkin on the square in the middle, and Steve clapped his hands to show that it was done.

However, the quiet air flowed quietly from the ear for ten seconds, and this strange three-meter-high building still showed no sign of turning into a puppet.Finally, the curious little mouse couldn't help it anymore:

"...what is this? A scarecrow? Or a Halloween decoration?"

"Halloween? What's that?" Steve asked over his shoulder.

Glancing at the pumpkin head, Nazling suddenly didn't know what to say... Is this the point?

"What did you make?" Kanzaki tapped the seemingly obtrusive block with the handle of the knife... However, the moment the handle hit the knife, the crude "road monument"-like illegal building suddenly trembled stand up.

"Hahaha! I knew it would work!"

Steve laughed, but everyone else panicked.

Kanzaki quickly retreated ten meters away, and Sheng Bailian also pulled Naziling behind her to protect her.The surface of the trembling "stone tablet" quickly began to crack, and countless white fragments fell on the wooden deck, making a crackling sound.

Walking out of the scattered pieces was a tall white creature... Kanzaki didn't know if the word creature was used correctly, but she did see the white giant glance at her and then look away. opened.

...that is the line of sight to distinguish friend from foe.Kanzaki thought this keenly, and after this thought ended, the female saint was surprised to find that she was relieved for some reason.

Chapter 373 Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon (Fog)

The huge man who was created scanned the audience with a glance, and finally landed on Steve's face.

Steve tilted his head at it, and it tilted its head at Steve.


Then he pretended not to see it and walked away.

Originally, under the protective spell of the chariot ship, even the deck should be as warm as a greenhouse, but for some reason, everyone felt a cold wind blowing behind them...

Kanzaki suddenly remembered a line of lyrics that he had heard somewhere: I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air...

It wasn't until the tall white giant walked away that the "sage little angel" Kanzaki Huochi, who was determined to save everyone, spoke cautiously to save the winter-like atmosphere: "This thing..."

...Can't you control yourself?

Of course, she didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Aha... Sorry, I forgot that the iron golem is a neutral unit, and he won't take the initiative to attack." Steve scratched the back of his head and said it with a dry smile.

Kanzaki opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak... he couldn't speak, and he didn't know whether he should complain...

"...Holy, is the person you found reliable?"

"...Nan Wusan."

Small conversations came from behind, and Steve also felt a little carried away...

At this moment, the hull of the ship suddenly shook, and the deck seemed to be poked by someone. All the people on it were like rice grains on the drum, and they were almost thrown out.

Steve reacted quickly, instinctively took out the pickaxe and hooked the mast.When he regained his composure, the female monster named Nazling was screaming and flying towards him.Steve didn't hesitate much, and reached out to catch her.

"Are you OK?"

"I...I'm fine...thank you."

"Well, it's okay, you're quite light." The petite figure hangs on Steve's arm, and it really doesn't feel any weight, but this evaluation has met with a blank stare from the other party... It seems that she cares about her size Little things.

Turning back to look for the female saint, Kanzaki was hanging on the side of the boat at this time... As expected of a saint of the Fighting School, his reaction was faster than him.

This girl doesn't need to worry about others, but other people are different.

When getting on the boat, Steve just glanced at it briefly. There are quite a lot of people on this boat.Of course, these people all look a little strange...mainly because they all wear strange pendants.

For example: strange symbolic wings, strange tails, strange ears, and strange pink muscular men...

So when the deck was "boomed" and flew out, this group of weird guys flew into the sky.Suddenly screams filled the entire sky.

"Holy!" The monk named Xing seemed to be nailed to the bow of the boat and remained motionless, but her expression was very anxious now... probably because he really couldn't move now.

...Do you want to save someone?

Just when Steve had this idea, the host who always seemed to have a kind smile on his face suddenly bowed and read something.Because of the distance, Steve didn't hear clearly, but as the words were spoken, Steve felt a force.

In the next second, the host disappeared from the air in an instant without any strength. When Steve realized it again, she had already landed on the deck with a person under one arm.

……So fast.

Just at Steve's second thought, Sheng Bailian tore two more people from the air, but it can be seen that she maintained such a high-speed state, and the inertia produced was also terrible.When landing, one accidentally stepped on the deck and pierced it.

"Are you guys all right?" Steve asked Nazling who was sitting on his arms.

"It's okay, that's a holy spell." The little mouse shook his head, stretched out his slender index finger and pointed in another direction, "Compared to this, don't you worry about the strange things you made?"


Steve remembered the iron puppet he made before... and saw a white light draw a white line in the night sky at the speed of the Holy White Lotus.


Because of the long distance, Steve had no way to carefully observe what the puppet made of [Weiyuan Matter] did to the archangel.But two seconds later, the most realistic physical sensation came...

Just after it rushed past, the sky was quiet for about five or six seconds, and then a more intense gust of wind swept in. The crumbling holy chariot was supported by the gust of wind for about two seconds, and the barrier shattered.

Along with the shattering sound of the barrier, there was also the exclamation of the female monk named Xing: "Holy! The pagoda is broken! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Xing, hold on! The Devil's Sutra!"

Minglian Temple's party was working hard there, but Steve sat cross-legged on the mast... Then someone slapped the back of his head from behind: "Why don't you help?"

Steve, whose head was blown, turned around—the girl in front of her face was flushed, and she was probably in a hurry: "Aren't you the reinforcements invited by the saint? Why didn't you even help when resisting the shock wave?"

"That's not a shock wave." Before Steve could speak, Kanzaki also landed on the mast at some point. "Shock waves are a unique phenomenon in the atmosphere. Due to the sudden high temperature and high pressure, the 360-degree Waves without dead ends are shock waves, and such a strong shock wave should not have been produced in such a high-altitude place where the air is thin. Even a shock wave will not cause such great damage to the ship, so what is it?"

"Uh..." Steve was embarrassed to find that the two girls, one big and one small, were pointing at him. He scratched the place where he had been whipped just now... Well, it didn't actually lose blood, "That thing is It is equipped with an iron puppet made of [Weiyuan Matter] with the nature of [Vector Reflection], so what may have happened there! I don’t know either.”

"Wait? What is an iron golem?"

"The automatic guards on my side are used to protect the village from monsters..." At this point in the explanation, Steve felt that the concept was a bit too abstract for them in another world, so he added it simply and straightforwardly. One sentence: "Slightly stronger than me."

What Steve said was true.

At least in the case of not having good equipment, it is impossible to beat the iron golem.And now that I have replaced the iron puppet with the strongest [Weiyuan Substance], it is really hard to say whether I can defeat it at the current stage when the equipment is already floating clouds.

Fortunately, iron golems are neutral creatures... Steve suddenly felt that he had no brains, and it was the right choice to be a wither.

While he was still in such a state of ecstasy, a very bright point suddenly flashed beyond the horizon.

If Steve stood by again, the crew of this boat would really be finished, and he immediately threw the white gun out.The white matter spear was blown away the moment it hit the light beam.

However, because of this little time, the holy chariot ship gained precious turning time... But even so, a piece of the rear rudder was scraped off.

"Huh, it's so dangerous... what is that?"

Facing Steve's question, Kanzaki subconsciously shook his head.

But at this time, Nazling glanced at the ground: "No wonder, there are flower fields below."

"Flower field?"

"Well, Sun Flower Field has a violent owner named Yuka Kazami, and it should be her magic cannon just now."

Chapter 374 Oh...


Throwing such a big move without even saying hello, this is no longer the level of irascibility!

Of course, the complaints are the complaints, Steve's reaction is still very fast, he immediately gave up the counterattack and concentrated on defense.Since it is not a hostile force, then in the current situation, it is best to avoid pulling as many "wild monsters" as possible!

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes.

The second wave of magic cannons came one after another... It seems that this "wild monster" is really violent enough.

The white beam of destruction directly pierced through the protective cover of the holy chariot ship, but only passed through Steve's white protective wall.

A strong wind blew across his face from the side, and the entire hull began to deflect to the left.It was also because of the "sudden drift" of the chariot ship that Steve avoided the frontal blow of the magic cannon.

Cube Man subconsciously looked back at the pilothouse, and saw a girl in a sailor suit with a ferocious expression as if roaring against the wind—although he couldn't hear what the other party was saying at this position.

Just when Steve was distracted and looked back, the ship suddenly shook violently again, causing Steve almost to fall off the mast.

Steve, who managed to hang onto the mast, was taken aback.

What appeared to be a human figure was embedded in the deck below itself.

Although it looks like a human being, it is much larger than the average human being, and the overly round outline looks like an abnormally developed fetus.But the golden lines on the white skin showed that it was not an ordinary creature.Especially those two pairs of "wings" growing from the back.

Steve wondered if that thing was supposed to be called wings.Because those four "wings" are all composed of smaller "wings of ice", if you look closely, you can see the feathers woven by tiny ice slugs.The scattered feathers fell on the deck of the chariot ship, forming a large ice surface in an instant.

So after the impact, the holy chariot ship was almost frozen solid for just a short respite.

Not even the mast that Steve and the others were on was spared.Because after freezing, the brittle wooden material could not bear the few people hanging on it and quickly fell over.

Steve quickly summoned a pillar of matter to support the toppled mast, but the support formed by [Wei Yuan Matter] immediately began to freeze the moment it touched the ice surface of the deck...

...Holy shit, this is...

This is the power of rules.

Steve thought Kanzaki was just bragging when he said that angels were powerful enough to destroy the world, but at this moment he finally started to believe it.Because he found that even [Vector Reflection] couldn't dispel this freezing effect.

Faced with this situation, Steve subconsciously began to build blocks under his feet.

After building three yuan in a row, he himself froze for a moment... Oh, it can fly.

But something unexpected happened to him—the cube was suspended in mid-air.

Steve stared at the block under his feet for a full three seconds, before he was sure that the thing would indeed not fall vertically as before.

... Actually?

... Well, it's not really a surprise.

Once upon a time, it should have been common sense for blocks to hang in the air, but as time passed, Steve was surprised to find that he had gotten used to this world where all blocks would fall.No matter how dangerous the current situation is, Steve, who has regained some sense of familiarity, suddenly feels much more at ease.

Suddenly... there is an illusion that no matter who the opponent is, he can win.

"Hey! Help me!"

An arrogant cry for help brought Steve to his senses, and he saw Nazling hanging on the side of the cube, her slender fingers were about to fail to catch the square on the right-angled side and fell down.


However, before Steve could make a move, a strong gust of wind swept past, and after the wind passed, Nazling had already fallen.

"You bastard!" Kanzaki yelled at Steve with his katana on the cube.

If a mortal body approached the "bird-shaped quick-freezing device", it would almost certainly be the rhythm of turning into an ice sculpture in an instant... Steve, who had made up for it, didn't think too much, and jumped directly.

Only, someone was faster than Steve.

The moment the falling Nazling was about to hit the ground, a figure suddenly appeared and caught her.

It's that hostess in a tight suit...


"It's all right." After briefly comforting the girl in her arms, she suddenly raised her head, meeting the eyes of Steve who had fallen from the sky: "Please take her to a safe place!"

Then he threw the petite girl directly at Steve.



Being hit by the "Flying Sister" head-on, Steve, who was holding Nazling, flew upside down several times before he stabilized his figure in the air.By the time he recovered from the dizziness, the ice had completely covered the holy white lotus standing on the deck.

...Holy shit, this thing is amazing.

"Holy! You let me go!"

A foot in a tabi was thrust directly into Steve's face, trying to jump out of his arm.It's a pity that the opponent's strength is not even enough to cause damage to Steve.

"Be honest! Or knock you out!"

"Let go of me! I'm going to save Sheng."


Steve was not polite to her, knocked Naziling unconscious, and then threw the girl to her under Kanzaki's dumbfounded eyes.

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