An invisible wave is transmitted in the space in the form of brain waves, and every life can feel the voice of that strong will.

"...Go away!...Go away!"

The blue squares continue to grow wildly.

Kanzaki roughly understood that the blue cube should be Gabriel's once indestructible ice spell, or a defensive formation... But under the current rules, everything is smashed by the cube man .

"...Go away!...Destruction...Punishment...Sin...Death!!!"

Kanzaki, who felt strong negative emotions from that wavelength, subconsciously glanced at the others... The little monsters were in pain, the big monsters were frowning, and the host was chanting, but it was not easy for the little witch to have only one face Aware chuckle.

Steve naturally also felt the fear and madness of the other party when he felt that he might really die. Cube Man just thought it was a bit ridiculous.

As he fell, he smashed the opponent's spells, defenses, walls, and even the body, and finally knocked open her skull. ...It turns out that even this thing is just an accessory to Angel.

In the real cube world, it is displayed as a blood bar, and there is only a white flame.

Maybe this thing is called a soul?

Steve didn't know very well, because he only had 1000 blood points. He punched the [Weiyuan Matter Gloves] with an attack power of 2333, and the thing shattered directly.

Only a combination of blocks like a blue world tree is left to support between the sky and the earth.

"Okay, call it a day."

Cube Man directly lifted the inherent enchantment, and the world turned back to darkness.

But then, something unexpected but reasonable happened.The ice-blue substance decomposed into water the moment it turned back...

Thus, Gensokyo without the sea encountered its first tsunami in thousands of years.

Chapter 379 S&M

After Gabriel's death, the water that returned to its origin turned into a tsunami falling from the sky, hitting the land of Gensokyo directly.

For a while, the mountains and rivers overflowed and flooded.The water flow soaring into the sky is like a huge shovel, forcibly shoveling out a river channel from the low-lying part of the mountain road.During the period, the turbid current rolled and the chaotic rocks galloped, causing great damage to the surrounding terrain.

Steve was also a little confused, because this was the first time he had seen such destructive power from the water left from the sky. He was not familiar with the situation, and he was not sure whether to open the inherent enchantment again.

Just when he was hesitating, the people of Gensokyo had already started to act.

The holy white lotus turned into a golden afterimage and appeared right in front of the mudslide. The monk who "washed, cut and blown" yelled and hit the ground with his fist.The strength went through the ground, directly dividing the ground into a rift, and the first flood directly poured into the rift.

But the water potential is really too great, and the huge potential energy just rushed out of the opening of the crack in an instant.The cracks began to collapse, gradually blocking the bottom together with falling gravel.

After Sheng Bailian swung the fist with all her strength, she also entered a short-term powerless state, unable to jump away from the torrent immediately.But she doesn't need to worry about this, a red light flashed across, and the girl with three pairs of strange wings in the lotus group was sitting on the UFO. : "Wow... so heavy! Come and help me!"

"That's right, it's not heavy! It's the strength!" Sheng Bailian, who couldn't move at the moment, was blushing... Well, so what is strength?

After Sheng Bailian bought time, the flower demon's approach was more direct.Water is a necessary thing for growth, so Kazami Yuka is most familiar with this thing, water cannot be blocked, it can only be dredged.

She poured demon power into the ground, causing the plants to grow wildly, and huge tree trunks came out of the ground, cutting off the water.The power of life is indeed majestic and majestic, but it is difficult to trap all the water under such an impact.

"Look at me!"

At this time, a blue figure descended from the sky and hit the ground like a red comet.

This time, the ground was not smashed open, but split open by itself.A huge opening opened on the surface of the earth, and the torrential flood quickly flowed towards the bottomless opening along the direction restricted by the plants.

...Aren't these people quite strong?

The eye-opening Steve couldn't help thinking so.Just when he was thinking this way, the blue-clothed girl who tore apart the earth seemed to quarrel with the female monster who fired the magic cannon.

"You sink all the water to the ground like this, how will the plants grow on the ground?!"

"How do I know! If it wasn't for me, the human village would have been washed away long ago!"

"I don't care what happens to the human village, but you must get me the water to the surface!"

"Cut! I don't care about you! I don't live here anyway."

"Crack!" An umbrella strike hit the girl in blue on the face, and the people of Minglian Temple, who were still trying to persuade them to make peace, dodged immediately. It's the big monster Kazami Yuka, if they really fight, the host Bai Lian may not be able to pull them apart.

Bi that name Ju Tianzi trembled after being whipped: " dare to hit me!"

"Snap!" Another hit... the moods of all the people present were sinking.

But the Tianzi, who lived in Tianzi, did not fight back. Instead, he yelled, "Ah! That's great."

……etc?Everyone thought they heard it wrong.

It's just that when Youxiang pumped it up for the third time, the emperor fell to his knees on the ground with a blushing blushing sound: "Ah, this feeling...ah no, you actually hit me, I will definitely put you... ah!"

So, when Steve landed on the ground, he saw a very strange picture - the flower demon was holding the umbrella and sucking the girl in blue's ass, and the latter made an indescribable scream.

"What are they doing?" Steve asked innocently.

Lily blinked: "I'm playing a game."

"Oh..." Tianzi's cry became louder and louder, and Steve couldn't help but take a second look, "The game between monsters is really strange."

"That's right!" Lily shrugged with a smile.


The war between Gensokyo and Academy City is still going on, and the aftermath work will be handed over to the monsters in Gensokyo, while Steve and his party will continue to march towards Eternal Pavilion.

According to Hong Meiling's introduction, the Eternal Pavilion was built in a bamboo forest where it is easy to get lost.So if you want to reach that place, you must first enter that bamboo forest.If you want to enter the bamboo forest without getting lost, you'd better find a person named Fujiwara Meihong first.

Steve said that there is no need to be so troublesome, and the maze can be passed by just walking around.

Seeing how confident he was, Hong Meiling couldn't hold on any longer, so she led the three of them to the bamboo forest.

In fact, Steve originally thought that mazes are all like that!So he didn't think much about it. When he saw the bamboo as high as 40 meters from a distance, he felt something was wrong.

"Is this a maze?"...Why does it feel different from the ones I have seen?

"Yeah, it's easy to get lost in the Lost Bamboo Forest, and the monster rabbit inside is very fond of pranks, and will always make some unexpected traps, which is very dangerous."

"Uh..." It would be a shame if someone made a trap... Just when Steve was hesitating whether to follow Hong Meiling's advice and go to that person named Fujiwara Meihong first.Suddenly, a ball of fire flew over from a distance.

Someone attacked here?

Everyone in Steve quickly avoided, and then the ball of fire hit the ground.

After hitting the ground, Steve realized that it was a burning corpse. The whole corpse was burning, probably killed by some monster that could use flames.

"Ah! Miss Meihong! Are you okay!"

……what?This is the person you are looking for?This situation is the same as that of the zombies during the day, and ask if there is anything wrong?

But then something happened that made Steve dumbfounded. The corpse stood up wobbly on the ground, the flames gradually disappeared, and the corpse, oh no, the man's skin began to recover rapidly, gradually revealing It looks like a boy... Uh, no, it looks like a girl?

Just as Steve was staring at the other party's looming crotch, Lily's stick suddenly hit him on the head: "Dead square, what are you looking at!"

"Uh... I'm just researching whether this person is a man or a woman."

"It must be a woman, so don't look at it!" Duang~ clicked again.

Just when Steve was very depressed and took out food to replenish blood, a burly man with a huge blade came out from the darkness: "I see, is it a blessing of immortality? Oh no, it's all to this extent It should be called a curse! Praise the Lord, in the name of the Virgin Mary, forgive your sins! Amen."


ps: I said before that the new book is a series!So push another book with the same worldview as the new book.

"White-eyed Spellbreaker", Brother Mao's writing should belong to the type that prefers to deal with daily life. Although the protagonist has magic eyes, he is essentially a cook.Interested readers can take a look.

Chapter 380 The Water in the Back

"Why are you here?!" It was Kanzaki Huochi who pointed a knife at the visitor, and she seemed to know him.

"You are here, why can't I be here." The man raised his eyelids and looked back silently.

Kanzaki said nothing, just stared at the other party with sharp eyes.The other party didn't care about Kanzaki, but was looking at Steve and the others casually.

"Who is this person?" Steve naturally asked Kanzaki.

The female saint hesitated for a moment whether she should speak out, but thinking about the current situation, she simply explained: "He is also a saint like me, and he is the [God's Right Seat]."

...sounds great.

Without giving Kanzaki too much chance to explain, the tall man suddenly asked: "Just now there was quite a commotion about [Incomplete God Power], but it has calmed down now... Did you guys do it?"

"Yeah." Steve nodded, not knowing why the other party asked this suddenly.

It's a pity that just as he was answering, a ball of fire next to him burned at the man.It's just that the effect of the flame was not very effective against him. The opponent caught the fist that was swung toward him with one hand, and the blue ripples pushed away all the flames that came into contact with him.

The girl who was burning all over her body gritted her teeth, and tried her best to push the opponent back with her fist, but the man remained motionless: "It's useless, even a phoenix is ​​nothing more than a Marquis-level demon god, there are not ten thousand ways to use it on the opponent There are also a thousand kinds, and besides, the power of your flame is still half-baked. Even you will be burned, this way of burning jade and stone is not called fighting at all, it can only be called torture."

"I want you to care!" The girl roared and kicked over, but was dodged by the opponent with a flexible posture, and the ankle was grabbed by the opponent's backhand, and she fell directly on her back.

"Miss Meihong!" Hong Meiling wanted to catch her, but the girl was covered in fire, so it was really hard to get close.

"Master." Lily called softly from behind her.

Steve knew what she was thinking, and now he didn't have enough reasons to help either side, but he couldn't watch them fight like this: "No matter what hatred you have, stop it now!"

When Steve said this, he noticed that the man didn't look at him, but glanced at Kanzaki.

Kanzaki looked gloomy: "Stop it! The water behind."

"Okay, but you have to stop over there." The man naturally pointed to the girl who got up again.

"How did you mess with her? You're so persistent." Steve couldn't help asking.

"[Left to the Left] She saw it after she casually took care of a stalking thing, and then she rushed over. I just stayed to help deal with her out of attribute considerations. I didn't expect her to be more stalking." Man Said very casually, casually full of indifference.

"They killed the proprietress of the grilled eel shop." Meihong's tone was as blazing with anger as she was now.

But the saint didn't pay attention to her, Kanzaki frowned, she was more concerned about another question: "...Orville, how many of you [God's Right Seat] are here?"

Backside Zhishui tilted his head: "This has to be kept secret."

"Bastard!" Meihong rushed forward again, and this time she was kicked and kicked by the opponent without turning her head... It is obvious that the two sides are not at the same level in terms of ability or fighting quality.

"Then why are you here?"

"A simple predictive spell, it's not difficult to find here. But you, why are you with these people?" Rear Water asked solemnly, "We have to save this city from the hands of these monsters from other worlds, and We have to go back. The two people next to you are also one of the people who caused this incident to some extent! Don't you know which side you should stand on?"

... I am the trigger?Steve was taken aback by the other party's words. After all, wasn't it caused by your hard work?

Lily retorted more directly: "Hey, big man, isn't the demon behind you happily waiting for this day to appear? Don't talk like you are victims and others are harming you."

"Yeah, it really shouldn't be said that. I also hope to find a way to solve the problem other than war, but now we have no other way if we want to go back, right?"

"...It seems reasonable." Steve dragged his chin in consideration.

However, he was hit on the head again by Lily's stick: "It's not unreasonable! It's reasonable to speak from your own standpoint, but you say the truth and you do the things. To put it bluntly, it's the reason to kill the other party." Say whatever you want!"

"If you insist on understanding this way, I can't help it. After all, we have different positions." Hou Zhishui didn't want to refute anything, but at this moment he turned his face to Kanzaki, "Puritan saint, how did you choose?" Woolen cloth?"

... Kanzaki lowered his head and did not speak.

Rubbing his own head, Steve shrugged: "If you think too much about yourself, you will suffer a day."

Steve's words made the water in the back smell a little dangerous, and only then did he start to look at Steve squarely: "Sir, before talking to others, can you be polite and take off your hood first."

"Huh? Headgear? What kind of headgear?" Steve touched his head, he wasn't wearing a helmet!


As insiders, Lily and Kanzaki couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing at the same time, and the chilling atmosphere disappeared instantly.

"Uh...what are you laughing at?" Realizing that he seemed to have made a mistake, Hou Zhishui also became embarrassed, "Information says a man with a square face, but that's a hood no matter how you look at it!"

"...does my face look like a hood?" Steve was suddenly annoyed.


"It's very similar."

Lily and Kanzaki complained at the same time, and Steve immediately turned from angry to helpless. He covered his face: "...can we talk properly?"

"Okay, stop making trouble. In short, my Master has also explained his position. If you make too much trouble, be mentally prepared. Miss sister, we have to lead us. No matter what you want to do, get out of here. !" Now that the other party was ready to stop talking, Lily simply expressed her point of view concisely.

Then he turned his gaze to Kanzaki Huochi, "As for whether you stay or not, I don't care, at least I am super-casual. But you have thought it through yourself, if you leave now, the next time we meet, you will be an enemy. Right, Master."

Kanzaki turned her head and saw Steve nodded heavily: "You understand."

Chapter 381 Saint Form

Kanzaki also nodded quickly, and she quickly responded to the water behind: "I have my own mission, please do it yourself!"

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