The little witch nodded: "Okay, next I will trouble you, Miss Hong."

"Small." Waving her hand handsomely like a teenager, Meihong picked up the bullet with one hand, hung it on her shoulder like a shoulder bag, and walked away with big strides.

The two people who saw such a scene understood what it meant, and then Steve started to make a bunker.

As Steve who has the ability of [Vector Reflection], nuclear bombs are of no use to him. This is mentioned in the data stolen from that research institute, but Lily and Kanzaki are different.For Lily, conventional weapons can't hurt her, but after the explosives are magicalized, the explosion of this thing will also cause damage to her, so she has to rely on Steve's ability.This is even more so for Kanzaki. Without God Breaker, it is very difficult to protect oneself from a nuclear attack.

After everything was ready, Steve and the others found a place to wait for the cannonball of Fujiwara Meihong to be ignited.

However, the surprise is... the time passed silently for about 10 minutes, and the eternal pavilion was still quiet.

Chapter 386 It's Quiet in the Eternal Pavilion [Part [-]]

The weight of a Trident nuclear warhead is 200 kilograms, but the power of its explosion is equivalent to the explosive equivalent of [-] tons of TNT.Steve chose this after seeing this explanation. What an exciting scene it is for [-] tons of TNT explosives to explode together. Steve felt that he became excited when he thought about it.

But after waiting for a long time, the imaginary picture did not appear, which made Steve a little worried about whether Fujiwara Meihong had failed.Something was robbed, or simply broken?

He couldn't even hear a sound when he threw the things he exchanged for 800 million points into. Steve felt that he couldn't sit still.

"Lily, I want to check the situation first."

"But, Master, it's very dangerous to go in now, what if you get caught in an explosion?"

"If I'm alone, there shouldn't be any problem." Steve really intends to go alone. The bunker in front of him is made of [Weiyuan Matter] with [Vector Reflection] attached, and it is basically certain that it can resist The power of a nuclear explosion.It is enough to protect Lily and the others. Under the same situation, if one enters, it will be difficult to protect others. You must know that this kind of explosion is not just a shock wave.

After hesitating for a while, Lily nodded, she believed that Steve could protect himself.Many times, a man who believes in himself is also one of the necessary qualities of a good woman.

Steve nodded to her, and after looking at the situation outside with his head, he walked out of the bunker wrapped in [Weiyuan Substance].

When Steve left, Kanzaki stood up suddenly: "Sorry, I'm leaving too."

Lily glanced at her: "Are you finally willing to leave?"

"I think there are more important things that I need to do." Kanzaki's eyes were very firm, without any hesitation.

"Really? Walk slowly and don't see you off."


Time went back to 10 minutes ago.

When Meihong kicked the big wooden door of Yongchang Pavilion with her foot as usual, she found that she didn't kick it open with her first kick...Huh?The door that usually opened with a kick didn't kick open?Obviously now my strength is much greater than usual!So Meihong kicked again.

With a little more force in the second kick, the door shattered into pieces... It really is much bigger!

When she noticed that the door was kicked and broken, Meihong herself was a little guilty at first, mainly because the pharmacist here was not easy to mess with.Normally, she wouldn't ask too many questions in the battle between herself and Kaguya, but she would still make a move if it got too big.This pharmacist has a lot of bad tricks, even if he is already in Penglai, he will be tortured by her to the point of death.I remember that was the first time I tried to attack Yongchang Pavilion... A shudder rose from the soles of my feet, and Meihong shook her head, not wanting to recall that terrible experience.

But this time it seems that they are in more trouble, maybe she has no time to find trouble for herself?Thinking that this was very possible, Meihong soon felt relieved.

After opening the door, a typical Japanese-style courtyard greets you.At a glance, red bridges, green bamboos, flowing water, strange stones, and a winding stone road pass through it.Looking up, you can see the sign of the crescent moon on the farthest exposed eaves.Every time she saw the sign, Meihong couldn't help but spit: "I really don't like this place."

After finishing her thoughts, Meihong took a relaxed attitude to give the other party a big gift, and walked on the stone road with big strides, and then yelled loudly: "Hui Ye, Hui Ye, are you at home? Hui Ye!"

But until Meihong walked across the small bridge, she didn't see a single person... No, normally, Huiye should rush over now and shout for compensation, why did she disappear?No, this is normal.Because according to what happened before, those people should have come here.Could it be that Kaguya and the others used some strange magic to hide the real Eternal Pavilion?

As Fujiwara Meihong walked, she guessed various possibilities.

At this time, Meihong suddenly found that a person seemed to be looking at her.She raised her head and saw a familiar figure standing on the black tiles.Long swaying light purple hair, red eyes, and ears that look like cheap decorations, this is a rabbit living in Eternal Pavilion.Kaguya has the habit of raising rabbits, but these rabbits are not ordinary rabbits, but monster rabbits.As for the rabbit that is said to come from the moon, it has a very long name, it seems to be called Lingxian · What Flower · Inaba, I can't remember the specifics, but she is always dressed in Western formal clothes, and she is very good with other rabbits distinguish.

Finally seeing someone, Meihong let go of her voice and asked loudly, "Rabbit, where is your master?"

"Go back! People from Penglai, I don't have time to receive you now." The other party's tone was cold and hard.

Huh?I've seen this rabbit before. Isn't she the type who is often bullied?How did it become like this now?Or did she take some strange medicine from the pharmacist?Meihong silently speculates in her heart, but she doesn't intend to argue with this rabbit, because the task at hand has not been completed yet.

"Really? I heard that there are outsiders here, so come and have a look. Where's your master?"

In fact, according to Steve's plan, this nuclear bomb was actually reserved for the people on the magic side.It's a pity that as soon as she stepped into the Eternal Pavilion, Mei Hong's mind was full of wanting to include Hui Ye, so from just now, she wanted to find Hui Ye wholeheartedly.

"The princess won't see you, go back quickly!"

Meihong blinked, and she noticed that when the rabbit spoke, she was looking at the things she was holding in her hand.Under the fluke mentality, she thought for a while and decided to tell a lie: "This is a gift from me to Kaguya, won't you let me see her?"

Rabbit squinted his scarlet eyes and looked down at Meihong: "Trident thermonuclear warhead... You should keep this gift for yourself!"

"You actually know this thing?" Fujiwara Mehong was dumbfounded, she didn't expect the rabbits in Yonging Pavilion to have such knowledge, and she really suffered from culture.

"Don't underestimate the vanguard soldiers of the Moon Capital. I still recognize human weapons. But the thing you brought is useless. A nuclear warhead is not a weapon that can be used by one person." Maybe that's what I think, this humanoid The rabbit didn't even bother to drive the opponent away directly, "That thing needs a very high heat to ignite, and your little flame can't do anything at all."

Ling Xian's common sense is right.

Thermonuclear warheads, also known as hydrogen bombs in the usual sense, require nuclear fission atomic bombs to detonate.It is not that it will explode after burning in the usual sense, on the contrary, nothing will happen after burning.The hydrogen bomb must use fission to generate a high temperature of tens of millions of degrees to meet the basic environmental requirements for fusion, and then the warhead will detonate.Few of youkai's monster power can control the high temperature of tens of millions, which is comparable to the temperature of the sun.

But what Rabbit didn't expect was that Meihong didn't intend to do this, even if the thing in her hand was recognized, she didn't panic, "I've been talking for a long time, but you just don't want Huiye to come out to see me, right?"

"The princess has no time now, please go back!"

Fujiwara Meihong smiled slightly: "No time? A neet said no time? Well, then I will do it here." After speaking, she pushed down the lever on the bullet.


The control chip at the bottom of the warhead emitted a short electronic beep, without even counting down the seconds. In just a split second, white light flooded the entire world.

" bright..." This was Meihong's last thought when she pulled the lever.

The moment the hydrogen bomb detonated, everything in this Japanese-style house was evaporated by the terrifyingly intense heat within 0.001 second. The huge heat difference produced a shock wave, and the white hemisphere produced by the air pressure difference spread in the next 0.07 seconds. Go to every corner of the yard, knock out everything above ground level, and reduce it to debris and dust in successive impacts.

The amount of this dust is as high as several hundred tons. They rush into the sky, and then are bounced off by the relatively cool gas in the sky, forming what looks like a mushroom.

When all this happens, theoretically there is no more.

A single hydrogen bomb warhead, not to mention destroying a Japanese-style house, is the entire Gensokyo, and within the next hundred years, there will be no grass.

But in the next second, Fujiwara Meihong found herself standing in the yard again, the same position, the same place, and everything around her seemed to have no change.Meihong, who was a little confused about the situation, pinched her face, was she dreaming just now?not like...

The immortality of the Penglai people is not simply rebirth.As far as Meihong herself is concerned, the self in the state is sentient after death, because it will become the state of the soul.The soul will not be destroyed, so even if it is turned into ashes, it can be resurrected in any place later.

Just when Meihong was wondering, she suddenly discovered something: "... Huh? Where is my baby?"

Meihong is of course referring to the thermonuclear warhead. The warhead that was placed beside her has disappeared at this moment. What is going on?

"It turned out to be you, sister! I said why I didn't see you after I let you in. Lingxian is doing unnecessary things again." At this moment, it is no longer the rabbit with ears on its head, but the rabbit sitting Under the eaves, a very beautiful girl.

This girl has simple black hair in the Ji style, and she wears a traditional Chinese dress.There is no makeup, no retouching, and there is no need for a distinctive personality like "Miko" or "Maid".It is in this simple and natural situation that there is an astonishingly beautiful appearance.Of course, it's not about the celestial being who would be happy when he was beaten.

That's right, this is Mount Penglai Huiye.The princess in the legendary Taketori Monogatari, even in Gensokyo where there are many girls, is the one with the most beautiful appearance.Putting it outside, I don't know how many men will give everything for her beauty, and then compete and fight with each other, but in the eyes of sister Hong, this guy is a boring and wicked woman with a bad personality.

The long-standing relationship made Meihong too lazy to talk nonsense to her: "Hey! Where's my big baby? It's such a big one, I put it here just now."

Chapter 387 Big Mom

"What's that? I didn't see it." Kaguya tilted his head and smiled, with a clever smile, as innocent as a blooming lily.

Having seen the true face of this woman a long time ago, Meihong has long been familiar with her obedient appearance: "I don't believe it! Hand it over quickly! Otherwise, I will hang you up and strangle you to death today, and then I will stuff you into a bamboo tube Make char siew here!"

"Hmph, you used that thing to destroy my Eternal Pavilion and Utanhua Courtyard, what do you think I should do with you? Why don't you eat meihong offal soup today!" the girl under the eaves said. Standing up, she raised her head proudly, and the gaze from the corner of her eye looked down on Meihong as if looking at trash—see, this is the nature of this woman.

But hearing what she said, Fujiwara Meihong became happy: "Huh? Hahaha, has this place been destroyed? That's really great."

As soon as Meihong finished speaking, she suddenly found a hole in her forehead. When she came back to her senses, Huiye was holding a black weapon in her hand. She remembered that she had seen it before, and it seemed to be called pistol.

Blowing away the smoke from the muzzle, Kaguya smiled triumphantly: "Don't think that you are the only one with weapons, I also have plenty of toys like this."

Sister Hong, who was shot in the forehead, fell to the sky, her silver-white hair was stained with blood, but soon, the blood disappeared, and the bullet shot into the forehead was squeezed out by the self-healing power.The whole process took about 20 seconds: "Ah... it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, but you must be angry to see how hard you hit! If you are angry, I will make money."

In the distance, two girls were speaking viciously at each other.

Rabbit, oh, it should be said that Lingxian glanced over there cautiously, and couldn't help but said: "Master."

"Are you awake? Don't move around. The nuclear radiation has destroyed all your cells. Now you are regenerated. If you move around, be careful that something on your body accidentally falls off."

The person called the master is a beautiful woman who is arranging the potions in her hand.But being able to call her a woman means that she no longer looks like a girl in Gensokyo.She is wearing a set of nurse clothes with a mysterious meaning. The strong contrast between the bright red and the dark blue halves seems to remind people of words such as "Tai Chi Liang Yi".

She actually does have something to do with this sort of thing, since her name is Yai Eirin.

Ordinary people may not understand where the similarities are, but if they know that there is a deity in Japanese Shintoism named Yayi Kangami, they may be able to guess a part or two of the story behind her.

"Yes, is it?" Lingxian adjusted her arm carefully, feeling the same as before, "Master saved me, it shouldn't be like this!"

Bayi Yonglin looked back at her: "It's my first attempt to revive a person who has turned into a pile of dust. As the first test subject, you'd better pay attention."

"This... this way." Lingxian flinched, trembling with fear.However, she still turned the topic back to the question just now: "Master, why does the princess hate Fujiwara Meihong so much, but doesn't reject her?"

Bayi Yonglin's hands stopped, she was silent for a while, and asked: "What? Because she almost killed you, so you also started to hate her?"

"No, I just think she is very pitiful. A long life is a burden that only the adults on the moon can bear. It is pitiful and pathetic to bear the immortal body despite being a mortal." Lingxian shook her head. , sighed softly.

"Since you have thought of this level, there is nothing to understand. The princess enjoys the feeling of being hated."

"..." Lingxian was dumbfounded and speechless.

Glancing at the two people in the yard, Bayi Yonglin continued to pack her things without concern.

While tidying up, she said lightly: "If it's an ordinary person, it's probably not the turn to gloat and swear at each other and choose to break up. But these two are different. Not only do they not care about each other's undisguised malice, they even enjoy it. Or to put it another way, it is precisely because of such vile and undisguised malice that they can feel alive."

"Yes, is it?" Lingxian was at a loss. To be honest, it felt a little difficult and weird:

"Is it hard to understand? It's actually a very simple thing," Bayi Yonglin interpreted in a very ordinary, indifferent tone, "Parents, family members, mentors, friends, pets... When the long years will make everything Take it away, and also take away the emotion that a person relies on the other person. The leftovers in the memory are not enough to maintain, and they will be forgotten after a long time, and even doubt why such emotions arise. And revenge It is a special emotion. I remember I taught you that when human beings are in the mood of revenge, the extreme emotions will shut down any morality and rules that restrict their behavior in the brain, which is very similar to the discharge reaction of taking drugs .And the drug itself is not effective for people who have taken the medicine of Penglai, do you understand this explanation?"

Lingxian was dumbfounded when she heard that, she thought that the master would explain the relationship between the two, but what she didn't expect was that in this person's eyes, these two people were just addicted to pleasure.This made Lingxian not know what to say for a while: "Then...then master, can you just let the princess go on like this?"

"What's wrong, I won't die anyway."

After tidying up the medicine box, Baiyi Yonglin flicked her braids: "Okay, don't dawdle there, we have to meet an amazing person now."

"An amazing person?"

"It was the person who asked Fujiwara Meihong to bring the nuclear weapon in. He knocked the eternal courtyard loudly. If this continues, this courtyard will be wiped out with you." Yayi Yonglin put the medicine box on her back, and walked from the other side. A door leads out of the room.

Panicked and unable to put on socks in time, Lingxian's bare feet stomped on the tatami: "Oh? So I haven't fully recovered yet?"

"That's right, so if you want to survive, work hard."



The incredible person that Bai Yiyonglin said was naturally Steve.

But more coincidentally, Steve also felt that he had met an incredible guy—what kind of sorcery is this?A small piece of wooden door can't be removed by itself?

Forget about the "boss room" in the academy city, generally speaking, the "boss room" is not so easy to get in.But no matter how you look at it, it's just a wooden door panel!Moreover, you can still see the appearance of the yard from the crack of the door, but why did you smash an acid-resistant aluminum pick, but didn't knock down the door?This unscientific!

But this is not the most unscientific time. The most unscientific thing is that even the pickaxe made by [Weiyuan Matter] cannot knock on the wooden door. It is obviously only wooden, but it is as indestructible as bedrock.No, it might even be harder than the bedrock, because under my own knocking, it didn't even show a single crack.

Steve felt challenged.

There is such a hard thing, if this thing is knocked down to make a weapon, I don't know how powerful it is!

Thinking of this, Steve knocked harder. Anyway, the durability of [Weiyuan Matter] is as high as seven digits, so I don’t believe it can’t be knocked down... Just when he was trying to fight this door to the end .The door suddenly opened by itself.

After the door opened, two people stood facing each other, one calm and dignified, the other quiet and elegant.It's just that the eyes of these two girls shot over made Steve involuntarily froze there... You know, this is the first time that he was caught knocking down the door of someone else's house.

Cube Man quickly put his pickaxe behind his back: "Ah...well, good morning."

The woman with the strange red and blue hat looked up and saw the big and big moon hanging above her head.After taking another look at Steve with an embarrassed face, she narrowed her eyes and said, "If I don't want to, Gensokyo probably won't see the sun."

The other party revealed his identity with just one sentence, Steve was taken aback, and unexpectedly saw the big boss as soon as he came up: " are the boss here?"

"No, I'm just in charge," the other party stared at Steve closely, with the aggressive feeling of a middle-aged woman in his eyes, "I don't know why you knock on our door like this, what's the hurry ?"

"Huh? Uh, I'm actually here to find someone." Steve stammered.

...Suddenly a big boss appeared, and it was a middle-aged woman, so the pressure doubled!How to do how to do? !

Feeling that cold and piercing gaze swept towards him again, Steve saw that woman turned her head and asked the girl next to her: "Do you know this person?"

The girl's head was shaking like a rattle, and her two long ears were indeed like the two small hammers of a rattle.After asking pretentiously, the other party turned his head, raised his head and stared at Steve from the corner of his eyes and said, "There is no one you are looking for here."

"Uh, I'm looking for someone named Fujiwara Meihong, she just went in." Steve gestured helplessly.

"No, she didn't come in, you must have read it wrong, please go back!"

The other party spoke sharply and did not give Steve any chance to explain.Steve, who thought he hadn't figured out how to meet the boss and wanted to take it easy, was furious at the moment: "Hey! Aunt! Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense, I saw someone go in!"

"Hush..." That sentence can't be said!

Student Lingxian almost instinctively wanted to remind the other party not to say the forbidden word, but just as he said "shh", he noticed a gaze on himself.Under this gaze, Moon Rabbit hardly dared to look up and could only lower its head timidly.

Steve also felt the killing intent of the other party like a ghost when he turned his gaze over.

"Secret technique - [Tianwen Zang Secret Technique]!"


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