"Hahaha," this sentence somehow hit Yongyi's smile, and she laughed loudly: "Aren't you a monster like a dead spirit?"

"You! Are you helping me or helping her!"

"Okay, okay, I get it," Hoshiguma Yuki waved her hand vigorously, as if she wanted to blow away the heavy resentment, she turned her face away and said to Steve, "I'm sorry! It seems like she I am not willing to forgive you, so according to the rules here, you must compete with me, and only if you win against me can you leave safely, otherwise, I will take away something as important as you."

"Huh?" Steve didn't understand what she meant, "What do you mean taking something as important as me?"

"Don't you know the legend of ghosts?" Yongyi lowered her head, she pointed to her red horns, "I am a ghost, after seeing a ghost, I have to compete with a ghost, any competition is fine, just make a bet That's fine. As long as you beat me, I'll let you go; if you lose, I'll eat you... Ah, of course, I don't have much appetite for you, so I'll just take away something important from you. "

After Yongyi said that, Steve was silent for a moment: "What do you want to compare?"

"It's up to you to decide what to compare! Of course, playing smart is not allowed!" Yong Yi stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, "I am one of the four heavenly kings of the ghost clan, Yong Yi of Power, if you think smart can win If I say it, just try it."

The person in front of him exudes a kind of self-confidence, a kind of domineering without anger, but all this is not the point for Steve.At this moment, Steve is not silent because of fear, he is thinking about a question... How can this guy take things from my inventory?Can this be done?

Steve couldn't figure it out, and even felt that the other party was bragging.After seeing her confidently declaring that she was the "king of heaven" and "the one of strength", Steve suddenly felt... How about trying to see how she can get what she owns?It only took a second for Steve to decisively choose the most deadly option.

"I'm not trying to be clever. Since you are the most confident in your own strength, let's compete in wrist strength! Whoever has the most strength wins."

Hearing Steve's suggestion, Yongyi was stunned for a moment, and then began to laugh loudly: "Hahahaha, you are such an interesting monster, don't you know that comparing strength with ghosts is simply asking for humiliation? "

"Maybe!" Steve smiled, "However, if you lose, then I'll just take you for bragging."

Steve wasn't provocative, and Yong Yi wouldn't care if it was a deliberate provocation.After living for so many years, what kind of guy has not seen.But his attitude made Yongyi feel that he really felt so.

There is nothing more irritating than genuine contempt, and there is only one solution to that rage—and that is to break the other person down.

The ghost king who suddenly became serious squeezed his knuckles secretly.

Chapter 399 Infinite Power

Comparing wrist strength can be big or small. In a broad sense, violence and wrist strength can be equated to a certain extent.

But as Yongyi, what I care more about is the more pure meaning from another aspect.Restraining her anger, she looked at Steve quietly for three seconds, then suddenly grinned: "Okay! Since you want to compete in wrist strength, then I will grant you, and then don't cry!"

Yongyi was smiling, with a ruthless and decisive taste in his smile.

Even if she is used to living a peaceful life in the abandoned city, Yongyi is Yongyi, she is a monster and a ghost.As the largest branch of monsters, the ghost clan that flourished thousands of years ago was man-eating at that time.Of course, cannibalism is only one method, because the existence of monsters requires people's "fear".Ghosts exist because they are feared. If people are not afraid of ghosts, then ghosts have no meaning to exist.

The long-term peaceful life has erased the hostility she once had, and the ghost clan also prefers to use competitions to gain people's "fear".

But... the nature is still there.

Yongyi is thinking very seriously at this moment, what kind of cruel method will be used to deal with this ignorant guy.Should he round his square head, or flatten it?


At this time, the distance between the two was only about one meter. Of course, Steve could detect the ruthlessness in the other person, but he, who was always sensitive but thought out of his mind, did not regard that aura as a dangerous signal.Completely ignoring Hoshiguma Yuki's dangerous expression, he directly took out a piece of obsidian and slapped it on the ground. After thinking for a while, he changed it and replaced it with a [Dark Matter Block]: "I'm still in a hurry, so hurry up Better, arm wrestling! This is the easiest way."

Seeing that the randomness expressed by Steve's proposal was so harsh, the smile on Yongyi's face that couldn't be seen at all was even better. With a stomp on the block, the elbow stomped a hole in the black substance that a diamond pick could not understand.She glared at Steve with provocative eyes: "Come on! Show me your skills."

Steve reached out and took the other's hand.

As soon as he held it, Steve felt as if his hand was clamped by steel pliers, and then a huge torque came from that hand.However, Steve's arm strength is as high as 35 tons, which is equivalent to the weight of 40 Eiffel Towers. If it is not because of the rules that he cannot directly convert it into attack power, he can create an earthquake with one punch.

So when shaking hands for the first time, Yongyi's expression was extremely serious, but his heart was very surprised.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Steve had the expected reaction... indeed, he had a lot of strength.

Steve continued to push.

Sensing that Steve's strength was increasing, Yongyi also gritted his teeth and began to exert force.

When the forces of the two sides began to converge in this most direct way, the first force was the piece of dark matter.

The dark matter block brought by the module can only be knocked down with a dark matter pickaxe. Except for bedrock and higher-level crimson matter, Steve can't think of anything stronger than it.The simple obsidian was replaced with dark matter before because Steve had anticipated the current situation, because he still believed in the data provided by the [Wand of Discovery].

However, even though Steve made preparations, the actual situation exceeded his expectations.

The confrontation of wrist strength did not end immediately, but entered into a stalemate.When this competition was no longer a crushing of one side immediately overwhelming the other, that force overflowed along the black mass.

After all, the dark matter is hard, and after the strength slightly damaged it, the strength of the arms of the two people quickly spread down, so the next thing will be unlucky——the bridge.

As a party involved, but also a victim, Mizuhashi Palushi felt that Yongyi would take care of the other party in one go, and then she had to teach this guy a lesson.Unexpectedly, when the wrists of the two men were locked together, she suddenly found that her body began to shake again. This scene was even more terrifying than before, and the whole bridge began to shake with the strength of the two of them.

When she finally realized that she was in the most dangerous situation, she screamed instinctively, but before she could make a sound, the pier directly below the two of them collapsed.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, Steve and Hoshiguma Yuki both fell into the water under the bridge.This water is a river leading to a geyser, so the water is steaming.But the steaming river was forced to go around when two people crashed into the river bed, because not only the bridge pier was broken, but also the mud at the bottom of the bridge and the stone slabs that made up the river bed were overturned. come out.

As a result, the river had to be forced to change its direction and bypass these two guys.

The only Lily who watched quietly just shook her head silently, she felt as if she was already immune to this kind of scene.


At this moment, Hoshiguma Yuki was excited.

The loneliest place for a person is to be invincible.Of course, this sentence is just human beings showing off.A person's lifespan is limited, and even if one's ability is strong when one is young, it will slowly decline as one ages.I have met many "invincible" people in that era, and then competed, drank, and wrestled with him.

At that time, I was not Li Zhiyongyi, and whenever I met such a person, I would be very excited in my memory.But with the change of the times and the growth of power, no one can compete with him for power anymore, and even the feeling in memory has become blurred.

Even Hakurei Miko, who wanted to retreat herself before, was actually invincible by virtue of her sealing technique and that strange physique.In the end, everyone ended up with a formal barrage competition. Although the barrage was fun, to Yongyi, it was just scratching the surface.

But what he didn't expect was that there was such a person who could directly confront him in terms of strength.

Such a pleasant surprise, how can it stop because of such trivial things as falling down a bridge and breaking a river?At this moment, Yongyi's eyes are blood red and bright, even the corners have become red and red, even longer than before.That was the proof of the extreme excitement of the ghost clan. At this moment, she was completely silent in the thrill of the power struggle, completely ignoring the surrounding situation.

Yongyi's current thinking is - even if this arm is broken, he will never give up this competition.

But at this moment, the other party suddenly said, "Okay, it's time to end."

"..." Before Yongyi could understand the situation, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and when he came back to his senses, his hand had already been pressed down, and by the way, even the piece of dark matter was smashed to pieces .

"Although you are not bragging, it seems to be a contest of strength, and I have no option to fail." Steve let go of her hand, and the surrounding cube world quickly faded away.

Chapter 400 Earth Spirit Hall

Steve's words had fallen to the ground, but Yongyi didn't seem to have recovered from that sense of loss.

She stared blankly at Steve, as if she couldn't believe what was happening now was the truth.

But soon, Mizuhashi Paluxi screamed: "My God! How did Yongyi lose?! What kind of tricks did you bastard play?!"

The ghost king of power lost to the opponent in terms of strength, which is impossible in the concept of monsters in the abandoned capital.But it was precisely this sentence that made Yongyi realize that he really lost.I have done arm wrestling countless times, and I have encountered many fancy tricks, but there is basically no room for tricks in such a direct force confrontation. As long as the opponent's strength changes slightly, I You can feel it here.

But just now, I remember very clearly that it was a force as powerful as a natural disaster, which overwhelmed me in an instant, without a trace of defense, without any possibility of backhanding.

"Don't say it, I lost. You have to accept the result of trying your best to compete. If you lose and don't admit it, it is a slander to yourself," Yong Yi stood up with his head bowed.Her words were very honest, but her expression looked as if she had died, "According to the agreement, I will help you persuade her about the matter over the water bridge. You go!"

Hoshigma Yuki's words were quick and decisive, but he could feel an indescribable hatred from them.

Looking at her appearance, Steve suddenly understood what the important thing she was talking about—if Steve suddenly found out that someone was digging faster than himself, there would probably be some kind of "what's important" The feeling that "something" has been taken away!

But since the other party said so, Steve didn't stay long, and after waving in Lily's direction, he left directly, leaving only Hoshiguma Yuki's dejected back.

The spirited Lily passed by Yongyi, noticing her expression, the little witch let out a silent sigh.But just after sighing, Lily noticed one thing...Speaking of which, Steve can see his position?

Steve couldn't see it, of course, but he knew it with a touch of the rod of detection.


Escaping from the broken bridge, Steve probably understood that there was a town inhabited by monsters hidden under the surface.

When he just walked in here, he felt countless peeping and observing eyes. He quietly tapped it with the rod of detection and scanned hundreds of units.But these monsters seem to be much weaker than that Yongyi, and the worst ones are only worth a few thousand points.

But before that, Steve tapped the ground with his stick.

What is certain is that this underground has a huge source of energy. If the monsters here don't know about it at the beginning, it's fine if they come in and steal it without anyone noticing.Now that someone has discovered it, stealing something openly is called robbery. If that's the case, it's better to just grab it first, er, it should be said to go in openly to see if the item can be used.

Probably the monsters already knew what happened on the other side of the bridge. Steve was surrounded by so many monsters, but none of them dared to ask him what he was doing here.

Although this town is said to be an abandoned city, it actually looks much more lively than in the world. Many monsters are people who like to be lively. They hold banquets from time to time, and they spend a lot of time enjoying themselves. It was as if he wanted to experience all the happiness that he had never experienced in his previous life.

The surface of the town under this tone actually looks like a Japanese-style ancient customs street.Passing by the buildings hung with colorful flags and ribbons, from time to time there will be female monsters in luxurious kimonos or strange-looking monsters waving to Steve who is curiously observing them.

"Ah, a face I've never seen before! Where did you come from?" A woman in a gorgeous kimono smiled seductively at Steve. Her snow-white face and seductive lips appeared casually Between every frown and smile, there is infinite style.

But before Steve wanted to answer, a purple light suddenly flashed on the female monster, and she turned into a huge spider in the next second.

The other party may not have realized why he suddenly appeared in his original form, and quickly turned his head and ran away after screaming.

As for the instigator of this incident, there is no need to guess who it is.The little witch instantly turned into a solid body and landed on the ground, "See, there are some inhumans here, Master, you don't have to pay attention to them."

"Uh..." Steve seemed to remind Lily that according to the standards of this world, strictly speaking, "you and I are not human".

However, at this time, if you complain face to face, it will probably make her angry. Although you will never learn the atmosphere, Steve can still sum up the experience, so at this time he evaded the important and answered: "I just want to ask her Where does your boss live?"

"Does that still ask?" Lily pointed to the north with her hand. Under the dim light, there was a western-style mansion in the distance that was very different from the style of this Japanese town.

"Maybe it's just a big family here?" Steve quibbled.

Lily raised her eyebrows: "Even if that's the case, if you go there and ask, you can definitely get the answer right away! There's no need to ask these unreliable guys here!"

In short, he just didn't want Steve to have more contact with these female monsters.Understanding this, Steve had no choice but to nod... Listen to what you say!

The distance between the mansion and the town is not too far, and Steve soon came to the door of the mansion.If the style of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is full of publicity and pride, then this gloomy black foreign mansion looks too mysterious and quiet, giving people a deep feeling that once you enter, you can never come out again.

Moreover, there is no lazy doorman here, even the iron gate made of black rose fence is open, the stairs extend all the way to the inside of the mansion, and even the main entrance of the foreign mansion is also open.To Steve, it was like saying "Come in if you can!"

For this kind of request, Steve has always been willing to refuse, and he is about to enter the door with unceremonious steps.

"Wait, Master, it seems a bit weird here." Lily reminded her.

Steve finally couldn't help but turned his head and complained, "This... anyone can see it!"

Lily was at a loss for words, the little witch gave him an unhappy look, and continued: "I have a feeling of being spied on just now, I have used the protective spell, but the feeling has not disappeared, so you have to be careful. "

"Oh, so I can go in?"

"...Do as you please!" Lily was still furious.

written request for leave

I have some things to do when I go home for the Dragon Boat Festival, so please take a day off.

The update resumes on the evening of the 30th, and the daily update volume of 6K will resume on the [-]st of next month. This kind of update volume of one chapter long and one short chapter is still sloppy, so I have to cheer up.

In addition, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance, and you can have a good meal when you go home, and don't be tired of life.

Although it seems that at this age the last place I don't want to go back is home.

Chapter 401 Gu Ming Earth Sense

Steve didn't really want to make Lily angry, but he really didn't think there was anything to care about. Anyway, he didn't hide anything on purpose, and there were no secrets here worth being peeped by the other party.

Stepping into this Western-style building, Steve found that it was much bigger than he imagined.

Under the feet is a purple and white checkered floor, which spreads to a dark place out of sight. Above the head is a marble ceiling, and various lamps and candlesticks that refer to the eyes are lined up on both sides, which looks a little intrusive.The entire corridor was originally only the footsteps of Steve alone, perhaps due to the relationship between the interior structure, but these footsteps caused a louder echo, which spread far, far away.

Fortunately, there was no plan to sneak in at the beginning. In such a quiet hall, Steve let go of his voice and shouted: "Hello! Is there anyone here?"

The voice echoed throughout the hall, but no one answered him.

Steve looked here and there to see if he could find anyone alive in this place, no, even a monster.But judging from the current situation, it can only be considered that the owner of the house is not at home. Since he is not at home, then it will be easy.Steve casually used a pickaxe to place a piece of light decoration. It was a red eye. It seemed impossible to tell what material it was made of, but it always felt soft to the touch.

is that useful?Steve wanted to throw it into the transformation table, but found that this thing could not be put into the transformation table.

Generally speaking, only "dead objects" can be transformed by the transformation table of equivalent exchange, and living objects cannot be turned into points, otherwise it would not be so troublesome to just stuff that person into it.There is no way to redeem points, so it is useless, so Steve put the things back.

"Huh? You can put it back on!"

A surprised voice suddenly appeared beside him, which startled Steve. When he turned his head, he saw a girl in yellow clothes with a round hat lifted her feet and poked her head curiously.She is small in stature, and looks like she is only about ten years old of a human child.

Judging from her appearance, she has green eyes and green hair. Although her big flickering eyes are full of curiosity unique to this grade, she doesn't look like a human child at first glance.

When she noticed that Steve's eyes turned to her, she herself was taken aback, but instead of running away, she suddenly raised her right hand...and just held it like that .

Steve didn't understand why and looked at her inexplicably...why did she suddenly raise her right hand.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"Huh?" The girl tilted her head with an innocent expression on her face.

"Uh..." Steve thought the other party hadn't heard clearly, so he repeated, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

The girl blinked her big green eyes, shook her head, and then raised her feet, maintaining a golden chicken independent movement with her right hand gathered above her head.Looking at this girl who behaved strangely, Steve didn't quite understand what she meant, so he tried to imitate the girl and make the same actions... Could this be some kind of ritual or hint?

"...Master, what are you doing?" Lily's disgusted voice came out suddenly.

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