"Wake up, there is no time for you to feel sorry for yourself now."

There were still red handprints on her face, she looked miserable, but Yakumo Lan was not angry, she said in a low and clear voice: "It's useless, it's really useless. Because the Great Barrier of Gensokyo It is composed of three parts, and it is not something that Master Zi built independently."

"In the beginning, Master Zi's power in the realm really separated Gensokyo from the present world, but this was far from enough. So she exchanged a price for help from the dragon god, asking him to provide spiritual veins to maintain The ecology in Gensokyo. Finally, find the Hakurei Miko who was famous for the rare sealing technique in ancient and modern times at that time, and use the fantasy seal to tie Gensokyo to the spiritual vein. That is to say, Gensokyo is essentially a seal that exists But now, the seal has been shattered, and with the shattering of the seal, the spiritual veins have also been severely injured, so it appears like this."

Following Yakumolan's explanation, Steve noticed something other than the ruined city in front of him... Indeed, as she said, the trees were all withered, even the river was dry, and no one was flying in the sky The birds in the distance, under the cover of large swaths of dark clouds, there is only dead silence left.

"No, but I can feel that thing hasn't disappeared yet!" Lily pointed to the dark cloud above her head.

It took Steve a second to realize she was talking about resentment.

Yakumo Lan still shook her head: "Resentment itself is not something that is easy to dissipate. After the enchantment is damaged, the realm of Gensokyo will not disappear immediately. At least here, the power of the monsters will not be weakened. But there is no Restraint and management are more dangerous things than enemies... now everything is out of control."

Regardless of Yakumo Lan's conclusion, Steve felt that Lily might be about to use the "Three Views Correction Palm" again, so he quickly raised his head, trying to divert the two people's attention: "Those in the sky are all grudges? "

The little witch turned her head the moment she heard these words, "Master, please don't do anything strange, especially don't take out that flag."

"..." Steve froze immediately, he immediately realized what Lily was talking about, and then whispered: "I won't take it...I won't take it...don't be nervous."

It was only then that Yakumo Lan realized that Steve planned to use the flag that could summon all grievances just now. If that flag was used at this time... the consequences would be unimaginable!After realizing it, she broke out in a cold sweat, and she glanced at Lily with lingering fear.

"Can you determine the current time? How long have we been there?"

Lily's speech was still fast, and Yakumo Lan shook her head: "I don't know, I've been with you all the time."

Looking at the dejected Yakumo Lan, and then at the fierce-looking little witch, Steve tried to divert his attention again: "Then let's hurry up and find survivors!"

This time, the advice finally paid off.

The little witch pondered for a second and then nodded: "Well, that's the only way."


The work was simply arranged, and the search for survivors was done by people with magic skills.

Lily uses magic to detect, and Yakumo Lan also helps to search for nearby monsters.Steve was the only one free.Although it seems that there is nothing to do, in fact, his task is more important and severe than that of the girls, and that is to prepare for a fight.

No one can guarantee that they will find unrelated survivors. Judging from the current situation, none of the survivors are ordinary guys. While detecting the other party, it is very likely that they will be detected by the other party.Under the premise that there is at least half the possibility of encountering the enemy, such a mindless search is almost like shouting "come and eat me" in the forest.

The flag was temporarily prohibited from being used, so besides the chain that Steve went back to get, the only way to counter the super-standard enemy is the inherent enchantment.

However, there is enough energy in hand. Looking at the five six-level energy stars in the package, Steve is full of confidence.

With the development of the search work, he learned from Yakumo Lan that there is a country called Japan outside Gensokyo...why is it Japan again?So after the barrier collapsed, the people's village that was originally divided by the realm was exposed here.Regarding Yakumo Lan's statement, Steve immediately found out the doubts - they didn't find any ordinary people here.

If it is said that Gensokyo collapses, ordinary people should be the first to suffer, but now the magic search has not found any ordinary people who have been affected, which is very puzzling.

For Steve's question, Yakumo Lan just frowned and didn't answer.

Steve didn't understand what her attitude meant, but Lily seemed to understand, so she carefully pulled her Masetr away.

"... There is something wrong with this fox's attitude." While performing the spell, Lily said to Steve with a contract: "I whipped her, but she still kept that look. I don't think she is sad, but I'm forbearing."


"Yes, she showed a very desperate look, but she didn't say that her master was dead, that is to say, Yakumo Zi is obviously still alive. But if she is alive, can she just sit back and ignore this situation? Sure. If it’s not possible, then the only possibility is that the current situation where the barrier of Gensokyo has collapsed but the realm has not disappeared is caused by someone’s forced behavior.”

"It seems so."

"It should be like this. Renewing the life of the collapsed Great Barrier is not something that ordinary people can do. There is no doubt that Yakumo Zi is the only one who has this qualification and ability. But so far, Yakumo Lan's only responses were "shaking her head", "No way", and "I can't do it". Unless her nine tails are really only used for rubbing, otherwise, as a nine-tailed sky fox, she obviously has only one intention, which is to Prevent us from finding the current Yakumo purple... Oh, maybe this is not aimed at us, it should be aimed at everyone! After all, Yakumo purple is not a priority for us now."

To this, Steve nodded in agreement: "Yeah, since we found the chain, we have to try it out as soon as possible."

Chapter 426 300 Outlying Islands

Although Yakumo Lan and his side have been found to be in conflict with each other, but for the time being, the initial search work needs to be cooperated.And even if it has collapsed here, it is still Hakurei's Great Barrier. Lily hasn't found the enemy yet, but Yakumo Lan has already informed her that a team has been found.

This team is a small convoy of three vehicles, and they are located on the overpass about 1000 meters away from here.Three cars were parked neatly on the main road of the city. In front of them was the road that had been crushed by the collapsed building. A group of people looked there, as if they were studying how to cross the bridge that had been broken by the broken building next to it.

The three people on Steve's side are not ordinary people, and the distance between bridges can't trouble them.

Yakumo Lan's loose clothing seemed to have limited mobility, but when he bent his knees, his whole body flew out like an arrow from the string, which shocked Steve.It should be said that it is indeed a fox that has changed, but the wildness and brute force are still there.It is a little difficult for Steve to fly directly there, but Lily is not worried about the supply of magic power, and it is not a big problem to fly with him.

The three of them touched it quietly, originally intending to check the situation first before talking.

But when they approached from the blind spot of each other, that is, the underside of the overpass, an alarm sounded strangely from above.

As soon as the siren sounded, before Steve could decide whether to attack or not, Yakumo Lan went straight to attack.

I saw her resting her right hand on the bridge slab of the overpass, and the blue light flickered like a pulse wave.The bridge deck is very strong, and it didn't break the bridge body this time.However, even if it is not broken, a huge crack zone has appeared at the bottom, and the broken stones are peeling off one after another. You can clearly see the eight side-by-side preset bridge slabs that are the actual support of the bridge body.

Naturally, Yakumo Lan would not give up halfway, almost the next second, the blue light turned on again.

At this moment, eight T-shaped prefabricated slabs with a width of more than two meters and all concrete pouring suddenly broke, and the force from bottom to top directly penetrated the fragile asphalt of the bridge deck, and the three cars parked on it were directly Beng flew into the sky, needless to say the people standing on the bridge, they were like beans on a dustpan, they didn't know where they went.

Lily is not as fast as the other party, so Steve can only watch her finish the other party with one move, and there is no time to stop it.

"This fox is so cruel!" Steve resentfully complained while feeling unwilling.

"Don't worry, it's not that easy to deal with these people." Lily's voice came from the other side of the contract.

Steve didn't even have time to ask why, when he heard a loud bang like the collision of bells, Yakumolan crashed into the pillar of the pier with one end, and fell directly on the other side.

At that moment, Steve felt that he had seen the person who fell, but that person was not his focus, because besides that person, Steve found another figure he was familiar with—— A petite black figure was hanging on the edge of the overpass, and holding her was another small, white, conspicuous figure.

It's been a long time since I saw the outlying islands and the north, and I didn't expect to meet them here. Steve made a gesture, and Lily immediately teleported him there.

At this moment, the North is trying very hard to pull Li Dao back. Even though he already knows that Li Dao may have done something he shouldn't have done, as the only companion in this world, Bei Bei still doesn't want to be separated from him.But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that the outlying island was not so heavy.

Beibei opened his eyes and found a square hand was holding his hand.

"Ah! Cube!"

"So, call me Steve." Steve lifted the outlying island up with force.Of course, Li Dao would not give him good looks, but at this time it was obvious that she was not qualified to show him good looks, so when she was brought up, her face was expressionless. Looking at her staring eyes at him, Steve instead Be happy, and smiled happily at her: "Yo, long time no see!"

Looking at Steve, who was so smug, Li Dao couldn't hold back his anger after all, and said nonchalantly, "You guy is still alive, human guarantees are really unreliable."

"Oh? Someone gave you such a guarantee?" Steve was curious.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Dao gritted his teeth with displeasure on his face.

In fact, if she didn't say anything, Steve could probably imagine that she played a small role in this matter, otherwise a lot of information would not be leaked. Although she no longer has the ability to fight, but the ability to make trouble There are always.

Seeing her still look confident, Steve sighed: "Forget it, anyway, I've already figured out what to do with you."

With that said, Steve patted a box on the ground with his other hand.

Seeing the box, Li Dao froze for a moment: "You! What do you want to do?! Do you want to imprison me forever?"

"No, it's to dispose of it." As he said, he stuffed the outlying island in one hand into the box, and she immediately turned into a wooden sign.

Even though she had turned into a wooden sign, Li Dao was still conscious. She quickly realized that Steve was here for real this time, and she might really be in danger of her own life: "You! You can't do this! Without me, you would be The Ship Spirit Hall can no longer be opened!"

"About this, I figured it out." Shaking the island in his hand, Steve shook his head, "I can already negotiate with that guy directly, why do I still need to rely on you? Let's go back to the furnace!"

"You can't do this!" screamed the wooden sign.

Steve didn't intend to talk too much with the other party, and threw her directly into the transformation table.

The conversion table instantly gained 100 million points, and Steve found that his props had also increased by [-] points.

...It turns out that she is worth a hundred thousand!

Just when Steve was feeling so emotional, he suddenly felt someone tugging on his trouser legs: "...Where is Fang Fang, the outlying island?"

Steve wanted to tell her that the outlying island would not be coming back for a while, but after another thought, he decided to give it a try.Call up outlying islands on the conversion table, and then spend 100 million table points to exchange them for her.After the money was exchanged, he slapped the ground, and a slim young girl appeared in front of Steve.

"Ah! Outlying Islands!"

Beibei called softly, but just as she was about to go up, Li Dao showed a scared expression and took a step back: "You... who are you?"


When he saw the first expression on the outlying island, Steve felt that all this had confirmed his conjecture.After converting into points, the memory cannot be retained.After all, the Transformation Table is not a Heroic Spirit Summoning System like Lily's. The small table can't even carry the memory, as long as it is thrown in and taken out, it is no longer a person.

Steve looked on coldly, but Xiaobei was very anxious: "I am Beibei!"

"...I don't know." After saying this, Li Dao shook his head, as if thinking of something, he was stunned, "Who am I?"

"You are an outlying island," Steve knelt down, and handed her a green torch and a black sword: "Your task is to protect her, understand?"

"I know... I know."

Chapter 427

The young Beibei couldn't tell the difference between the front and back of the same outlying island, but Lily could still tell the difference.

The little witch did not object to Steve's handling of the outlying islands, and even advocated solving this trouble earlier, but she never expected Steve to solve it in this way, which always made her feel a little delicate.

The small episode on Steve's side did not affect the fierce battle on Yakumo Lan's side.

After Yakumo Lan was blasted into the pillars of the pier with the initial blow of the counter, her hand bones seemed to be broken, probably caused by blocking the opponent's attack.She pulled her hand out of the concrete and steel bars, and the arm of her right hand was strangely bent in another direction.

But monsters are monsters after all, and the recovery ability of the body is not comparable to that of humans.She suddenly frowned and gritted her teeth, a beard like a fox's grew on her face, and her golden pupils became more slender.

Under the catalysis of the monster power, the monster will be closer to its original real appearance, but it will also liberate the essential power that only the monster has.

This force converged on her shoulders, expanding the entire shoulder, and the swollen part moved down quickly, just like refilling a leaking balloon, and the whole hand returned to its original shape in an instant. .

Just when her hand recovered, the person who fell before flew up again... Oh, that shouldn't be called flying, it should be jumping.

Jumping tens of meters from the underside of the overpass, Steve finally saw his face clearly - Accelerator.

The white-haired young man had a paw print on his body, and it was obvious that his ability was not able to completely defend and reflect Yakumolan's monster power.The most disadvantage of the ability of vector reflection is the first time, especially when many things can no longer be explained by common sense.

Yakumo Lan had obviously noticed the opponent's power reflection ability, she flew and circled, her nine big tails flung an arc in the air like skirts, and easily dodged Accelerator's hand who wanted to grab her.

But this time avoiding is not Yakumo Lan's whole purpose.

When she was sure that the other party had started to fall, Yakumo Lan opened her mouth slightly.

Although foxes also use their claws to attack, the sharp teeth are the most threatening. This attack instinct has been honed into the strongest attack method unconsciously during years of practice.But Yakumo Lan is generally not used, because after humanization, it is too inconvenient and indecent to bite the opponent with her teeth, so that she has not used this trick for almost a hundred years, but now, it is not When you show mercy.

In front of Yakumo Lan's opened mouth, a blue bullet began to condense rapidly.

It's not that big, not even as big as a baby's fist, but there is a layer of mysterious black border around it.

Lily was the first to notice this detail.

"Master! Be careful! This fox is going crazy!"

As soon as these words sounded in Steve's ears, he realized that he had been teleported to the sky.

The projectile in front of Yakumolan suddenly burst, and the blue beam directly knocked Accelerator down from the sky.Originally, Steve thought it would be over if he knocked the opponent down, but strangely, there was a solid muffled sound from the broken rubble.

Under the gray sky, there was no sound of heaven and earth cracking, but the ground began to collapse rapidly centered on the landing point of Yifang Accelerator, and the bridge piers 60 to [-] meters above the ground began to sink rapidly, as if there was something under the ground that wanted to eat The gluttonous demons who drop everything, even such unnutritious things as piers and pillars will not be spared.

"It really is a ferocious fox," Steve, who had already avoided Lily's timely reaction, couldn't help sighing. Although he knew that this fox was not as easy to bully as it seemed, he didn't expect it to be such a difficult master. "That little white hair probably won't be able to beat her."

But before Steve's words fell, the subsidence stopped suddenly, and then the ground shook three times in a row.

With the fourth blow, something rushed out of the buried soil and gravel.

The black unknown feather slashed out like a sword cutting a ship, cutting Yakumo Lan, the remaining stone pillars of the overpass, and all buildings higher than 800 meters within 30 meters away.


"Master, you better not set up that kind of flag,"

"So, I don't use the flag."

Lily smiled to herself without saying a word.


Yakumo Lan, who received the blow with her body, stood up unsteadily from the ruins. It should be said that she is a monster with a strong body.If it was a human, it would probably be slapped into ashes by this black wing.However, although the clothes on Yakumolan's body were torn, they still looked capable of fighting again.

She made a bow with her hands on her chest, and whispered Sanskrit: "Stomp on him. Om. Anari."

Of course, the other party wouldn't give her time to show off. The black wings slashed down from the sky. With this blow, a flat road about a kilometer long was directly ejected from the ruins.But on this flat avenue, there is a deep pit that is an eyesore, and a golden "卍" is on the top of the deep pit.


The whistling of the white-haired boy tore through the dusty space, and the two black wings crazily chopped the group of "卍" characters, as if they wanted to shoot the people inside into the center of the earth.

But under the protection of the golden "卍", Yakumolan, who opened her nine tails like a peacock, still closed her eyes and muttered softly: "Vishati. Bhara. Bharat. Tuo. Pantuo Pantuo you." The sound became louder and louder, and golden ripples swayed in the air, expanding outward like waves.

Feeling like he didn't understand a word, Steve couldn't help asking, "What is that fox reading?"

"She recited it in Sanskrit, which sounds like the Shurangama Mantra of the Tujini Heaven." Lily explained in a timely manner.

"What's that?" Steve didn't know anything about this kind of stuff.

"It originated from an ancient language in ancient India, but it's not surprising that she said it. According to legend, Tuji Nitian is also called Chenhu King Bodhisattva, who has six arms. It's not surprising that the fox demon believes in this, but I didn't expect this A fox is a shikigami while being a Buddhist at the same time."

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