After ten seconds of awkward silence, Lily walked over and began to heal Reimu with spells.After Lingmeng got better, she sat up and forgot to glance at the empty door frame, and said quietly: "Well, it's actually not a bad thing, at least I can go on leisurely in the future."

Losing their home is not something that anyone can casually expose. As a third party, Steve doesn't know how to comfort the other party, so he can only look at Lily to see if she can do anything. .But Lily just shook her head.

At this moment of silence, there was a sudden sound of footsteps coming from far and near, followed by a familiar laughing voice: "No, the Great Barrier has been destroyed, we need to rebuild Gensokyo here. There are so many things to do, how can I let you go on leisurely?"

Hearing this voice, all three of them froze for a moment.

"Eight Cloud Purple!"

"Fuck! You're still alive!"

"...It's really lingering!"

The last sentence was said by Reimu, and it was full of helplessness, but also with subtle joy.

It was Yakumo Zi who came, and she was holding the parasol as usual, holding the folding fan in her hand, and she had that mysterious and flattering smile on her face.Yakumo Lan, who followed her as usual, also came up from behind: "Welcome back, the three of you have worked hard."

"Yeah, we've worked hard." Lily, who was the first to react to the situation, immediately put on a dirty face, "It's not like some people just hide in the dark and enjoy what they get."

"Ah, my side is also very hard. It is very troublesome to ensure that everyone survives. Don't you know that the workers behind the scenes are the hardest?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

Although Lily was sharp-mouthed on Steve's side, she was still a little bit close to meeting Zi Yakumo. After realizing that she couldn't take advantage of her lip service, she gave him a hard look, and then turned to Steve. The husband said: "Master, she has transferred their people to your world, and it is time for them to pay their rewards."

Steve blinked, only belatedly realizing what had happened.

But before he could speak, Zi Yakumo took a step ahead and bowed deeply to Steve with Lan: "Thank you for saving everyone in Gensokyo. I will definitely repay this kindness."


Steve looked at Zi Yakumo who bowed deeply, but didn't immediately go up to politely forgive him.

After sorting out the cause and effect of the matter in my mind, I can only say that Yakumo Zi is indeed superior.She used her combat power; used Remilia's sense of responsibility; used Hakurei Reimu's sense of mission; used the agreement with Eternal Pavilion, and even used the fire on the right and the hanging man who suddenly appeared , Completed a perfect shelling of the golden cicada.

I have been busy for a long time, and although I have benefited, I realized that it does not feel good to go around in other people's plans, which is why Steve didn't accept the other party immediately.

"When did you plan to do this?" Steve asked.

"That's what I planned when I opened the door to this world." Yakumo Zi raised her head and said calmly, "My ultimate goal is just to hope that Gensokyo, or the world of monsters, can continue to exist. The place of monsters is called the world of monsters, I am not obsessed with mountains and rivers."

Hmm... Indeed, Steve nodded secretly. In this regard, Zi Yakumo has a similar transparency to himself.

"Then why do you think I'll accept you?" Steve asked again.

"Because I think you need me." Speaking of this, Yakumo Zi suddenly thought of something, she smiled slightly, and then looked at Lily standing beside Steve.

Sensing the provocation in this look, Lily immediately raised her eyebrows, but seeing Steve's businesslike appearance, she immediately thought of the irreversible way of thinking of Cube Man.Therefore, Lily also smiled at Yakumo Zi, and turned her face to one side.

Steve didn't notice this, he tilted his head and thought for a while: "Well, you're right. Although I don't like your style of acting, I agree with your strategy, but, from now on, you have to listen to me of."

Yakumo Zi smiled like a flower: "No problem."

"Master, this guy is dangerous!" Lily's dissatisfied voice came from behind.

Regarding this, Steve looked at her a little strangely: "What are you afraid of? Her world is here." Speaking of this, Steve pointed to his chest, "In my world. "

Chapter 450 A New Day

Things often appear differently from different perspectives.

In hindsight, Zi Yakumo actually found an opportunity, so he took advantage of the suddenness of the mutation to kick off the brilliant bad idea of ​​his old club.If you look at the matter alone, Yakumo Zi and other youngsters' behavior would normally be condemned by the public.But if you really understand what she is carrying, and know what her "old club" is, it is actually not incomprehensible.

Originally, monsters come from the fear of various unknowns in the ignorance of human nature. After these fears are concretized, they become monsters themselves.It's just that as the collective will of mankind becomes more and more enlightened, these fears will naturally dissipate one by one.This kind of dissipation is just a matter of course for human beings, but for monsters, they have to accept the result of being denied existence and disappearing completely.

Just as human beings evolved from monkeys, but they have to surpass monkeys in order to escape the domination of nature, some monsters are also unwilling to obey the will of nature and perish.

Yakumo Zi is one of them.

Remilia is right, the title "Gensokyo Dragon God" itself is a fiction.Monsters are a group that must be eliminated according to the needs of evolution, and it is impossible for natural will to benefit these creatures that have been abandoned by the times.So Yakumo Zi chose to make a deal with the old ruler sleeping in the other world, that is, the "god" enshrined in the Hakurei Shrine.

As for the real body of that god, Yakumo Zi said that she didn't know it very well, but she accidentally discovered a yellow leather document from ancient China back then.

Attached to the book is a time-space gate that summons a great being.

Normal people would be cursed before finishing that book, but for Yakumo Zi, it was nothing.After successfully talking with that great being, he agreed to help him build an area where there are many human beings that can fight against natural extinction.So Yakumo Zi made a deal with the god lord of Fushimi Inari Shrine, selected a priestess named Hakurei from their branch and gave it to herself, and used the Shinto method to show the power of that great existence here.

But with the completion of Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi discovered that the great being was actually an evil god.

In the beginning, Hakurei Miko, who was used as a medium, almost always died in nightmares, and almost none of them lived beyond the age of 21. Later, in the selection of Miko successors, Yakumo Zi tried to choose the type with a lot of nerves or weak emotions, such as Reimu It is an "excellent talent" who has both.Coupled with the adjustment of the technique, it finally allowed Hakurei Miko to live a normal life.

The place where the Great Barrier was built, that is, on the Japanese archipelago, the number of suicides in this country is also increasing, and it has even become an aesthetic.

Yakumo Zi knew that with the help of the power of the evil god, she was seeking skin from a tiger, and the nightmare would one day become a reality, so there were two lunar wars and attempts to invade another world.

Yakumo Zi did not give a clear answer on the matter of "what is the evil spirit" that Steve was concerned about, but just gave Steve the book that could summon the evil spirit.


After getting Steve's permission, everyone in Gensokyo began to rebuild a new home in the main world.

Although Steve’s idea was to build a city for everyone in Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi stopped this action on the grounds that he couldn’t deprive others of their fun. In this regard, Steve could only scratch his head and give up on himself The BUILD idea.

Indeed, your own home can only feel like home if you build it with your own hands.

Steve can only let them live where they like.

So most monsters chose their own different directions to open up new homes.

What remained, apart from the human world built by Steve, who was directly moved here by Yakumo Zi, were only two shrines, a temple, and some monsters who were inseparable from human settlements.

Steve himself has to find a place to build a decent new home, after all, there is more than just one person and one dog in the family now.Besides Lily, outlying islands and the north also need places to live.

Regarding the question of the Ship Spirit Hall, Steve specifically asked Yakumo Zi.

Yakumo Zi was saying that she would investigate and give herself an answer, and then disappeared.These days, Steve is basically used to her disappearing, and he still has a lot of things to do, so he just let her go.

Another problem that I didn't understand was the "status" of Lily's blessing-although Lily said that this can no longer be called "status blessing".

A week has passed, and the state of blessing still exists.Before Lily herself was complained by Steve, the little witch simply changed herself back to her original state, but now she is much stronger than before, and those zombies with no eyes at night were wiped out by her with a wave of her hand. clean.

Of course, this is not unlimited and limitless, all of which consume the points saved by Steve.

When opening [Cube World], you can also share some of Steve's own effects. Of course, this also consumes points.

Going back to the point that Lily is still his familiar, it is actually equivalent to adding a combat power to Steve, and it also makes up for Lily's lack of self-protection ability, which is a good thing.But when Steve wanted to find someone else to try, Lily stopped him—after all, he doesn’t know how to cancel it now, if the other party can withdraw his points at will, and he still can’t turn it off, it will be troublesome. up.


Another sunny morning.

Steve climbed out of the mine pit as usual. Although all construction materials can be exchanged from the conversion table, Steve himself still likes the sense of accomplishment when obtaining materials and resources.No matter how rich the material is, it is not a reason to deprive yourself of fun. This habit has caused Steve to be a person who is always restless.

This pit was made by the way for the villagers in the world to demonstrate underground mining a few days ago. Yesterday Steve remembered that there were still some minerals in it, so he went down to dig them up at night.Although other people cannot directly use the power of rules to excavate land and rocks like Steve, the complicated means also allow them to create more diverse tools, which Steve cannot do. For this, Cube Man still I'm a little envious.

Walking out of the mine pit is a small river, and there are fishermen fishing by the river.Seeing Steve approaching, the fisherman waved to Steve from afar.

Steve waved to him, too, in greeting.

All human beings in the world know that this new land is bestowed by Cubeman, so that now Steve is greeted by people wherever he goes. Cubeman himself is a little uncomfortable with such enthusiasm, so he still Habitually bypass the main road of the village.

Walking along the river to the mountain, there is a courtyard that Steve just built, but before he got close, he saw two people, one tall and one short, walking towards him.

"Master Steve, morning!"

The crisp voice of the short little girl came along the river bank.This little cat demon with two tails is called Cheng, and she wears a small skirt with the same color as her name. When she first met, she was very wary of herself, but she is a child after all, and she soon became familiar with it. .

"Morning, Orange."

After smiling at Cheng, Steve looked over her head and saw Yakumo Lan who was holding a tub and clothes: "Good morning, fox."

"Morning," Yakumo Lan retorted in a helpless tone, "You can be called Cheng's name, why do you keep calling me a fox? I have a name."

Steve scratched his head: "No way, I'm used to it."

Lan smiled lightly, and couldn't help teasing: "I thought you kept saying that because you were afraid that Lady Lily would be jealous."

"Eh? Why?" Steve tilted his head.

Lan looked at Steve carefully, seeing that he really didn't look like he was pretending to be stupid, so he sighed: "Although the fox demon has the ability to charm humans, it seems to be useless for sharp-edged things."


Seeing Steve's bewildered look, Yakumolan slightly raised the corner of her mouth: "It's nothing, you go back first, when I went to visit, I saw Master Lily making breakfast at home, although..."

"Although what?"

"Hmm..." The nine-tailed fox thought for a while, then shook his head and refused to say: "It's nothing, Cheng, let's go!"

Just when Steve guessed what Lan wanted to say, Yakumo Lan, who had just walked past, turned around and said, "By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. Master Zi came back last night."

"Oh, I see." Watching their backs going away, Steve shook his head and smiled... The rumors he heard from Mr. Totsutsu seemed to be correct, and it turned out that the Yakumo family were all strange guys.

Along the river, through a forest, and then up the mountain, you will arrive at a field built on the mountainside that Steve himself dug.The sound of cock crowing sounded far away, and the sun shone against the immature rice, which was golden in the morning light.

Steve walked around the field along the way and came back to collect some potatoes and cocoa beans. When he opened the door of the house, two figures suddenly came out of the door.He was taken aback, but Steve still quickly caught these two things... outlying islands and the north.

"Wow, Cube, you want to save me, the witch wants to poison me to death!"

"It's so unpalatable, it's so unpalatable!"

When the two loli saw Steve, it was as if they saw a savior. They hugged his leg and started crying.

"Stop all of you! Uh...Master, you are back." At this moment, the little witch was wearing home clothes with a pink apron on top of her home clothes. Her hands were behind her back, and she didn't know what she was hiding behind.The bottom of the pot is still stuck to the small face, and I don't know what I was doing just now.It's just that she looked guilty when she saw herself, and her cautious look looked suspicious.

"What did you do to them?" Steve patted the heads of the two loli, telling them to be quiet.

"No, it's nothing, it's just new ingredients, oh no, it's just a new alchemy medicine, just let them try the medicine." The little witch defended with a smile.

"Medicine?" Steve tilted his head, "I just met the fox, didn't she say you were making breakfast?"

"...that vixen is doing unnecessary things again." The little witch gritted her teeth and muttered.

Steve walked in the door and glanced at the kitchen curiously: "What did you do?"

"Ah... nothing, nothing, just a small failure." Lily stepped back cautiously.

In fact, Steve probably also understood that the little witch's cooking skills are just like that. After entering this world, they suddenly became "poison alchemy". When Jian Luoli tried the taste for her, a voice suddenly came from the kitchen: "Wow, this is really bad, you can actually make potato cakes like this, Reimu can't eat it! You really deserve to be a magician of the age of gods." !"

The little witch screamed and rushed into the kitchen in a panic: "Gap demon! Don't move, I'm about to deal with that!"

Seeing Lily's flustered appearance, Steve couldn't help smiling: "It's another peaceful day."

Chapter 451 Valhalla

There are three cups of tea on a low wooden table.

Whether it’s a wooden table or a teacup, they’re all sent by Yakumo and the others. Because they think it’s good, Steve uses it. There’s no money in this world yet, and everyone’s things are bartered now. , but it is said that both shrines are trying to promote the birth of currency, and the offering boxes of the shrines are really just decorations.

Lily is still busy with her "dark matter" in the kitchen, and the two perches are helping her clean up.

Steve sat cross-legged on the tatami, watching Yakumo Zi drink the cup of tea slowly.

"It's almost enough to drink. Have you gained anything after going for so long?" Steve went straight to the point as always.

Yakumo Zi raised the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly: "What do I do when I come back without gaining anything? Or do you have other developments in other places?"

"You, you like to go around like this when you say something."

"No, I'm just telling the truth." Yakumo Zi smiled lightly and tilted her head.

This kind of denial with feminine characteristics made Steve sigh, and asked seriously with a serious expression: "Have you found a way to open it?"

"Hmm..." Yakumo Zi pondered for a while, "Before that, I have to tell you that the Ship Spirit Hall and the world of the Ship are two places. I heard the witch said about the previous thing. If you want to If you invade the Habitat World, I can help you."

"This...isn't really important anymore." Steve thought for a while, "I just want to send them back to that place. In fact, now, I don't care about what they have done." After seeing the power of Aleister, the next call of the main god is a bigger problem for him, and the matter of the ship has become irrelevant.

"If it's just to send the child back, I can do it for you." Speaking of this, Yakumo Zi tilted her head and glanced at the door of the kitchen, "But the matter of the Ship Spirit Hall is a little troublesome."

"How do you say it?" Steve frowned seeing Yakumo Zi's serious expression.

"Do you understand the existence of [Valhalla]?" Yakumo Zi asked another question.

Her talking habits are really annoying, but Steve still patiently talked to her: "It should be [Hall of Valor]... Lily told me a little bit, but I didn't make it clear. gone."

"No, I'm talking about [Valhalla], not just [Hall of Valor]." Yakumo Zi glanced at the kitchen again, "[Valhalla] originally refers to Valhalla, the residence of Odin in Norse mythology La Palace. Because of his warlike nature, the god-king would invite fallen heroes and warriors to his residence as honored guests. The warriors feasted here. In order to thank the god-king for his kindness, they decided to help Odin deal with it together. Battle of Ragnarok."

"Oh, so there is such a story." Steve nodded, motioning for her to continue.

“[Hall of Heroes] is a reincarnation system for the dead. It transforms dead things into new existences in other ways, and then uses them. [Hall of Heroes] is a part of [Valhalla], but it is a Incomplete system, heroic spirits are just reflections, not heroes of Valhalla."

"Then what does this have to do with [Fleet Spirit Hall]?"

"Because the souls of countless fallen soldiers are attached to the ship, the image of the ship spirit is formed when a collective consciousness is formed, so [Spirit Hall] is actually a type of [Valhalla] mode, but it is the same as [Heroic Spirit] Temple] system, this thing is incomplete, and the ship spirit is not the ship itself."

"What do you mean?" Zi Yakumo went around, but Steve still didn't understand what she wanted to say.

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