"Uh, no," Steve shook his head honestly, "I don't know any magic tricks, can you just do it?"

Steve showed such an attitude, as a magician and follower of the Age of Gods.Medea felt that it was necessary to make the other party self-aware. She took a deep breath, bowed and said, "If this is the case, I think I still need to make it clear to the Master."


"I suggest that Master give up the Holy Grail." Medea lowered her head, not looking at the other person's expression, although she knew it without looking.

"Huh?" Steve never expected her to say such a thing.

"This is for the Master's own sake." Medea analyzed from a rational, objective, and neutral perspective, "For those with insufficient abilities, excessive desire is a burden, and this burden will lead to their own destruction. The pursuit of the root is the beginning of the Age of Gods, and all those who are accompanied by the magic way have pursued it all their lives. In the current state of the Master, trying to get close can only lead to self-destruction."

After saying this, Medea looked up, and Steve, as he expected, was stunned.

...Will the other party throw a tantrum or laugh wildly?Medea silently waited for the other party's reaction.

But to her surprise, after Steve recovered his expression, he scratched his head and stood up: "I think you seem to have misunderstood something...Well, can you cast me a transfiguration? The kind that turns into a human."

...to become human?Isn't he already human?Medea was silent for a while, although she didn't know what he wanted to do, she nodded and did as she wanted.

After the spell was released, as Medea imagined, the opponent's appearance did not change, and turning a person into a human was a meaningless spell.

"It's been a long time since I used this form," Steve shook his hands and feet: "Come on, I think I have to prove my strength."

Medea frowned... Is this human being crazy?Does she think she can beat the follower?

However, since it was requested by the Master, Medea complied. It would be a good thing if he could dispel his crazy thoughts... However, when Medea thought so, the other party was almost at the same time. It was posted in front of him in an instant.

Medea was taken aback, and used [High-speed Divine Word] to instantly open the magic shield.

"...Three inches of strength."

The second knuckle of Steve's middle finger hit Medea's magic shield, behind the shield, Medea's protective force field also trembled.It's just that the shock didn't end, and the second force passed through his fist again.Medea couldn't help backing away from the second force. She couldn't care less about being surprised at why a human being has such a powerful force, because the third force was just after she built the second shield again. Breaking through it in an instant, this force almost penetrated his own protective force field.

Medea immediately used her emergency response.Because her magic robe was specially treated, while it spread out like wings, it also blocked part of the power for herself, but this still forced her to retreat tens of meters away.

Medea was as shocked by this blow as she was when she saw the Holy Grail Altar just now.

... Who the hell is he?How could this be?

But before Medea had time to think about this question, she suddenly realized that Steve was no longer directly in front of her.Immediately afterwards, a voice came from behind, "There are no two dozen."

"Damn it!" Medea could only defend again, this assassin-like tactic was the deadliest for a caster.

Medea had already made plans to deal with it, as long as she blocked the punch, she would immediately wrap her robe around her opponent.This is the best result for herself, because she is not sure whether the opponent can withstand her magic attack.

But on this point, she seemed to think too far.

Because this punch made an astonishing air explosion sound when it was punched, and almost at the moment when the air explosion sounded, the fist had pierced through the three layers of defense of Medea's magic shield, protective force field, and magic robe.

The fist wind blew across Medea's face, blowing away her hood, messing up her light blue messy hair, revealing that frightened face like a legendary elf.

Victory and defeat.

Steve withdrew his fist and gave the female magician a big smile: "How is it? Do you still think I'm killing myself?"

Medea didn't know what to say.

What the other party did was beyond her common sense: How far should a human being cultivate to defeat the magic shield with his body?You must know that your own shield is ten times tougher than a steel shield of the same level.But this is not the key point, the key point is that the punch just now has gone beyond boxing and reached the realm of magic, because only magic can cause damage to a heroic spirit.If this punch hit him, he could send him back to the Hall of Valor without any suspense.

"...Master, I have a question?"


"You are so strong, do you still need to summon servants?"


Chapter 465

Steve, who was asked why, felt a little dull, so he waved his hand to signal the end of the duel.

In principle, the Holy Grail War must summon servants, because theoretically humans cannot touch the Great Holy Grail, and the Holy Grail must be handed over to the master by the servants.

But for Steve, who was the actual winner of the Holy Grail War last time, he knew very well that this was just a cover.The meaning of summoning the servant itself is to enrich enough magic power. To be precise, the servant itself is one of the magic power supplies of the Holy Grail.After the Servant dies in battle, the acquired magic power of the "heroic spirit" will return to the Great Holy Grail for storage and become the winner's prize.

With Steve's current trump card, even if Medea is not summoned, it will not affect anything, as long as all the heroic spirits are killed, the Great Holy Grail will naturally open.

If it is Lily who is summoned, then the Great Holy Grail can be opened now, and what to do next is left to Lili.But now, this Medea is obviously unable to figure out the key point, so the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to say that these are useless.

"...Master." Medea's voice came from behind with a hint of hesitation.

Steve, who was still thinking about the problem, turned his head and saw her expression froze for a moment: it was a face full of hesitation and timidity, as if she was not at all the same person as the Medea who had spoken harshly and honestly. .

In a moment, Steve understood why she was making such a face.

Medea didn't ask this question casually. This question doesn't mean much to herself, but it means a lot to her.

——If the master is so strong, what is the value of the servant?

I remember that Lily tried her best to prove her worth in the battle, and she didn't want to be considered a useless follower.Since Medea is her future, she should be in the same mood now!

Steve, who was stared at by the other party, bowed his head in silence for half a second, raised his head and said in a very flat tone: "I don't know magic."

These are just five ordinary words, but it made Medea feel refreshed all of a sudden: "I understand, I will do my best to assist you in this regard!"

Seeing her wanting to be happy but forcing her face to be serious, Steve smiled, as expected, he still felt that way.

"Well, then please."



It can only be said that Medea is indeed still Medea. Whether it is the current Medea or the former Medea Lily, the first reaction to this battle is to build a position as a caster.

In fact, Steve really didn’t think how strong the C-level [Position Composition] skill is. After all, whether it’s the castle of the Einzbern family or the mansion of the Tohsaka family, the magician’s workshop that has been in operation for so long is actually very difficult. None worth mentioning.It's the more troublesome insect cellar of the Matou family, at worst, just blow it up.Positions that can be blown up just don't work, Steve thinks so anyway.

Based on the idea that the position is completely indifferent, Steve intends to use this basement.But Medea pointed out that this workshop has not been maintained for a long time, and the location is not very good. Now that you know the location of the Great Holy Grail, you should simply build a position on the Great Holy Grail. If you fight against your own side in the position, then you have a natural geographical advantage.

Steve thought about it, and felt that it was harmless, so he agreed to the other party.

In fact, Steve could still see Medea's little thoughtfulness.

If you just use the position that Lily built before, how can you highlight her value, so you must make a position that belongs to her.Although from Steve's point of view, this approach is actually a bit wasteful, but thinking about it, if it was Lily, she would probably do the same, so it doesn't matter.

The location Medea chose was Liudong Temple.

The reason she chose this place is that it is a place where spiritual veins are abundant, and it is also where the Great Holy Grail is located. If you build a position here, you can get a steady stream of magic power support.In fact, she can use magic to confuse the monks here, making these monks a natural cover for Steve, and it will be very convenient to come and go here, which is much better than that basement.

In fact, Steve didn't think there was any need for cover, just A went over and knocked the opponent down.However, seeing how dedicated Medea was to helping her win the Holy Grail War, if she knocked everyone out of the way, she would actually negate her role in this battle.So after making a trade-off that didn't take too much time, Steve decided to let Medea "have fun" for a while.

So, the two of them settled down in Liudong Temple as a matter of course.

This time Steve didn't build a house on site.

Because Liudong Temple is a temple for monks, it originally had guest rooms for pilgrims.Under Medea's spell, the other party received him without any doubt.

There are free vegetarian meals and clean tatami mats.Outside the window is the street view of half of the urban area of ​​Fuyuki City. From it, you can see the change of the old and the new in this city. It is indeed much more comfortable than living in the basement.Steve was sitting at a low table by the balcony, with a cup of tea on the table, and he was flipping through Medea's ability data.

The master can directly see the ability data of the servants. This setting looks like an RPG game, but it is more intuitive for Steve.

Taking a closer look at Medea's ability data, Steve lamented that she is indeed the grown-up version of Lily, and the overall panel is a circle higher.

Of course, there are some differences in ability.

The most different thing is Medea's Noble Phantasm.Because the Noble Phantasm cannot be seen, Medea took the initiative to explain this. According to her, this is "to show sincerity".Her treasure is called [Amulet of All Rings that must be broken]. Unlike Lily's tin staff, this treasure will not restore the treasure, but can break the contract based on magic power, or the life form born by magic power.

In other words, her Noble Phantasm can destroy the Command Seal itself.

Steve didn't really care about this, but she took the initiative to say it, so it meant that she cared, so Steve just nodded to show that he understood what she meant.

As far as Steve himself is concerned, the part that is more interested in Medea is the other two points.

First of all, Medea has a stronger [props making] ability than Lily.Steve remembered that Lily's ability was B, and everything she made was limited.But even so, the gear that was made at the time made a big difference.And now Medea's abilities are A, and the [Position Creation] she is busy with is actually her A-level ability.

Another point is the ability of this name: "Golden Fleece".

The ability level marked on it is [EX] level, but this ability itself shows that it cannot be used. I don't know why.But according to the description of the ability, the Golden Fleece can summon dragons... Well, Steve suddenly had a bold idea.

Chapter 466 The Archer in Red [Part [-]]

Today, after I told Sakura that I was not feeling well, Tohsaka Rin skipped class again.However, for the young lady of the Tohsaka family, skipping class does not mean relaxation, but means more busy things to deal with.

It has been four days since the attack on the home.

Because of this incident, Tohsaka Rin's plan to summon followers has been delayed until now.This is not to say how difficult it is to draw the magic circle for summoning heroic spirits, but the seriousness of the situation has exceeded my expectations.In the past few days, Rin has been busy repairing and strengthening the protective barrier at home, but the more he gets, the more he feels that he can't feel at ease.

The protection at home was arranged by my father in the past. There is a special book to record the making method of the familiar and the building materials of the operation.

When Rin compared the book to repair the spells, he realized that these spells were quite high-level spells, and some even came from the inheritance of Grand Duke Hubein.But in his own memory, these spells had already been broken through without even attracting the other party's attention.

"Ah...what kind of people am I fighting with!"

The girl in a nightgown sat on the bed with her arms around her knees, but even so, she still couldn't feel a little bit of security.The impression left by the enemy on him was a bit too deep. At this moment, Rin deeply felt that his practice was insufficient, but he couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

It's just that it's useless to say anything now.

Rin glanced at the shallow imprint on the back of his hand, which only appeared on those chosen by the Holy Grail.I am the heir of the Tohsaka family, if I give up the Holy Grail, it is tantamount to abandoning this family, and this cannot be compromised.

After going downstairs to wash and get up, Rin saw the breakfast on the table, and after a knowing smile, he started to have a headache again.

...Speaking of which, I haven't made up my mind about Sakura's arrangement yet, what kind of reason do I have to find to send her away?What a headache.

"Cheat her mother is sick?"

"No, if you go back like this, you will be exposed."

"Curse Emiya that guy, make him sick, so Sakura will take care of her?"

"No way, it's like I'm pushing my sister out, and I don't want to just make Sakura cheap that kid."

"Ahhhhhhhh...what a headache!"

After munching on the toast for a while, Rin still couldn't find a suitable solution.I can only temporarily decide to hypnotize Sakura if it is not possible, and then send her back to Chancheng.


After breakfast, the next thing Rin arranged for himself was to open the box left by his father. There was only a small part left before, but it was delayed because of repairing the barrier.The only way now is to count on the combat power of the servant to compete with the opponent. The box was left by his father, and there is a strong magic reaction in it. It should be his last trump card.

When he came to the basement, Tohsaka Rin started his unpacking work.

It doesn't matter if you're busy, until the end of the busy work, when you finally open the box, you find that your stomach is already growling.

"What time is it?" Tohsaka Rin raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Sister, are you home?" Sakura's voice suddenly came from the receiver in the basement that was monitoring the sound outside.

Rin was stunned for a moment, ignoring the box that had just been opened, closed the box and hurried out through the secret door.

"Sakura, I'm here." Rin Tosaka, who had already changed into pajamas, walked upstairs through the secret door on the other side.

Seeing her sister in pajamas, Sakura's expression was obviously blank: "Sister, are you on the bed? Why didn't I see you when I went up just now?"

"Because I was always uncomfortable in bed, I went to the attic to bask in the sun for a while," Tohsaka Rin stretched his waist, and said as if it was true, "Why are you back now? Isn't it still early?"

"Morning?" Sakura glanced at her sister with a strange look, and then at the almost dark sky outside: "It's already six o'clock, my sister must have fallen asleep in the attic! Be careful and catch a cold Oh!"

Rin Tohsaka's expression froze, she looked out the window subconsciously, and then realized that she had an oolong, at this time she could only pretend to be stupid with a smile: "Ah, um, I accidentally fell asleep in the attic, But it should be fine, the cold is gone."

"Well," Sakura nodded, "Actually, I'm also surprised."

Hearing what Sakura said, Rin's heart tightened, but he still looked relaxed on the surface: "What's wrong?"

"When I came back, I found that the clock at home was fast by an hour. Did you do it, sister?"

"Is the clock fast an hour?"

"Well, it seems that my sister doesn't know either. Anyway, I was transferred back."

...the clock is fast by an hour.Rin was surprised on the surface, but he actually already knew what was going on.This was probably caused when the box was opened. The magic power will affect the time and space in a certain area. All the clocks are like this, which should be the reason.

Just as Rin was thinking, he suddenly felt his stomach twitch, and then made a loud "gurgling" sound.

As the elder sister, Tohsaka Rin immediately blushed: "...Sakura, no, I..."

But Sakura didn't give her a chance to explain, but smiled slightly: "I see, I'm going to cook now."


After dinner, after Sakura fell asleep, Tohsaka Rin immediately returned to the basement.

She couldn't wait to open the box, and there were only two things in the box.One is a fossil of a snake for some unknown purpose; the other is a heart-shaped ruby ​​pendant. The ruby ​​is very large, and it can be felt that it contains powerful magic power.

The value of these two things can be seen at a glance which is a good thing and which is useless.Rin Tohsaka took out the pendant directly, and then put the box back under the table.

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