Steve has been pretty free lately.

The main reason for being quite idle is that after Medea established a stronghold in Liudong Temple, she advised Steve not to go out casually to avoid danger.

Out of the habits he had developed before, Steve naturally followed the other party's advice.

But if you think about it seriously, can Steve really sit at home and win thousands of miles away with confidence?Such a thing obviously does not exist.So after squatting for three or four days, Steve still couldn't help finding a Medea and slipped out when she didn't notice.

There is a long stone step down from the mountain gate of Liudong Temple. During the day, there are scattered people who come up the mountain to pay homage, most of them are gray-haired old people.Post-war Japan is already an aging society today, and most young people work hard in one capital and two prefectures, while in cities like Fuyuki, the pace of life is much slower.

After coming down from the mountain, you can see two urban areas overlooking each other across the Fuyuki Bridge. The old urban area in the east is full of Japanese-style wooden buildings, and the urban area in the west is full of modern flavors of reinforced concrete.At the location under the mountain gate of Liudong Temple, you can see the villa area of ​​the Yuansaka family in the old city, of course, you can only see that area.

Although I am a little curious about whether the little girl from the Tohsaka family has found that she has lost her summoning circle, but now Steve's destination is not to go there, but to go to church.

In the last Holy Grail War, the role played by the Church was not honourable.

But since it is a neutral in the Holy Grail War on the surface, it is still necessary to check the situation.

Following the map and walking towards the church, Steve took a while and found the place in his memory.There has not been much change here in the past ten years. It is still an outstanding Western-style building, with iron fences to prevent outsiders from entering by mistake, and deserted with few people.

Steve pushed open the iron gate made of woven steel bars, and the big iron gate that had not been maintained for too long creaked and shook.

The floor tiles looked like they had been swept in the morning, so there should still be people here.

With a wandering mentality, Steve walked in directly and found that the vines and weeds were more lush than ten years ago. It can only be said that the current manager does not like to take care of this church very much!Thinking so, Steve pushed open the wooden door of the church.

The church was empty.

The sun shines through the windows of seven colored glazes, illuminating the statue of the Virgin Mary in the main hall a little strangely.

The rows of seats looked like they hadn't been there for a long time, but the floor was cleaned very clean.Steve looked around curiously. He didn't have a chance to take a good look last time. This is the first time he came in. He thought that as a neutral party in the Holy Grail War, there would be something powerful, so he was a little disappointed.

"Is anyone there?" Steve's voice echoed in the church.

No one responded for a long time.

"Is anyone there?" Steve yelled, but there was still no one.

...Could it be that he went out?Steve wandered casually in the church, and as he walked, he found a wooden cabin by the wall.This wooden hut looks like a wardrobe, and it can only accommodate one person in it. It is not so much a hut as it is a box.What's the use of putting this kind of thing in this kind of place?

Steve walked over curiously and opened the door of the hut.

There is only one chair facing the wall. There is a small window on the wall, which is covered by a black curtain, and dim candlelight shines through the window.

Seeing the light inside, it felt like someone was there, Steve walked over and sat down, poked his head over and looked carefully: "Hey, is there anyone inside?"

"Confused people, do you have anything to confess to the Lord?" A female voice came from inside.

"Isn't there someone!" Steve waved his hand, "Why didn't you talk just now?"

"Do you have anything to confess?" The other party asked again.

The other party always asked this question, Steve paused, and still answered decisively: "No."

"Really? Then you don't have anything to regret?" The other party still used that drawn-out tone.

Steve scratched his head, "No."

Probably because the answer he got was too straightforward, the other party paused for a while before continuing to ask: "Then you don't have any sad things?"

"No." Steve still answered immediately.


After about ten seconds, no more questions came from inside, Steve leaned over curiously: "Well, are you still there?"

"If you want to find a chat service, go to the custom shop. If you come here to make trouble, you will be cursed by God and you will never do it in this life."

The other party suddenly hurled insults at each other, and Steve couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "...No, God, I've seen it before, he doesn't have this kind of operation."


With Steve's answer like this, it seemed that the other party suddenly didn't know what to say. After ten seconds in the quiet air, the other party finally took the initiative to ask: "What's the matter with you?"

"Are you the manager of this generation of Holy Grail War?" Steve asked directly.

This question made the other party silent again. After about half a minute, the woman behind the shady scene slowed down and said slowly: "So you are the Master."

Now that he has found the right person, Steve is not in a hurry, he knocks Erlang's legs on the wooden chair, and finds a comfortable position to lean against: "Yes, I am the master of the caster, come and inquire about the situation .”

"...As a neutral party, for the sake of fairness, I will not tell you the information of other masters." The other party said seriously.

Hearing this, Steve smiled softly: "Stop making trouble, last Holy Grail War, even you yourself were one of the participating parties, Kotomine Kirei, don't tell me you haven't heard of this name before!"

"Kotomine Kirei has already joined Tohsaka's sect, and is no longer a member of the church."

"It's pretty clean," Steve shrugged, "but he's Father Kotomine's son! That guy was in trouble back then." Thinking of the unpleasant experience before, Steve couldn't help grinning.

"Yeah, that bastard is also my father." At this moment, the black curtain opened, and a pair of golden eyes pierced the sharp gaze. The white wavy nun stared at Steve. . "Who are you?"

Steve was also taken aback when he heard this sentence, he didn't answer immediately, but glanced at this pretty fair face with curiosity, and couldn't find anything similar to that guy Yanfeng: "Well... real?"

"What really?"

"Are you really that guy's daughter? Not like him at all." Steve rubbed his chin with his hands and commented.

The nun's expression didn't change, but she could see in her eyes that after thinking for a while, she said, "My name is Karen. Karen Ordesia, and Ordesia is my mother's last name."

"Oh, so." Steve nodded.

"Quickly answer my words!"

The nun's expression didn't seem to change, but the other party was obviously a little angry.Let alone the daughter of an old friend, Steve didn't intend to embarrass her too much, so he announced his name: "Me? My name is Steve."

Chapter 470 Nun [Part [-]]

The white-haired nun was silent for a while.

... I seem to have seen this name somewhere.

There is no explanation for the other party reporting this name, because the background and experience of the other party cannot be revealed from this ordinary name, but the nun does think of something from this ordinary name.

The winner of the last Holy Grail War was nominally Emiya Kiritsugu, but in fact, judging from the clues of the "Matou family attack incident" and "missile incident", this was not the work of Emiya Kiritsugu...

Another strange thing is that the last caster's master didn't know his name. Although he might be an unknown person who died early, the truth is that the caster survived until the end.

"Are you the master of the last Holy Grail War?" Karen Ordesia asked in a calm tone.

In this regard, Steve showed a big smile: "Want to know? If you want to know, tell me about the other masters."

"I am the agent of the Holy Church this time, and I will not..."

"Come on!" Steve waved his hand and interrupted her, "Your grandpa, that old man didn't do that. He had a good relationship with the Tohsaka family back then, so he wanted to make it difficult for him The Tohsaka family won, not to mention intelligence, they almost summoned a servant to help." At the beginning, these people made Lily cry, and Steve never forgot about it.

Kallen stared at Steve for two seconds, then suddenly closed the book in hand, showing a slight smile: "Okay, yes! But you also have to tell me about you, and about you and my father."

The other party agreed so readily, Steve couldn't help raising his vigilance: "Huh? You agreed so easily? Your face has changed too quickly!"

"It's normal." Facing the gaze pressing on her, Karen directly looked away, "I was originally sent to wipe the ass of that bad old man Rizheng, because of the last Holy Grail War, the clock The people in the tower are active here, and there are no manpower available in other places, I hope you can solve the problem quickly, how the magician dies has nothing to do with me, and I will be happy when it is over."

Hearing the other party's explanation, Steve stroked his chin for a moment and thought about it, before coming to a conclusion: "You really are that bastard's daughter."

Steve's comments made Kallen slightly frowned, but she did not refute: "So, that is to say, you are really the magician of the last Holy Grail War?"

"I think you already know it very well, you should tell me the information first!" Steve leaned over cheekily.

Sister Ordesia lowered her eyes and thought about it. In fact, these are not information that absolutely cannot be provided. After all, the purpose of the Church of the Holy Church is only to prove the church's ownership of the "True Holy Grail", to provide shelter and play a neutral role. To put it bluntly, it is a incidental obligation. This matter does not need to be responsible to the Holy Church, so it does not need to be carried out so seriously.

"The servants who have been summoned now include Berserker, Lancer, Caster, and Archer; among them, Berserker was summoned a few months ago..."

"The Einzbern family?" Steve made a small interruption midway.


Anyone who understands the structure of the Holy Grail War understands this point. The only one who can summon servants early is the Yusanjia of the Holy Grail War.The Matou family was completely defeated in the last session, cutting off the magician's bloodline; although the Tohsaka family has not broken the lineage, but because of certain well-known events, it is also seriously injured; then the only one left is Ainz Belen's home.

"Lanner's master should be from the Magic Association, and she also came to see me two days ago." Karen continued to add.

"Well, it's expected."

Last time, Lanner also belonged to the Magic Association, and Rider seemed to be too. However, Steve doesn't remember clearly about this aspect, and he doesn't have a good idea about the stop thousands of miles away.

"Caster was summoned four days ago, and Archer was summoned last night. That's all I can tell you here."

"Oh, that is to say, there are still three seats left?" Steve whispered while thinking.

"Then can you tell me your background now? Or, what did you do in the last Holy Grail War?" Karen's eyes became sharper.

Steve made a toothless expression, and then leaned closer: "What you want to know is not what I did! It's what your father did!"

"..." Kallen stared at Steve for two seconds, and her tone suddenly became cold: "Just answer my question. It's useless for you to guess my thoughts. I'm just an agent."

After hitting a snag, Steve shook his head feeling bored: "Ah, that's right, if you're like your father, then it's useless to know for sure."

"What do you mean?" Caroline frowned.

"Your father, like you, is a shell." Steve shrugged.

Such an evaluation made Kallen's expression slightly startled, but she quickly lowered her eyelashes: "...Is that so?"

"Although I learned one-handed boxing from him, I don't really know him very well," Steve said casually, leaning on the back of his chair, "I do know a little about that old guy Kotomine Risei. Back then he was Deliberately lured me and Caster out, and then said in front of everyone that there was a reward for us, if he hadn't slipped away quickly afterwards, I would have wanted him to look good."

Seeing Steve's slightly threatening smile, Karen was unmoved: "Father Kotomine Risei died of cancer four years ago."

"Tsk tsk, he died quickly." Steve shook his head and sighed twice, and continued: "As for your father, he should have been dealt with by Kiritsugu, after all, they were old enemies that time. the taste of."

"I know that," Kallen nodded, "Emiya Kiritsugu is the nominal winner of the Fourth Holy Grail War, but it is said that he didn't get the Holy Grail for her wife."

"Oh, so to speak, I don't know how that guy is doing." Steve said to himself.

"He still lives in Fuyuki City."

Hearing Karen's words, Steve was taken aback, he didn't expect that Emiya Kiritsugu would not leave Fuyuki after that, he thought he would take her wife to wander around the world.But since this is the case, then the next follower may appear there!

"It seems necessary to visit an old friend."

Chapter 471 Emiya [Part [-]]

The weather in early spring is a little bit cold. Even at ninety o'clock in the morning, I still can't feel the heat of the big fireball hanging in the sky.

At this time, those who should go to work go to work, those who should go to school go to school, and pick up people like Steve who are wandering around. Apart from homeless people and tourists, there are probably only local gangs.Steve originally looked like a big and three thick, much taller than the Japanese.Coupled with the fact that he was just wandering in the street in a shirt in this weather, he didn't look like a serious social person.

Walking on the street, Steve saw a short-haired girl in a maid outfit distributing tissues to passers-by. Curious, Steve wanted to go over to see what was going on.

But what I didn't expect was that the girl originally gave tissues to every passerby, but when Steve came to her, she suddenly took back the tissues she was about to hand out.

Seeing her reaction, Steve was taken aback...why?Why not give it to me.

However, before Steve could ask why, the girl suddenly gave Steve a ninety-degree bow: "Good morning, brother, I'm working hard!"

The other party called him that suddenly, and Steve didn't know how to react for a while.

"Uh... I don't know you? It's not your big brother!"

The girl was also stunned for a moment, then realized, and immediately bowed and apologized: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I misidentified the wrong person, please accept this pack of tissues, and please cheer up for the new day!"

While the girl finished speaking very fast, she stuffed Steve with a pack of tissues and ran away quickly.Steve looked back at her leaving back in a daze, and then looked at the tissue in his hand. The package of the tissue had the address of a certain game console store written on it, which seemed to be a means of advertising.

"The entertainment industry here is basically monopolized by the local gangsters. The so-called game machine shops should be gambling pachinko parlors!" A voice came from behind him.

Steve froze for a moment, then turned around to see a familiar face, which looked much more mature than usual.The gray-purple vest with black lining looks much more low-key than usual, and the narrow skirt and black high-heeled shoes on the lower body give a very mature impression.Facing Medea in this dress, Steve looked her up and down for two seconds, and then let out a soft breath: "It looks pretty good."

No matter how you say it, it’s always right to praise girls who have changed their image first. This is the experience Steve has learned from Lily, and this experience is obviously also valid for the current Medea.

Medea originally wanted to blame Steve for slipping away without saying a word, but after he said this, he didn't know how to speak: "Thank you... I'll just dress up casually, but you, Master, just dress up as Wandering on the street like this, it’s no wonder that others regard you as a member of a gang.”

"A gang member?" Steve tilted his head, "What is that?"

"In this country, the underworld is not only legal, but also a part of the political ruling structure." Medea said while looking towards the far corner of the street.Following Medea's line of sight, Steve saw a few men in sportswear looking at him, "Those are local violent gangs. Basically, industries such as game arcades and custom shops are run by They control... ah, they are here. There is a territorial dispute between violent groups, Master, you seem to be regarded as the same kind by them."

"That's right." Steve didn't think it mattered at all. The last time he took away a warehouse of ammunition from them, nothing happened!

During the conversation, the three men in sportswear came over.One of them was carrying a baseball bat, while the other two appeared to be unarmed.

"Hey~~~~, where are you from?"

The man in the lead made a long flicking sound when he spoke, which seemed to be the standard way of speaking for Japanese gangsters.

"Which side am I from?" Although he didn't understand the other party's question, Steve naturally stood up straight when the other party came over like this.

This group of people looked vicious, but when Steve, a big man, stood in front of him and faced the square man who was a head taller than him, he still couldn't help taking half a step back: "Okay, talk well Wouldn't it? This is the territory of the Oda Group, don't you know?"

"I don't know," Steve replied truthfully, "What is the Oda Group?"

Steve was indeed a question, but it didn't sound like that to the other person's ears.Immediately, this guy showed a ferocious expression: "You~~~ this guy! You don't want to live!"

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