ps: It’s rare to push a book on the bookshelf, so let’s push a book!

It is estimated that not many people have read A Song of Ice and Fire, but if they haven't read it, they should have heard of this name.Then You Ye's "Song of Ice and Fire & Heroic Spirits" is written by bringing the heroic spirits into the world of ice and fire, and the protagonist seems to be a dragon.It's well written, and anyone who is interested can check it out.

Chapter 499 Liudong Temple [[-]]

"Serra, your ability to control magic is better, so it's up to you to try it for the first time!" Medea ordered.

"Good master." The maid with long white hair said respectfully to Medea.

Watching Sera leave, Medea turned her gaze to Steve, only to find that he looked at her with meaningful eyes: "Why do you look at that?" Medea couldn't help asking.

Steve grinned: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to like such a setting."

"What is such a setting?" Medea didn't understand what he meant.

"Master!" Steve raised his eyebrows, "Although I have had a few chances, I still feel that this title is too... so strange, are you used to it?"

Medea rolled her eyes at him: "It was a normal thing in the past. I am the princess of the kingdom. How many people call my master not normal?"

"I seem to be too," Steve nodded. "It's just that I don't remember that Lily has such a habit, so I can't help but feel a little strange."

Medea did not respond positively to Steve's words.It's quite strange to be compared with her former self, so Medea didn't intend to continue this topic, but asked instead: "If the plan goes well, Master, what will you do tonight?" You can get the Holy Grail, I have never asked, Master, who do you want the third method to save? I remember, you said 'some people' very vaguely at that time."

Steve, tilting his head and thinking about it, replied: "A group of my former subordinates."

There was nothing wrong with Steve's answer, but his act of "thinking about it" made Medea intuitively think: "A woman?"

"Well, it's a girl." Steve nodded.

But such a statement naturally aroused Medea's curiosity: "A group of girls?"

"Yes." Although aware of the possibility of a misunderstanding, Steve still didn't bother to lie.

Medea was silent.After a short silence, she showed an indifferent smile: "That's right, I don't believe in a capable person like you, Master, without a group of women. But it doesn't matter, because these have nothing to do with me. After all, if things go well tonight, This is our last cooperation. Although this short-term cooperation is not pleasant, it is still smooth, and I hope your future actions will be just as smooth!"

Listening to Medea's words, something was wrong, Steve smiled: "Did you misunderstand something?"

"Misunderstanding?" Medea shook her head, "How can there be any misunderstanding? And even if there is, it doesn't matter! Even without my help, it's only a matter of order for you to get the Holy Grail, Master."

"Uh," Steve tried to explain, feeling more and more wrong, "No, you must have misunderstood. There is a reason for these girls I want to save, and Lily knows about it."

Steve lifts Lily up, just trying to use Lily to justify his actions.However, Medea doesn't seem to think so: "...Yes, I was easy to deceive back then, what a fool."

Hearing such an evaluation, Steve was a little speechless, but he also knew that Medea was not talking about Lily, but mostly self-deprecating.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile: "Yeah, I don't know how she fell in love with me."

Hearing Steve's words, Medea couldn't help laughing: "You have such ability, no matter how ugly you are, girls will like you, don't belittle yourself."

"No, that's not what I meant." Steve thought for a while, "Well, you cancel my Transfiguration."

Medea didn't understand what he wanted to do, but since he said it, Medea reached out to help him undo it.After the removal, Steve also removed the [cognitive impairment] on himself.Then Medea was stunned, because she saw a strange creature she had never seen before: "Uh... what is this? A new hat-trick?"

"No, this is what I am," Steve scratched his square head, along the way, as long as he is not a fool, he can understand the difference between himself and the people around him, "So I don't understand her very well. How did you fall in love with me?"

Of course, Medea knew that Steve wasn't lying to her. If the Mage of the Age of God still couldn't tell the difference between casting and canceling, then he could remake it.Just seeing Steve's appearance, Medea suddenly began to seriously think about another question: "...In this way, as a heroic spirit, even when I was young, I should know my current experience ...Could it be that the experience I experienced later hit my young self too much, and I can even accept the Play of a different species?"

"Hey! Who are you talking about?" Steve didn't expect that he would be said that one day.

Medea quickly shook her head: "Ah, no, Master, I was just talking to myself, and I definitely didn't think about being rude."

And lamented that this adult version of Lily is really different, and Steve didn't want to bother with her: "So don't think too much, um, I'm just here to fulfill a promise."

"Men are always like this." Medea just shrugged her shoulders noncommittally, and then she glanced at the crystal ball on the table, on which was the picture of Sakura Tohsaka fighting, "It seems that it has already started over there."

"Did Sakura go out first?"

"Yeah, young people are always eager to prove themselves, so I gave her a chance, but it doesn't seem to be very good." Medea smiled helplessly.


Time goes back to 10 minutes ago.

There are two roads leading from Liudong Temple to the foot of the mountain, both of which are on the east side, one is the main road connecting the mountain gate, and the other is winding up the mountain.

The road leading to the main entrance was replaced with stone steps when it was about halfway up the mountain. Walking up the mountain with hundreds of steps is also a test for pilgrims.The other path has no steps, and it has always been a sloping road with dense forests on both sides, and occasionally small animals slip past under your feet.

This secret trail was told by Archer to himself, and Tohsaka Rin didn't ask him why he knew it, because the answer was obvious.

Rin Tohsaka has noticed the obvious alienation between himself and Archer since he was on the roof of the school, but there is no way to do it. Since he knows that he is Emiya Shiro, there are many things that cannot be explained too clearly. I just hope This delicate relationship will not affect the next battle.But what makes Tohsaka Rin feel a little uncomfortable now is that compared to his relationship with Archer, Emiya Shirou and Saber seem to have a higher level of trust.

...Could it be that Emiya-kun's aptitude as a Master is higher than his own? ?

Glancing back at the two of them secretly, Tohsaka Rin felt that was not the case.Because the feeling of Emiya and Saber is not so much a master and a servant, but a shit shoveler and a pet.

Emiya Shirou, who was originally a good man, was almost obedient to Saber's demands, and this knight girl always looked hungry, which reminded Tohsaka Rin of the "" Akita pig".In short, this miraculous pair has an inexplicably good compatibility, and they naturally get along much better than themselves and Archer.

Such three people formed a small team and headed up the mountain along the path.

Tohsaka Rin walked in the front to open the way; Emiya Shirou was placed in the middle of the team by two female companions because he was a half-baked magician; Saber was in charge of breaking the back.As for Archer... because he himself said that archers are not suitable for close combat, so he scouted the situation from the outside.

"Rin, stop for a while, it seems that something is coming."

Archer's words suddenly ringing in his ears made Tohsaka Rin pause for a moment, and then, he felt something hit his ass.Instantly realizing what it was, Rin Tohsaka exclaimed, "Ah! Wei Gong-kun, what are you doing?"

Emiya Shirou held his nose: "Ah, I'm sorry, Tohsaka."

Seeing him covering his nose, Rin Tohsaka immediately raised his eyebrows: "You bastard, why are you walking so fast!"

"How did I know you were going to stop suddenly..." Emiya Shirou couldn't help muttering.

But at this moment, Saber, who was walking last, suddenly put on a posture, and she reminded in a serious tone: "Shirou, Rin, be careful."

Following Saber's reminder, a voice floated from the forest: "The relationship between senior and sister has really improved by leaps and bounds."

"Sakura..." Tohsaka Rin clenched his fists tightly.

In the dark forest, a girl in a white dress walked down the mountain path. For some reason, there was a faint white light on her body, which could be clearly seen even in this dark forest .When she came to a place about 20 meters away from Tohsaka Rin, the girl stopped.She habitually brushed away the light purple sideburns on her right cheek, and the red ribbon on her left also swayed slightly.

"Sister, senior, good evening." Tohsaka Sakura was as polite as ever.

But facing such a younger sister, the elder sister frowned: "Sakura, are you really planning to help that bastard against us?"

In this regard, Tohsaka Sakura smiled softly: "Sister, are you still asking this? Don't forget, I'm not just for Mr. Steve, everything is for myself."

The sister's obsession made Tohsaka Rin feel very sad: "If you still blame me, I have realized enough of my mistakes now. Do we have to use this method to solve our sisters?"

Sakura shook her head: "No, sister. You still don't understand, but after tonight, I think you will."

Tohsaka Rin didn't know where she was wrong, but she still understood what her sister meant. From this point of view, this battle between the sisters seemed inevitable. She was in pain, but she knew she had to do it .However, just when she was about to call out Archer, a hand suddenly put on her shoulder.

"Tohsaka, I think this place should be left to me!" Shirou Emiya said.

Rin Tohsaka shook his head: "This is about our sisters..."

"No, it's our business now," Emiya Shiro patted her on the shoulder, "Since the matter between you and Sakura started because of me, I should naturally end it; didn't you say that there is not much time? Archer and Sakura You should be able to rush to the top of the mountain quickly, there are many things you can do, and what I can do now is to pull Sakura back."

Rin Tohsaka looked at Emiya Shirou's expression in a daze, and she suddenly realized why Sakura said she still didn't understand.But this idea was only vague, and Tohsaka Rin didn't think clearly about the key.

Although there are still many things that I don't understand, but facing the boy's extremely serious expression, Tohsaka Rin can only nod: "Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Tohsaka Rin continued to run towards the mountain.

She thought that her sister would stop her, but unexpectedly, not only did Sakura not stop her, but Rin seemed to hear "thank you" the moment she passed by her.


"Rin." Archer's voice sounded again.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, Tohsaka Rin's voice seemed irritable.

"Your breath is messed up." The archer reminded.

This reminder made Rin Tohsaka suddenly calm down, because the family motto of the Tohsaka family is "be graceful at all times."After taking two deep breaths, Tohsaka Rin cheered up, and then said to his partner: "Sorry."

"It's okay." Archer's voice was still calm and clear.

Seeing that Archer was still so calm, Tohsaka Rin suddenly had a thought: "Archer, did you foresee all this?"

"No, it's impossible to foresee it," Archer said lightly, "Your family is the inheritance of Marshal Demon Dao, so you should know about parallel worlds. I'm just another world, a person who has nothing to do with Emiya Shirou, and How could you know what happened to you now?"

"But you said...you said I was yours..." Tohsaka Rin hesitated, but finally didn't say the word.

"The world is not the same world, but people are the same people, so even an irrelevant world indicates the same result. Even that guy should know what to do!" Archer said It sounds a bit difficult to understand, and for some reason, there is a trace of fatigue in the tone, "It's just that my memory is messed up, just forget it."

"You..." Tohsaka Rin wanted to say, "You guys are prevaricating with memory confusion again", and the moment he opened his mouth to ask, he choked up.

If this topic continues, it may involve stories about Emiya Shiro and himself in that world.She really wanted to know what happened between herself and Emiya Shirou.But for some reason, Tohsaka Rin also felt that he was afraid of the result.

If the result is already doomed, is what I am doing now still meaningful?

Fear stuck in his throat, and in the end, Tohsaka Rin still buried the problem in his heart.

Chapter 500 Liudong Temple [[-]]

In a beam of light soaring into the sky, the silver Pegasus disappeared without a trace.

The girl known as King Arthur used her Noble Phantasm to wipe out the flying horse and its rider in the golden torrent.

Rider lost, without any suspense.

Saber was panting heavily, maybe it was not an easy task for her to use the treasure: "He actually summoned the phantom-species Pegasus... What a formidable opponent..."

"Saber, are you alright!" Emiya Shirou asked with concern.

"It's okay, I just need to take a break." The knight girl waved her hand, indicating that she was fine.

After confirming that his partner was all right, Emiya Shirou turned his gaze to the girl standing alone in the darkness. At this time, her slender and fragile appearance was like a ghost, as if she would be blown away by the night wind soon.


Emiya Shirou called out like this, but he just called softly and didn't step forward. Although he really wanted to go forward to comfort the other party, he also knew that now was not the time.The girl trembled slightly, she lowered her head and said nothing, as if she was wronged every time.

"Sakura, I'm sorry." The boy's clear voice echoed in the forest, "I don't hate you, when I think about you, I only want to help you. I treat you as my sister, and my feelings for you , and Tohsaka-san’s feelings for you should be similar, we all hope to help you get out. But, I’m sorry, I don’t have any more ideas about other things, so I’m sorry. You don’t have to Forgive me, but I still hope that you can return to Tohsaka-san."

Tohsaka Sakura didn't respond immediately, she suddenly raised her head and asked with a weeping smile, "Senior, can you give me a hug?"

"I'm sorry, I can't." Emiya Shirou bowed and apologized directly without hesitation.

Tears rolled down her face, and the girl smiled: "Okay, starting tomorrow. I will become the same school girl as before."

"No," the boy shook his head slightly, "you just need to be yourself."

After speaking, he took a step, passed by the girl, and ran to a higher place without looking back.


"Did you feel that Sakura couldn't beat Saber from the beginning?" Steve tilted his head and thought about it after witnessing this scene at the same time as Medea, "I think her follower is quite strong!"

"It's not a question of the strength of the servant." Medea shook her head, showing a self-deprecating smile: "It is impossible for a girl in love to take action against her sweetheart, and this man is indeed a good man."

When Medea said that, Steve was taken aback: "Good man?"

"Yeah," Medea smiled, "Those gentle men who don't want to hurt anyone in their relationship are actually standard scumbags. Because of his reason for doing this, either he likes both, so He doesn't want to hurt anyone; because he only likes himself, and only wants to maintain his gentle image that no one will hurt. Making decisions is the excellent quality of a man, wasting other people's youth to set off his popularity is not human What is scum."

Steve blinked, realizing what Medea was insinuating, he could only show an indifferent smile: "You still don't believe me! It's okay, I get it."

Regarding this, Medea just smiled noncommittally: "Okay, the other party should be approaching the mountain gate soon, so go quickly! As long as I don't remove the barrier, they can only enter through the mountain gate."

"Understood, leave the rest to me! After preparing for so long, you should be happy." Steve laughed, turned and walked out of the altar.

Watching his leaving back, Medea showed a slight smile: "...So it's no wonder I found such a type."


There are enchantment guards on the upper and lower parts of Liudong Temple, and entry will be restricted except for living beings. If they are servants, they will be directly downgraded.Therefore, even if Rin Tohsaka took a shortcut, he still had to enter through the main entrance of Liudong Temple in the end.

The mountain gate of the temple is not tall.After all, it's just an ordinary monk's temple, and any shrine in terms of the archway looks more magnificent than this.But just because there was a person sitting on top of the mountain gate, Tohsaka Rin, who had just rushed to the bottom of the mountain gate, felt at a loss.

The man sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain gate, and didn't speak when he saw him coming, but rested his chin on one hand and didn't know what he was thinking.

Of course Rin Tohsaka was not so naive as to think that she could just walk over like this, but she wasn't sure if she just attacked like this.Because according to the original plan, it is best for Saber to be the forward tank, and Archer to be in charge of the rear output... This is the basic way to fight.As far as Archer is concerned, if he can't hit him with one blow, it may be difficult to survive in this guy's hands.

Just as Tohsaka Rin was hesitating, Steve, who was sitting on the mountain gate, suddenly said: "You can wait a little longer! Sakura has already lost, that little brother will come here soon!"

Seeing Steve's calm appearance, Tohsaka Rin certainly felt uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but retorted: "I hope you can be so arrogant later."

"I'm not arrogant," Steve shrugged helplessly, "I'm just giving you time to prepare, so that you can be stronger. Don't wait too long, there should be two or three people coming over."

"Two or three people?" Tohsaka Rin narrowed his eyes, "Where are two or three people?"

"Of course there are!" Steve stretched out his hand and counted on his fingers, "Since I have already started to summon the Holy Grail, other people will of course gather here. Your Archer and that The little brother's Saber is a group; Berserker and Assassin are a group that will arrive soon; Lanner has not seen it yet, but it should be here soon! I will give you a chance to gather a five-member team, so that your chances of winning It will increase a lot!"

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help being taken aback... I didn't expect this guy to really plan to deal with everyone alone.

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