If you have to force the customer, you still believe that the other party will correct it.

As a result, the other party took this month's manuscript fee, ended it in an instant, turned around and left.

Shuke was shown off by the other party, and in the end he had to help him clean up the mess.

And in the eyes of others, Shuke suffered this loss just because he wanted to make money to keep his ten thousand subscriptions.No one would really believe that Shuke was put together by the other party because the stipulations of the contract were not detailed enough.

It's really tmd so stupid, hahahahahahaha, a group of people came up with this result after a half-day meeting, I don't know what to say.

Chapter 502 Liudong Temple [V]

The sand and dust transit stretches for thousands of miles.

The scene at this moment is indeed somewhat similar to the battle with Iskandar that year, but there are still some differences between the Gobi and the desert.Compared with the wandering sand dunes in the desert, the weathered rock walls standing alone on the Gobi are like tombstones standing on the withered land.

A dark figure stood on almost every rock. According to Medea, there were exactly 28 people. All the spirits summoned in the previous four Holy Grail Wars were here.

...Hey, wait, the heroic spirit of the first four Holy Grail Wars?

Steve subconsciously turned his gaze to Saber beside him, the knight girl wanted to pretend she didn't see it and stood upright, but as the others realized this matter and then turned their gazes to Saber.She had to explain in a bit of embarrassment: "...Because my exchange vow is to get the Holy Grail. If I don't get the Holy Grail, I'm still not a complete heroic spirit. That's why I can't transform into a spirit body."

"So you're a half-assed!"

When Steve opened his mouth, he delivered a critical blow.Seeing his servant's injured expression, Emiya Shirou couldn't help comforting him: "It's nothing, Saber, your attributes are basically A, and you are a very good servant."

"... Shirou."

"what happened?"

"If you can go back today, I will eat your pocket money for this month." The girl knight said blankly.

"Oh? Why?!"

Regardless of the flirting between attribute A and the housekeeper, Steve took out his glasses and carefully observed the farthest position.

Sure enough, on the No. 20 eight rock walls farthest away, the ones standing were not Heroic Spirits.

The black Sera is here alone. No, perhaps it is more appropriate to call her the Holy Maiden of Winter——Justesa at this time.Those cold, dusty eyes and expressions that don't have a trace of humanity are definitely not a temperament that can be imitated just because they look exactly the same.If you have not completely eliminated yourself from this world, you will definitely not be able to show that look.

"Mortal, what you do is against us."

An unreal female voice echoed in the sky, like a question from heaven.

"Oh." Steve replied rather uninspiringly.

As if noticing Steve's reaction, the other party emphasized his tone and the echo in the sky: "We guard the order between heaven and earth, and the iron law cannot allow mortals to touch it."

"Oh." It's still a word.

The echo effect was turned to the maximum, and the whole world was filled with deafening and sharp questions: "You are challenging the rules of the sky!"

"Oh." Steve scratched his head, "Can you put away those tricks of yours? Mind attack is useless to me. It's embarrassing."

Yes, even if it is the Holy Grail, it is impossible to understand the significance of the Hall of Valor and even Valhalla to this world.After all, the Holy Grail is only a part of this world organization. This is like Hakurei Reimu, no matter how powerful she is in the Great Barrier, it is impossible to control things outside the Barrier, not to mention that there may be some monsters and ghosts outside that are more powerful than her. .

But after Steve said this, he was a little uncertain whether the other party understood, because what was uncertain was—even if something like the Holy Grail was conscious, would it really understand what embarrassment was?

The next second, a sharp sword flew towards him, and Steve knocked it flying with one hand, but it still left obvious scars on his hand.

This is not an ordinary sword, but a magic weapon, which is the treasure of a heroic spirit.Steve couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and he noticed that among the 28 heroic spirits, the only heroic spirit that didn't look black, but was as shiny as ever.

"Die...die..." It was still a familiar voice, but it was no longer that arrogant.

As for the guy Jin Glitter, Steve was also very surprised to find that he hadn't been completely eroded by the Black Holy Grail, but his current appearance didn't seem to be the same as before.It's just a little normal compared to those heroic spirits who have completely turned black, but judging from his appearance now, it has nothing to do with normal.

It's just that, even if it's a little abnormal, Jin Yingying is still that Jin Yingying.Even though the arrogant ridicule was replaced by an angry roar, the treasure that was shot from the [King's Treasure] was real. When the treasure was shot towards him like an arrow, Steve's first shot The response: catch them.

Fuck!These are treasures!At least hundreds of thousands of points worth a handful of things, now don't need to pay a lot of money to send them away, it would be a fool not to accept them!

Ever since, the scene at this moment became like this in the eyes of onlookers who were desperately avoiding Jian Yu.

I saw Steve, who was facing the Noble Phantasm head-on, took a step forward and caught the blade of the first Noble Phantasm with his hand. After inserting the Noble Phantasm on the ground, he turned around and picked up the second one with his hands; After being caught too, because the third one flew too fast, Steve could only bite the treasure with his mouth; then, the fourth one had already arrived, so he turned sideways and clamped it with his elbow. Hold on to the fourth; the fifth and the fourth arrived almost at the same time, so while twisting his waist he jumped up somersault and clamped the fifth with his feet...

When Steve completed this set of operations with a difficulty factor of 9.0 with extremely fast movements, everyone else was tired of avoiding the sword rain's attack. Except for the shield treasure held by Archer, who could calmly resist it, the others in this Not very comfortable in rounds of blows.

Although Steve rushed forward to catch a dozen treasures with extremely superb skills, he only had two hands after all, so many weapons were inserted into his body.

The moment they noticed this situation, everyone else was taken aback.But before they felt that Steve's condition would affect the situation, they saw that he pulled out all the treasures that went through his arms, thighs and waist as if nothing happened. This looked weird, but it was true. It's happening right in front of your eyes.

However, with the treasured Phantasm pulled out, Steve's appearance transformed by the Transfiguration also disappeared.

The image of the square man appeared in front of everyone, and for a while, no one dared to recognize him as a person.Only Medea sent an uncertain tone of concern from the contract: "Master, do you need support?"

"Need not."

"But, if you don't have the transformation technique, wouldn't you be unable to use that boxing technique?"

"Have you ever seen someone fight with a sheep?"

Chapter 503 Liudong Temple [[-]]

This is the complete form of being a teacher... This stalk is too old so I won't talk about it.

Even if there is a special skill in the case of Transfiguration, it does not mean that this Transfiguration can really surpass Steve's own ability, but if it is reversed thinking, the skill of Transfiguration may still have a miraculous effect on Steve.After all, as long as there is no magic immunity, no matter how advanced the martial arts are, they will be afraid of the sheep knife.Fortunately, so far, the only ones with the skill of "Sheep Knife" are Lily and the remake of Lily Yujie, and Steve feels at ease and uses his dough as clothes in exchange.

But for Steve, this is already a trick of the past.After that, after Steve went through three more world changes, the gap between the two became even wider.Wearing this skin can only bully and bully children. If there is a fight, it must be inconvenient to fight with each other while playing with the bondage.

Therefore, when the square-headed square-brained square man appeared, many conditions changed.

The Noble Phantasm that falls on the ground will be automatically taken back by [King's Treasure], but it's another matter if Steve catches it.

The swords stuck on Steve's body disappeared in an instant before they could be retracted, because they entered the inventory one after another.Disabling Polymorph not only changed Steve's grabbing decision, but also completely liberated his automatic pickup ability.Steve put on the armor, touched a golden apple and took a bite. After recovering some blood, he continued to catch the sword with his bare hands.

While avoiding in the sword rain, Steve ran all the way along the Gobi desert full of swords. Steve didn't care whether the treasure was good or bad, the main thing was to touch it and earn it.

But the problem facing this way is that the item bar will soon be full.

At this time, I can only throw these props one by one into the conversion table to turn them into points, and then go to pick up new ones.It's just that the difficulty of doing such a thing in this kind of sword rain is a bit too high.So Steve took out the [Forbidden Torch] and stuck it directly on the sand in the Gobi Desert.This kind of torch that can forcibly flick the flying props is also useful for these treasures that are simply smashed.

The Noble Phantasm touched the edge of the green light, and all the sword rain was bounced back, immediately causing Aoe damage to the headless army at the feet of the black hero.

But even so, Jin Glitter still didn't stop, he seemed to realize that Steve had snatched his treasure, and Jian Yu became more violent and fierce in his rage.However, this does not affect Steve who is shrouded in the [Forbidden Torch]. Cube Man is still concentrating on copying treasures and exchanging points, completely ignoring the shadows of swords, lights and swords flying all over the sky.


Compared to Steve, the people in Emiya's family are not so comfortable.What they thought they were going to see was a big showdown between the strong, but they soon discovered that there were actually three parties on the battlefield.

One side is Steve, who is busy with a big harvest, and has no intention of fighting the other side head-on; one side is the Black Holy Grail, Justisa, who is still possing there so far; , and his Noble Phantasm hit Steve's [Forbidden Torch], it would be bounced and flew around.

This makes the people who originally watched the battle also be drawn into the battle circle, even if they try to stay away from the battle center, but in a short period of time, the effect of this method is not very good.

Because the scope of the sword being ejected is far larger than they imagined.Without the protection of the servants, it would be difficult to survive this kind of battle even for a minute.

Steve, who had just experienced a wave of packages, only noticed the critical condition of the others at this time.

Collecting treasures is of course important, but if these people are all dead, it would not be good news for Steve.Although I think I'm greedy for this kind of thing, but it's not the kind of greed that doesn't care about the importance.What's more, I thought it was very powerful when there were only a few in the past, but now it's delivered in parcels and parcels, but I don't think I cherish it very much.


"What did you call me?" Medea's displeased voice came from the other end of the contract.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Steve wiped his sweat violently, "These things are all under control! I mean, if I use something with particularly high power, it won't completely destroy this place! "

Medea really wanted a bite of what she deserved.

Because in terms of structure, his own enchantment is wrapped outside the intrinsic enchantment of the Holy Grail, so no matter how powerful it is, it can only destroy the entire intrinsic enchantment, and it should not affect things outside.However, there is no certainty, who knows what Steve will come up with, maybe just pierce the two layers of membrane together?

"...Master, you should be a little lighter."


Steve originally wanted to get the black gun out, but he felt that he had got so many new treasures, it would be better to use a new one!Steve picked one out at random.

This sword named balmung looks like a crusader sword. When he touched the sword, Steve didn't pay attention to it, so he just poured points into it, and then the whole sword looked like a beam weapon. Usually lights up - this is also a normal reaction to high energy.

Inject, raise your hand, swing your sword.

"【Fantasy Great Sword · Heavenly Demon Lost Fall】."

The layers of sword energy swung out have condensed into ripples like the light of the pure world, sweeping towards the thousands of troops in front of them, and wiped out those headless miscellaneous soldiers in just an instant.After the six heroic spirits in the front rushed down from above to resist at the same time, and four of them were wiped out by this blow, it was only with the help of the subsequent seven that they counteracted the tsunami-like sword energy.

But before they could recover, the Cube Man raised another treasure.

It was a drill-like treasure, and the pen was longer than the previous one.Steve aimed it straight ahead,

"[Hongni Sword Caladbolg]."

The drill-like long sword flew out of his hand, it rushed into the sky like a missile, drew a bewitching trajectory in the sky, and directly hit the heads of the nine black heroic spirits.An extremely bright spot lit up in the desert, and then a huge mushroom cloud appeared before the explosion, and the shock wave that swept away everything knocked down all the dry rocks in the desert.

Two A-level and above anti-army treasures caused huge damage to the scene, which was not only reflected in physical damage, but also brought a very strong spiritual impact to other people.

They didn't realize that it was the treasure that Steve had just snatched, but who is this guy who just threw away the A-level treasure like this?Always thought he was just a fighting magician, but what's going on?The Holy Grail side also realized that the opponent should not be allowed to bombard like this, and the Heroic Spirit over there also sacrificed a Noble Phantasm.

Realizing that the battle had finally turned into a battle of Noble Phantasms irretrievably, the Emiya family, as bystanders, could only rely on Archer's shield and Saber's Wind King Barrier to block the aftermath of the Noble Phantasms. Although Berserker and Assassin were alone Human combat ability is powerful, but it is useless at this time.

When at least six beams of light were lit on the opposite side, huge fluctuations in magic power were accumulating energy.Steve casually touched a strange red polearm of A+++ grade and came out.

"Uh, how should I read this? [Everything is born by my gun]."

The red spear lit up for a moment, but nothing happened in the next second.Steve was stunned for a moment, thinking that his activation had failed, but he checked the points, and the 300 million points were indeed spent.Seeing the light cannons falling from the sky, the light cannons shooting from the front, and the light cannons that cut through the ground rushing towards him, Steve was still thinking about whether to take out another one, Gobi Countless huge trees suddenly grew on the beach.

These trees grow like crazy, even in the face of shock waves and high heat, they will not retreat in the slightest. It seems that the mother earth of menopause makes these trees cover the entire Gobi Desert like a tide. These trees are transformed into real gun forests. Everything he saw was pierced, only where Steve was still bare.

"Has the other party been eliminated?" Steve asked.

"No, if it is eliminated, the inherent barrier will also disappear. There are still 8 black heroic spirits left."

"Oh, that means this place is still a secret! Does that mean that blowing up this enchantment will kill him?" So saying, Steve touched it again, and then took out a red stick, " This thing seems to be called the Anti-World Treasure Phantasm, do you want to try it?"

"...Master, you'd better be gentle."

"I know."


Steve doesn't know.

He didn't know that what he was lifting now was the treasure that Gilgamesh shot from the king's treasury in a state of frenzy.

When he raised the ornately decorated three-section red iron rod, the entire space began to fluctuate and twist violently.The scenery became distorted and difficult to distinguish with the rotation of the iron rod, as if the origin of this world had begun to collapse.

It's just that Steve, standing at the center of it all, didn't notice it.

He just thought it was quite fresh, and Medea, who had noticed something wrong before, wanted to stop him through the contract, but the golden-red energy that dispelled everything was directly pushed away even the tiny fluctuations of the contract connection. So Steve didn't hear anything.

Feeling that the red iron rod in his hand was spinning like a vibrator, Steve felt that it was almost the same, and aimed the tip of the iron rod in the approximate direction of the Holy Grail.

Steve’s way of pronouncing his real name has always been similar to the name of the dish, and he glanced at the name of the treasure, and Steve read it indifferently: “[Heaven and earth leave Pi Zhi Xing].”

...... 呅

This sound is actually not a specific sound made by air conduction, but the external sound has touched the upper limit of hearing, so the instinctive protection mechanism adopted by the nerves.

At this moment, no matter it is the sandy soil, the weathered rocks, the wildly spreading trees, and the endless sky in the vast Gobi Desert, all of them have been shattered, and all these are like unreal illusions, chopped to pieces by the golden red sword of truth Eight falls, like flowers in a mirror, shattered one by one.

Seeing the appearance of everything collapsed by his own blow, Steve still felt a little complacent, but in the next second, Medea's scream came from the other end of the contract.

"Ah!!! What did you do, Master?!!!"

"Ah? Why, what's the matter?"

"You broke the enchantment of the altar too!!!"

It turned out that the power of Steve's blow had pierced through the enchantment of the Holy Grail and directly blew away half of Liudong Temple. When the scenery returned to night and the moon hung in the sky again, his face was peeled off In Liudong Temple, Steve was dumbfounded. It took him a long time to stammer out a sentence:

"...Sorry...I didn't mean to."

Even if he didn't see anyone, Steve could still imagine Medea's headache and sigh: "...Forget it, the matter of cleaning up the Black Heroic Spirit should be finished anyway, Master, check it out, don't let the Holy Grail get away .”

...The Holy Grail can still run?Steve wanted to complain, but since he did something wrong just now, he didn't dare to be mean, and went to check the location of Justesa honestly.

At this time, Justesa was lying on the altar where Steve went up and poked her, but there was no response.

"...She probably passed out."

But at this time, it was Medea's interrogative sentence that answered Steve on the other end of the contract: "fainted?"

"Yeah, passed out," Steve poked her again, still no response, "Of course it could be dead."

"How could the Holy Grail die and pass out?"


Realizing that something was wrong, Steve immediately started looking for the Emiya family who had been involved before.But at this moment, Steve suddenly heard a man's voice behind him: "I am the bone of my sword."

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