Lily was taken aback by Steve's words, and then showed a dazed expression: "Sure enough, I can't, I'm going too, I'll leave this to you! Fox!"

Yakumo Lan smiled helplessly, and didn't answer, but silently started tidying up the half-finished room.Ever since, the duo of Steve's master and servant sneaked out while Bazzett was still cleaning his room.


In the afternoon, the long red stone brick road extends to the dessert shop in the distance.

On the semi-outdoor seat at the entrance of the dessert shop, Lily stuffed the sponge pudding into her mouth with relish, and said to Steve, "Master, this tastes really good, don't you want one too?"

Because Steve has no concept of taste, he is a little curious about her love for this kind of thing as a heroic spirit: "... Is this food delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious. It's very sweet with maple syrup. Do you want it too?" Lily dug a piece with a spoon and handed it to Steve.

Facing this invitation, Steve frowned...

Seeing his expression, Lily was a little unhappy: "Why, don't you like it..."

"No!" The little witch's accusation made Steve a little aggrieved: "It's just that this spoon is not edible!"

Hearing this, Lily was startled, and she soon understood what was going on.The mood improved in an instant, and the little witch stuffed the spoon into her mouth: "Then there is no way! Master, you didn't take it orally!"


Not quite understanding why Lily was so playful and proud, Steve decided to turn the topic to the real thing: "Speaking of which, the magician here is quite good at hiding himself, I tried it with the [Detective Rod] Many people have not discovered that they have a strong energy."

"This is normal!"

Lily licked the spoon, and glanced at the hatchback sedan that looked like a classic car that occasionally passed by the roadside, and an old British grandmother was sitting in it.

"Although it is a school, it can still be seen that the pace of life in this small town is quite slow. It does have the result of the continuous decline of the British Empire for more than 200 years, but I feel that the reason should be that most of the magicians should be It’s indoors! It’s still hard for us to find this kind of creature on the main road, so we need to be patient if we need someone to guide us.”

"Is that so..."

Steve looked slightly disappointed.

After the two came out, they realized that there seemed to be no way to just enter the Magic Association.Because according to Bazzett, this is already the Magic Association, but the Magic Association itself is a hermit organization, and if you want to enter their exchange, you don't have to just break in.This is not a villager's house, you can't use a sword to force him to exchange emeralds for wheat with you.

"Trouble, can I have another one?" Lily said to the store owner.

"Of course, my lady." The boss brother smiled and walked into the room.

Lily was still enjoying her dessert, while Steve rested his chin in boredom and observed the pedestrians around him.At this moment, I suddenly saw a beautiful blonde girl get out of a car, with a housekeeper behind her, walking straight towards the store.

Although blond hair and blue eyes are considered a relatively standard beauty configuration in Northern Europe, they are not rare, but this one seems to have a temperament that cannot be ignored.Probably because she noticed Steve's eyes, the other party gave Steve and the others a condescending glance, but her eyes didn't stop at Steve, instead they stopped at Lily's dessert , and then watched her walk to the glass counter and said, "Boss, bring me a sponge pudding with maple syrup."

"Uh..." The boss with the sponge pudding in his hand was stunned for a moment: "Sorry, because there was no replenishment yesterday, the sponge pudding is gone."

"No more?" The girl glanced at the copy in the boss's hand with her sharp eyes, "Isn't there still?"

"This one belongs to the lady."

Following the boss's words, the girl's eyes turned to Lily, and the little witch also noticed the other's eyes.Steve, who was caught in the middle, couldn't help pulling the chair back, otherwise he would always feel hit by the "electric light" when the two of them made eye contact...

Chapter 518 Small town [[-]]

It was also because Steve avoided it in this way, so the two sides had no chance to wait and see.The little witch did not speak because she had the pre-determined initiative, and perhaps because of this, the other party came over on her own initiative.

She pulled up her blue pleated skirt and performed an aristocratic etiquette, and then said in a flat but slightly proud tone: "Hello, my name is Luvia Celenta, if you can give me this pudding If so, I promise to give you a reward that surprises you."

"Don't do it."

Lily answered in seconds.

The little witch's reaction made the girl named Luvia clenched her fists.Noticing this, Steve turned his gaze to Lily, and the little witch at this time stared back at her without fear.Of course, it's natural for her not to be afraid, but Steve doesn't quite understand why she is so obsessed with this thing. Isn't Heroic Spirit able to do without eating?

At this time, the girl named Luvia's face was already red to the ears, but she was not "pretty", but "angry": "...I think you need to think carefully, because a lucky one is with you You passed by..."

"No, I don't think you can give me anything to surprise me," Lily interrupted her directly, "Don't you think it's ridiculous to make promises to people so casually?"


The girl didn't speak, but Lily's attitude clearly angered her.After she took a deep breath, she suddenly put on a very serious expression: "As the heir of the Edelfelt family, I cannot accept such an insult from you. Since you think so, let's make a bet! If I can Come up with something that surprises you, not only will you give me this pudding, but you will also be my servant for a month."

The expression on the other side's face when he said this was extremely serious, the expression on which he stared at the little witch, as if he wanted to see panic and frustration on her face.

But Lily just raised her eyebrows with a little disdain: "If not, then do you want to be my servant for a month?"

At this moment, swords are tense in front of the dessert shop.

The girl who was the heir of such a family didn't immediately respond to Lily's words, which showed that she was still awake at this time.How to say whether Lily can be "surprised" is a matter of her own words. For her, this bet is too conceited.Besides, she has already reported the name of her family, but the other party still hasn't admitted her love, which means that the other party may not be a good person...

At this moment when she was in a dilemma, the housekeeper who was silent by the side just now suddenly spoke:

"Miss, it's getting late."

This is the step the housekeeper gave her, but when she was still hesitating whether to accept it like this, Lily suddenly asked, "What? I made a bet, but now I plan to run away?"

……what?its not right!Was this little girl so rigid before?

Steve has a wonderful expression, but it's a pity that others didn't notice his popular face.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the face of the girl named Luvia. After watching her face turn from red to purple, and then into bronze, she finally said: "Okay, then I'll give you a surprise!" The moment she said this, the girl opened a bear hug that was completely unsuitable for a girl and rushed towards Lily, which seemed to be some kind of wrestling technique.

Lily was indeed taken aback, she never expected that the other party would rush towards her so suddenly.Because it stands to reason, shouldn't the magicians here be carrying out their creed of seclusion?

The little witch was taken aback, but it was impossible to just ignore Steve who was between them.

Steve noticed this weird movement the moment the opponent made a move, so when the girl had passed in front of him and was about to pounce on Lily, Steve had already grabbed her by the back of the collar. .


Luvia only felt that she was lifted in mid-air with a light touch on her feet.It was only at this time that she noticed that it was the completely unremarkable young man between the two who shot.

For this person, Luvia's first reaction was a bodyguard.

Even if she is good at wrestling, she is still just a girl who weighs less than 100 catties.It is not uncommon to be able to catch her own strong man, but she also has her own way to deal with such a guy.I saw that Luvia climbed onto Steve's arm without caring about the image, and then locked his neck with her thigh, trying to shake the balance of the cube man, and then slammed it down.

But after her waist suddenly exerted strength, she found that the other party's center of gravity was not as unstable as she expected, and she even didn't move at all.

This surprised her a little, but she didn't have time to think about it at this time.Since she didn't overthrow the opponent, at least let the opponent let go, so she immediately clamped Steve's arm with her flexible legs, trying to bend Steve's joints, forcing him to let go in pain.It's just that she soon discovered that this man was like an iron man. Even if she exhausted her waist, she couldn't bend his elbow... You must know that she is called "the crane among ladies" in Finland. ", once broke the neck of a buffalo, what kind of strength is this guy?

"Well, are you going to beat her up?"

This sentence pulled Luvia back from her self, and she noticed that this man did not concentrate on competing with herself, but spoke to his employer calmly.At this time, the other party seemed to feel that they had the chance to win, but Luvia wouldn't just sit and wait.

With the sound of clothes being torn, the girl pulled herself out of the jacket like a monkey.All that remained in Steve's hands was the torn blue and white lace coat, and after she got off, Luvia rolled on the ground, away from Steve's position.

Abandoning her coat in public and wearing only a bra and tight girdle, Luvia did not show her shy appearance like a normal aristocratic girl. She folded her arms in front of her chest indifferently, looking like a seasoned wrestler player.

Luvia stared at Steve closely and asked, "Who are you?"

"You attacked us first, and then asked who we are?"

Before Steve could speak, Lily's brows were bristling.

Luvia was silent for a moment, then she turned to the stunned boss and said, "Give her this pudding."

"Ah, oh, oh..." Although no real conflict broke out, the owner of the dessert shop still said with lingering fear, "I'm glad you all like my pudding, but please don't hurt yourselves, when you come back tomorrow , can I invite you for free?"

For the boss's words, Luvia just nodded slightly, and did not respond, because she knew that this was no longer about pudding.

After sending the boss away, Luvia turned around and stared at Lily: " are magicians."

Chapter 519 Small Town [Seven]

As the heir of the family, Luvia Celenta Edfield knew that she could recognize people with her eyes since she was a child. Of course, she didn't realize that the other party was a magician until now.

As early as the girl satirized her proposal, she realized that the other party might be a magician.At that time, I also thought that the other party was also a magician, and I couldn't lose to her, a magician who looked about my age, so I became competitive.But if you look at the reaction at that time now, the other party actually deliberately provoked me.Otherwise, she just refuses directly, why bother to mock herself.

If you are provoked, you will naturally fight back.So I tried to replace "surprise" with "shock" to make the other party restrain their arrogant attitude.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that the unattractive man next to me was unexpectedly powerful.

Wrestling is a technique for joints, and human joints are very fragile. The relationship between strength and strength is not as great as that of boxing or sumo wrestling.As long as you use the right force in the right place, the joints will definitely be bent or broken. However, the feeling of fighting this man just now is like a sculpture. The joint skills of the human body are completely useless to him, let alone It's broken...not even a bend.

Realizing some of the possibilities, Luvia took the initiative to raise this question from the magician.

...The other party's reaction was also as expected.

The man still gave his gaze to the girl sitting next to him, but the girl didn't fight back immediately after being frightened by him. She looked straight at him with her rare purple eyes, and said after a while.

"Are all the magicians in the Magic Association at your level?"

This sentence made Luvia's heart skip a beat.

The attitude of the other party did not exceed her expectations, and what he wanted to express was nothing more than an ordinary sentence of contempt and provocation.What touched Luvia's heartstrings was not the other party's contempt, but the area she was referring to - the Magic Association.

Although the Magic Association is powerful now, there are still many hidden families that are not under the jurisdiction of the Magic Association.But these hermit families basically abide by the regulations and will not go out, let alone run to the headquarters of the clock tower with such an arrogant attitude.It's just that there are exceptions to everything. Luvia noticed that the other party's age should be about the same as her own, and she quickly had an idea in her mind.

"I don't know how many of my level are in the Magic Association, but the guy who is scared by me like this may not necessarily reach this level."

Luvia's eyes showed a fierce confrontation.

……yes.Members of the Edfield family will never show weakness no matter who they face.Besides, Luvia is confident that she is considered a leader among her peers. Whether it is academics, magic, or combat ability, her family background is first-rate. How could she be despised by this little girl who came out of nowhere? .

The girl smiled.

The moment she saw that smile, Luvia suddenly noticed a purple glow on her chest.

……how is this possible?

...without spells?Not even a hand move?

Luvia instinctively wanted to take out her own gems to fight back, but before her idea was put into practice, the brilliance suddenly expanded.The white light deprived her vision, Luvia only felt a torrent passing through her chest, the tearing pain was like a train rumbling past her chest...


"Miss, what's the matter with you?" The butler of the Edfield family with a moganzi hairstyle came from behind with concern.

At this time, Luvia noticed that she could still breathe, and that she was not directly killed by the radiance, and a kind of joy of surviving a near-death came from her instinct.The moment he realized this kind of joy, it turned into a chilling fear and horror.

Listening to her heavy breathing, Luvia probably understood what happened just now, but she didn't fully understand what the other party did and how she did it.The only thing that is understandable is that the other party is a very powerful magician, far superior to himself, even his teacher.Although the teacher himself belongs to the academic school, he is not that good at fighting.

Thinking of the teacher, and looking at the man who couldn't move his arm just now, Luvia seemed to understand something, so when the butler came up, she was immediately scolded:

"...It's nothing, let's go."

The butler with Moganzi hair but wearing a suit was taken aback by Luvia's scolding. He didn't understand how he had offended the eldest lady, but he still retreated cautiously.

After drinking the butler away, Luvia looked at Lily, took a step back, took a deep breath, and then bowed ninety degrees like a Japanese: "I'm sorry for the previous rudeness. If you want If it is pursued, everything will be borne by me, Luvia Serinta."


The other party suddenly apologized, and Steve couldn't help being taken aback.

Lily was still smiling lightly, and she didn't speak in a hurry, but just watched the noble lady bowing to herself.So, Luvia maintained this action in public, which attracted curious glances from passers-by and whispered about what happened here.

This shameful crowd continued, and Steve noticed that the girl's hands were clenched into fists and trembling slightly, but Lily was still not ready to answer.

"Uh...Lily, do you want to keep doing this?" Steve asked in a low voice in the contract.

"No hurry." The little witch really looks like a princess of a country at the moment, waving the power to judge others calmly and leisurely. "Let her stand for a while, and she will be more likely to agree to our request later."

"Oh, that's what you did to her on purpose?"

"On purpose? No, I don't know any Edfield family. I'm just fishing."


"Yeah, whoever you meet will be whoever you meet. If you meet a proud and arrogant young lady, it's good luck to get it right with a few words." Lily seemed to be in a good mood.

...Sure enough, the witch part has begun to awaken!

Steve glanced at Luvia who was still bowing with some pity.The girl probably didn't realize that the other party was not testing her sincerity, but simply wanted to torment her.

No matter how much a magician is a magician, it is impossible for a magician to maintain the same posture like a square man. At this time, Luvia, who was already sweating profusely, couldn't hold it anymore, and fell to her knees on the ground as soon as her knees softened.The butler hurried up to help her, but she pushed him away.

At this time, Lily spoke slowly:

"Come on! We're actually just here for a casual stroll, and you can see magicians everywhere! But they're all so weak that they're worthless. Don't tell me you're all this kind of penniless The type of value? Nothing interesting?"

"Yes, of course." Luvia suddenly raised her head, her eyes were bright, "If you want to see it, I can take you there."

Lily's bright eyes brightened as a matter of course: "Okay."

Only Steve, who saw the situation clearly from the side, noticed the same expression on the faces of the two men: hooked.

Chapter 520 Clock Tower [[-]]

Of course Steve knew that Lily recognized this girl as a magician from the very beginning. It would be unbelievable if a mage from the Age of Gods could not do this.But what makes Steve very strange is that the girl didn't recognize Lily as a heroic spirit.Although she didn't wear her heroic spirit dress of a small fairy, but no matter how you look at it, there are not many girls with purple hair and purple eyes!Or is it that the magician's ability to accept nonsense has reached such a terrifying level?

don't understand...

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