Noticing this, Steve also paused, suddenly realizing that... it seemed to be over.


Steve stopped, but the fear he caused didn't.

Realizing that he was in purgatory on earth, Mohawk suddenly regained his humanity. When he saw the strange man walking towards him with a black broadsword, he suddenly felt that he was doing something stupid. matter.The other party is a tireless killing machine, why would I do such a thing?

Fear built a high wall in his heart in just an instant, and what came out from the other end of the wall was a square head and a shadow covering the earth.


There was a scream, and the first biker who was overwhelmed by fear started to run away.

If one escapes, there will be a second.

So one after another, they screamed and wailed, and although Steve didn't chase them with the sword again, they still screamed in fear.These people scrambled and crawled to find their locomotive, rummaged through the keys, and even hacked each other to death in order to fight for a car.They completely forgot that they were still united behind the boss just now.

Watching this scene silently, Steve was very calm. He put away his sword and began to clean the battlefield.

"Are you comfortable?" Kishua's voice came from the contract again.

"..." Hearing this question, Steve paused for a moment. Instead of answering, he asked, "Why do you think I feel comfortable?"

"You didn't need to kill them, they are just insignificant ants," Kishua said, "You would kill them like this, isn't it just for revenge."

"Revenge? Why?" Steve became confused instead.

If it was an ordinary person, Kishua must have felt that the other party was brushing him, but because it was Steve, he thought for a while: "You don't have revenge? Don't tell me what you are carrying about'for God' Faith sent them to death, I don't think you have any idea who God is."

"A god of human beings, I still know that."...from Lily.

Feeling that Steve is also quite calm, Kishua felt very surprised, but let go of the blame mentality: "Then why did you do such an unnecessary thing? Tell me, maybe this will benefit us later. Cooperation."

Steve looked back at the corpse that had begun to decompose, and let out a soft breath: "How should I put it... You should think that I don't understand human beings! But before that, I think you don't understand life."

"……How to say?"

"Since you know my way of existence, you should also know that these people are more like me than you. In other words, I am the same as them. The emotions you just had just because they resemble you in appearance .Although I don’t look like them in appearance, in essence, I am the same as them.”

Hearing Steve's words, Kishua was stunned.

Bewildered by Steve's rough appearance, he instinctively felt that the other party was a rough person.In fact, Steve is usually quite rough, but what he didn't expect was that at this time, this guy could actually notice things that he didn't even notice.

"..." After spending some time in astonishment and sorting out his astonishment, Kishua rearranged his words and replied: "You are right... It stands to reason that you are indeed closer to them. But, do you want to tell me , did you kill them because you understood them?"

Hearing Kishua's inner turmoil, Steve smiled slightly: "It is, it is not."

"...This kind of talk in circles is not suitable for you." Kishua rarely complained seriously.

"Maybe! In short, this battle may not be meaningful to you, but it is still meaningful to me. You are not me, and you won't understand." The square man said with a smile.


Kishua was silent for a moment. If it was him before, he would definitely argue with Steve on this.But thinking of what he still had to do, he decided not to worry about what was going on in Steve's cube head: "Waste your tongue, get out of there quickly, I'll wait for you at the previous church, be careful not to Being followed."

Chapter 549 Flame of War [End]

The dark city smells of gunpowder and sulfur everywhere.

Steve walked unhurriedly on the way to the church, he didn't listen to Kishua's words, or in other words, he didn't intend to listen.So when he returned to the door of the church, what was waiting there was Marshal Mo Dao leaning against the door with a stinky face.

"Are you finally back?"

Although Kishua put on a stinky face, he didn't question or blame Steve, but said so casually.

Steve grinned: "Yeah, it looks like it's quite a big mess."

"...This is not important," the young man casually glanced at the red sky in the distance, "I just want to ask you, how many times can you perform such a trick?"

"Which?" Steve turned his head following his gaze, and when he realized that the other party was talking about a magma ditch that was still boiling in the distance, he smiled awkwardly, "Ah! No, at least not now."

Hearing Steve's answer, Kishua sighed softly: "Sure enough, seeing you change your fighting style, I think it may be so. That is to say, the opponent has already succeeded."

"What do you mean?" Steve didn't respond.

"Aren't you looking for NPC to help us, isn't it just to consume us? That's why I asked you to retreat directly. As long as you fight in the next battle, you have already been succeeded by the opponent." Speaking of this, Kishua lowered his voice , "Of course, there are also my reasons for this. I shouldn't belittle the enemy with you. No matter how insignificant the other party is, it is still a heroic spirit. Even if her master is an idiot, the heroic spirit itself is a person who can fight well."

"Uh..." Steve scratched the back of his head, "I didn't expect the opponent to use such a tactic, at least before, even if it was a sea of ​​people tactic, it was just an inherent enchantment or something."

"I didn't expect either," Kishua paused when he said this, and he looked up at the spinning golden wheel in the sky, "I also didn't expect that the other party would use the collective consciousness of NPCs to do things."

"Collective consciousness?" Steve frowned.

"Well, collective consciousness," Kishua nodded, "the opposite of individual consciousness is collective consciousness. Whether a thing should be done is only a subjective thing for a person. But when a group of people feel that this Things should be done, that is an objective phenomenon. So there is a qualitative difference between collective consciousness and individual consciousness, which itself is a huge force. And because it is a force, collective consciousness needs to be guided by people .Infuse a new will into it, and the collective will will automatically start to operate, thus generating an unstoppable force like a torrent and starting to operate with this will."

"Uh... I still don't understand." This topic made Steve a little confused, "Aren't those people tricked or hired?"

"That's just the surface," Kishua looked at Steve, "I mean, how did this method succeed."

"The premise of cheating is to believe that the premise of hiring is common interests. That is to say, the other party finds the inner weakness of NPCs, so she can deceive or hire successfully. And the other party is so hardworking, it is obvious that what she is looking for is very accurate She successfully injected her idea into the collective consciousness of the NPCs when the NPCs were completely confident and believed in herself, and made them feel that it was their own idea. Afterwards, they unswervingly implemented it according to this idea. "

"This is a fool..."

"It's a fool, but it's also true. The strong need not always use their fists, but most of the time they can turn the world around with their thoughts. It's not certain whether the other party is good at this, but at least she knows how to use it for sure. "

"Okay!" Steve scratched his head, "Now at least we understand how we are at a disadvantage, so shall we also instigate NPCs?"

"No, it's not necessary," Kishua shook his head. "It's hard to say what will happen to the collective consciousness once it takes action. It depends on the opponent's manipulation methods. An out-of-control collective consciousness is likely to backfire. And even if it does, I also have a better method, there is no need to use such means. But before I talk about this question, I want to know one thing."

"What do you want to know?"

Kishua looked Steve up and down, and said solemnly: "How can I replenish your magic power?"

"Uh..." Steve blinked, "What do you mean?"

"I've tried it, but I can't supply you with magic power normally through the contract channel," Kishua put his arms around his chest, and said flatly, "Although there are relatively primitive ways to replenish magic power, and I don't care if the other party is a man or not." Girl, but with you, I really don't know where to start."

Although he didn't know what he wanted to do, Steve still felt an inexplicable evil in the gaze cast by the other party.

"Me? I don't need magic power!"

"..." Kishua looked at Steve in astonishment after getting this answer, "You don't need magic power? Then how do you use the treasure?"

"Uh," Steve thought for a while, and handed a small wooden sign to the other party, "See if you can charge your magic power into it."

Kishua didn't understand what Steve meant, but he still took the wooden sign. He flipped it up and down, but couldn't see what the mystery was: "This is a wooden sign, how can I charge it? I can't feel it. any power."

"Sure enough..."

The different usability between modules is also common, and Steve can only eliminate his little expectation, "I have a way to replenish energy by myself, but I need to build a factory to produce such energy. Maybe there is device, you can convert your magic power into my energy."

Kishua accepted the answer with a nod and returned the Energy Star to Steve.

Taking over Energy Star, Steve remembered the previous topic: "You haven't told me what the better way you said is."

"It's a little troublesome to explain, let's find a place that can help you build a factory! Judging from the current situation, we still don't know much about what Mooncell itself has. At least we should understand that this is not a simple In the battle on the duel field, the enemies we have to face are definitely not as simple as the opponents we set up. Don't dawdle, my familiar has found dozens of stalkers. In short, get out of here first Bar!"

After finishing speaking, Kishua walked up to Steve, took out a gem staff, and knocked on his body, and in an instant, the two disappeared together.


In the dark alleyway opposite the church, a man in a police uniform pressed the brim of his hat, turned on his walkie-talkie and said, "Report Black Pigeon, this is code number 9731, the target has disappeared."

"Black pigeon received, please continue to monitor other targets."

"9731 understands."


ps: After writing this article, I originally wanted to write some explanations of the recent situation in the past year, but I found too much while writing.

Forget it, I'll update first.Let's post that thing again!

The part of the war is my newly adjusted writing method. If you have any complaints, you can leave a message in the book review area, and I will read it.

Urgent ps2: Absolutely, I can’t create a new public chapter now, the background system is getting worse and worse, I’m clearly sub-volume related to the work, and I can’t delete the VIP chapter myself.

In short, if you don't want to read it, or if you are not interested, don't read the next chapter, return to the table of contents, and skip it directly.

Explanation of the situation in the past year

Hello readers who will still read this book.

I know that many readers may have abandoned the book because of my long-term procrastination, and I am very guilty about this, but there is no way, after all, this is caused by myself.

Readers who have read the testimonials of this book should know that when I wrote this book two years ago, my mentality was to prove myself.

However, when this book really became a million-ordered book, I faced a dilemma: I have proved it, and then what?

This question seems ridiculous, but it really made me lose my direction. This is one of the main reasons why I was so obsessed at the beginning of the ship girl chapter.Because I don't know what I'm writing, I'm just writing by instinct.

I see a lot of readers spraying me, and spraying this book is getting more and more boring.

I'm flustered because it's not actually a rant, it's a fact.You just told me the things that are taken for granted, so after the problem comes to me, I have to solve it.

But the truth is, at least the me who was more than a year ago couldn't solve this problem.I am very distressed to ask myself, what am I writing, what do I want to write, what should I write, and what should I not write.

What kind of things do I have to write for readers to like, and what do readers not like?What exactly do readers want?What don't you want?and so on.

Does it look very painful? (laugh)

Yes, it just hurts.

It's been a long time since I opened the author background.This kind of discomfort is not a psychological discomfort, but a physiological phenomenon such as cold hands and feet, dry mouth, and numbness of the scalp.

So of course, I began to feel that I was exhausted, that I had no hope of saving and so on.I even wondered if it was true what my father said: I am not suitable for writing novels.


"How is it possible, that old bastard who only knows how to gamble every day now knows nothing."

It may be because of my rebellious nature, I started to supplement all kinds of knowledge, until one day last month, I suddenly found the missing puzzle piece in my heart from a book on individual psychology called "Inferiority and Transcendence": [ The meaning of the book].


I once said that I would do my best to bring readers better works.But I have to admit, my thoughts at that time were money.

I naively think that manuscript fees and subscriptions are the recognition of readers, and there may still be a considerable number of authors who think so.

But you can't write good things just for the money.

Some of you may not believe it, well, yes, neither did I.

At that time, I also thought that maybe the reduction in manuscript fees would give me a sense of urgency, and maybe I could have better creations.The update I procrastinate is not because I am looking for a job to do something else, I just want to know what I am like to stimulate my creative motivation.

But it turns out, no.

Even if I don't have money, I still can't write something that I am satisfied with.

In other words, no matter what the superficial self thinks, the inner self does not believe in the logic of money.Money cannot stimulate the id, and it cannot be the key to self-transcendence.

What exactly is that key?

is "meaning".


We all know that if you want to do something well, you can't do it without putting your heart and soul into it.At this time, we must open our senses, bravely accept the good and bad of this matter, and endure the setbacks and tests it brings us again and again, only then can we make progress in this.

But people are a strange thing because we don't like to do things that don't make sense.And strangest of all, the meaning is not determined by the present self, but by the past self.

No one can control what they like and what they are interested in. Even if interests change, there is still a process.

And this process must be meaningful.

Human beings live in the realm of meaning.


The original meaning of this book is to [prove yourself]. When this meaning is achieved, its meaning to me is over.

The meaning is over, but the story is not.So what should we do next?It should be to find more meaning.Then I realized that the phrase [bring more and better content to readers] should not be an empty phrase.

Because a book must be meaningful to itself and meaningful to readers.

[Write more meaningful content for readers].

——This is the conclusion I have been thinking for more than a year.


I know that some people may be a little confused when they see this, and they don't quite understand how it took more than a year to hold back this unsalty conclusion.

In fact, if you observe life carefully, you will find that meaning is the most lacking thing in this era.

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