After the full attendance at the end of the month is confirmed to be available, a few more chapters may be added.

Chapter 587 This Beautiful and Melancholy World

When Steve returned to the camp, he saw a hole in the ground from afar.

Next to the pit are the Autobots who turned into cars and parked there.

Regarding Kishua's "Void Ether Cannon", Steve is very aware of how powerful it is.Therefore, when Kishua asked him to share the magic gems before, Steve was basically sure that he would use such a method.As for his other hole cards, Steve didn't think too much about it, and didn't try it out.

On the one hand, there is no entry point. After all, my position is to protect the other party. Letting him make a move means that I have failed my duty; on the other hand, Steve is too lazy to play with suspicion and small thoughts. If there is something wrong with the other party, they will always be aware of it.If there was anything wrong with this instinct, it was taking her in and ignoring the warnings in my heart when I knew it was dangerous to leave the island before, so I can't do it again.

As for the black varnish in his hand, Steve didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Perhaps the more troublesome thing now was that he couldn't put the contaminated sword back into the inventory.

One's own item bar is quite important, before one is sure whether the pollution ability of this kind of thing will produce space equipment, of course it is impossible to experiment with such an important item item bar.

But because his hands are "dirty" now, he naturally can't spare his hands to make a box, so the first thing Steve did when he went back was not to say hello to Kishua, but to go back and find a box to test it out. Will a tainted magic sword taint the chest again.

Ding ding dong dong put it in and take it out several times.

Steve was sure that the magic sword would not pollute the box, and then he thought of something and took out the spare transformation table to see if the contaminated holy sword would become a new type and be recorded.

After confirming that this state is like enchantment, it cannot be directly recorded.Steve took out the sword with some regrets, and threw away several props that were contaminated during the experiment.

In this way, Steve can basically be sure.

The contaminated props will not be contaminated again, but my hands will always be contaminated. I don't know the reason for this.In this way, the right hand is not very useful except for fighting.Originally, the right hand did not have much work to be done independently except for fighting, but one thing that is more troublesome is that making things requires the cooperation of both hands.

If your hands are "dirty", the things you make will also be dirty.

It’s not that bad as a prop, but it will be repaired by the system after landing, which is more painful.

Just when Steve was still thinking about how to solve this problem, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.The footsteps must not be Yakumo Lan, because Yakumo Lan should be in a fox state at this time.If you can't tell the difference between four-legged and two-legged footsteps, you can go to the doctor.

"what are you doing?"

Before turning his head, Steve heard Kishua's question.

Steve turned his body and saw Kishua standing under the brick door beam, and grinned at him: "Do some experiments."

Of course Kishua saw his black right hand. After taking a look at that hand, he hesitated for a moment and asked, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Now that the other party has mentioned it, the square man raised his dark right hand: "How about it, does it look fresh?"

"No," Kishua complained blankly, "This hand of yours makes you look like a patient in the late stage of the Black Death."

"Well... is that so? I think it looks a bit like an African arm."

Steve wanted to lift his chin subconsciously, but he soon realized that his right hand couldn't touch his chin, so he took his hand away.Of course, Kishua noticed this obvious movement, and when he realized the problem, he asked directly: "Is that thing in your hand contagious?"

"Yeah!" Steve didn't hide it.In order to prove the effect of his hand, he slapped it directly on the wooden table next to him. The wooden table quickly turned black, and within ten seconds after it was blackened, it was disintegrated. "Isn't it powerful? One blow Become non."

Steve was joking, but Kishua's face became very scary, and he couldn't laugh at all: " met a cheater?"

Looking at the other person's expression, Steve waved his hand: "No! It's just a small problem..."

Then, Steve wove and stitched together the battle with the veteran named Dan Blackmore after removing the presence of blue.It simply turned into a story in which he restrained the other party, forced him to ask for information, and was carelessly killed and injured by the other party.Steve intentionally made the story illogical. After all, he was used to rambling, and he was not a particularly logical person, so Kishua didn't seem to pay much attention to the authenticity of the story.

Because all his thoughts are now on the information provided by Steve.

"...All in all, I don't know if my sacrifice is worth the information." Steve said easily after telling Kishua the information.

"Wait, let me think about it."

Kishua waved his finger to signal Steve not to speak, and then started pacing back and forth in the temporary workshop room.Steve leaned against the workbench, quietly waiting for his results.The tail of the golden-haired fox flashed by the door, and Steve smiled when he saw it. He subconsciously glanced at Kishua. This guy was concentrating on thinking, so he didn't notice the fox who was eavesdropping.

Kishua swayed back and forth four or five times, and then stopped suddenly: "In other words, the real battle has already begun. And have we actually been preempted by the opponent?"

"Huh?" Steve didn't understand how he came to such a conclusion for a long time, "Why did we get caught up first?"

"Everyone has found the back door, and we are still climbing the tower. Isn't this the one who got there first?"

"Oh." Steve responded, but his face still had the expression of "what are you talking about".

Speaking of this, Kishua paused slightly, and only then did he realize that some things were still new information to Steve, so he suppressed his patience and explained: "I know that people in this world want to use this Mooncell What to do, from their point of view, our action is actually a kind of snatching, and it can even be said to be a bad act of snatching the future of their world."

Regarding Kishua's statement, Steve just nodded and did not express his opinion. He knew that the other party must have something to say later.

"I'm not saying this to arouse your guilt, or to sympathize with them. I just want to tell you what kind of thing we are doing. But as a magician, I don't think this thing can save the world at all," As he said, Kishua looked at the sky outside the window, as if he was looking for the sky wheel suspended in the sky, "This is just another time, human beings put their stupid and ignorant hopes on completely unknown things, expecting such things It can completely change the mistakes made in the past. But unfortunately, this kind of thing did not exist from the beginning. The "Holy Grail" is just an illusion. You should know that its functions are actually quite limited. This world has never been There is nothing that can be done overnight, and it is more practical to raise pigs than to expect this kind of stuff to save the world."

Regarding Kishua's words, Steve didn't affirm or deny, but just tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "I didn't expect you to be a very realistic guy unexpectedly."

Hearing Steve's comment, Kishua glanced at the other party unexpectedly: "Do you find it very surprising?"

"A little bit," Steve nodded, but he didn't answer why he was surprised, but brought the topic back: "Although I think you are suspected of beautifying yourself by saying this, but what can this thing do? They always Don’t think that this thing can save the world for no reason!”

"You're right," Kishua also admitted that Steve's words made some sense, and then explained: "This principle is a bit complicated to explain, but I can describe it to you."

"What do you say."

"They are based on the uncertainty theorem of quantum theory," Kishua folded his hands on his chest, looking like a big professor lecturing on a podium, "the extremely complex phenomenon that constitutes the world is like the human spirit Structure, it is closed in the box of appearance, before you have a long-term cognition of him, you can’t be sure whether he is positive and optimistic, or suffering depression, because the appearance is not completely equal to the internal cause, a person who is still with you today A friend with a hippie smile may commit suicide the next day. The same is true for the 'world'. What happens in the future depends entirely on the ideas of the 'world'. But the ideas of the 'world' are complicated. Like a human being, he exists at the same time. There are two states of 'survival desire' and 'self-destruction mentality'. A normal and healthy world naturally develops forward and healthy, but the outside world has stagnated for a long time. Although it maintains a very efficient social management model, all People sense that something is withering, maybe it's a relationship, maybe it's their own heart, but it's literally the world itself."

"Magicians are more sensitive to this aspect. They feel the withering of magic, and they want to change the 'world'. So they found this virtual world of Mooncell. Although this place is only a virtual world, it But it is the "third party" who has observed the development of the "world" since ancient times, an "old friend" of the world. The salvation plan for the "world" conceived by magicians is actually similar to the psychological treatment plan for depression. The third party of the observer, Mooncell, has given the real world an extremely strong 'positive' influence, hoping to stimulate the vitality of the 'world' itself, and let him embark on the road of recovery. It's like finding a friend you know to give you Like cheering up."

Hearing this, Steve tilted his head and thought for a while: "Does this sound good?"

"Not bad?" Kishua snorted softly, his tone full of contempt and disdain, "Not to mention whether Mooncell, as a 'friend of the world', really has such an influence on the world. First of all, I want to ask, are they really Do you know what a 'positive' impact is? In other words, do humans really know what impact is right for the future?"

"What are you trying to say?" Steve didn't understand why this guy suddenly became angry.

"Human beings are ignorant, and human beings don't know what the future will be like." Kishua, who was full of contempt just now, suddenly calmed down, "People always want to tell others what is right and what is wrong. It seems that what is right will always be true. If you are right, you will always be wrong. Smart people will always be better than stupid people, so smart is right; poverty and violence are harmful to society, and the lower classes are poor and stupid, so they deserve it. But if you knock out a link in the gene chain today, you can indeed make people immune to some diseases, but if another disease occurs in the future, only the link you knocked out is needed to be immune, then what you do now Great achievements will be repaid at the cost of tens of millions of lives in the future. The mistake that is unplugged now may be the right thing to save the world in the future, but that thing has been pulled out as a mistake and does not exist, so this world still How can I survive?"

"So, in the final analysis. Even if this Mooncell can really change the world, does the user really know how to change it? Except for the gods that exist in human imagination, can anyone really take on such a responsibility?"

Hearing this, the workshop hut was quiet.

Only Kishua's panting voice after speaking loudly, and Yakumo Lan who was hiding nearby and eavesdropping didn't even wag her tail.

Steve lowered his head and thought for a while, then replied flatly: "I didn't expect you to be a guy who believes in God."

"I don't believe in God," Kishua gave Steve a blank look, "but I really don't know where my soul will go."

Kishua's first sentence and the next sentence don't seem to have much logic, but after being bombarded with language for a long time, Steve didn't bother to care about these details.He stretched his waist greatly: "Ah, it's such a boring topic, so what? How did we get caught up first? The other party is very familiar with this 'old friend from the world', so he ran faster than us, right? "

Faced with Steve's question, Kishua shook his head, "No, they are just repeating what they have done before, just like the magic we use. This kind of developed power is just the original power of this world. They have used the mechanism of this world, which is understandable, and it can even be said to be very clever. But whether this tricky way will affect Mooncell as a whole, I don’t think they have made any evaluation. After all, Everyone is a bunch of saboteurs, there is no difference. Like I said, the next opponent is no longer easy to deal with, the real battle has begun."


ps: Let me tell you here, I mentioned the gene chain not to rubbish current events or to insinuate, but Harvey as a small boss is indeed an "adjuster".

As for the actual impact of gene editing on us, it will not have a significant impact for at least 200 years.Because the human gene pool is very strong and has a strong self-repair ability, the two babies are essentially no different from ordinary people.

Because the vast majority of individuals have dominant or recessive genetic defects, but most of them do not hinder normal life.Because this kind of defect will be hidden by assimilation after several generations of non-consanguineous marriage.This is why close relatives are not suitable for marriage, because the marriage of close relatives may make the originally recessive defect gene become dominant again.

But it's another matter if this thing is used for another purpose.Judging from now, the things discussed in the world view of the first generation of "FE" are very forward-looking, but it is a pity that no one realized it in 10 years.The animation has completely become a personal show of the new house.

And just before I updated, I saw that a company in the United States has announced that it has begun to accept commercial baby gene editing business.

Regarding this point, I can only say in a very succinct but not really succinct way: "The gates of hell have been opened. If the future is known, today is the last day of mankind."

Chapter 588 Advance to the third level

Kishua's explanation sounds complicated at first, but Steve doesn't understand it. On the contrary, he has a deep feeling because of his long-term experience.

To put it bluntly, the competition of abilities is actually a game of rules.

When skill and strength are at their peak, the only thing that can widen the level gap is the understanding of the rules. This is the same in any world and any field.Steve himself has suffered in this regard, so naturally he can no longer complain about Kishua with a playful smile like before. He thought about it seriously and said:

"But even if you say that, we actually have nothing to do with it!" Then he shook his hand: "Can you get rid of this thing?"

"..." Kishua glanced at Steve's dark hands, his eyes slightly lowered, "I have no choice but to go to the next floor to see if there is anything I can do."

"Tsk, you are so useless!" Steve mocked unceremoniously.

Kishua gave Steve a hard look: "It's your own carelessness, so you have to bear this problem yourself."

Hearing what the other party said, Steve shook his head helplessly: "Oh, it seems that you were a big pig when you were young, old boy. If Lily was here, you wouldn't kick the problem back."

"I think you are too used to kicking problems to others, and I have no reason to spoil you." Speaking of this, Kishua's tone slowed down a bit: "Speaking of how much your behavior has affected your ability ? I have to estimate the combat power."

"Well! I just can't make things anymore, because everything I make will be stained, which is very annoying." Steve spread his hands helplessly, "As for how much this thing affects the combat effectiveness, why don't you try it yourself?"

As he said that, Steve jumped up suddenly, and while Kishua was not paying attention, he stretched out his dark, salty pig's hand towards him.

Kishua was taken aback, feeling as if he backed away.After dodging, he cursed angrily: "Dead Cube! Do you know what you are doing?!"

"What are you afraid of, I'm fine," the square man continued to chase heartlessly, "I don't have boogers on my hands, what are you hiding?"

"Bastard! Take your dog's paw away from me!"

Kishua, who was being chased so hard, raised his hand and cast a forbidden magic spell, locking Steve in place.Steve found that his body could not move, but his right hand could still move, so he waved casually at the place within his reach, and all the space that was originally restricted by the spell was released.The cube man just waved his arms and twisted his buttocks, and he broke free from Kishua's magic.

"This thing is really powerful," Steve muttered to himself, looking at his black palm, "...I don't know what effect it will have when shaking hands with Kamijou Touma."

Kishua, who had already stood ten steps away, saw his spell being destroyed, with a complicated expression on his face: "...No, you are better, so you can keep your arm, and put it on other people, the arm has long been disassembled gone."

"But the old man was fine until he put this thing into practice. That is to say, this thing still has something that can restrict it, at least it can encapsulate it." Steve stopped making trouble, serious Said.

"About this, let me do a little research!" Kishua didn't know why, and looked a little tired, "In short, you organize your things, we have to go to the third level as soon as possible, if we are attacked by the other party again this time, it may not be a problem." It's going to be such an easy fight."

After speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Steve to agree.


Seeing him come out, the golden fox hid in the shadows, and after he was gone, Lan entered Steve's workshop.

When he came in, Steve was packing up the things in the workshop, because he could only operate with one left hand, so the efficiency was much lower than usual.

The golden-haired fox walked directly in front of Steve and jumped onto the workbench: "That man, he didn't tell the truth."

"Well, yes." Steve nodded while busy, not surprised by Yakumo Lan's words at all.

This surprised Lan: "You know?"

"Do you know anything?" Steve stopped what he was doing and shook his hand, "I have been with Lily for a long time, she is also a magician, so I understand that this kind of thing is very important to them How attractive it is. But the guy doesn't seem to be interested at all, either he knows what it is and doesn't want to touch it at all, or he doesn't want to help me get rid of this thing-although I actually It doesn't matter."

The fox wagged its tail. Although Steve cut in at a different angle from hers, he came to the same conclusion.

The Marshal of Demonic Dao obviously had reservations about Steve in his attitude, as a third party, he could see clearly.Especially when he did not hesitate to use spells to prevent Steve from approaching him, Lan felt that it was unacceptable at that moment.This may have something to do with his own personality, but no matter what kind of technique, this kind of thing is like a sword, and it is used to deal with the enemy after all.Even if you are handing a kitchen knife, it is extremely impolite to point the tip of the knife at others.This kind of hurtful thing cannot be used against a companion, unless the opponent did not regard himself as a companion from the beginning.

But now that Steve has figured it out, he doesn't need to add more details, so she asked from a different angle, "What do you think, sir?"

"Do I have to choose one?" Steve tilted his head and thought for a while, "Although I think there may be both, the latter is most likely!"

The fox nodded: "Well, yes. I can feel that he is guarding against you to a certain extent."

"Before I came in, I had called and lied to each other. To be honest, I think it's normal for him to be on guard against me," Steve said, while he began to organize his things again, "But when he was talking about the topic just now, he He was really angry, and he should have really felt so at that time."

"Well, I think so too," said Fox, seeing Steve about to put away the workbench, jumping down from it and circling to the other side of him, "his anger, suppressed in contempt, was real, but I I don't quite understand why he would get angry in such a place."

"Who knows, maybe menopause?" Steve snapped irresponsibly.

"...Isn't he already hundreds of years old?" The honest fox complained solemnly. After the words were spoken, Lan realized that Steve was talking nonsense, and wagging his tail to bring the topic back, "I think He should have critical intelligence that we don't know about."

"Yeah," Steve replied, "and it's still about the Western European consortium."

Hearing Steve's words, Yakumo Lan was startled. Following the train of thought given by Steve, she quickly realized what Steve wanted to say, which made the fox's eyes widen: " Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, I just feel that way." Steve threw out his 'I'm thinking' logic as always.

Seeing Steve's absent-minded appearance while answering while packing his things, Yakumo Lan was sure that he really didn't think about it seriously, and really just judged by his feeling.Although it was not the first day she knew him, she was still secretly startled by Steve's way of making accurate judgments based on feelings alone: ​​"... If you say that, it is indeed the case. It stands to reason that he Now that I know so much, I shouldn’t tell you about the background of the cheater.”

"I don't know, anyway, I think it doesn't matter if he says it or not." Steve stuffed things into the props bar, and the workshop in front of him was emptied in the blink of an eye.

"Why?" The golden-haired fox asked unwillingly.

When someone asked him this question, Steve paused for a moment. He stopped what he was doing and remained silent for a while, then said: "You also said just now that his anger at that time was his true feelings. Then I can basically Sure, at least he won't hold me back when dealing with the enemy. As for how much help I provide and how much he will give back, I don't think it matters. If it was Lily, she might rely on the absolute support of her companions. Trust, but I don’t require the other party to be absolutely trustworthy, especially for this kind of cooperation based on a common purpose. I just need to be sure to what extent I can trust him. Some parties can trust him, and some parties just need to be regarded as Just keep the wind in your ears, so it will be easy for everyone!"

After hearing Steve's personal views on "trust", Yakumo Lan felt that he was reasonable rationally, but it was difficult to accept emotionally.Especially for an orphan like myself who was adopted by Master Zi and then adopted by Orange since childhood, the position of companion can even be equated with family members, absolute trust is a must, so before becoming a companion, you must be strict and cautious selection.

What Steve showed her was a completely different philosophy of survival.

Lan felt that he could imagine that this philosophy of survival was produced in the process of constant contact, cooperation and separation.Absolutely reliable partners are reliable, but the selection process is very long, and it can even be said to be extremely inefficient.But life is as long as a white horse passes by, and countless passers-by come and go.If it weren't for a place like Gensokyo that remains unchanged all year round, Steve's efficient way of living to adapt to the status quo might be the "correct" one.

Thinking of this, looking at the back of the square man, Lan felt a little bit of unwillingness and sadness in his heart.


Compared with the first level, which has been busy for two or three days, the second level can be said to be a speed pass.

From here to solving the opponent, it took a little more than half a day, not even twelve hours.This may also be due to the arrangement of the Western European consortium. If they hadn't arranged for the opponent to die, with Archer's ability, it would probably take a lot of time to find them.

Steve would be very happy if he could spend more time in the second floor, because he still has some nostalgia for the bright sunshine of the second floor.Because of the experience of the first level, if not, the next level is a dark world. If the opponent is more difficult, you don’t know when you will see the sun again.

After completing the tasks on this floor, Yakumo Lan suggested to "put her away". She didn't want to attract Kishua's attention, and she still wanted to pretend to be a "familiar" peacefully.

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