Steve discovered this matter a long time ago, because the water in his own world and the water in the existing world seem to be different things. The only thing that can convert water from other worlds into water in his own world is the iron bucket.

The water in Cubeman's world is naturally also a cube.After ordinary water passes through the bucket, it will become a water cube, and the water cube will naturally spread outward.Just dig a 2X2 grid on the ground, put a bucket of water on each diagonal, and the other two corners will naturally generate water cubes.

Thus the infinite water supply is completed.

Taking a bucket of water from the water point, Steve walked to the side of the magma pool and poured the water down.

After encountering the water cube, the originally flowing magma turned into black obsidian in an instant,

Taking out the diamonds dug out earlier to make a diamond pick, Steve began to dig out the obsidian.Because obsidian is relatively hard, even with a diamond pickaxe, it will take a lot of time to dig a large amount of obsidian.

Fortunately, Steve doesn't need much. One set, which is about 64 yuan, is enough to make a wall.

Time was running out, and he only had one night. After digging 64 pieces of obsidian, Steve immediately turned around, walked to the top of the pit and started digging up.In addition to the underground, there are actually more important items on the ground that need to be obtained.

After digging all the way through the top of the island, Steve finally touched the soil of this world for the first time, and this feeling made him inexplicably gratified.

The sky was still dark, and taking advantage of the darkness, Steve began to cut down a lot of vegetation on the island.

The speed of cutting down trees with the previously made diamond ax is very fast, and in this world, trees will fall down by themselves after the trunk is cut off. This setting makes Steve feel very convenient. No need to climb up the trunk and cut down the tree.

There seemed to be bird nests on the fallen trees.

Chopping and chopping, Steve found some extra feathers in his backpack.

After seeing the feathers, Steve had an idea and remembered another weapon that he had forgotten in the corner before - the bow and arrow.

As Steve's only long-range attack method, the bow and arrow attack, as the name suggests, consumes a lot of arrows, and the materials for making arrows are flint, wooden sticks, and feathers dug out of the gravel.

After having feathers, Steve can make a lot of arrows. Although the range of this weapon is a drop in the bucket compared with the ship's guns, and it may not be effective in deep seas, but with bows and arrows, Shi Tiff can detonate the torpedo remotely.

After chopping down trees all over the place, Steve got a lot of feathers, exchanged twelve points for three threads, and he made a bow and a set of arrows.

Well, after the basic preparations are done, it's time to fix something.

After observing the terrain, Steve chose the highest point of the island and began to repair "illegal buildings".

A 30-meter-high "Tongtian Tower" was laid out, and Steve built a simple watchtower on this Tongtian Tower.You can basically overlook the surrounding situation from the watchtower, but if it is discovered by the enemy, it should be destroyed soon.

After the watchtower was repaired, it was almost dawn, and Steve was surprised to find that Val was heading towards his position with a group of them.

...Oh, she went out to find someone.

Steve felt that he was almost too busy, and it was time to check on King Kong and the others.

Go back to the observation room.

Everyone was looking at this temporary stronghold in amazement, and a group of girls were chattering about something.

Val also saw Steve approaching, and walked over directly: "Sorry, Commander, I acted on my own."

"It's okay, as long as you come back safely." Steve really didn't have much airs as a leader.

Seeing that Steve didn't blame him, Val was a little uncomfortable. She thought she would be reprimanded head and face.After a slight pause, the girl continued: "Commander, on the way to find them, I found a resource point and a resource warehouse in the deep sea."

"Ah! That's very good, let's hurry over there."

"...But, isn't it a little dangerous to just go there?"

"Anyway, let's go and talk!"

...That's a resource!

Returning to King Kong's team, the others seemed to be celebrating King Kong's survival. Seeing Steve coming, Yura, Natori, Den, and Yi 58 all rushed to thank Steve.

On the contrary, King Kong himself was a little embarrassed because he just remembered... It seems that he really forgot to say thank you.

After a brief explanation to King Kong and the others, everyone followed Weier to the location of the resource point, which is the only place on this island where they can land naturally. You can see the beach, artificially built warehouses and factories in the distance.

King Kong also began to notify Edward that he had successfully landed and was controlling the resource point.

"Are you sure there are no defenders in the factory?" It was hard for Steve to understand that there were no defenders on land in the deep sea.

"No." King Kong gave Steve an affirmative answer.

In this case, the fleet began a landing operation.After a group of ship girls landed, Yi 58 continued to be in charge of the border security. King Kong, Yura, and Val stayed behind to meet Edward and the others, while Steve, Natori, and Denori formed a three-person team. The building could be heard from a distance. Mechanical sound.

"What's that sound?"

"The sound of oil and gas exploitation at the resource point seems to be operating normally." Dian deduced.

"You haven't seen how the resource point works?" Steve couldn't say the surprise in his tone.

After Den and Natori looked at each other, they both shook their heads.

...The ship's wife doesn't know either?

This aroused Steve's curiosity... Who is running this thing?So instead of going to the warehouse to plunder the resources directly, he went to the factory where the resource point was located to have a look.

After peeking in from the factory, Steve froze.

He originally thought that some evil thing in the deep sea was operating the factory, but he didn't expect to look around, walking up and down the entire factory, and all the people who produced and transported resources were all goblins!It's the goblins who run the factory...what the hell is going on?

Steve walked into the factory curiously. A group of goblins less than ten centimeters tall were carrying the produced resources to the warehouse.

The way they walk is naive, and when they see a stranger like Steve visit, they say hello to him.

Steve also greeted them, and then watched the group of goblins go away.

The way the goblins carry objects is very similar to Steve.As long as the resources are touched, the resources of a unit will disappear, and when the goblins decide to put down the resources in their hands, the resources of a unit will automatically appear on the ground.'s amazing.

But Steve understood it.

The goblins here should be completely neutral, they are not biased towards the ship mother or the deep sea, no matter who the occupants are, they are only responsible for the production of resources.

After figuring this out, Steve also wanted to see how the goblin resources were produced.

But the door on the inner floor of the factory, Steve couldn't walk in when he walked up to it... because the entrance is so small that only goblins can pass through.Although Steve could forcibly knock it open, but after thinking about it, forget it. After all, the resource points are too important now, and there are not so many that they can be forcibly demolished for research.

After temporarily satisfying his desire to explore, Steve went to the resource warehouse, where Natori and Den have already counted the number of resources.There are a lot of oil resources piled up here - yes, often a resource point only produces one kind of resource, and this resource point is the resource point of oil.

According to the previous arrangement, the resources obtained are [-] points, Steve [-], Edward [-].

After all, there are many people on the other side, and there are many ship girls to support, so Steve can still agree to this.The inventory work was done by Edward's ship's wife. With Steve's ability, if he came to the inventory, Edward would probably be bleeding.

It took an hour for the two girls to finish the count: there were 4800 barrels of oil in total, but besides the oil, there were 3000 units of ammunition, which seemed to be piled up here in the deep sea.

A bumper harvest is indeed a good thing, but the question now is whether the resources can be brought back safely.

At this moment, a whistle sounded in the distance, Steve looked in that direction, it seemed that Edward and the others had already arrived here.

Chapter 104

Edward's command ship seems to be similar to a warship. It is narrower and longer than ordinary ships. The high-speed driving makes the hull keep rising, and the bow of the ship hits the sea surface, causing huge water splashes.

After the command ship entered the sea of ​​sight, it approached the island under the guidance of King Kong.

Steve thought that Edward would disembark and land on the island in person, but he didn't come down. He just sent King Kong to convey his thanks and explained that the salvage ship had already salvaged the post-war ship discovered before.

Afterwards, Steve saw some people get off the command ship in kayaks and began to move the resources in the resource warehouse.

If this matter is handed over to Steve, it is actually very simple, and it can be done in at most two trips.But when Steve kindly asked for help, King Kong told Edward to reject Steve's help.

After thinking about Edward's manipulative desire, Steve decided not to talk about it.

According to the share ratio, Steve didn't have much, and he didn't plan to take it away directly. After making a random box, he stuffed his own share in it. Only one box can be stuffed. Steve really didn't quite understand what the other party was obsessed with.

According to what Edward said before, there should be similar post-war ships in this sea area.

Since you have your own, why don't you search for it?Whether true or false, Steve felt that the search was necessary.As for the search method, Steve decided to search the largest of several islands, the island with resource points first.

The way Cubeman searches can basically be summed up simply and crudely.

The simple thing is to go around the island. To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a beach or a cliff. In short, I have to go around. It’s inevitable to see mountains and rocks. Check the water for signs of shipwrecks.

Val, who was helping him search, looked very bored. She really didn't know what to dig out for these things. Compared to this, Val was more concerned about the condition of the fleet over there, and the time it took for the other party to transport these things. It's a little too long, which really isn't a good sign.

However, Val can understand the reason why the other party refuses to help: after all, no one knows what strange skills Steve has, and letting his resources pass through his hands is really not reassuring.

After going around the island, a plank road around the island has been repaired, but Steve still didn't find any traces of the sunken ship.After thinking about it, Steve decided to use this island as a cake and cut a "well" on the cross-section of the sea level.If nothing is found, abandon this island and move on to the next one.

However, after "cutting" this "cake", Steve still didn't find any caves or places that seemed to be able to bury sunken ships and treasures.Although it was futile, he was still busy with enthusiasm, after all, this was his personal aesthetics.

Steve was busy here. Although Edward didn't deliberately observe Steve's movements, it was hard not to notice his big movements.

"...Where is this man?" Edward didn't have many admirals in contact with him. He did know that some admirals were special, but the gap between admirals and admirals was so great that he himself was not too sure. acceptable.

When he said this, King Kong happened to be standing beside him, recalling the back of him rushing to the enemy fleet alone and destroying them all, King Kong smiled: "Mr. Steve is very powerful de-su!"

"Hmph... just a common man," Edward sneered, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone, "The task of the admiral is to conduct strategic command and formulate combat missions. This kind of guy who can't figure out what he is doing, you really don't know what to do." Do you think he is great?"

The admiral's words sounded a bit tasteless, King Kong froze for a moment, and then realized that what he said just now was a bit inappropriate: "Ah, sorry, admiral, I just think Mr. Steve is very powerful in the sense of a soldier. That's all."

"The admiral is a general, not a pawn. An admiral who can only use his hands but not his brain is meaningless," Edward snorted, turned and walked away.

Watching his leaving back, King Kong let out a sigh of helplessness. In fact, she really wanted to say... A handsome man is more important than strategy, but measurement... But if this sentence is said to the admiral, it is estimated that only It will have the opposite effect.

So King Kong could only choose to remain silent, perhaps it would be better to say these things after he was a little happier.

The resource handling work of Dempsey's tutelary mansion went smoothly in the morning. More than half of the resources have already been transported to the command ship. According to visual estimates, the transport can be completed in the afternoon. At this time, it will meet with the salvage ship. No matter what the salvage results are, with so many Returning the resources is enough for this operation.

The situation on Steve's side is not very good. After he cut out a "well" on the island, he didn't find any clues. At least there were no clues on the island, and he didn't have any equipment like a flashlight. It can be used to explore the bottom of the sea, and it takes a lot of time to salvage in shallow seas, which feels like a waste of time!

But Steve didn't care too much about wasting time.

First of all, it is already a good thing to be able to dig out enough stone resources. Anyway, put these things in the box, and if needed, come back to pick them up. Another thing that makes him feel happier is digging In my own world, I can no longer produce all kinds of minerals in the Mithril set, but if I have the opportunity in the future, I must get a set of diamond sets, which can be regarded as compensation!

Now Steve is wearing a full set of iron armor. After returning to the tutelary mansion, he can exchange for sugar cane planting at a few dozen points, and then exchange for a little cowhide to make an enchanting table.Although it is not as convenient and powerful as Lily's enchantment, it is better than nothing.

But just when both parties are happy to get what they need.

In the distant sky, a black reconnaissance plane is silently observing all this. It does not look like an ordinary plane, but an eight-sided diamond shape, which looks like the position of the head. There are two faint green Something that could be called an "eye".Under the black diamond-shaped fighter plane, there is a gun barrel mounted, which seems to be used for combat.

At this time, the goblin who was driving a reconnaissance plane not far away seemed to have noticed it, and immediately turned around and started flying back.

A green light flashed in the "eyes" of the black diamond-shaped fighter plane, and immediately began to chase the goblin's reconnaissance plane.Although the Zero-type water reconnaissance aircraft has a certain amount of self-defense firepower, the fighter jets used for reconnaissance by the opponent are the meat on the chopping board, and they are wiped out by the opponent within 1 minute.After the Type Zero reconnaissance plane was wiped out, the black diamond-shaped fighter seemed to have received some order and walked away.


"Report to the admiral, my reconnaissance plane that flew out has not sent me a message for 10 minutes." Yu Liang walked onto the deck and reported to Edward, who had his back turned to him.

"How many resources are left? How long will it take to transport them?"

"There is still about one-eighth, and it will take about an hour."

After hearing Yura's report, facing the sea breeze, Edward closed his eyes and meditated for about ten seconds: "Admiral Steve, where are they?"

"They're on another island three kilometers away."

"Oh... Speaking of which, I heard from King Kong that the ship girl named Weier is actually the sister ship of Dian?"

"Uh...really?" Yura tilted her head, recalling the scene when she first arrived at Val, "Speaking of which, it seems that there was indeed a case of asking about the phone call."

"In this way, King Kong should just report to me alone." Edward paused for a while, "Tell King Kong and the others that they are preparing to evacuate and leave the remaining resources there first... Also, call the phone for me. "

"Yes! Admiral." Yura replied very simply.

Two minutes later, the call came to Edward's side: "Is there anything the Commander can do for me?"

"Dian... I have something to ask you." Edward said in a slightly heavy tone with his back to the girl.

Noticing Edward's tone, Dian was a little nervous: "Commander, what's the matter? If possible, I will try my best to finish it!"

"That's right! I did not misunderstand the person, you are a good boy," Edward turned his head and looked at the TV with a smiling face, "We are about to evacuate soon, but I want to ask you to guard the remaining resources overnight ,is it okay?"

Hearing Edward's words, Dian's whole body began to tremble. No one is a fool... If the large army said that they were going to retreat, they must have retreated due to certain circumstances. The only reason why I was left at this time was to use To attract the attention of the enemy, want to rely on a destroyer to defend the resource point?This kind of thing is impossible even if you think about it with your feet.

...abandoned son.

Seeing the girl trembling all over, Edward's originally smiling face showed a trace of lamentation, "Dian, you know, sometimes I have to make a choice, Yura's reconnaissance plane was wiped out, maybe it was the local HNA mobile Troops. With the current command ship fully loaded, it is impossible to escape, I can only choose to kill everyone here, or leave someone behind... If you don't want to, I will ask someone else!"

"No! No!" Although the girl was trembling all over, she still gritted her teeth and said, "For example, if someone has to be sacrificed...then, Dian... Dian hopes that he can get this task, as long as everyone can survive , Den will do its best to fight!"

Edward showed a gratified smile, and he stretched out his hand to stroke the top of the girl's head: "You are indeed a good boy, then I will leave everything to you, and I wish you prosperity and prosperity."

With that said, Edward saluted Dian with a military salute.

Dian also returned the salute in Edward's manner: "Dian is ordered to say! I wish the commander a prosperous military fortune!"

Chapter 105 When the Devil Meets 【Part [-]】

Steve was still digging hard on the island, but Val noticed that Edward's command ship had begun to evacuate.

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