Garp: Clan leader, mighty and domineering, dominate the heavens!

Natsu: Leader, mighty and domineering, dominate the heavens! Sanji: Leader, mighty and domineering, dominate the heavens!

Fire Kylin: It is an interesting place.

Uchiha Madara: Looking forward to when I dance in Asgard!

Thor: Forget it, you better not expect it.

The man Uchiha Madara is indeed a god-like existence. Even in Asgard, Thor is not sure whether he can kill him now.

Thor's embarrassment didn't last long, as the next victim was Mr. Iron Man Tony.

Teacher Tony, who was wearing the Mark44 anti-Hulk armor, watched himself being beaten up by the Hulk in the screen, and even tore the armor with his hands.

Iron Man: That's a really painful memory.

It was a bit miserable, and the only luck was that he was not thrown to the ground by Hulk with one hand like Loki and Thor.


Super strong power type powerhouse.

Although the way of fighting is a bit single, but countless strong people in the group doubt whether they can catch Hulk's fist, whether they can use their own attack methods to bring devastating damage to Hulk?

too strong! ! !

To a certain extent, it is true that even if it is just pure strength in battle, it is enough to cause terrifying damage.

Ninjutsu fancy?My Hulk smashed it with one punch!

Magic fancy?My Hulk was still smashed with one punch! .

Chapter 100 Teacher Tony: Only I can invent a time machine!Thanos' ambition!

Avengers Black Widow, Hawkeye, temporary soy sauce, the future can be expected.

Black Lady: Thank you, group leader!I'm so old, you still think I have a bright future!

Hawkeye: Group leader... I am no longer a member of the Avengers, am I?

There are no pictures, and the two founders of Avengers, who have a promising future, expressed their helplessness. It is better not to take stock.

Jiraiya: Regardless of whether you are soy saucers or not, first post a selfie so that everyone can get to know each other.In fact, I have been looking forward to how ugly the undead duo organized by Akatsuki is, so disgusted by the group leader.

Hiduan: It should look better than you.

Jiraiya:? ? ?what are you kiddingDon't you know that I've always been in the Ninja world with a high appearance!If Uchiha Madara can call himself the god of the ninja world, then I can also call myself the god of the ninja world!

Kakashi: Master Jiraiya, you may have misunderstood yourself somewhat.

Jiraiya: I'm in Konoha, let's go out for dinner tonight, Kakashi.

Kakashi: Cough cough!Jiraiya-sama's appearance, I actually think it is rare in Konoha!

Obito Uchiha: Kakashi, I didn't expect how many years have passed, you have become a hypocrite,

Kakashi: ...Beauty and ugliness lie in the heart, and Jiraiya-sama is a good person.

Jiraiya:? ? ?Kakashi, why do I feel like you are scolding me!

Hawkeye: Selfie.jpg.

Black Widow: Selfie.jpg.

Sanji: Ms. Black Widow, when we travel to Asgard in the future, please be our guide!

Jiraiya: This name is a bit powerful!Can't afford it, can't afford it.

Duan Zhengchun: I can see it, a man's nightmare!I, Prince Duan, will never drink bath water!

Black lady:? ? ?what are you saying?

Duan Yu: Father, lately you... have a bit... a bit...

Duan Zhengchun: I don't know why, but just now when I was carrying your backpack and was about to go sightseeing, I suddenly thought of Miss Black Widow's bath water. Actually, I am not that kind of person!Really just a sudden flash of inspiration, blurted out!

Iron Man: Good guy, I really admire you group of LSPs, alas, I am the only honest and pure hero in this group!

Jiraiya: @钢铁人, do you want to go to Murloc Island?

Iron Man: Go!

Jiraiya: - Cut?? Are you still pure? ? ?

Iron Man: I want to bring technology to the group of friends in the heavens and the world, do you understand!Do you think I'm those mermaids coveting Murloc Island?vulgar!

Spider-Man: Mister seems...

Iron Man: Shut up!I am Iron Man!Little spider, don't talk nonsense!

Captain America: Ah, is this starting to threaten young people?

A pure hero, Steve Rogers, begins as an ordinary person and becomes an extraordinary hero.Among the Avengers, not the strongest is better than the strongest spiritual leader.

I don't want to destroy anyone, I don't like bullets and I don't care where it comes from, I'm Steve Rogers and I speak for myself!

Iron Man: Elderly captain, hehe, this is just the beginning. You had a pretty good figure when you were young, but you are a little worse than me.

Thor:! ! !Gain knowledge!

Banner: He's a pretty handsome guy. He's the Steve Rogers I know. There's a billionth of a million difference between him!

Captain America: Group leader... I...

Spider-Man: Captain is indeed not the strongest hero, but he has always been like a spiritual leader, supporting us to fight against powerful enemies!

Iron Man: He is your spiritual support, what about me?

Sexy Iron Man, jealous online!

Without my teacher Tony, you little spider is still an ordinary community hero in Queens, and the spiritual pillar in your heart is actually the captain?Shouldn't it be me Tony Stark, the great Mr. Iron Man?


Thor: What I am more concerned about is that the strongest is better than the strongest. Doesn’t that mean that I, Thor, is the strongest hero in the Avengers?

Saitama: Is it the strongest to be pressed and beaten by Ms. Hela?

Loki: Yes, yes!Everyone must remember that Thor, the idiot, was not only beaten by Hulk in his hands, but also beaten by Hela on the ground!Thor, the god of the north, the glory of the god of the north, is clearly a scandal in Asgard!

Thor:! ! !Teacher Qiyu, please don't misunderstand me, I was not pressed and beaten by Hela, I must have been seriously injured before, which affected my ability to play!Loki, shut up!

Hella: My stupid brother!Do you think you are my opponent without injury?

Itachi Uchiha: …

I always feel that you guys are learning from me!

Those lives of the American team did not impress the strong people in the group, only Orochimaru was very interested in the super soldier serum.

Orochimaru: @美队, I have reincarnated in the dirt, I understand everything!If I have a chance, can I draw a tube of your blood, I want to conduct some research on the meaning of life!

Captain America: ...Sorry, I'm not interested in this kind of life-playing thing.And the world is different, there is no so-called pure land in our world, and your ninjutsu may not be effective.

Orochimaru: It is indeed a problem. Different world rules will invalidate many ninjutsu.If you have a chance, you can continue the discussion. What I have in my hands is not just a technique and ninjutsu.

Iron Man; boring!I used to have a slight interest in the old man's life, captain, but now after reading it, I have no interest at all. Is this the life of an old man?

Captain America: If you don’t like watching it, you don’t have to.My life has always been like this, and there is nothing exciting about it.

"Long live the Hydra!"

When the US team said this sentence in the elevator, all the members of the Avengers became excited. I didn't expect you to be such a Rogers!

Captain America: Wait!If I remember correctly, when I was in the elevator, I should have beaten up those guys, and definitely didn't say Long live the Hydra, and then easily removed the box containing the Soul Gem from their hands. bring here?This is not right!I had no idea S.H.I.E.L.D. had Hydra people too!

Flash: Maybe, that is you in parallel time and space, and you who joined the chat group are not the same person.

?o?0 for flowers EUR)oooo

Shockwave: I have a bold idea!Maybe... this Captain America has traveled through the timeline, and because he knows everything that happened, he chose to solve the problem in another way!In this case, the unreasonable places can be explained!

Time travel? !

Is it that easy to travel through time?

Iron Man: It must be me!Only a genius like me can invent a machine that travels through time, but why does the old man Captain need to travel through time.Is... have we failed?

Spider-Man: Mr. Stark, it doesn't matter even if we fail, you are not in the future, you created a machine that can travel through time, and let the captain return to the previous timeline.If you fail, do it all over again, I don't believe we will fail again!Mr. Stark, you and the captain will definitely lead us to defeat our opponents, right?

Iron Man: Yes!Boy, I will lead you to defeat your opponents!

Uchiha Madara: Isn't Hulk's strength quite strong?With him here, what kind of Avengers are you, do you have any enemies that cannot be defeated?That's an opponent that I, Uchiha Madara, approves of!

0 ..

Iron Man: Then I will give you a popular science about the crisis we encountered here.In our world, there is an existence called infinite gems, which control space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul respectively. Each gem can give the user omnipotent control power in a certain way-including: power, time , space, soul, reality and mind.If someone has six gems at the same time, he will know everything.

Uchiha Madara: Humph!A joke, how can there be omniscience and omnipotence in the world!

Saitama: Infinity Gems!It seems very interesting!

Zhang Sanfeng: Teacher Qiyu, you should be close to invincible without using infinite gems, right?

Saitama: I just want to fight with the person who has the infinity gems. The invincible him should make my blood boil!

Is this the strong one?Love it!Love it!

Thanos: Well said, let me do the popular science later!I am the one who wants to collect all the Infinity Stones. My purpose is very simple, to wipe out half of the life in the universe.

Uchiha Madara:? ? ?I want to ask, what is the population of your Earth.

Iron Man: Around 70 billion.

Uchiha Madara: So... just one earth alone will kill more than 35 billion people? @爆霸, there is a chance to play a game!

Madara is a little upset, his goal is just the entire ninja world, this Thanos who doesn't know where he came from, the goal is half of the life in the universe?

Huh, is this a bit of an exaggeration?

Saitama: Although I don't know the reason, I don't like this kind of people who decide the life and death of others at will. If I have a chance to fight, Thanos!

Lin Wei: @爆霸, you are a very interesting person.After all the heroes temporarily added to the Avengers are known, I will give you a special time. In a way, you and Uchiha Madara are quite similar.

Thanos: Thank you, the group leader, I believe I will be the winner of this battle.No one can stop me, I just want to do a simple math problem in the universe, so that more beings in this universe have the right to survive four.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Wei: Let me introduce Thanos first.To a certain extent, this person's strength is definitely not weaker than that of Saitama-sensei. As for who is stronger, you have to fight to find out. After all, Thanos is also a figure at the level of the overlord of the universe.

Saitama: Exactly!I like such opponents!

Conan: Saitama-sensei is really too strong, the opponents on earth can't satisfy you anymore, you already need to find opponents from the universe!

Thanos: Group leader, I don't care much about these things.

Iron Man: Humph!Don't pretend!Do you think you really have the chance to win?When you come to Earth, I, Iron Man Tony Stark, will definitely become the strongest man on Earth!

Thor: Huh...then I, Thor!Will definitely become the strongest man in Asgard!

Spider-Man: Then... I'll be the strongest man in Queens first!

Saitama: Where is Queens?

Iron Man: ...a neighborhood.

Uchiha Madara: Really a promising child!

Spider-Man: I will work hard to become stronger!

Batman: Very good. If you have the determination to become stronger, you are a qualified hero. If there is a chance in the future, I also want to go to your side and see the strong man who made the Avengers come back! "zero five three"

Iron Man: We haven't lost yet!Which organization's superhero are you?

Batman: Justice League Batman.I am also using my mortal body to witness the strongest criminal in the world, so what about a mortal body, the wisdom of a mortal will eventually bring down the gods!

Batman is such a sneaky existence, a man who dares to kill Superman, a superhero without superpowers!

Teacher Tony said, it’s fine if you are as rich as me, but please don’t take the opportunity of Teacher Tony to pretend to be aggressive in the group!

I always feel that... Batman is his lifelong enemy as Iron Man. At least when he was in the water group, Mr. Tony was most afraid of meeting Batman, so he competed with him for financial resources every time.

Lin Bo: Thanos is an eternal family born on Titan, extremely powerful, with unsurpassed strength, endurance, recovery ability and agility.His skin is nearly indestructible, especially against cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease.Before he was cursed by the goddess of death to become immortal, he could survive without eating anything, and his spirit was almost invincible, which made him immune to most spiritual attacks, and at the same time he could Use energy waves or release plasma or cosmic energy through your eyes and hands.

Guixianren: Can you live forever even if you are cursed? ? ?

Orochimaru: ... Inexplicably a little envious!

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