Just when the middleman was tense, a giant dog slowly came out of the forest with a bald man wearing sunglasses.

"The untouchables of Sandia, what qualifications do you have to set foot on this territory! Now let me use iron will to wipe out all of you untouchables!"

After the big bald man wearing sunglasses finished speaking, the more than 50 Sandia people's jaws became more and more fierce, and they wished to chop up the person and dog in front of them immediately.

Wei Bo stared at the man in front of him with a serious face, and immediately thought of his identity—one of the four gods-officials of the Island of Gods!

The Shandia family has been lingering under the Sky Gate for a hundred years, and almost every generation of passionate men will come to this island of gods to fight.

Over time, I also gained a certain understanding of the four priests of the Island of Gods.

When Weber looked at the bald man, the bald man seemed to see the doubts in Weber's heart, and then said in a contemptuous tone:

"Since I'm already a group of dying people, I'll let you know that my name is Ohm, and I'm the executive priest of the Iron Trial. I can tell you clearly that the survival rate of the Iron Trial is [-]%. zero."

Hearing the Iron Trial from Ohm's mouth, Weber couldn't help showing a bit of astonishment. Ohm's combat power is definitely the best among the four priests!

I originally planned to start with the weakest one, but I didn't expect to encounter the hardest iron plate as soon as I came up!Could it be that his whereabouts have already been exposed long ago?

Thinking of this, Wei Bo suddenly had a trace of doubt on his face. After thinking about it, he didn't know how the whereabouts of his group were discovered.

Ohm, the priest on the opposite side, looked at the Sandians in front of him, and seemed not ready to answer their doubts one by one. Just after saying that, he opened the trial space directly, and the survival rate was only [-]%. The Trial of Iron has officially started!

Sensing the changes in the space, Weber, the leader, immediately yelled "Oops". In order to take the initiative in his own hands, he hastily placed the cannon on his back on his shoulders.

Dazzling golden light gathered from the thick muzzle of the bowl, and after one second of charging, Weber quickly pulled the trigger in his hand, and the powerful shells could reach Priest Ohm's body in an instant.


Priest Ohm's face was calm. Seeing Weber's attack, there was no disturbance in his heart. His right hand holding the knife was slowly raised, and he slashed down quickly. The menacing shell was cut into two in an instant!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the shells cut by Ohm's sharp knife exploded from both sides. Ohm stood there calmly and did not suffer any damage.

One shot failed, Weber pulled the trigger continuously, the sound of "bang bang bang!" came one after another, and it shot towards Ohm again!

Seeing that the leader had made a move, the remaining [-] Sandia warriors also raised their weapons and quickly approached the priest Ohm in front of him.

The five members of the Wu'an Pirates were still driving on the winding ladder. After 10 minutes of uninterrupted trampling, the speed of everyone's feet dropped significantly.

Fan Oka and Shabas are fine, but their legs feel a little tired, and the soles of their feet are a little itchy, while the two women, Nami and Nico Robin, are already tired and out of breath, dripping with sweat.

Wu An sat at the back of the crowd, glanced at the situation of the crowd, immediately stopped the movement of his feet, and said softly:

"Everyone, let's rest for a while. After sailing for so long, the space for the trial of the ball must be coming to an end. Before reaching the exit, everyone should try to replenish their strength. After leaving here, I am afraid there will be many battles! "

Hearing Wu An's words, Nami seemed to be on the verge of an imperial order, and instantly stopped the movement of her feet, leaned limply on the back of the seat, and said something like "the captain is wise" discourse.

Now that Wu An has said so, there is no need for everyone to make themselves suffer, they stopped their lower body movements one after another, leaning on the back of the seat to take a good rest.

Losing everyone's power to step on the pedals, the speed of the boat dropped by a notch in an instant, but at least there was still Liuyun in the ladder.

Although the speed is a bit slower, the ship is still drifting in the direction of the exit. It just takes a longer time to leave here, which is just in line with everyone's wishes.

?0 for flowers.....

Going out for a while later, I can recover a little more physical strength, and I can choose to stay in a comfortable environment to enjoy, so why leave early to pursue excitement?

Nami opened the cowhide water bag and took a few sips. She immediately felt refreshed and regained her strength. Nami turned her head to Wu'an's direction and asked slowly:

"Wu An, what exactly is the Trial of the Ball that we encountered this time? Why does it feel like entering someone else's trap?"

Hearing Nami's doubts, Wu An patiently explained to Nami, saying that the current situation is not as dangerous as entering a trap.

These trials are nothing more than a way for the priests to make a fuss. They are fancy, and they seem to be very compelling.

If the priest knew the strength of the enemy, where would he have the time to fix those things?To put it bluntly, it is just to create a misunderstanding for people, and to pack oneself into a mythical color.

After listening to Wu An's narration in a serious manner, Nami suddenly felt confused, as if the priests in the Island of Gods were a bunch of flashy liars.

It's just to improve the quality.

While Wu An and Nami were chatting, the boat below them had already reached the end of the ladder, and everyone saw the light ahead, presumably it should be the exit of the trial of the ball.

The boat slowly moved into the light, and a dazzling light caught everyone's eyes. After more than ten seconds, the light gradually weakened. When Wu'an and his party opened their eyes, they found dilapidated ancient buildings everywhere.

The ladder channel here has completely disappeared, and after checking around that there is no danger around them, everyone carefully left the ship.

Looking at the completely different scene from the virgin forest in front of them, everyone suddenly became curious and walked around.

Nicole Robin walked around among the ruins, and finally stopped in front of a half-dilapidated stone tablet.

After carefully interpreting the content on the stele, Nicole Robin's mental power was completely attracted to it. She never expected that this place turned out to be an ancient ruin!Ten thousand.

92 The [-]-meter Python Appears Surprisingly

Wu'an, Nami, Fan Oka, and Shabas turned around for a while, and then returned to the original location to meet up. Just as they were about to move on, they suddenly discovered that Nico Robin had gone somewhere!

Nami realized that Nicole Robin was not there, and said nervously:

"Where did Robin go! They were all around here just now, why did they suddenly disappear! Could it be that they were in some danger?"

Hearing Nami's words, Fan Oka and Shabas were full of doubts. Out of curiosity just now, no one paid attention to Nico Robin's movements. It took less than 5 minutes to pass, how did they lose a person? ?

At this moment, Wu An, the captain, suddenly said:

"With Robin's strength, as long as he doesn't meet the gods of Sky Island, self-protection is definitely not a problem. I just went around and found that many buildings are engraved with "[-]" full of life.

The astringent text, presumably Robin should be interpreting the above content, fascinated for a while. "

Hearing Wu An's analysis, Nami's nervous mood suddenly relaxed. Nicole Robin usually has no other hobbies, except for history.

From this point of view, the situation analyzed by Wu An is very likely to be the truth. If this is the case, there is no need to worry about anything. Stay here to correct it, and Nicole Robin will naturally come back here.

Under Wu An's order, everyone found a piece of relatively clean bluestone and sat down. Nami gently opened the package, took some pre-prepared food and divided among the people.

Although the taste of the food is a bit bland, it is quite suitable for breakfast.

Just as everyone was eating breakfast, Wu An suddenly felt something strange in the surrounding ruins, and was about to stand up, but suddenly a giant python stood upright in front of him!

The length of the giant python is close to a hundred meters, and the coiled body of the snake is almost thicker than the ancient trees in the forest. The two lantern-sized snake eyes are staring at Wu'an and his group vigilantly, as if they are ready to attack at any time. attack.

When Nami, Fan Oka, and Shabas heard the noise coming from behind, and saw the frown on Wu An's face, they suddenly had some bad thoughts in their hearts.

As soon as she turned her head, Nami's face turned pale from the fear of the [-]-meter python behind her, and she obediently moved her body behind Wu An.

What the hell!What did this snake grow up eating!Nami looked nervously at the [-]-meter python not far away, and she was terrified in her heart, it was too scary!

Even the two big men, Fan Oka and Shabas, couldn't help but feel ashamed when they saw the [-]-meter python in front of them. What kind of secrets is there on this island of gods.

Do you really not have to worry about starving to death for a thing that is bigger than the Neptune?

Just when everyone was amazed by the huge body of the [-]-meter python, the [-]-meter python suddenly opened its mouth wide. Even though they were separated by a certain distance, the cold light reflected from the two fangs in the mouth made people feel chills all over!

The [-]-meter python pinpointed the location of Wu'an and his party, its lower body suddenly jumped up, and the whole body actually lifted off the ground!Roaring towards Wu'an and his party!

Nami looked at the [-]-meter python in front of her, she had already lost control over her body, she almost lost her eyesight as she watched it getting closer.

Fan Oka worked hard to overcome the fear in his heart, added a thigh, and finally regained consciousness. He quickly put the sniper rifle on his shoulder with both hands, and directly pulled the trigger without aiming at it.


With a gunshot, the speed of the armor-piercing projectile almost instantly moved above the snake head of the [-]-meter python!

Seeing that Fan Oka hit the target, Shaba suddenly shouted:

"Old Fan! Well done!"

However, when Shabas saw Shi Lezhi's expression on Fan Oka's face, he quickly looked at the [-]-meter python in the air.

Although Fan Aoka's armor-piercing projectile hit the snake's head of the [-]-meter python, there was not even a wound left in the place where it was hit. The defensive ability of this [-]-meter python!It is really strong and terrifying!

Shabas saw the situation clearly, and his excited mood suddenly fell to the bottom, and he became completely desperate all of a sudden!

Fan Aoka subconsciously surrendered his eyes to Wu An, the captain of the Wu'an Pirates. Every time he encountered danger, this man with a bounty of [-] million Baileys could easily and calmly deal with it.

If this desperate situation can really turn the corner, the only hope can only be pinned on this powerful captain!

Wu An stood there calmly, except for a slight change in his brows, there was no sign of tension. 0

When the [-]-meter python in the air was about to hit the ground, Wu An's body quickly disappeared from the spot. Fan Aoka concentrated on watching Wu An reappear in the air, and his heart couldn't help but feel blood surging!I couldn't help but cry out in my heart:

"Captain Wu'an! Come on!"

Wu An's right arm hangs quietly behind his back, for some unknown reason, there is a bit of pitch black on the right arm with bulging blue veins like a wandering dragon!

With the help of the scope on the sniper rifle, Fan Oka could see clearly, and suddenly had a question in his heart, "What's the matter with the blackness on the captain's right arm?" '.

While Fan Oka was thinking, Wu An had pulled the distance down to less than half a meter, and was aiming at the next piece of the [-]-meter python, Wu An's right hand clenched into a fist.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and there was a deafening sound!

Nami, Fan Oka and Shabas could almost eat an entire apple with their mouths open, and their eyes were like two balls. Inadvertently, they performed a live version of stunned!

However, what happened in front of them was worthy of such expressions from the three of Nami!

The huge [-]-meter python was hit by Wu An's punch, and the snake's head turned to the sky. I don't know how much power was contained in Wu An's punch, and it turned the [-]-meter python backwards!

The white belly was exposed to everyone's eyes. After Wu An punched, he received another punch. The sandbag-sized pitch-black punch 3.6 landed on the belly of the [-]-meter python, and the shaking [-]-meter python let out a cautious roar!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the body of the [-]-meter python lay down on the ruins, smashing the dilapidated house to pieces!

The [-]-meter giant python twisted its body crazily, trying to make it roll over. After taking such powerful punches from Wu An, apart from some pain, there was no place on the snake's body.


Wu An looked at the [-]-meter giant python on the ground, and after looking at his pitch-black right arm, he immediately sighed:

"Hey! It seems that the armed domineering that I have comprehended has not yet reached the threshold!"

That's right, the pitch black that Fan Aoka observed through the scope before is actually the state of Wu'an's domineering armed color!

Although Wu An was not satisfied, the two punches just now really used this kind of domineering! .

93 Comprehending Armed Color Domineering

The gigantic [-]-meter python crashed to the ground, crushing nearly one-fifth of the entire ancient ruins. After tossing twice on the ground, it finally straightened itself.

After receiving such a strong impact, the fierceness in the [-]-meter giant python's temperament was also completely aroused, only the sound of landslides and cracks was heard, and a ten-meter-thick snake tail swept towards it!

Seeing this, Wu An's eyes flickered with a bright light, and the arms that had returned to normal were once again covered with darkness, but it seemed to be thicker than before!

The fighting ability of the [-]-meter python has surpassed the range of Fan Oka and Shabas. As for Nami, how could a warrior with small arms and legs withstand such a strong impact!

For the sake of safety, the three of them glanced at Wu An's back, prayed inwardly, and quickly evaded towards the periphery of the ancient ruins.

Seeing Nami and the others leave the battlefield, Wu An felt more at ease, even though the 10-meter python in his hands was not considered a powerful species.

But it would be embarrassing if it accidentally affected the crew who had just been pulled onto the ship. Wu An was able to let go of his hands and feet when Nami and the others left the battlefield.

The tail of the snake roared in the distance, Wu An stomped heavily on the ground with both feet, and his whole body jumped into the sky in an instant.

The sharp snake pupils of the [-]-meter giant python stared closely at Wu An who had shifted from the ground to the air, and the tail of the snake under him turned around and quickly swung towards the air!

Unexpectedly, the [-]-meter giant python was quite clever. It seemed to be chaotic when attacking, but the details were handled quite well.

It's just that with Wu'an's sensitivity, there is nothing comparable to this [-]-meter python!

Seeing the whistling snake tail, Wu An not only did not dodge, but instead jumped forward. When the two were about to collide, Wu An suddenly released the impact force from his body.

Like a cotton candy, the whole body is attached to the snake tail of the [-]-meter python.

As soon as he stepped on it, Wu An felt his feet slip. In order to prevent his body from falling off, Wu An leisurely grasped the gap between the scales of the [-]-meter giant python with both hands, and firmly fixed his body on the snake's tail.

Now the [-]-meter python suddenly encountered a problem. Wu An's body was too small for the [-]-meter python's vision. If he used his fangs to attack the enemy, if he was not careful, he might hurt himself.

The eyes of the [-]-meter giant python were fixed on Wu An above the snake's tail, not knowing how to make a move for a while.

Wu An held a piece of scale tightly with both hands, and looked at the [-]-meter python with a smile on his face.

The smile on his face seemed to indicate this:

"It's up to you what to do now, are you upset? If you are unhappy, come and hit me!"

Obviously, the intelligence of this [-]-meter giant python was not as high as Wu An imagined. After a slight provocation, he opened his bloody mouth.

The snake head roared in the air tens of meters high, and actually gnawed towards its own tail, to be precise, gnawed towards Wu An above the snake's tail.

Seeing that the [-]-meter python actually launched an attack, the smile on Wu An's face stopped abruptly. After some insight during the battle, it seemed that his understanding of the domineering nature of the armed forces had increased.

If you want to test the results of comprehension, isn't the [-]-meter python in front of you just right?

Wu An crossed his arms across his chest, and the jet-black color had changed from smoke-like to plastic-like. You didn't need to distinguish it yourself, you could see the difference between before and after.

At this moment, the [-]-meter giant python put the snake's head in front of it, and ruthlessly bumped into Wu'an who was above the snake's tail!


With a loud noise, Wu An's body didn't move a bit, but the tail of the [-]-meter python was stared back by the huge force from the snake's head.

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