Qin Feng stepped forward to check, and sure enough, he saw that the little guy in the battle pet egg had been sleeping deeply, and the whole eggshell was emitting a faint red light.

"Strange! Calculate the time, the little guy should have hatched, why is he still sleeping?"

Qin Feng caressed the eggshell and muttered.

"Master, this battle pet egg was originally at the fifth level, but it was only advanced to the sixth level after absorbing the medicinal power of the blazing red lotus, so maybe the hatching time has become longer because of this!"

"As it should be!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Qiyue said again: "Master, my grandfather said that the longer the hatching time of the battle pet egg, the better. The stronger the battle pet, the longer the hatching time will be. The hatching time of this battle pet is longer than expected, which means that it will be very fast Strong."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "There is such a saying! If that's the case, let's wait slowly! By the way, Yue'er, you continue to purchase other materials for building the teleportation array. I will go to build it in a few hours. Teleportation array."


The little girl readily agreed.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng came to the separate room that Qiyue had arranged for him.

After closing the door, he took out five golden treasure chests and directly combined one dark gold treasure chest.

So far, he has three hidden gold treasure chests and one golden treasure chest in his hand.

This satisfied him greatly.

After finishing these, Qin Feng sat cross-legged in the room.

Afterwards, he took out the 40 dragon blood fruits that he hadn't eaten last time, and exchanged them for thousands of novice daggers.

Next, he started to make money while eating spiritual fruit...

With Qiyue's triple time force field, Qin Feng saved a lot of time.

In the blink of an eye, four hours passed by the outside world.

Twelve hours had passed in the wooden house.

During these twelve hours, Qin Feng actually extracted more than 7 novice short knives and earned more than 22 contribution points.

In addition, the forty dragon blood fruits were also eaten.

His dragon blood concentration also reached 14.7%, and his combat power soared to 517 stars in one fell swoop.

So far, his small goal of reaching more than 500 stars in combat power has finally been completed.

It put him in a good mood.

"Four hours have passed! Time to act!"

At this moment, Qin Feng let out a long sigh of relief and got up happily.

He was very satisfied with what he had gained in these twelve hours.

Next, he should build the teleportation array.

After he built it, it was almost dark, and it was time to do the mission at the bottom of the lake.

Qin Feng felt that the plan was perfect, so he was going to go to Qiyue to ask about the progress of collecting other materials of the teleportation array.

But at this moment, Heaven sent a reminder

Chapter Two Hundred and Two

Qin Feng felt that the plan was perfect, so he was going to go to Qiyue to ask about the progress of collecting other materials of the teleportation array.

But at this moment, Heaven sent a reminder...

[Reminder: The number of 3-level novice wooden houses in Longyuan Village has reached 100, meeting the standards required for upgrading to 4-level villages. 】


Completed another hardcore condition for upgrading to level 4 village.

Having said that, Longyuan Village's upgrade speed is getting faster and faster, even if it is twice as difficult as others' upgrade, it is much faster than others.

This is not only because of the rich resources of Longyuan Village, Longyuan Village also has a bigger advantage, that is the huge population.

In other villages, the population is less than a thousand, and most of them are between 900 and [-] people.

The population of Longyuan Village is more than 5000, nearly [-] times that of other villages.

Nearly twenty times as many people go to kill monsters, cut trees, quarry stones, and mine, and the basic resources such as fur, wood, stone, and iron ore harvested are very huge.

Therefore, the speed at which Longyuan Village collects resources is beyond the imagination of other villages.

Even if other villages try their best, they can't keep up with one-tenth of Longyuan Village.

This is the benefit of a large population.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's mind flashed.

Thinking about it this way, if he captures tens of thousands of prisoners of war and converts them all into slaves, it will be of great benefit to Longyuan Village.

Because after the villagers obtain production resources, they have to consume resources to upgrade wooden houses.

The slaves are different, they don't have a personal wooden house, they live in a public building 'slave house', and don't need to consume strategic resources.

Their only authority is to exchange contribution points for some food.

Therefore, they almost only produce resources and do not consume them.

In this way, the resources they produce are continuously supplied to Qin Feng and the villagers for use, thereby speeding up the upgrading of Longyuan Village.

After thinking about this, Qin Feng's heart was full of enthusiasm, and he was full of expectations for upgrading the village to level 4.

Because only level 4 villages have prisoners of war orders, they can have slaves.

"Don't think about it, let's deal with the teleportation array first!"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart, and went to find Qiyue...

A quarter of an hour later, outside the wooden house.

Qin Feng looked at the spiritual grass in the garden and felt comfortable.


Level 1 spirit grass had already been withdrawn by him to the full amount.

As for Tier 2 and Tier 3 spirit grass, he didn't have time to extract them, so he temporarily planted them in this space without losing them.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Behind Qin Feng, Qiyue's voice sounded.

The little girl's tone was a bit reluctant.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "Well, I have earned enough contribution points, and I should deal with the teleportation array. This is also a matter of great concern to everyone."

Qiyue also said: "Yes, the thirteen villages of Longqian have not yet teleported, and they are all in a hurry! The fact is that the resources in their villages are too poor, and the upgrade speed is relatively slow. There are still more than 100 people stuck in the 7 class."

Qin Feng frowned: "This period is still stuck at level 7, which is a bit dangerous. It seems that I have to speed up the progress. However, the fifth-level bones in my hand are only enough to build seven teleportation arrays."

"Yue'er, it's because those seven villages are progressing slowly in upgrading. I'll activate their teleportation arrays first."

"Master, it's Long Qian, Long Fei, Long Teng..."

At that moment, Qiyue announced the names of seven villages like a few treasures.

The little girl knew the progress of the whole village like the back of her hand.

She is Qin Feng's eyes and ears.

With her assistance, Qin Feng manages Longyuan Village with ease.

"Yue'er did a good job, then activate the teleportation arrays of these seven villages first."

Qin Feng casually praised.

The little girl looked happy: "Master, this is what Yue'er should do. By the way, master, I have collected fifteen copies of the other materials you want for the teleportation array, which is enough for you to build fifteen teleportation arrays in the future."

"Also, during this period of time, I got another golden treasure chest, all of which are in this storage ring."

Qin Feng took a look at the storage ring, and found that it was neat and tidy, with fifteen pieces of materials and a golden treasure chest.

He was in a happy mood, and secretly praised the little girl for her ability in handling things.

"Well done! Yue'er, help me collect two more materials for building the 'Guardian Altar'."

Qin Feng owns the land deed card of the Cangtu Department.

In the future, he will inevitably occupy the Cangtu Department, so he will build a guardian altar.

There is also the title deed card in Tayue Town, which can also be obtained after completing the mission at the bottom of the lake, which also requires a guardian altar.

In this regard, he has to make some preparations in advance.

"Okay! Yue'er will do it in a while!"

The little girl obediently agreed.

"By the way, there are these, you can also take care of them."

Qin Feng casually handed over a storage ring.

Qiyue took a look and was very surprised.

"Wow! There are so many Tier [-] and Tier [-] equipment, and there are nine pieces of Tier [-] equipment alone! Master, where did you get so much equipment?"

The little girl was amazed, her eyes were full of little stars.

There were dozens of third-tier equipment and nine fourth-tier equipment in the storage ring, which really made her excited.


The master really made a fortune this time!

Seeing Qiyue's excited appearance, Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

Those were obtained by killing Cang people.

As well as some equipment fished out from the bottom of the lake, after being extracted by him, it became Tier [-] and Tier [-].

In short, the harvest is indeed huge!

"Master, have you found a big treasure?"

The little girl looked at Qin Feng with joy, her face was full of curiosity.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "I didn't find any treasures, I just killed a few prefecture-level guardians."

Qiyue was surprised: "Guardians? They appeared so soon!"

Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat: "Yue'er, do you know about the Guardian?"

The little girl nodded slightly: "I only know a little bit. My grandfather said that after each challenger's novice assessment, the main task they face is to compete with the guardian forces for control of this area."


"I heard that this battle is extremely important. It is related to the life and death of the two forces. Only the victorious party is eligible to participate in the battle for hegemony in the Blue Star Realm!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Sure enough, what followed was a turf war and a resource war.

The title deed card will be very important!

He was lucky and had already obtained a title deed card in advance.

For the same reason, he will also become the primary target of the guardian forces in the future.

Because by beheading him, you can get the title card of Longyuan Village.

Therefore, he has to keep getting stronger in order to have the last laugh.

"Master, you have killed so many guardians this time, if you reveal your whereabouts. The number of guardians is far less than that of the challengers, but they have a deep background and many experts in them. They will definitely not give up. You have to be on guard."

The little girl's tone was full of concern.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Qiyue said again: "Also, you have to be careful when you go to Tongtian Lake in the future, that place should have become their primary target."

Qin Feng nodded: "I really have to be on guard! It seems that I have to speed up the time and complete the task at the bottom of the lake."

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