At this time, Paul, the head of Guangming Village, came out to speak.

Paul: "Oh! Mr. Qin Feng, our Guangming Village is willing to exchange two pieces of Tier [-] equipment for twenty green wood cores. This should be a good deal for you. At the same time, our Guangming Village is also willing to be friends with you."

"Although your Longyuan Village was lucky enough to be promoted to level 3 in advance. But in terms of real strength, your Longyuan Village may not be as good as our Guangming Village. Our Guangming Village has a large number of missionaries."

"They are born with bright talents, and their talent levels are very high, so our Guangming Village is very strong. Don't you want to make such a powerful ally?"

"Besides, although you Longyuan Village has been promoted to level 3 ahead of schedule, you Longguo people are born thin and weak, and you can't afford it in this killing world, so you should need a strong ally like us."

As soon as these words fell, Qin Feng smiled.

This Guangming Village is obviously a village established by Western white skins, and it is born with a sense of self-superiority.

Not only Qin Feng saw what he said, but also the villagers of Longyuan Village laughed.

"Haha!! These western white-skinned pigs are really dogs who can't change their nature of eating shit! I'm almost reduced to a homeless dog, and they still have an inexplicable sense of superiority, and they also attribute the upgrade of our Longyuan Village to good luck! "

"Is this guy a pig? Our Longyuan Village is level 4, and it will be level 5 soon, and their Guangming Village is only level 2. They actually said that they are stronger than us! It's ridiculous!"

"Upstairs, during the village competition, Tiandao only announced that our village has been promoted to level 3. They don't know about our promotion to level 4 village! From our estimation, these dogs thought we were Level 3 village!"

"Even if they think we are still a level 3 village, they can't shamelessly think that they are better than us! These western bastards always look down on us Long Kingdom people with colored glasses, it's really funny!"

At the same moment, Qin Feng laughed in his heart when he saw Paul's remarks.

With the current strength of Longyuan Village, Guangming Village is not even worthy of carrying shoes for Longyuan Village, let alone being an ally of Longyuan Village.

This Paul actually had a sense of self-superiority, and even used the alliance as a gimmick, thinking that it would attract Longyuan Village.

Inside and outside the words, don't forget to belittle the people of Longguo.

This Paul is just an idiot!

Both inside and outside the words reveal the arrogance and stupidity of Westerners.

Qin Feng: "Sorry! I'm not interested in Tier [-] equipment!"

Paul was surprised: "I bought it! It's Tier [-] equipment! It should be the top equipment during this novice assessment period!"

Qin Feng: "That's what you think! In my eyes, it is worthless. In short, I have no interest in the transaction with your Guangming Village!"

Paul was annoyed: "Oh my friend, you know what? You are offending a powerful village. You will regret it!"

Qin Feng: "I'm looking forward to it! I heard that after the novice assessment is over, Tiandao will announce the information of many villages. Maybe our two villages will meet soon. At that time, I want to know whether you regret it or I regret it ?”

Paul: "Fack! You'll regret it! Good luck!"

Immediately, Paul left cursing.

Qin Feng: "I heard that someone exchanged a super synthetic card for Aoki core, which village is it?"

Qing Chengzi: "Haha! Little friend, you scolded me too much just now. The Western white guy just now. The old man has long disliked him. In the past few days, the old man has quarreled with him several times."

When Qin Feng saw the profile picture of Qingchengzi, a scruffy Taoist priest, he was obviously from Longguo, and his impression immediately improved a lot.

Qingchengzi: "Little friend, the old man can exchange super synthetic cards for green wood cores, one card for twenty green wood cores, do you think it's okay?"

Speaking of this, Qingchengzi was a little embarrassed.

He felt that a super synthetic card was worth fifteen green wood cores at most, and it would be too much to exchange twenty.

Unfortunately, he has nothing valuable in his hands.

In order to keep more villagers alive, he donated a lot of items in exchange for energy stones to upgrade those villagers.

At present, he only has this super synthetic card left, which is still worth some money.

After saying those words, Qingchengzi felt a little uneasy.

He didn't know whether Qin Feng would agree, after all, his request was a bit too much.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng readily agreed.

Qin Feng: "Deal! Come to the trading channel!"

Qingchengzi was overjoyed: "Thank you, little friend Qin Feng! Our Wuzhuang Temple will remember your kindness!"

Qin Feng smiled: "We are both from Longguo, so we should take care of each other."

At the moment, Qin Feng entered the trading channel.

It didn't take long for the two of them to complete the transaction, and everyone was happy.

Qingchengzi got Qingmuxin, and Wuzhuangguan would be promoted to a third-level village immediately, and their whole village burst into cheers.

Qin Feng got a super synthetic card, and he felt a sense of relief.

In his mind, the value of a super synthetic card is more precious than a thousand greenwood cores.

This transaction is definitely worth it.

After the transaction was completed, Qin Feng withdrew from the World Channel and didn't bother to pay attention to other villages.

However, after he left, he confessed to Qiyue that he slightly relaxed the control over Aoki's 5.4 core.

From this moment on, green wood cores can be exchanged for golden treasure chests, but they cannot be traded with villages in countries such as Western Baipi, Asan, Sakurajima, and Nanbang.

Qiyue gladly accepted the order.

Qin Feng did this because he wanted to get out the third purple diamond treasure chest as soon as possible.

At this moment, in the room.

Qin Feng was looking at the magic card in his hand with joy.

That is the super synthetic card he just got!

With this card, he will soon be able to get the third purple diamond treasure chest.

When he thought of the purple diamond treasure chest, he became excited.

After adjusting his mood, he put away the divine card, and took out a ball of divine blood from the storage ring.

As soon as the divine blood comes out, it emits golden light and a faint dragon power.

That is True Dragon Blood Essence (Low Grade), a seventh-order item.

It is also the only seventh-order treasure in Qin Feng's hands.

Before, Qin Feng didn't have time to deal with it, and now he is free to refine it.

"This is the seventh-order true dragon essence blood! I don't know what level my blood talent will be raised to after refining it?"

Qin Feng looked at the blood in front of him, and his heart was full of anticipation.

Right now, he was preparing to refine dragon blood.

But at this moment, Heaven sent a reminder

Chapter 260 Fusion of Dragon Blood, Level [-] Heavenly Punishment!

Qin Feng looked at the blood in front of him, and his heart was full of anticipation.

Right now, he was preparing to refine dragon blood.

But at this moment, Heaven sent a reminder...

[Announcement to the whole world: The night has fallen, the 'village chief mission' is activated again, this is the last village chief mission. 】

[After this mission is over, members of Novice Villages that have not established a village will immediately become refugees and their attributes will be deducted by 100 points. 】

[Reminder: Refugees will lose access to novice cabins, chat channels, and trading channels. 】


As soon as the news came out, the entire blue star world was in a commotion!

Countless novice villages began to howl!

What a miserable life to be a refugee!

You can't use the novice hut, and you can't use the chat channel and trading channel. It is tantamount to being isolated and difficult to organize.

Such a situation is very dangerous in this perilous killing world.

Heaven's punishment for losers!

Very harsh!

As for those who have established villages, they all secretly rejoice.

Without the shelter of a village, it is difficult for an individual to survive in such a world.

In the wooden house, after listening to the news calmly, Qin Feng planned to continue refining the blood essence of the real dragon.

At this time, Tiandao sent another reminder.

[Announcement: The Heavenly Punishment assessment will start after 10 [-] hours, and this Heavenly Punishment will be adjusted according to the strength of the village. 】

【Punishment rules are as follows】

[Level 0 villages are subject to level 0 punishment, and the strength of the punishment is at the peak of the human level. 】

[Pass the assessment: Villagers get 100 attribute rewards, and the village chief gets 250 attribute rewards. 】

[Assessment failed: the village was disbanded, and all villagers became refugees. 】

[Level 1 village, bears the 1st level of Heavenly Punishment, the strength of the Heavenly Punisher is Earth-level Triple Heaven]

[Pass the assessment: Villagers get 200 attribute rewards, and the village chief gets 500 attribute rewards. 】

[Assessment failed: Level 1 village downgraded to Level 0 village. 】

[Level 2 villages are subject to level 2 punishment, and the strength of the punishment is at the fifth level. 】

[Pass the assessment: Villagers get 300 attribute rewards, and the village chief gets 1000 attribute rewards. 】

[Assessment failed: Level 2 village downgraded to Level 1 village. 】

As soon as the news came out, there was a sensation in Longyuan Village!

This is the real content of God's punishment!

This is different from their previous guess.

It turned out that God's punishment failed, but the village was downgraded by 1 level.

And if you pass the heavenly punishment, you will be rewarded generously.

The higher the punishment level, the richer the reward.

However, the higher the punishment level, the more difficult it is to pass.

If the pass rate of level 0 Heaven's Punishment can reach 60%, then the pass rate of level 1 talent is 40%, and the pass rate will be lower the higher the level is.

In fact, as soon as this announcement came out.

On the World Channel, the 10,000+ villages are all wailing.

Many villages are ready for relegation.

Even the villagers of Longyuan were worried.

Longyuan Village is a level 4 village, and what it has to face is level 4 punishment.

And the level 4 Heaven's Punisher's strength is Nine Heavens.

In their view, Qin Feng has a high probability of having the strength of the Nine Heavens, which is at the same level as the Level 4 Punisher.

The strength is equal, and the outcome is unpredictable!

They are naturally uneasy!

As for the level 5 village, they are facing level 5 Heaven's Punisher.

The strength of the level 5 sky punisher is the peak of the earth level.

At the peak of the prefecture level, the combat power ranges from 1100 stars to 1900 stars.

The range is huge!

Originally, the prefecture-level peak was a transitional realm.

Longyuan villagers can't imagine that their boss can fight against the top of the prefecture level.

Obviously, they all underestimated Qin Feng's progress...

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