After leaving the Valkyrie base, Ye Xiao also let go of the left hand that was used to control Mei's wrist after confirming that the other party had not followed.

"Sorry, it was not my intention to kidnap you, and I have no choice but to go back and find your companions now."

After being released, Mei, who had been waiting for a long time, also turned around and kicked Ye Xiao's third God's key sideways, trying to knock down the opponent's weapon.

And Ye Xiao was also on guard against Mei's counterattack. When he was about to fight back, a cold wave suddenly erupted from Anna beside him, freezing Mei in the ice.

"Anna... Raiden Mei, we are not enemies."

Looking at Mei in the ice, Ye Xiao said nothing more, shook his head, and led Anna to continue walking towards the depths of the coral island.

He had already recorded all the defense plans for Destiny when he came here, and he was able to safely bypass all surveillance in the city.For the rest, I can only hope that there is no locator installed on my body here.

After all, as the cadre of the World Snake, he is very clear about the methods of the World Snake.

But what he didn't know was that due to the impact of the Houkai, there was no way to communicate near Coral Island.Even if the World Snake has tracking means, there is no way to find him.

Coral Island is now an isolated island.

... ...

The Immortal Blade team on the periphery of the coral island has already landed, surrounding all the exits of the coral island to prevent the Honkai Beast from leaving the coral island.

Perhaps because of the Herrscher, the Houkai beast here is covered with layers of frost, and there is still a cold air around it. ,

Although the extreme weather does not have a great impact on the Valkyrie, but for these Valkyrie who have been in the tropics...

These are not the main problems. What makes their mission more difficult are those Houkai beasts who are crossing the ice and sea!Because of the extremely low temperature, these Honkai beasts have already frozen the water surface as soon as they touch the water surface...

"Is this the place agreed upon by the World Snake? But, what about the people?" Rita and Ulandal arrived at the place as agreed, but did not see the members of the World Snake, so they could only wait patiently and clean up the surrounding area. Honkai Beast.

After all, it's not time yet, and they came a little too early.

Not long after they waited, a space door suddenly opened in front of them, and a familiar figure walked out quickly from the space door.

"Second Herrscher?" Seeing the person in front of her, Rita raised her eyebrows. If she remembers correctly, it should be Raven and the others who came to support, right?I still want to make fun of her.

However, coming here at this time should also be for the Herrscher of Coral Island.


A smile appeared on the corner of Rita's mouth. Anyway, Coral Island's communication can no longer be transmitted, so how about taking this opportunity to tease that guy?

"Scary! Urandale! Rita? How do you..."

"Second Herrscher, I didn't expect you to join the World Snake. You should be the ally the Bishop mentioned." Before Kiana could speak, Rita spoke first.

"Huh?" Kiyana blinked in confusion.

She just came out secretly because she was worried about Mei's situation. How did she become the snake of the world?

"Your World Snake's actions are really too slow, and you even sent such a new girl. But since it is the Second Herrscher, it is understandable." Rita sighed softly and continued to explain Said: "The Herrscher has been born, and it's in Coral Island."

"Since the people of the World Snake are already in place, let's go in quickly?" Youlandelle frowned, although she felt something was wrong, but the tense situation was urgent now, so there was no time to care so much.

After a few minutes... ...

"Tsk, hasn't the Man of Destiny come yet?" Raven and Gray Snake arrived at the agreed place as scheduled, and seeing that there was no one around, they couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

If it wasn't for the traitor Chen Tianwu, why would she have to wait for Gray Snake to bring a new Rod of the Underworld, and hurry over here.

But it seems that he is still early?

I didn't expect the people of Destiny to have such a bad sense of time.

"There seem to be traces of fighting around." Gray Snake looked around carefully with his one-eyed eyes, and the traces of various fighting around were still very obvious. According to the fighting style, there should be Valkyries who fought here.

"Could it be that they left us to deal with the Herrscher? The Archbishop shouldn't do such a thing like this?"

"Who knows, we don't have to wait for them, let's go directly to Coral Island. Just ask them to open the way for me, isn't that their job?" Gray Snake snorted softly, and walked towards Coral Island along the pipeline route.

After stepping into the range of Coral Island, Raven looked at the road full of Honkai Beasts, and couldn't help but doubt Gray Snake's judgment just now.

"Are you sure this is the way they came?"

"It shouldn't be... If you want to enter the coral island, there is only this way to directly enter the interior of the coral island. They can't take other paths, unless..."


ps: Open a special episode.


ps2: Make sure it is free before writing!

Chapter 37 The world that almost hit GG

According to Qiyana's sense of Houkai energy, it can be clearly felt that there are two very large Houkai energy reactions, one of which must be Mei, and the other is Meixin?

What about lawyers?Didn't you say there are lawyers?

Looking at the two Houkai energy reactions that are not too far apart on the left and the right, both are moving in the same direction... After a little thought, Kiyana still chose the Houkai energy on the periphery of the coral island. source.

After opening the space door on her own, Rita and Ulandal followed closely behind and entered the door together.

Seeing the space door that suddenly appeared in front of them, Teresa and the others were subconsciously taken aback, but immediately thought of what it was, and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Ah! Auntie! And Yaxin and Mom!" Looking at Teresa and the others, Qiyana warmly greeted them.

"Qiana, why did you sneak out again!? You know... Lili Lilita!! Youlandelle!"

"Master Teresa, long time no see."

"Theresa? Why are you here too?"

Seeing Rita and Yolandelle who came out with Kiana, Teresa and the others fell into shock.He dragged Qiyana over, and asked anxiously, "Why did you come with the two of them? You must know that you were fighting there before, but now you are fighting against the Herrscher together? Moreover, the fate of this The goal this time is to capture the Herrscher!"

"The Herrscher? Hasn't the Herrscher come out yet?"

"How is it possible? Herrscher was born a long time ago, and even took Mei away!"

"How is it possible..." Kiyana just wanted to ask where Mei was, but she couldn't help being stunned when she heard Teresa say this.Since the other one is Herrscher, where is Mei...

"... Kiyana?" Looking at Kiyana who suddenly fell silent, and the oppressive feeling coming from Kiyana, Teresa suddenly had a bad premonition.

"How is this possible... Mei, she..." Thinking of some kind of possible Kiana, black air gradually emerged from her body, and there seemed to be some kind of whispers in her ears.

The world without Mei, let it be destroyed!

"Qiana? Why are you here?"

"Hey! Mei?" Kiyana heard a familiar voice and looked subconsciously.Mei, on the other hand, supported the door and looked at herself in surprise.

"Why did you sneak out?"

"Mei! It's great that you're fine!"

"What!? Wait a minute...don't wipe your tears on me!"

Seeing the two fighting together again, they also let out a sigh of relief.Finally, Ulandal couldn't help asking: "I said, shouldn't our task be to capture the Herrscher?"


"Uh... it's the new Herrscher of Ice." Looking at the three Herrschers in front of her, even Ulandal, known as the strongest Valkyrie, felt a little bit of pressure, and quickly changed her words.

But...the promised Herrscher is the enemy of mankind?Now there are three Herrschers in front of me joining the organization against Honkai! Hey! ?

Thinking of the Fourth Herrscher who was dealt with by herself, Ulandal finally felt a little bit of comfort.

(Wendy, who was far away at the anti-entropy base, couldn't help trembling.)

"Their words are heading into the city...but the surrounding magnetic field is still very chaotic, even I can't find him..." After Kiyana finally pushed away, Mei said everything she knew: "They still have the 'Staff of the Underworld' that can temporarily weaken the Herrscher, but there should be no way to use it...and"

Now, as long as she is prepared, she can counteract or cause the effect of the Underworld Staff. In this way, they are more likely to bring back the Herrscher.

Thinking of this, Mei glanced at Ulandal and the others beside her, and asked Qiyana in a low voice: "Qiana, why are Ulandal and the others here?"

"They, I met them when I came here, but they seem to regard me as a member of World Snake."

"Is that so..."

Rita and Ulandal are both S-rank Valkyries of Destiny, it is absolutely impossible for them to appear here for vacation, and they mistaken Kiyana for a member of World Snake... In this way, Destiny and World Snake Everyone is paying attention here, and even prepared the layout in advance.

Now that Coral Island is temporarily cut off from the outside world, it is necessary to find Herrscher before the Mandate of Heaven or the World Snake can contact Ulandale and the others.

But what about the original World Snake members?Shouldn't she still be waiting for Youlandelle outside...


"Hey! Gray Snake, where are we going?" Raven curled up, trying to reduce heat loss as much as possible.And the Gray Snake beside her, holding a map of coral islands in his hand, was analyzing it carefully, and was not affected in any way.

"…have no idea."


After hearing Gray Snake's answer, Raven was stunned.

"Our World Snake has completely scrapped the surveillance network established on Coral Island, and we could have borrowed the ability of the Third God's Key to search for it..."

"This is the talent you recommended."

"... "

"I hope you can find the third key of God, otherwise, you will know the consequences." Gray Snake snapped the map in his hand, put it away, and looked at Raven: "We can only Waiting for the Herrscher to cause a big commotion, otherwise, in this case, it would be tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack."


A few thunderclaps flashed in the sky, causing the two of them to look up at the sky subconsciously.The lightning flashed across the sky, but the direction of the flash was a bit weird, as if it was alive, flickering back and forth.

After a few seconds, the lightning finally stopped, and without the slightest hesitation, the two rushed towards the direction where the lightning struck last.


Accompanied by lightning, Yai landed in a garden, and in front of him were Ye Xiao and Herrscher.Then, beside Mei, a space door was opened, followed by Teresa and the others.

"...Why do you want to kill them all? Is it because she is the Herrscher? Since you can control the power of the Herrscher, so can Anna!"

"So, we are here to help you..." Teresa couldn't help touching her forehead. It was because they controlled the power of the Herrscher that they came here to be teachers.

"And I have severed ties with Grandpa..."

"Master Teresa, please don't say such angry words, the bishop will be sad." Rita persuaded in a 'timely' way: "And you must know that now, in name, the Far East Branch still belongs to the Mandate of Heaven. .If your words, Lord Teresa, are heard by the Bishop..."

"Master Otto's funding for the Far East Branch will probably be cut off."

You know, even though Teresa hasn't contacted Otto for so long, she is still Otto's granddaughter in name, and Otto also treats her as a rebellious granddaughter, and has not clearly broken off the relationship.

"Ahem, cough, in short, we are not the ones who represent the destiny or the world snake. If you want to help Anna fight against the Herald, trust us."

"We can also contact other organizations for you! Do you know Anti-Entropy? I was talking and laughing with their leader a few days ago? And Mi Huyou, I am their big member! I can help you contact them! "

"Besides, do you want to bet that I won't hand you over to destiny, or do you want to make unnecessary sacrifices?" As she spoke, Teresa pointed to the Valkyries around her: "Any one of us here may be alone. Do you believe it or not?"

PS: Preview of the next episode

Teresa: Urandale, I have learned one thing from my short life...the more you play tricks, the more you will find that the Valkyrie's ability has limits...

Ulandal: Master Teresa, what exactly do you want to say?

Teresa: I won't be a Valkyrie anymore!

Chapter 38 Magical Girl Special Day

"Do I have any choice now?" Ye Xiao lowered his arms weakly, and pointed the muzzle of the Third God's Key towards the ground.

Even if he could take Anna out with his own life, he would definitely give his life without hesitation, but in fact he couldn't.

At least he had heard about World Snake and Destiny's pursuit of the Second Herrscher. It's impossible for the Second Herrscher to help the organization that hunted her before, right?

Just when Ye Xiao was about to hand over Anna, a gunshot rang out from somewhere, and Ye Xiao's chest was pierced instantly. electric spark.

"The center that controls the body has been destroyed... careless." As Ye Xiao's last thought flashed, his body fell heavily to the ground.The Herrscher of Ice stood blankly behind Ye Xiao, roared hoarsely, squatted down, and hugged Ye Xiao in his arms.

At the same time, a red light beam also concentrated on Herrscher, and the riots around Herrscher could be instantly calmed down.

Seeing Ye Xiao fall to the ground, they all froze for a moment, then turned their heads to look in the direction of the gunfire.

"Long time no see, Destiny's friends." Gray Snake put down the smoldering Colt, and greeted several people, but his eyes were still fixed on Ye Xiao: "Sorry, this is World Snake Please don't meddle in internal matters."

"World Snake, no betrayal is allowed. Thank you Lord for your kindness. If the Lord hadn't said to save your life, the shot just now would have been aimed at your head!"

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