But the terrifying aura exuding from Luo Nuo's body seemed to kill these two general-level powerhouses without any consumption!

How desperate this made Gang Gukong and others!

After paying the huge price of the death of two general-level powerhouses, the enemy's strength has not diminished in any way!

How is this played?

This guy is a monster among monsters!

Not only Gang Gukong and the others, but people all over the world are also full of panic!

How long has it been!

Two general-level powerhouses have fallen!

You know, a general-level powerhouse is enough to destroy a country!

Such a strong man is like a chicken in front of Luo Nuo, one of them will die within a few minutes!

Moreover, they still gang up on Luo Nuo, and were killed by Luo Nuo!

This completely subverts the three views of people all over the world!

Is there really anyone in the world who can do this?

Even the heroes of the last era, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Red Earl and other pirates who are almost standing at the top!

It's also impossible to kill a general like a chicken like Luo Nuo!

Is he... God?

At this time, even Enilo, who had been protecting the live phone bug, was stunned!

Ai Nilu, who is proficient in knowledge and domineering, can fully feel that the breath and strength of each of the five people the captain is facing is much stronger than himself!

As a result, under the captain's hands, they were vulnerable, and two people died in a row!

In other words, if the captain didn't show mercy when he was on the empty island, then he might be too dead to die!

"Next, it's your turn!"

The next moment, Luo Nuo charged towards Steel Bone Kong with the ultimate killing intent!

There are only three people left now, it's easier to kill Gang Gukong!

Chapter 142 The Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies is empty!die

"Bastard [extremely evil]!"

"Sprint with all your strength! Otherwise, Steel Bones Kong and the others will be wiped out by the group!"

At this moment, Wu Laoxing, who had already set off from Marie Gioia, also felt bad for a moment!

In order to arrive quickly, Wulaoxing didn't take a warship, but directly used the moon step to fly straight to it!

But now, in less than 2 minutes, another general-level powerhouse has fallen!

Wu Laoxing's heart is bleeding!

Although the world's ZF has a profound background, a general-level powerhouse can be regarded as a huge combat power!

If it's worth dying for, that's all right!

But I'm afraid that these general-level powerhouses died less than a feather, and they didn't cause any trouble to the [extremely evil]!

What's more, now [The Evil One] has suddenly aimed at Steel Bone Kong!

Steel Bones Kong is a rare loyal dog!

Otherwise, Wu Laoxing would not allow him to sit on the position of the Generalissimo of the Armed Forces!

After losing such a talent, it is not easy to find a competent commander-in-chief of the armed forces!

"In short, this time we must completely wipe out the existence of [The Evil One]!"

On the side, the Knights of God composed of ten men in armor also said in a deep voice!

Everyone speeded up and moved towards Marin Fando at high speed!

Not long after, Marin Fando was already in sight!


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Marin Fando is still caught in a fierce battle!

Bayside Square, the Naval Headquarters building, and the town of Marine Vandeau.

He had already been razed to the ground in the aftermath of dozens of general-level powerhouses fighting!

Killed two CP0s!

Facing Steel Bone Kong again, the Air Force General and Army General are three general-level powerhouses.

Luo Nuo suddenly aimed his main target at Steel Bone Kong!

"It's not good! Marshal Sora...seems to be in danger!"

At the same time, Admiral Sennai was secretly worried!

Under the siege of five general-level powerhouses, Luo Nuo quickly killed two people!

Now he is targeting Marshal Steel Bone Kong again!

It is very likely that I can't resist it!

Steel Gu Kong is the old boss of the Warring States Period, and he is also a bole who has a kindness to the Warring States Period!

In the Warring States period, he was able to become the admiral of the navy, all thanks to the strong recommendation of the steel bone!

Now that Gang Gukong's life is in danger, Warring States couldn't help but worry.

"Gu la la la! Warring States period, how dare you be distracted by fighting with me!"

"You still worry about yourself!"

Whitebeard keenly sensed the opportunity, and with a slash with the Zhenzhen fruit attached, he instantly pushed back the distracted Sengoku by tens of meters!

At the same time, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, Luo Nuo is frantically attacking Steel Bone Kong!

[Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up physical strength 9999+]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up physical strength 9999+]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up the Six Forms Profound Truth Tyrannical Iron! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up the six-style profound meaning Eagle Strike! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up the Six Forms Profound Techniques Breaking Objects! 】

The system beeps keep coming.

Even if there are only three steel skeletons left, they can also provide a lot of physical recovery for Luo Nuo.

As for things like the six-style profound meaning, naturally, the more the better.

These are the moves that the general-level powerhouse is good at!

The more these moves, the more powerful the fusion knife technique that Luo Nuo can use!

Swish swish!Swish swish!

The first generation of ghosts flowed continuously with Luo Nuo's wrist, and the terrifying sword energy overflowed.

In the face of this sword energy that is fused with many fruit abilities, it is almost indestructible!

The three general-level powerhouses were also powerless and kept retreating!

And facing Luo Nuo's sword energy, the three of them could only use all their arrogance and physical strength to defend, they couldn't attack like before!

In all attacks, Luo Nuo's target is only one person, and the steel bone is empty!

Kill Steel Bone Kong, and morale will be greatly improved!

After all, the opponent is the Generalissimo of the Three Armies, the highest commander in the current battlefield!

"Damn it! The physical strength is exhausted too fast!"

Steel Gu Kong, Air Force General, and Army General also felt their physical strength drop rapidly at this moment!

"If this continues, all three of us will die!"

In less than a minute, terrifying scars appeared on the bodies of the three general-level powerhouses!

The air force and army generals are fine, after all they are not the main targets of Rono!

But it's much worse if the steel bone is empty!

By this time his clothes were already in tatters.

The ferocious muscles that usually looked like molten iron poured into them were now scarred and dripping with blood!

Chest, waist, neck and other vital parts have suffered serious injuries!

The momentum is even weaker than it looks!

Thanks to Steel Gu Kong, he is also a master of physical arts who concentrates on practicing physical arts and does not rely on fruit abilities!

Otherwise, he would have been swallowed up by the dark power attached to Luo Nuo's sword energy and turned into a corpse!

"You are the least injured, save your strength first! The Five Elders, and the Knights of the Gods are coming soon!"

"Here, leave it to me for the time being to stop [The Evil Ones]!"

Steel Gu Kong seemed to have made up his mind at this time!

"Marshal Kong!"

"Is this really going to work?"

The generals of the air force and army immediately understood the meaning of Gang Gukong's words!

He is going to fight to the death!

"Don't hesitate! The three of us are also dead, and I am also dead!"

"It's better for you to keep your strength! Take revenge for me!"

Although Steel Gu Kong usually obeys the five old stars, he is like a loyal dog!

But at the critical moment, he still showed the responsibility of the strong!

His knowledgeable and domineering can already perceive that Marin Fanduo has dozens of general-level powerhouses coming!

But it seems too late!

The strength of [The Evil One] is too terrifying!

Therefore, Steel Gu Kong also decisively decided to give up his life!

Let the two generals of the Air Force and Army retain their strength!

Wait until the reinforcements from the Five Old Stars arrive, and kill [The Evil Ones] together!

Such a result is better than the three of us resisting desperately here, and the group was wiped out in the end!

"it is good!"

The generals of the air force and army are not the kind of idiots without eyesight.

Now that Marshal Kong has made up his mind, they should cherish this opportunity Marshal Kong fought with their lives and keep their strength!

Wait for the arrival of the reinforcements, and then avenge the Steel Bone Marshal!

"Hehe, the steel bone is empty, but you have a lot of backbone."

"Very good! Then die!"

Seeing that the steel bone is empty and ready to die generously!

Luo Nuo also straightforwardly gave up the air force and army generals!

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