"Hahahaha! You're not dead yet! I'm so happy!"


"For so many years, I have always wanted to fulfill your long-cherished wish! Now it's great, you have returned in person!"

"I am so touched! Is this a gift from God? I am so grateful to God!"

The next moment, Kaido came directly to Rono's side, turned into a human form, and burst into tears at Rono!

It's like crying out all the grievances and grievances of so many years!

"This...[World's Strongest Creature] Kaido! It looks like this!"

"I actually cried! I cried so badly! I'm really emotional!"

"Snot and tears, is this really Kaido?"

This scene also made people all over the world!

And Marin Fando's powerhouses couldn't believe their eyes!

[World's Strongest Creature] Kaido, unexpectedly showing this appearance!

Chapter 154 Officially Surpassing the Rocks Pirates!worst ever

"Boss Kaido! You're crying even more sadly than before!"

"That's the man that Boss Kaido thinks about day and night—【The Evil One】!"

"It's the first time I've seen Boss Kaido crying like this!"

At the same time, when Kaido cried bitterly at Rono!

Members of the Beast Pirates also appear in Marin Vandor!

The three major disasters of the top cadres, Jhin, Quinn, and Jack!

Behind them are the five Lingkong sons, Fuzifu, Runti, Peggy Wan and others!

The main combat power and top cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are almost all here!

"But the lineup in front of me is too scary!"

"So many legends! Even the retired legends of Raleigh, Jabba, and the Golden Lion have appeared!"

"Are all these people here to join the God Killing Pirates?"

"It's no wonder Boss Kaido admires [The Evil One] so much!"

"The only person who can call together strong men from all over the world with one sentence is probably the [Evil One]!"

"Even the appeal of Roger, the One Piece, is not as terrifying as [The Evil One]!"

After the appearance of the three major disasters and the five sons of Ling Kong and others, after seeing the battle on the scene!

I can't help but take a breath!

Almost all the legendary great pirates of the last era are here!

Confronting them is the world's most powerful Five Elders!

And the mysterious Knights of the Gods directly under the Celestial Dragons!

And the strong men of the Navy Headquarters!

With such a huge scale, even the Pirates of the Four Emperors are like the country pirates in front of such a battle, vulnerable to a single blow!

"Goo la la la! What a disgrace, Kaido!"

"Jie ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kaido, you are still the same little follower as you were 36 years ago!"

"That's right, after so many years, I thought you'd grown up!"

"What a hopeless fool!"

After seeing this scene, Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Charlotte Lingling and other old members of the Rocks Pirates!

He also laughed at Kaido to his heart's content.

I thought that 36 years ago, Kaido had become [the strongest creature in the world], and his mind would change a little bit.

I didn't expect to be such a hopeless idiot.

"I'm afraid the only one who can make Kaido show this look is Rono."

"Yeah, Kaido is still the same as it was 36 years ago. Except for the growth in strength, nothing else has changed."

"What's the matter with this scene looking a little sad?"

For a while, Raleigh, Barrett, Red Earl, Jabba, Bondi Wald and others also sighed!

The great figures who experienced the battle of the Valley of the Gods 36 years ago are getting more and more tidy!

"Forget it, just laugh at it! You can't understand it even if I tell you!"

"How can you idiots understand my mood at this moment!"

Hear the ridicule of Golden Lion, White Beard, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Charlotte Lingling and others.

Kaido, uncharacteristically, was not angry.

I don't care if I am ashamed in front of the whole world!

No one in this world can empathize with me now!

It is impossible for these bastard idiots to understand the deep relationship between themselves and Lord Luo Nuo!

Master Luo Nuo has the grace of rebuilding for himself!

Such a benefactor reappeared after 36 years of disappearance, how could Kaido not be extremely excited!

"Really, who are you calling an idiot! Kaido!"

"You're looking for death! How dare you disrespect seniors like this!"

"Before on the Rocks Pirates, you were just a team member! We are the captain!"

"That's right, you're still as bad as you were 36 years ago!"

After hearing Kaido's words, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and Charlotte Lingling also lashed out at Kaido!

"A bunch of outdated old men and old women!"

"Is it reduced to the point where I can only talk about my qualifications in front of me, ranking seniority? It's really sinking!"

Regarding the words of these four people, Kaido directly controlled the four people into dizziness on the spot!

"Bastard Kaido!"

"Now we'd better clean up Kaido first!"

"I'm feeling it too!"

"Go together!"

Saying that, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Charlotte Lingling and others confronted Kaido!

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom! I am Kaido!"

Facing the menacing four, Kaido is not in vain at all!

"Gu la la la! It seems that I have returned to the days of the Rocks Pirates!"

Looking at this scene, Whitebeard felt as if he was dreaming, and laughed loudly.

Golden Lion, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, Xia Qi, MISS Ba Jin and Luo Nuo!

So many old guys are there, still bickering and arguing like everyday!

A disagreement or even a fight.

Isn't that the daily life of the Rocks Pirates?

"Yes! It's really nostalgic!"

The bickering between Golden Lion, Kaido, Wang Zhi, Silver Ax and others made Rono dumbfounded.

It's like dreaming back 36 years ago, when the Rocks Pirates gathered!

"That's great!"

"It feels like we're all younger."

Xia Qi and MISS Bajin, two elderly women, are also hiding in the crowd and secretly wiping their tears!

Scenes from 36 years ago resurfaced in front of my eyes!

It's all back...all it's back!

Rocks Pirates!

Reappear in the world again!

The other members of the God Killing Pirates.

The Golden Emperor, Doflamingo, Hawkeye, Crocodile, and even the others are also looking at the scene in front of them stupidly!

The conversations of these legendary pirates, they are not even qualified to intervene!

I can only listen obediently to the side!

"Damn it! Almost everyone who can come has come!"

"It's difficult now!"

After seeing that Kaido really arrived, Wulaoxing, the Knights of God!

The faces of Warring States, Karp, the three generals and others are also gloomy and dripping water!

With the arrival of Kaido!

In the Battle of the Valley of the Gods 36 years ago, except for the dead Lockes, Roger and John.

The rest of the main combat forces are almost all in place!

Whether it is the many captains of the Rocks Pirates!

Or the major forces of the Roger Pirates, all on stage!

In addition, today's God Killing Pirates have added a lot of incredible and powerful combat power!

Hawkeye, the Red Earl, and Bondy Wald, the three generals who were at the imperial level, did not participate 36 years ago.

Now these three are also members of the God Killing Pirates!

Plus Doflamingo, Croquelda, Empress, Jinping and others, the former Qiwuhai powerhouses.

And the great pirates of the new era, such as Golden Emperor, Marco, Green Pepper, Cat Viper, and Inuarashi.

There are also Marco, Ace, and Joz of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie, Snug from BIGMOM Pirates!

As well as the top cadres of the Beasts Pirates, the three major disasters, Jhin, Quinn, Jack, and the five Ling Kong sons and other powerhouses!

It can be said that today's God Killing Pirates have completely surpassed the Rocks Pirates back then!

Without a doubt, the most vicious pirate group ever!

PS: The third watch is here!

See you tomorrow at 7 o'clock!

Chapter 155 Red Hair: Marlin Fando is a bit different from what I imagined

"Scared? Why are the five old men of Wulaoxing here?"

"And those guys in armor, are the Knights of God there?"

"There are still a lot of people! World ZF!"

At this moment, Kaido suddenly froze!

After all, when Kaido came to Marin Vandor, he only paid attention to Rono, and didn't pay attention to too many things!

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