Drinking bottled black tea contentedly relieved the dry mouth caused by talking too much, Yinglili understood the fun of Benizaka Zhuyin for the first time.

Mentoring others seems like a real addiction.

Sagara Mayu summed up the experience taught by Eri, and made targeted revisions to the finished vertical paintings, looking for a balance between her own style and Kashiwagi Eri's characteristics, and trying to integrate what she has learned.

It wasn't until Tachie had nothing to modify that Sagara Mayu stopped and began to rest.

"Mayu, do you have time?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu's voice sounded.

"Yes, why?"

"Help me take a look at the part I wrote." Kasumigaoka Shiwa put the printed manuscript in front of Sagara Mayu, "Before I was busy with the production of "The World Chronicle XIII", and I had more contact with star clusters Not much. In contrast, you have been working with them all the time, and your understanding of the roles should be much better than mine."

"No, no, no..." Xiangle Zhenyu waved his hand, "I don't know how to write novels, so I can't give you advice."

"Then give me the impression of the otaku after reading it." Kasumigaoka Shiwa smiled, "That guy Sorao, his emotions are basically on Megumin, and Megumin is an ordinary person, and he is very different from an otaku. , so it's up to you to help."

Of course there is another option.

But to expect her to tell her true feelings...that would be hopeless.

"That's it, no problem!" Sagara Mayu nodded vigorously, and began to read seriously.

The sound of the manuscript paper being flipped gradually became more and more rapid, and when it reached a certain critical point, it became a little messy. This was Mayu Sagara's repeated confirmation, and that was indeed all that was left.

Turning from the end to the front again, Sagara Mayu sighed to herself while reading, "It's completely Xia Shizi's style, this feeling of hesitating to speak and the undercurrent of emotional changes... .”

Mayu Sagara, who basically didn't read the plots before, began to read various plots spontaneously and in detail after verifying Kobayashi Megumi's proposal.

And then rightfully had more fun.

Just like suddenly eating delicious food after being hungry, Mayu Sagara, who didn't watch the plots before, started to read various plots in detail, and fell in love with all kinds of interesting plots deeply.

"Like this one-sentence plot, if you write too much, you will feel irritated, get out of the plot, and start to criticize the author's writing techniques." Xiangle Mayu murmured, "But Teacher Xia Shizi's There is absolutely no such problem in the work..."

Chapter 471 Deja Vu

"Because the characters in Teacher Xia Shizi's works are completely standing, they are not like the characters being manipulated in the book, but more like living people." Xiangle Zhenyou read carefully, "In this case, the choices made by the characters It is not the need of the plot, but a decision that is in line with the characteristics of the character in the current situation. If the character does not do this, then it is not the character..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu put her arms around her chest, "It's just basic skills."

"It's not as simple as the basic skills." Xiangle Mayu shook his head, "It's too common for characters to deviate from the original creation. It's okay to eat books in the setting, but the forced reduction of intelligence and drastic changes in temperament makes people want to tear up the book. .It’s okay if the plot is so exciting that people can ignore these problems, but if the plot is so-so, then it’s torture..."

"This is a necessary trade-off. Every author wants to create a perfect work, but each author has his own strengths and weaknesses, which are reflected in the works and become highlights and poisonous points." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu reminded, "I am not letting You praise me, see if there is any problem."

"Well..." Saigaku tilted his head, and organized his words carefully, "Actually, at the beginning, I seldom read the plots of light novels, and the focus was on the illustrations of the characters. I am an artist myself. , so I am more interested in this aspect. As for the plot, I was not very interested in the past. At that time, I felt that if the ending is good, then I can just look at the good part, that is, the part shown in the illustration. If the ending is Bad, let alone look at the specific plot."

"Although as an author, your thoughts make me very uncomfortable..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu twitched her lips, "But everyone has their own way of appreciation, just buy a book."

As for how to look at it when you buy it home, the author can't control it.

Just buy it, buy it hard.

One for appreciation, one for collection, and one for missionary work.

"That's my previous method. After listening to Hui's suggestion, I began to read the plot carefully, only to realize how many good things I missed before. The ending is not important, everyone will die, but everyone's life is different Yes. Even if the ending is the same, the difference in the process will make the overall feeling different." Mayu Sagara showed a look of aftertaste, "Especially when the communication between the hero and heroine in the ending involves the previous plot, directly Looking at the ending, it’s just some ordinary and a little nasty words, but after watching the previous plots, and watching it again, all the past has come one after another, and you can feel how deep and long-lasting love is hidden in the ordinary words.”

"So?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that Sagara Mayu had almost prepared the groundwork, and the next words should be more ugly.

"Among them, "Love Metronome" gave me the best experience. Teacher Xia Shizi's precise and restrained control of emotions, the hero's indecision and the heroine's complex mood are vividly portrayed, and various emotions change naturally, and back and forth. Echo, the more you get to the back, the more it can resonate. But..."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was waiting for Mayu Sagara's continuation, and if nothing else happened, what I was going to say next was the point that wasn't very pleasant.

"But the premise is that you can see the back." Sagara Mayu sighed, "The front uses several consecutive plots to portray the character of the characters, so that the two main characters, and even a few unimportant supporting roles, show different characteristics. , continue to look back, only to find that these are all corresponding to the following, and are an indispensable part of the whole story... But the process of spreading out is too long, to the point of making people irritated. I flipped through I read it several times, and every time I saw a third of it, I couldn’t hold on. In the end, I almost forced myself to read it. After reading it, I went to the front to understand that this is the case here, and the heroine there thinks so. ...and marvel at the thoughtfulness and rationality of the overall structure—this is the premise that I know this is a good story."

"It's too long and boring, right?"

"Ah...if only I could say it so succinctly."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes wandered for a while.

Sagara Mayu was obviously able to speak succinctly, but that would be too weak and offensive.

"In contrast, the bunny girl senior sister handled it very well. In the early stage, she used abnormal situations to arouse the readers' curiosity, and then proposed the concept of puberty syndrome to tie the readers, and completed the shaping of the protagonist in the process of explaining and deciphering. "Mayu Sagara looked at the typed manuscript in his hand, "But this trick can't be used here."

"It's not the only trick." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while, and used a red pen to draw on the manuscript paper, "In this way, change Keke's appearance here, add some descriptions of the people around him and Xiangyin's psychological description, and then here Adjust the order..."

"Oh oh oh!" Xiangle Mayu's eyes lit up, "There is another method."

"It can also be modified here to form a contrast with the current impression of fans."

"It feels completely different! Oh, and here..."

"Hmm...it's a bit interesting, then you can change it here too."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa wants to give readers an experience different from the game version through the depiction of details.

As a person who has participated in game production, Sagara Mayu knows a lot about the details of the daily relationship between star clusters, and has a lot of information that Kasumigaoka Shiwa needs in her mind.

At the same time, as an otaku, although I can't write books, the opinions I put forward are still very reliable.

Ying Lili was originally drawing lines, adapting Kasumigaoka Shiwa's light novel into a manga.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sagara May were communicating enthusiastically over there, even Eriri, who was concentrating on painting, couldn't turn a blind eye.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was discussing the plot with Sagara Mayu, was beaming with joy, the kind of smile on her face that Eriri had never seen before.

If it weren't for the shackles of gravity, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's black long straight would probably float happily.

Looking contentedly at the typeface that had been sketched beyond recognition, Kasumigaoka Shiwa understood why Eirari was so happy just now.

This friendly exchange of inspiration seems to be truly addictive.

She sat back in front of the computer and revised the outline and manuscript according to the results of the previous discussion.

As time passed, Xiangle Mayu received a call from her brother. She originally wanted to work harder with everyone, but now she had to leave first.

"It seems that everyone communicated well." Kobayashi Kongqing looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri who continued to be busy, and shared her thoughts with Kobayashi Megumi who was sorting out the files. "Sure enough, creators of the same age are more relaxed in communication."

Chapter 472 Wait and see

"Sister Zhu Yin will be angry when she hears it." Xiao Linhui put down the document in her hand, glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Ying Lili, her watery eyes turned, "Husband~"

"Huh?" This call made Xiao Lin Kongqing's bones shudder.

"I seem to have forgotten something in the bedroom." Xiao Linhui blinked, "Can you go and look for it with me?"

Kobayashi Kongqing glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiriri, "Now?"

"That's right." Xiao Linhui blinked, "Don't you want to go?"

"If you want it, of course I want it too." Xiao Lin Kongqing got up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute," Xiao Linhui reminded, "take the file."

"Yes, yes, yes," Kobayashi Kongqing nodded.

The necessary cover-up is still there.

The two casually took a few emails, and quietly entered the bedroom while Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri were concentrating on creating.

After finally completing the revision of the manuscript, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched her waist a lot, revealing her thrilling curves.

Skillfully saving the file, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stood up and moved around a few times, then walked to Ying Lili, "How is the progress?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Ying Lili responded angrily.

"What's this called?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised her eyebrows, "You are adapting my novel, how could I not care about it."

"Okay." Ying Lili raised her finger and pointed to the manuscript beside her, "Then help me black out the positions I marked, and the positions where the dots are pasted..."

"Isn't Kongqing doing this kind of thing? I don't know how to do it."

"That's right," Ying Lili turned her head, "I thought you, like Mayu, could provide me with real help."

"Heh..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered, "Fortunately, there is a truth, who can provide me with real help in the creative process, instead of duplicity and sarcasm."

Ying Lili snorted softly, "That's right, Zhenyuke is different from some people who don't understand anything and want to give orders."

"That's right, just being able to tell the truth about your feelings is much better than some people."

Sagara Mayu, who had already returned home, sneezed several times.

"It's not that someone feels good about himself and regards what others really think as a jealous prejudice!"

"It's obvious that someone's words are full of gunpowder, and you still have to blame others for their understanding?"

"Anyway, I'm just different from her, what's the matter!" Ying Lili frowned, "Aren't you the same one who only cynical!"

"I didn't want to be like others." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked indifferent, "I am like this, and I won't change it in the future."

"That's why you have no friends!"

"That's why I'm too lazy to make friends." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu corrected, "When I met a friend, I wanted to imitate her and become one with her. Are you making friends or looking for a template?"

"I do not have!"

"Then what are you doing?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"You have nothing else to say, have you?"

"Do you tube!"

"Just change one word?"

"Take care of me changing a few words!"

"Well..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu pinched his chin and looked at Eiriri, "Sure enough, it still looks more pleasing to the eye, the appearance of having a very happy chat with Mayu just now is really a bit strange."

"You still have the nerve to talk about me?" Ying Lili stared dissatisfiedly into her blue eyes, "Who was chatting with Mayu just now?"


"Who wants to be jealous of you, a dark girl with a bad personality!"

"It's a pleasure to communicate with readers who will faithfully speak their minds." Kasumigaoka Shiyu leaned forward slightly, "Well...but it's also interesting to meet readers who don't mean what they say."

"Huh?" Ying Lili shrank subconsciously, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Think about it, if there is such a fan." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth turned up, and her red eyes half-closed happily, "I obviously like my work, but because of my awkward personality, I can't express my thoughts frankly. I clumsily hide my love for my works, read them carefully alone when no one is around, and there are so many things I want to say to me in my heart, but I still can’t say them—isn’t it cute?”

"Who is cute!"

"I didn't talk about you." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu smiled, "Or, do you think I'm talking about you?"

Ying Lili looked away, "I...I just can't understand the way you think you are thinking too much!"

"Thinking about it, you're right." Kasumigaoka Shiwa admired Eiriri's appearance, "Besides, having such fans will also motivate me to keep working hard."


"Of course, if I can write a work that makes such awkward fans no longer able to control their love, wouldn't it be a great sense of accomplishment if they take the initiative to talk to me?"

"Hmph..." Ying Lili raised her head, and her golden twin ponytails twitched, "In the end, this is all your delusion, so that won't happen!"

"I'm really looking forward to that kind of situation." Kasumigaoka Shiyu's red eyes sparkled, "On the one hand, I can't help myself because of my love, but on the other hand, I can't express it because of my personality. The appearance of a fan with such ambivalence and awkward personality is extremely entangled. Just think about it. Just make people happy."

"You dark girl with a bad personality! You are wishful thinking!"

"I'll wait and see."

"..." Eiriri stared dissatisfiedly at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

This kind of thinking is too much, it's almost like admiration...I can't think about it, I have a picture.

"Huh..." Ying Lili suddenly noticed something, looked left and right, but only saw the rice cake lying on the refrigerator lazily watching the excitement, "Where is Kongqing Kazumi?"

"You said that..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also found that Xiao Lin Kongqing and Xiao Lin Hui had disappeared, "Did they go out?"

"No, I should say something when I go out..." Ying Lili froze, then turned her head slowly like a robot, and looked in the direction of the bedroom.

If you disappear without saying hello, there are only a few basic situations.

The rocky backside of the beach, the bathing room of the swimming pool, the jungle of the fireworks festival, the cave of the daredevil festival...

And these situations have a common theme.

Ying Lili's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took off her slippers, and her feet wrapped in stockings fell silently on the floor.

Approach the direction of the bedroom.

"You...what are you going to do?" Ying Lili panicked instantly.

"This is a very necessary and serious source." Kasumigaoka Shiyu blinked and gradually approached the bedroom door.

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