As the artist of this short story, Ying Lili has empathy for the story, which is a good thing for the production of the short story.

But this production process is obviously not a good experience for Ying Lili.

Make a little bit of my sad past experience and show it to everyone... It's like tearing open a wound and letting others see the convulsive flesh and blood.

"I feel that my sister didn't do this on purpose." Kobayashi carefully examined the manuscript. "At first it was just a vague inspiration. As I wrote it, it became a specific emotion, reflecting the real experience. Wait until I regain my senses." In time, it has become like this.”

Xiao Lin Kongqing tapped his forehead, "This's really difficult."

"That's right, the manuscript is so good, it's a pity not to make it. But the manuscript is so good, if it is done, it would be too cruel for Ying Lili." Xiao Linhui put down the manuscript, "That's why I asked my sister like that, obviously Senior sister is also struggling with this."

"If this matter is not handled well..." Xiaolin Kongqing showed a somewhat tangled expression.

"Actually...I feel fine."


"Being able to write a manuscript of this level means that the senior sister has a deep understanding of this emotion." Xiao Linhui chuckled, "Actually, when the senior sister said she was going to write regrets at first, I thought she would write about herself. Yes, I didn't expect it to be Yinglili's."

Kobayashi Kongqing was taken aback, "That means..."

"That's right." Kobayashi nodded, "When thinking of regrets, the first thing she thinks of is not herself, but Ying Lili."


"Lan Lan~" Ying Lili, who came back from the subject, brought a big bag of presents, most of which were for Xiao Linlan, "Look at what mom brought you!"

"Godmother~" Xiao Linlan hugged Ying Lili happily, and counted all kinds of small foods and small gifts with her.

After Lan Lan calmed down, Ying Lili showed her results to everyone.

Dreamy and realistic beauties are displayed in front of everyone, and the skill of the famous painter makes people involuntarily immerse in them.

"Hmph~ You know how good I am?" Ying Lili looked proud, and then looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa provocatively, "Although your script is not the point, but don't delay too much - you should finish writing, right? "

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiwa put down Eiriri's painting, "Well...of course."

"Let me see..." Ying Lili took the manuscript, "Why is the heroine No.1 called? Isn't it going to be told from the male lead's point of view?"

"Write the heroine first to find the feeling, and after the tone is set, the male protagonist will be more natural to write." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu dealt with it casually, keeping his eyes on Ying Lili.

After reading such a story, Ying Lili...

In the beginning, Ying Lili was still browsing slowly, but after a while, the speed became faster and faster.

The originally relaxed expression on his face disappeared, replaced by obvious shaking.

When I saw the last sentence, the original smile froze for a moment, and with the flicker of tears in my eyes, it melted into unbearable sadness.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!" With red eyes staring at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Ying Lili gritted her teeth, "You..."

Kobayashi Hui and Kobayashi Kongqing looked at each other.


Although it was expected, Ying Lili's reaction was much more intense than they expected.

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pretended to be relaxed and asked back.

"You devil! Devil!" Ying Lili obviously wanted to throw the manuscript on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face, but she was still reluctant to put it into practice.

"Hmm..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu blinked, "That's it?"

"Damn..." Ying Lili gritted her teeth angrily, "Just wait!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised her eyebrows, "Oh?"

Ying Lili looked at her own painting, "I will definitely draw a picture that is more brilliant than your story!"

"You want to draw?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

"Why don't you draw?" Ying Lili asked back, glanced at the manuscript, and suddenly realized, "I don't think I will substitute myself?"

Chapter 522

Kobayashi Kongqing and Kobayashi Hui looked at each other.

Whether Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thinks so, they don't know.

But they really do think so.

Now it seems that it seems to be a little bit different from what they expected.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu narrowed her red eyes slightly, and looked at Yinglili with complicated eyes.

"Your gaze makes people uncomfortable." Ying Lili looked dissatisfied, "It's like..." She hesitated for a while, but couldn't find a suitable description.

"I'm worried that the other party will be too involved in the story I wrote, which will affect my mood." Kobayashi smiled, "When I found out that the other party did not substitute, I felt that my story was a bit of a failure. I didn't let the other party substitute into it, and I was a little frustrated. —Maybe it feels like this?"

"Yes!" Although Ying Lili couldn't say it well, she understood this feeling. Kobayashi Hui clearly described this feeling, her blue eyes stared at Kasumigaoka Shiwa, "Your personality is really bad!"

"Thank you for the compliment~" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu leaned on her chin, without the slightest hint of guilt.

She didn't deny it.

Because Kobayashi Hui said the truth.

When writing this story, she deliberately avoided touching Yinglili's nerves.

Even to some extent, he forcibly curbed his own creative desire.

But in the end I decided to write it down.

Not only to satisfy my desire to express, but also to face Ying Lili honestly.

Creating this kind of thing is essentially a process of self-dissection.

The more you create with your heart, the harder it is to hide your heart.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knew that since she had written a story about regret, she had to show Ying Lili this story, so it was impossible for her to hide her thoughts from Ying Lili.

That being the case, it is better to express what you want to express truthfully and generously.

Whether Ying Lili refuses or gets angry, it's up to her.

At least it is much better than Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's twitchy expression, Yinglili's muddled guess, unpredictable speculation, and finally choosing to hide her thoughts because of uncertainty.

Compared with ambiguous expressions and ambiguous responses, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu prefers clear expressions and clear and direct feedback.

"Question time." Kobayashi Kongqing raised his hand, "Yinglili, do you really feel unwell? To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable when I see it."

"Who said I didn't feel uncomfortable?" Ying Lili was furious, "I'm very upset! Super upset!" She paused, waving the manuscript in her hand, "I'm super upset about this dark girl! But the manuscript Very why is such a good manuscript written by this kind of guy, damn it!"

"I don't know either." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu flicked her smooth long hair, "Probably because a girl who is not dark can't write?"

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!!!" Ying Lili began to grind her teeth, and then smiled again, "Well~ if you think about it carefully, I feel a little sympathetic to someone."

Kobayashi Kongqing and Kobayashi Hui turned their heads to look at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu at the same time.

Basically, most of the time, the "someone" in Yinglili's mouth refers to "a person".

with no exceptions.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu clicked his tongue.

Kobayashi Kongqing and Kobayashi Hui's movements and expressions are almost exactly the same, the arcs of their heads are almost the same, and their expressions are like copying and pasting. Fortunately, they know how to go too far.

These two guys have no intention of hiding their thoughts at all.

"Pity me for not being able to write a good plot?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu skillfully launched an attack, "Well... this situation really deserves sympathy."

"You..." Ying Lili almost exploded again, but quickly calmed down, got rid of Kasumigaoka Shiwa's rhythm, and began to gather strength for the counterattack, "The story is full of entanglements~ I can see it written The person who told the story was worried from the very beginning, but as a result, many places were deliberately avoided. Two elementary school students liked each other because they liked classical literature? Do you think it is possible? Because they often transfer schools, they and It’s more reliable to empathize with the other party than this!”

"It's because otaku like you can't understand classical literature." Kasumigaoka Shiba insisted, "Don't take your own situation as everyone else's situation."

"Should I tell you this sentence?" Ying Lili didn't dwell too much on this issue, and steadily paved the way for her attack, "I'm afraid I was hesitant to write this at the end, and deleted it several times. Is it just finalized?"

"That's a trouble for people who don't know how to write plots." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked away, "I'm a spring of writing and thinking, and I can do it in one go."

Just removed the ellipsis.

Not counting repeated deletions.

The corners of Yinglili's mouth turned up slightly, "I have regrets and so on. I obviously have them myself, but I want to write about other people's. It seems that in someone's heart, other people's regrets are more regrettable than their own regrets."

Yinglili has also grown up.

Kobayashi Kongqing sighed in his heart.

Birds of a feather flock together.

After getting along with Kobayashi Hui for a long time, Ying Lili also began to learn part of Kobayashi Hui's thinking.

I thought of the layer that Kobayashi Hui thought of.

The creator wants to portray an emotion, and the best way is to start from himself and tell his own experience.

It's hard to empathize with people.

For their own pain and regret, the deepest experience.

It is naturally easier to write.

This is why creation requires experience.

The best example is Akane Benizaka.

She has experienced setbacks, suffered blows, and felt the pain of her important works being trampled by others.

So her works can easily touch readers' anger and unwillingness.

At the same time, through her own efforts, she regained everything and gained her current status.

Therefore, the momentum of hard work and struggle in her works is very strong. The courage displayed by the characters in the face of the tricks of fate is fascinating, and the joy of winning in the end makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

These are reflections of herself.

This unyielding spirit runs through all of her works, no matter what type of work or form of work, as long as she creates works, there is such a spirit.

So no matter how abusive her story is, this kind of tenacity makes readers want to stop.

Conversely, if the creator can vividly depict the emotions of others, it means that she has far more attention and empathy for this person than herself.

Of course, there is another possibility that the creator is extremely capable and can use text techniques to express various emotions.

But this kind of technique must be pondered repeatedly and carefully considered.

Absolutely not what Kasumigaoka Shiwa said...all in one go.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu blocked his retreat by himself.

Ying Lili's blue eyes shimmered.

The next sentence is lore.

Chapter 523

Although Eirari's screenwriting ability is not good, but with the blessing of Kasumigaoka Shiwa and the guidance of Benizaka Akane, Eirari's appreciation ability is the top of the top.

Coupled with her familiarity with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and her understanding of her writing skills and style of writing, Ying Lili easily understood the story behind the story.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said that she completed the creation in one go.

Then this kind of creation must not be the result of techniques that require repeated consideration.

There is only one answer!

When thinking of regrets, Kasumigaoka Shiwa's regrets first came to mind.

It ranks above her own regrets.

Moreover, she empathized with Ying Lili's regret.

I am very concerned about the changes in Yinglili's mood.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa is worried that Yingli Li will feel sad because she is overly substituted into the story, because after the story is completed, she substituted herself into it first, and felt uncomfortable and sad.

But it broke me badly!

Ying Lili put one hand on her hip, and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa with a smile on her face.

This tall and dark woman, in front of her at the moment, is like a wet JK.

I thought I was still wearing clothes, but in fact all the camouflage was like a uniform wet by rain, clinging to the delicate skin, showing a wet and transparent texture.

Those secret little thoughts, like the seductive luster of the skin, shyly leaked out of the thin clothes and were exposed under her eyes.

Now, Ying Lili has to completely remove even the last cover. She wants to use sharp words to strip Kasumigaoka Shiu of all her defenses, and let her face the scorching eyes of teasing helplessly in the freezing rain and cold wind.

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