Kobayashi looked at Ye Yuelian and realized that learning is really useful.

As expected of a top student in pedagogy, she was sensitive to Shibuya Karon's state, and a few words calmed Shibuya Karon who was habitually unconfident.

"In this way, I feel at ease." Shibuya Kaon took a long breath, stopped thinking about whether she could do it, and began to think about what to do, "Actually..." She adjusted the progress bar, "Just now When I was watching, I didn't even notice the music thing."

"Because the picture fits the story very well." Lan Qiansha also had a similar thought, "The picture has attracted most of the attention. Looking back after watching it, even the characters are a little blurry."

"But the soundtrack is still very important." Heian Nasumi is different from them. When watching the animation, he found the lack of music. "It can match the plot development and the mood of the scene, and play a role in setting off the atmosphere to enhance the artistic effect."

Tang Keke thought about it seriously, "So we should choose light music instead of songs with lyrics to distract the audience?"

Shibuya Kaon looked at Ye Yuelian, "In this case, it would be better to use Ye Yuelian's piano."

"Or we can change our thinking." Kobayashi Kongqing suggested, "Publish two editions."

"That's right, it's okay." Kobayashi Hui's eyes lit up, "One version is a single with lyrics, you can cut the short story into a MV, and the other version is light music without lyrics, which can be used as a soundtrack in the short story—— Won't it be too hard?"

"Single..." Shibuya Kaon murmured, looking at her partners with complicated eyes, "Will you release a single?"

Lan Qiansha chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

Pingan Mingjin raised her eyebrows, "Does this still need to be asked?"

Tang Keke nodded, "That's right."

Ye Yuelian's eyes were gentle, "Didn't we already look forward to this day, haven't we been looking forward to it for a long time?"

"Everyone..." Shibuya Kaon's eyes lit up, "Then it's settled!"

Chapter 527 Yesterday Reappears

Then the problem is coming.

how to write.

Making a decision is easy.

But the beginning of everything is difficult.

Then the middle is difficult.

Difficult to finish.

The soundtrack needs to match the plot of the screen.

Enhance the atmosphere and render emotions.

I want to make the soundtrack show this effect.

It is necessary for the person who makes the soundtrack to have a considerable understanding of the atmosphere and mood in the animation.

However, the emotions depicted in the story are too far away from Shibuya Kaon's life.

Childhood sweetheart or something...

Her best friend since she was a child is Lanqian Sandu.

The two of them separated from kindergarten to high school and university, and they still kept in touch frequently.

Sorry or something... I don't feel it at all.

Talking about the predicament she encountered, Shibuya Kaon looked at her friends.

Gained four helpless eyes.

The five singles looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them had similar experiences to the two protagonists in the animation.

How can I write this...

"I don't think we need to be too rigid about the form." Kobayashi Kongqing suggested, "You can change your thinking."

Shibuya Kaon asked, "Another way of thinking?"

"This short story tells a story about regret." Kobayashi Hui further explained, "The heroine Mingli and the hero Guishu are both carriers."

"That is to say, from the perspective of understanding, Mingli and Guishu are not characters in the short story, but can be understood as an image." Kobayashi Kongqing concluded, "It symbolizes the concretization of a concept of regret."

If understood in this way, it is not a simple love between men and women.

Guishu is the male protagonist, which can also be understood as a missed job or an opportunity that was not seized.

Akari is the heroine, and it can also be understood as a hobby that has disappeared, or a goal that has not been achieved.

In this way, even if you don't have a similar experience to Akari Guishu, you can understand their regrets and feel similar emotions.

This is why Kasumigaoka Shiwa chose to use regret as the theme instead of a failed relationship.

Grow your audience.

Not everyone has been in a relationship.

But everyone has some regrets more or less because of subjective or objective reasons.

Maybe it's the people I didn't see, the car I didn't get on, the school I didn't get into, the scenery I didn't see...

Shibuya Kaon understood what Kobayashi and his wife meant, "It's a pity..."

Everyone has this kind of emotion, but how should it be expressed in order to resonate with people to the greatest extent?

This is the troubled question of Shibuya Kaon.

The expression in the animation is very simple, the memories of the past, the joy of facing each other, and the helplessness of parting.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu uses a simple three-stage story to tell the beauty of the past, the expectation of the present, and the helplessness of the future.

I remember our past, and our present will be the past, we can only accept the future.

Ying Lili uses extremely beautiful pictures to express all the beauty.

It's like people always beautify everything in memory without knowing it.

Are the cherry blossoms that Mingli and Guishu saw really so beautiful?

Actually not necessarily.

But that scene was engraved in the minds of the two of them. In the tumbling memories, all the bad things were erased, and all the good things were beautified and perfected again and again.

The final result is a beautiful picture like a dream.

The more beautiful it is, the more regrettable it is.

Whether it is the story or the picture, the theme of regret is well expressed.

So...how does the music express itself?

How to ensure that while resonating with most people, it also has the power to touch the softest part of people's hearts to the greatest extent?

Unfortunately, this kind of emotion that everyone has, what kind of commonality does it have for most people?

Shibuya Kaon vaguely feels that as long as they grasp this commonality, as long as they find people's first thoughts in the face of regret, and write it in the song, the soundtrack will be successful.

"Speaking of regrets..." Kobayashi Kongqing suddenly thought of something, "Maybe you can take a look at this."

"Huh?" Shibuya Kaon was curious, "What?"

Kobayashi Kongqing opened the website, "Forum."

The members of the star cluster all leaned over to browse the content on the webpage.

[Ask, which combination is this?Feel so cute]

[I'll go, someone in the star cluster asked? ]

[Is this famous? ]

[RER know?The virtual idol is particularly popular]

[RER who also collaborated with Ghost Castle for a virtual concert a while ago? ]

[Star cluster is the first combination of RER's Superstar project]

[Isn't this a real group? ]

[The star cluster itself is a school idol group, and later joined the Superstar project]

[At first I wanted to laugh at the fact that some people don’t even know the star clusters, but after thinking about it carefully, they have graduated from high school for three years. In this circle with a fast metabolism, maybe it’s me who should be laughed at]

[Already discontinued? ]

[It's not considered to be a cessation of activities. After college, I was busy with my studies and had few activities]

[Miss Kaguya's theatrical version theme song last year was sung by Star Cluster]

[After all, it is a movie produced by RER]

[pretty good]

[Recommend the "Liella! Superstar" trilogy, which basically tells all their stories from debut to graduation. Even if you are not a fan, the quality of the game itself is very high. The setting of the post value is very interesting. The character is Sagano Fumio , is now the super famous virtual idol artist mother]

[The light novel is also great, it was written by teacher Kashishiko, and the manga adaptation is by teacher Eri Kashiwagi]

[So strong? ! ]

[Does anyone still remember "Sakura Promise"? ]

[There are not many people playing galgame now]

[Why don't you try the mobile game, the card face is pretty good]

[Or watch the animation directly, the beginning and end of the credits are all original songs sung by Star Cluster]

[The star cluster is quite difficult to recommend, it is different from the virtual idols who don’t show their faces and the real idols who show their faces. Back then they were real people and virtual characters developed simultaneously, and I don’t know what to recommend to people who like to watch]

[Recommend people who like archeology to see]


[I still miss that time, the live broadcast and video are very interesting, especially the live broadcast of Lianlian]

[Do you like Lianlian's live broadcast?Do you like to chat in the live broadcast room]

[Just now I was eating homemade strawberry jam, I saw Lianlian and remembered that I learned from Lianlian]

[Coco's original video appreciation has now become a compulsory course for virtual idols]

[Xiao Jin is really a star now]

[I saw Xiaoqian in the game before]

[It's been a long time since I saw Kanon playing the guitar...]

[It turns out that it is too late to start pushing now]

[Their era has passed, let’s find some current idols to watch]

[There used to be an idol who was active, but I didn't cherish it, if God gave me another chance...]

[God: No way]

Chapter 528 again

[Actually, it's pretty good, it's more difficult to end in peace than a big fire]

[One thing to say, indeed]

[Even if it is RER, several groups fell out]

[As an audience, I can only wish for a bright future]

[That's what it says...]

[In the end, this is what idols graduate from. I know they are fine, I know they have their own development, but it has nothing to do with me anymore]

[It doesn't matter at all]

[Shut up! ]

[There should be no intersection]

[It's over like youth]

[I can no longer see them sweating on the stage, and I can no longer cheer for them off the stage]

[It's like an episode, leaving only clear nostalgia and vague melody]

[Aren't you afraid that I will cry? ]

[I really want to watch their scene again]

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