"Can the high-ranking members of the Sage Council do whatever they want?"

"After watching for so long, even though she is a half-fairy, Emilia is not necessarily a disaster! This is too wronged!"

In the streets and alleys, after brushing away their self-righteous prejudices, people with a pair of eyes started to broadcast compared to the light curtain, and now there are a lot of people spontaneously complaining for Emilia!

"Thank you, thank you... thank you..."

The dissatisfied cries of grievances in the royal capital converged and reached the sky, and there were so many people supporting her Emilia!

With a sore nose, Emilia burst into tears suddenly, and couldn't stop it no matter what.

All of this started from Hiki Valley Hachiman and was brought to her by Hiki Valley Hachiman.

"Really... woo..."

50. Reject or accept


"Purchased with a lot of money in the royal capital, it is the top-ranking sword among ordinary products. The moment it is unsheathed, the shiny silver blade emits a pure white reflection."

"This is a sword that hasn't killed anyone, and hasn't been stained with human blood."

"However, from the moment Hikigaya Hachiman pulled it out of the scabbard angrily, the oppressive force it brought to the members of the Sage Council was like a raging wave, comparable to facing a fierce murderer like a gut hunter. !"

""what do you mean?what are you doing!Hikigu Hachiman, are you attempting to attack the members of the Council of Wise Men openly above the King's Election Hall!Are you trying to rebel! ""

"The member of the Council of Wise Men paused, his anger overwhelmed his fear, his prestige and authority were actually challenged here, "It's unforgivable!Knights, Knights, are you dead! ""


"The knights with both virtue and strength took a step forward in an orderly manner. They moved their arms and placed them on the hilt of their swords. They stared at Hikigaya Hachiman in unison. If he behaves out of line, he will be killed immediately."

""Eh?No, no, it shouldn't be like this, how did it become like this, Hachiman, hurry up...""

"The audience is in awe!"

"Members of the Council of Wise Men, members of the Knights, nobles who are full of etiquette, several candidates for the election of the king with their own opinions, and their entourage."

"At this very moment, right here, everyone's breaths are involuntarily held, everyone's eyes are fixed on Hikigu Hachiman, and the hall is so quiet that everyone's subtle breathing can be heard. "

"Only after being dazed, Emilia, who was full of panic and anxiety, immediately grabbed Hikigaya Hachiman, wanting to hold him down and bow his head to apologize."

"Hikigaya Hachiman didn't say a word, and gently put aside the girl who was about to cry."

"This is the first time he rejected Emilia, in order to carry out his will."

"The pressure on Hikigu Hachiman's shoulders is as heavy as a thousand pounds. He seems to be permeated in a large net full of poison, surrounded by densely packed falcons and tigers and wolves. However, he does not pay the slightest attention to other people. In the book, only the culprits who let themselves fall into the big net are filled."

"That spider—that member of the Wise Council who abused Emilia wantonly!"

""Unfortunately, although you are a respected and eloquent member of parliament, you must not be able to represent this country alone. I still cannot bear the heinous crime of rebellion. ""

"Hikigaya Hachiman's waist is the straightest and straightest in my life."

"The corners of his mouth are raised slightly, but the impression it brings to others, this kind of silent and weird smile is much more terrifying than loud yelling."

"He raised the sword in his hand, and the target the sword was pointing at - that ugly congressman, the movement of him slapping the table stopped abruptly."

"Felix kept winking at the side, Reinhardt's worried expression, and Crusch's sudden appreciation."

"One second before the Knights were about to take action, Hikigaya Hachiman used his loudest voice ever to accomplish the most incredible feat of monogamy!"

""To humiliate the emperor is to be rude—even a friend should not be forgiven lightly!Up to now, even if you are a member of the Council of Wise Men, you are no more noble than a dirty worm in my eyes! ""

""The person whom Hikigaya Hachiman trusts and is willing to dedicate everything to is named Emilia, not this Kingdom of Lugonica, not you, a despicable member of parliament with no education and no morals! ! ""

""The candidate for the king, Emilia, and her entourage, Hikigaya Hachiman...are you expecting to escape unscathed by insulting the monarch I have chosen in front of my entourage? ""

"Hikigaya Hachiman stands in the center of the hall, he is like a sleeping tiger sweeping across the world, looking around, his voice is sonorous and powerful, and it is loud and loud:"

""—I, Hikiya Hachiman, under the witness of the kings, the electors, the knights, and the nobles, formally invite this congressman who insulted my lord to a duel, regardless of life or death! ! ! ""

"You can hear the tip of a needle falling to the ground."

""You... Gulu...""

"The members of the Council of Wise Men's eyes were frightened and angry, his momentum was completely and completely overwhelmed, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of tension, "You said, you want to invite me to a duel?What a joke!I am no knight!You crazy! ""

"Hey, Knights, Knights!Hurry up, kill and drag out this foreigner who despises the Sage Council, despises Lugunika, and disrupts the king's election, and drags me out, hello, hello! ? ""

"Isolated, no one responds."

"The knights of the knight order are still groping for the hilt with their arms, but compared to just now, each of them seems to have suddenly become worthless waste. If you look closely, there is no burst of muscle strength."

"The knights headed by Yurius are still watching Hiki Valley Hachiman closely, but compared to just now, their eyes are full of surprise, admiration, respect, and recognition."

""This is really... ah, you see, Al? " Priscilla's fan was snapped away, and her eyes above the top of the head contained other emotions very rarely."


"Reinhardt took a deep breath, stepped forward slowly, knelt down on one knee, and gave a knightly salute to the ugly councilor, seeking truth from facts without sarcasm:

"I'm sorry, Senator, according to the demands expressed by Hikigaya Hachiman and the reasons for his actions, as the entourage of Lord Emilia, he has the right and obligation to defend the monarch as a matter of course. Therefore, Hikigaya Hachiman - he is not guilty. ! We knights are not responsible for arresting innocent people!""

""Reinhardt, how dare you...! ! "The member of parliament with tear-eyed eyes almost went crazy, "Are you trying to disobey the order?" ! ""

""Knights have their own rules and constraints of knights, the constraints of our knights do not allow the knights to illegally arrest a righteous person whose actions are reasonable and legal!Thank you for your understanding, Senator. ""

"Exactly, my lord. ""

"Following Reinhardt, the best knight Yurius gave a knight's salute, his voice was extremely firm."


"All members of the Knights gave a knight's salute."

"They are kneeling on one knee, but this group of knights, who seem to be in a weak position, come from their hearts and gather together in one place. That shocking phrase 'Mr. Councilor'..."

"At this moment, cold sweat dripped from the brows of the members of the Council of Sages who were so frightened."

"" ""

"He backed away in horror!!!"

51. Refused, or Accepted

""Damn it! "The member of the Sage Association's face was ashen. He looked at Hikigaya Hachiman, who was approaching every step of the way, and his throat moved twice. From the left and right, although he remained calm, he was obviously overwhelmed."

""Half-demon...half-goblin existence related to the jealous witch is wrong, this is the consensus of the whole world, Hikiya Hachiman, do you want to veto this outrageously, veto the people of the whole world? ! ""

"The IQ and EQ of the high-ranking congressmen still exist. He quickly changed the subject and made a counterattack, preparing to turn himself into the majority again through the fact that everyone has the same hatred for the Envious Witch."

"This is a deep-rooted bad habit in this continent. Their cognitive habits can't be changed in a short time than Kigu Hachiman, but he doesn't need to change this!"

"Mr. Congressman, are you going to refuse my invitation to a duel? ""

""I'm talking about a half-demon...""

""answer me! ! ""

"Hikigaya Hachiman's voice seemed to be roaring, echoing in the hall, deafening, he stared coldly at the ugly man: "Reject, or accept? ""

"The state of mind of the other people has not been involved in the aspect of being jealous of the witch by the councilors, and it was immediately pulled back steadily by Hikigaya Hachiman to the level of [subjects fighting to the death for the monarch]."

"The Senator was stunned, and looked anxiously at the Knights."

"And the knights..."

"not moving at all."

"Ah la la, this is indeed the first time I have encountered such an interesting development, interesting, interesting!"

Priscilla covered her mouth with a playful smile, "Hikigiya Hachiman would do anything to make up for that half-fairy's reputation, concubine status is conceivable, but he actually forced the old stubborn of the Wise Society to be speechless. It’s really, it’s really, hehe.”

Al saw in her eyes full of recognition and longing for her hometown, and shook her head helplessly, "My loyalty to you will not be lost to others, princess."

"You're wrong, Al." Priscilla was very interested, she chuckled, "Hikigaya Hachiman is not loyal at all, he never added the suffix [adult] to that half-fairy, calling himself a subject, just It’s just a trick to win the approval of the foolish and loyal knights.”

"It's not so much a king and a subject, Hikigu Hachiman actually thinks from the bottom of his heart that he and that half-fairy are close friends who have a deep relationship and help each other."

"Interesting, really interesting, hehehe."

"Okay, okay, okay! Okay! That's the way to do it, no, it's the only way to do it!"

At the private sorority meeting of teachers from the two schools, Shizuka Hiratsuka laughed and drank three glasses of beer in a row, patting Mafuyu Kirisu beside him: "See? This is my student, my most proud student Ah! Hikigu, the teacher is proud of you!"

"You have a good student, Hiratsuka." Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't help but nodded, "However, I also have a good student who is just as good."


The whole family of Kosaka's family cheered happily, and Kosaka's father was even more convinced: "Yes, yes, it's right to uphold justice, but you can't see someone being bullied and just sit idly by! Kyousuke, if you see it, you should be like this people!"

"Yes, Father!"

In the convenience store, Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were sparkling and rippling, as if through this Wang Xuan incident, she saw Hikigu Hachiman, who was beating around the bush and upholding justice for herself at the school festival, who cared more about herself than herself. The attitude of those close to him, he is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

"You are a hero, Hikigu-kun... You are my hero, I am honored, I am really honored... Hikigu-kun."

"If I don't do that, I don't deserve to be me." Hikigu Hachiman sighed, he didn't regret it, it was before, it is now, and it will be in the future, "Similarly, I can't let others insult Amy Lia...will you be upset, Yukinoshita?"

"Well," Yukinoshita Yukino nodded lightly, her voice soft, "Of course I will, I'm a girl, Bi Qigu-kun... How can a girl not be jealous when her boyfriend is so nice to other women Woolen cloth?"

She smiled like a flower, and she couldn't see the slightest negative influence, "But, but... I think the same as you."

"If you don't do that, you won't be Hikigu-kun... the club I started, Hikigu-kun will not forget it, right?"

"Well, I will definitely engrave it firmly in my soul for the rest of my life, Ministry of Service." Hikigu Hachiman had a thousand words, so moved that he couldn't express it.

Yukinoshita Yukino had thousands of words, and she said it: "Serving Department."

"As a girl who likes Hikigaya-kun, I will be jealous, I will be dissatisfied, and I will be jealous. But, as Yukinoshita Yukino, seeing Hikigaya-kun save others, I feel really happy from the bottom of my heart."

The girl, who was more and more free to express herself, tilted her head, "Of course, if you can have the best of both worlds instead of being desperate, that would be great."

She also had a fleeting thought that she hesitated to say, and she was ashamed of that thought.

'It would be better if men were being helped instead of women. '

"Under the snow."

Bi Qigu Hachiman recited the noble name of the girl beside him in a low voice.

"It's great to know you..."

In Class D, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka ignored Kei Karuizawa who sneaked close to him after being taken aback at first, and the busy time after Hikigaya Hachiman arrived in the capital flashed through his mind.

"Not only did he visit the chamber of commerce, contact the merchants, and hire some manpower, he went to stay and collected a lot of information. Seeing is believing. By observing the comings and goings of the knights, he was sure that the knights in the Kingdom of Lugnica were the kind of The play is quite a knight of virtue."

"At the same time, he knows Crusch, Reinhardt, and Felix. He knows Crusch's personality. Crusch definitely appreciates and approves of drawing a sword because of loyalty to the king. Therefore, at least one king .Choosing sides does not stand on opposite sides."

"Bikigu Hachiman, a high-ranking group in the capital, has done an investigation. He knows that the Sage Association itself is a group of weak old men."

"However, it was difficult for Hikigu Hachiman to predict that the members of the Council of Wise People would be so rampant, so this must be an improvised response."

"He knows that the danger is great, but he also knows that there will be people on his side. Most importantly, he can't just sit idly by Emilia who is wronged and sad."

"Half rational and half emotional..."

"It's really good, haha!"



bounty in may

@@@@Old rules, one chapter for 250 monthly tickets, one chapter for 250 blades, and ten more gold boxes for universal celebration.

Last month's bounty, until today, a total of more than 30 chapters have been returned, and there are 14 chapters left. Everyone can see that I keep my word.

In the case of the Ram line, it was mainly because people kept urging me to finish IF during that time, so I had no choice but to speed up the progress, but now looking back at the subscription of IF line, in fact, everyone still likes to watch IF.If I have time later, I can publish a new episode if.

In general, I personally think that except for the Ram line, other writings are pretty good.Although there are only six chapters in Felut's line, her role is to lead to the beginning of the Hiki Valley IF, and to play an opening role. Her task has been completed very well.

Regarding the book review area, everyone asked if there will be a Watergate chapter, and my answer is, there will be.

I didn’t intend to write about Minato when I first started the book, but later in the comment section and the post, someone asked a very interesting question, if Hikigu, who has never watched the video, meets his candidates who already know him, what will happen

If you think about this idea carefully, isn't it because he was swallowed by gluttony and thought that he came to another world when he opened his eyes, and surrounded by a bunch of beautiful girls with their own merits to greet him?

Although it is the real thing, will he still think it is the real thing in this situation? This is a very interesting plot, so I was preparing the plot when I wrote more than 100 chapters.

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