Then the result of Xiaoqiu County will only be a ruin.

Chapter 366 Chapter 350 Chapter Eight

Officials in Victoria will never tolerate the fact that some forces raise the flag of rebellion on the territory, not to mention that the Tara people are also a huge ethnic group that accounts for one-fifth or more of the population in Victoria.

Therefore, in order to extinguish this flame, Victoria is very likely to send the most elite team to suppress all participants in Xiaoqiu County with the bloodiest means.

As a person who has worked in Xiaoqiu County for so many years, he certainly cannot bear to see Xiaoqiu County destroyed by the flames of war, but people in Rhode Island are very light-hearted here. Others will basically not pay any attention to the words of this medical organization.

And Oliver estimates that the other party's actions are likely to be in the past few days, because such a huge surveillance network will not last for a few days if ordinary people participate, and the longer it is delayed, the higher the risk of exposure.

Once the local garrison is vigilant, their operation to capture Xiaoqiu County will be seriously affected, or even fall short.

"Will, if you are worried about your family, I will allow you to rest for a few days, after all, family is important!" Thinking of this, Oliver decided to let Will, who is a local, go home to protect his family.

"Is Operator Will a local? Is your family here?" Misery asked.

Although Will's mind was in a state of confusion at this time, he still reacted after hearing Misery's words.

Seeing the other party nodding, Misery continued to speak, "I suggest that the best way for you is to take your family and leave Xiaoqiu County temporarily. Although I don't know what happened, it is obvious that Xiaoqiu County is no longer safe. It should be said that Xiaoqiu County The current situation in Kew County is quite unsafe, and staying here can easily be affected."

After hearing Misery's words, Will's pale complexion improved a little, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will go back and arrange for my family to go to Connor County to relax, and it happens that my cousin's family opened a farm there."

After speaking, Will walked out of the door in a panic.

"Then what shall we do next?" After Will left, Oliver looked at the group of elite operators in front of him with a very calm heart. After all, there are so many elite operators, no matter how he and his party can get out of here.

"In this way, since the situation here is very sensitive, according to Rhode Island's wartime regulations, the local office can choose to withdraw temporarily according to local conditions, and then rebuild the office after the situation subsides. Then my suggestion is Oliver, you and Shredded Paper Please pack up the things in the office. If the situation is not good, we will withdraw. If we can persist, we will stay until the end. In the past two days, misery, you accompanied me to these companies. These guys must have smelled something. Otherwise, they will not suspend cooperation with us at this point in time."

Outcast said to Misery with the list of companies that had terminated cooperation between Rhode Island and Victoria that Oliver handed over.

Misery, who has performed many tasks with outcast, nodded, and then pointed to Kang Na and Nian

"What about the two of them?"

"We've been responsible for pressing the road for the past two days!" Kang Na raised her hand and said after hearing Misery's words.


"It's fine. Both Kang Na and Nian are girls, and they are not very old. Compared to us, they are more suitable to go out to inquire about information. You should pay more attention in the city. We will try to determine the exact time of the attack by the mastermind behind the scenes as soon as possible."

After hearing what Kang Na said, Outcast agreed with Kang Na's opinion and asked the two with the most sensitive hearing and vision to go to the city to investigate intelligence.

"Lezi, I need more fun!" Nian, who walked out of the gate, stretched lazily, and then complained to Kang Na who was beside him.

"You're still at the gate, so stop making trouble..." Because Nian didn't lower her voice, the faces of those who heard her words turned green. After all, everyone saw that the problem in Xiaoqiu County was not only urgent And it is very dangerous, because until now we have no idea who our opponent is.

After walking a certain distance, Nian looked at the harmonious and prosperous streets around him, and picked up a lollipop

"It's that deep pool!"

Hearing Nian's words, Kang Na nodded. After all, she had asked about Shenchi when she was in Karaton, and Nian was at the side at that time. Naturally, she knew that with her intelligence, as long as she recalled the conversation between herself and Kugen , then it will naturally be related to this matter.

"Yes, our opponent this time is likely to be that deep pool, but I only know one name, and I don't know where their members and organization are located."

"I believe you are a ghost!" Regarding the series of unpredictable behaviors of Kang Na after she came out of Letania, Nian just said that you are happy.

After all, in her eyes, if she and Connor basically traveled all over Terra and didn't touch the bad luck of the top guys, it would be difficult to have an opponent.

So why don't you accompany Kang Na to play a hand, just because I can also take the opportunity to collect a wave of material for later movies.

Moreover, she was very interested in the current social situation in Xiaoqiu County, and the colleagues who were observing also took out their own notes and kept recording.

Connor glanced up at what she had written, "Why are you memorizing these?"

"Some self-righteous film critics in Dayan have always said that my films have no depth and no connotation...I think the atmosphere here is good, and it has inspired me a lot. I believe my next film will have depth, connotation and be good-looking. "Speaking of her own movie, Nian's eyes sparkled with gold. If she had the equipment and hands around her, I'm afraid she would be impatient to make a new movie on the spot.

"Uh, as long as you're happy..." It's not that Kang Na didn't "appreciate" the Chinese New Year's movies, after all, when Amiya was in confinement, the terminals sent by Amiya contained New Year's masterpieces.

But how should I put it... Maybe Nian's thinking is too avant-garde... Kang Na regretted that she really couldn't appreciate it.

It's still too early for Kang Na's little head to think about the kind of movie where all kinds of jumps in the whole process can't keep up with the rhythm as long as it is sloppy.

While pressing the road aimlessly, the two listened to the sounds around them with sharp ears. After walking to a dessert shop, the two found a place to sit down.

"How about it?"

"How should I put it, I think it's really awesome that these Tara people can endure for so many years. Are they all Pitrams, so they can endure it?" Years who have come all the way have finally seen what racial discrimination is, As the aborigines of Xiaoqiu County, these Tara people have worse economic conditions than others from top to bottom, from the outside to the inside.

Chapter 367 Chapter 350 Chapter [-] Vicious Circle

If the military police on the road suddenly stop a stranger, then 50.00% of him is an infected person, and the other 50.00% is a Tara.

It's hard to imagine the Tara people as a large branch in Victoria, since their status in their ancestral land can be so low that they can be compared with the infected.

"Did you see that these soldiers and police look at the infected people differently from the Tara people. They look at the infected people with disgust and disgust, but when they look at the Tara people, they are still a bit vigilant. Every time they check the Tara people They will subconsciously put their hands in the most convenient position to take out their weapons. This shows how serious the conflict between these military police and the Tara people is."

Kang Na pointed to a military police not far away who was interrogating a very plainly dressed young man.

I saw the military police swearing and checking the inside and outside of the man's clothes in front of him, but no matter how he pulled his left hand, his right hand was always on top of his long sword. The weapon will be drawn immediately.

"That's why it's more forgivable to do evil by God, but you can't live by doing evil yourself. So, all of this is self-inflicted. I think outcast is right. It's best for us to pack up our things and leave early, so as not to cause a mess."

In the eyes of the year, when a country's military and police who should protect the people subconsciously raise their arms against their own people, then rebellion and war are inevitable.

After all, no one will willingly accept this kind of oppression for a lifetime, as long as one person stands up, then a single spark will surely start a prairie fire.

While chatting, the two of them ate the dessert in front of them in a leisurely manner, Nian said with a bit of bad luck

"Tsk, can Victoria be satisfied with only desserts left..."

"Keep your voice down, everyone around is watching!" Seeing people around because of Nian's words, Kang Na tugged at her sleeves.

On the way back, Connor suddenly said, "Have you noticed that the people here use two languages, most of them use the official language of Victoria, but a small number of people speak another language when chatting?" 'dialect', and the people who speak 'dialect', judging from their clothes, are basically Tara people."

After hearing what Kang Na said, Nian sharpened his ears and listened carefully for a while. Sure enough, as Kang Na said, there were often Tara people hiding on the road and chatting in unfamiliar languages.

The key is that these chatters will be alert to the surrounding situation, and once someone approaches, they will switch back to the official language and then chat about some trivial matters in life.

That is to say, Nian and Kang Na were far superior to these ordinary people relying on their own strength, so they were able to monitor remotely and discovered the clues.

Compared with being aimless when they came out, the two did not continue to wander around when they returned, and soon returned to the office. At this time, Oliver and the shredder were still packing things in the house.

Although this is just a small office, it is not only responsible for the transmission and transfer of information, but also the distribution point for the treatment of local infected people, so there are a lot of things to pack, and the two of them have been busy for a long time, and only a small half .

"Don't worry too much, take your time, even if there is a problem in this city, we can protect everyone to evacuate the city safely." Seeing the two people who were so busy that their foreheads were sweating this winter, Nian waved his hand Don't look like you're in a hurry.

"Take a break, let's have a chat, let's combine work and rest, not to mention you are very tired." Nian said to the two people sitting in the office with a glass of water.

Oliver and Shredder looked at each other and decided to listen to the young lady and take a break.

"You have been in Xiaoqiu County for so long, don't you think the relationship between people here is strange?"

"What kind of weird method?"

"We found on the road that the Tara people here have very little contact with other people, and the relationship with the military and police is quite bad." Nian first threw out his profile.

Hearing Nian's words, both Oliver and Shredder smiled wryly, "Miss Nian is indeed an elite operator, I didn't expect to notice the problem in Xiaoqiu County after going out for such a short time.

Yes, because the Victorian authorities have always adopted a relatively strict 'oppression policy' against the Tara people here, the relationship between the Tara people and the government has always been quite poor. The salaries of the pullers are generally not high, so they often make troubles. As a result, the relationship between the military police in Xiaoqiu County and the local Tara people has always been very tense. Even now there are many Tara people in the local garrison, which cannot reduce this hatred.

Because of this situation, the Tara people also cling to each other, and they basically live in adjacent blocks in the city, and these blocks have become places that the local military and police hate. "

"Then no one has thought of a solution?" Kang Na asked curiously

"Why not? Speaking of which, there are quite a few Tara people in Victoria, but only the Tara people in Xiaoqiu County have been talking about the glory of the former Gaelic king, and only the original Tara language here has been used to the greatest extent. retained.

Victoria also thought of many ways, such as prohibiting the spread of the Tara language, but the result is that the Tara people still use their own language in private.

Or drop Tara people from other places to manage the local area, but the effect is negligible. Just a little conflict can easily destroy the trust that has been established through many years of hard work.

Later, Victoria stopped looking at this place, and the geographical location of Xiaoqiu County is not good, and there are no special products, so the Victorian authorities pay less and less attention to this place. As long as the Tara people do not rebel, they will not care about it. side.

The chief of the garrison here has always been appointed by the military that is biased against the Tara people. So, in Xiaoqiu County, the relationship between the Tara people and the military and police can be said to be extremely poor, but because the military has absolute Strength, so these Tara people did not dare to resist openly, they could only express their dissatisfaction in private. "

Oliver also conducted an in-depth investigation on the issue of Tara after he came here, and he dared not draw the conclusion that it is hard to return. The hatred and distrust accumulated by the two sides over the years is not a problem that one or two outsiders can solve.

"So it's a vicious circle, Victoria oppresses the Tara - the Tara hates Victoria - Victoria fears the Tara will make trouble - Victoria continues to oppress the Tara. Pfft, sorry, although it's a serious matter , but it's so funny!" Nian couldn't hold back after sorting out the information with his fingers, and laughed outright.

Chapter 368 Chapter 360 Leave or Stay

Listening to Nian's laughter, several people in the office couldn't help but fell silent.

"Speaking of which, if you were the upper echelon of Victoria, Kang Na, how would you choose in this situation?" After laughing, Nian suddenly asked Kang Na on the side.

"Cut the mess with a sharp knife!" Kanna said as a matter of course

"If it were me, I would definitely not give the Tara people here in Xiaoqiu County a chance. Since they miss the days under King Gail, I will send them all to see King Gail.

My teacher told me when I was about to arrive in Victoria that although Victoria is in the middle of Terra and is surrounded by other countries, Kjerag is in a corner, and the west is the safest because of the heavy snow, and Iberia in the south. Since the Great Tranquility, it has been withdrawn from the list of powerful countries, and it has not recovered its vitality until now. In the two eastern countries, Letania overthrew the throne of the Witch King, and he couldn't take care of it, and the Sakotas of Lateran did not have it at all. The desire to expand outward, and Casimir in the north is almost completely commercialized and entertained, these guys absolutely cannot accept the occurrence of war.

So the current Victoria is actually in a fairly safe environment. If you don’t deal with these malicious people in the country, will you have to wait until the war on the land of Terra reignites to be stabbed in the chest? "

Hearing what Connor said, Oliver and Shredder were sweating profusely. They didn't expect the very young and cute Connor to be so "spicy" when thinking about problems. Not only pointed out Victoria's situation to the point, but also Said the most "efficient" solution.

"It seems that Ms. Grace has not forgotten your education. If she is far away in Rhodes Island, she will be very pleased to hear this!" Outcast and Misery walked in from outside the house, and it was obvious from Outcast's words She had heard what Kang Na said before.

"Hey, I'm very smart." Hearing the voice of outcast, Kang Na was not surprised at all, and was very proud to be patted on the head by the other party.

"As Connor said, even a child as young as her can think of a solution, and it's impossible for the Victorian government not to think of it."

"Impossible, even if the people of Tara are not, Aslan and Drake made a treaty back then..." I wanted to refute, but when I got to this point, Oliver didn't even believe that those nobles would be willing to maintain this treaty.

"Indeed, I guess there must be Tara people or nobles who are biased towards Tara people in the upper class of Victoria. With them, even if someone wants to take action against the Tara people, it will be very difficult, but what if it's the other way around?" The Nian felt that he had figured out some key points and guessed some things that were about to happen.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked hastily.

"If it is said that the Tara people made the first move, then both the local military police and the surrounding army have enough reasons to 'clean' Xiaoqiu County, and those nobles who are biased towards the Tara people dare not Blocking, because in this case, blocking the military's actions is 'treason'."

Although I don't like to engage in conspiracies and tricks, I have experienced a lot of conspiracies and tricks when I came from Dayan, so after figuring out the key to these things in Xiaoqiu County, I quickly guessed those upper-level people in Lundinim. Meaning of nobles.

"Indeed, Xiaoqiu County is now like a pile of wood that has been piled up and poured with kerosene. It only takes a little spark to directly ignite the entire area. When I came back just now, I received a piece of information. Recently, this During a period of time, there have been several cases of missing and murdered soldiers in Xiaoqiu County. Now the garrison in the city is full of strength. Once they find an enemy, or even suspect it is an enemy, they will pour firepower on the opponent without mercy, and use force to attack the enemy. Maintain your dominant position in Hill County." Misery also mentioned the secret summons about Hill County from Rhode Island that he and Outcast had received not long ago.

"Then what do you think? If you slip away, I think it's better to go as soon as possible. It's best for us to leave the city today, as long as we leave the area of ​​Xiaoqiu County and wait until the situation subsides. It's not too late to come back, and then... well, stay here We are not afraid, after all, our strength lies here, even if we can't rush out, there is no problem in protecting the safety of this office." Nian crossed his legs and laid out the current direction of Rhodes Island.

Outcast looked at the people around him, rubbed Kang Na's hair lightly and said, "Let's stay here for now, the situation may not be like that. If the city is safe, then we can help those who are in the city because of those plots." The poor people who suffered from the war at home, if the city is also affected by the war, then we Rhodes Island can't sit idly by.

Rescuing everyone who can be rescued has always been our policy and belief in Rhode Island, and I don't intend to give up just like that. "

After hearing what the outcast said, Oliver couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Then shall we still pack our things?"

"Of course, we need to prepare things, so that whether we are advancing or retreating, we are in our own hands. If we are not prepared, we will have to passively face the next danger when we encounter unexpected situations." Misery patted Oliver on the shoulder, then reached out to help him pack his luggage.

The next morning, Qin Liu appeared in Rhode Island's office early in the morning. Seeing her indifferent face, it was obvious that the embarrassment of yesterday had been erased from her mind.

Connor, who just got up, found that Will, who had left in a panic before, was also in the room at the moment.

Seeing Connor's gaze, Will scratched his head in embarrassment, "I have already sent my family out of Xiaoqiu County, and they took the first bus to leave Xiaoqiu County when the sun rose. City, I trust everyone’s judgment, but because of this, I can’t leave. Xiaoqiu County has carried my life for so many years, I can’t just watch my folks suffer disasters, and besides, Rhodes Island doesn’t want to leave. The operator is a deserter."

Outcast patted him on the shoulder, "Since you have made a choice, we will definitely support you. Let's pack things together!"

On the other side, Qin Liu was a little surprised to see the people in Rhodes Island packing all their belongings.

"Are you guys in Rhodes Island ready to leave here?"

Oliver shook his head, "It's not, it's just a precautionary measure. After all, the situation in Xiaoqiu County is not very good. If there is a problem, prepare early so that these important materials can be transferred out in time."

Chapter 369 Chapter 360 The Arrival of the Bombing

"Then do you need my help..." After hearing Oliver's words, although Qin Liu had a worried look in his eyes, he still asked enthusiastically if he needed her help.

Outcast looked up at the other party and smiled, "Miss Jane's style and personality are quite suitable for us in Rhodes Island. If you intend to come to us, I can be your recommender and guarantor."

"Jane is the sunshine of our office. If you want to recommend it, it has to be our office. Are you right!" After making a decision, Oliver also seemed a lot more relaxed, and he also became interested in joking after letting go of the burden in his heart.

Kang Na put her hands on Nian's waist with her shoulders, "See, this is called gathering people's hearts", after speaking, she reached out and drew a big circle.

Nian looked down at himself, then at Jane's heart, and couldn't help but sigh, "I heard that Victoria's women are terribly developed. I have seen it... Admiration, admiration..."

It was not until noon that these materials were sorted out, and the shredder asked, "We still have a lot of medical supplies here, and we will definitely not run out of them. How do we deal with these things?"

Outcast thought about it for a while and said, "Give it to the hospitals in the city. No matter who these hospitals serve, we will try our best to deliver it as much as possible. By the way, don't forget those clinics in small alleys. Most of them have no signboards, but The treatment of many infected people in the local area depends on them..."

"But wouldn't this be inappropriate? In Rhode Island, we generally don't bypass local pharmaceutical companies and directly provide medicines to medical institutions and individuals." Oliver was a little worried that this approach would arouse resentment and resistance from pharmaceutical companies. .

"Extreme times, extraordinary measures, but what's more, will there be hospitals that refuse 'anonymous donations' from enthusiastic citizens?" Oliver's concern about outcasting is not at all worried, after all, Rhodes Island secretly provides effective Originium to residents everywhere. It's not once or twice that I have done the disease-blocking potion, and everyone is very clear about the doorway here.

Oliver rarely showed a smile, "It's indeed a good idea, but who shall we arrange to deliver? People nearby know that we are from Rhode Island."

"I'll go, I will help Brother Shredder pack the medicine, and then I will deliver the medicine."

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