As soon as Misery's voice fell, Kanna immediately spoke into the headset.

"Understood!" The giant ant's voice came from the headset. Under Yuhu's comfortable observation, the two slowed down and moved towards the enemy's ambush circle vigilantly.

Soon Kang Na saw the surrounding situation clearly through the avatar that the two threw into the ambush circle. As Kang Na said, even if the opponent's morale collapsed and the leader was captured and commanded chaotically, he still made a very wonderful move when he fled. ambush.

It's a pity that I met Kang Na, an unreasonable full picture hanger. When she found that the other party stopped abnormally and made a move to surround her, Kang Na sent a warning to the operators over there.

Under the attack of the two clones, the temporary ambush position was easily broken through, and the enemies involved in the ambush were quickly strangled. At this time, the steel plate and the giant ants that came up from behind looked at the mess in the ambush circle He was very happy with the dead body in one place.

Without Kang Na's warning, the two of them would probably have walked into the ambush circle.

That way, even if he threw out Kang Na's avatar, I'm afraid the two of them would have to be buried with these enemies at such a close distance.

"You can see those enemies while sitting here?" Misery was curious about Kang Na's new ability.

"Rainwater is my eyes!" Kang Na raised her head slightly, showing a proud expression.

"Chang Dao Magnificent Ming Shen Eternal" Accompanied by Misery's words, a thunder seed appeared in his hand

"I remember that this spell didn't have this effect before!" Misery continued to ask, looking at the thunder seed in his hand that exuded a faint purple glow like a magnificent purple teardrop.

"Of course! But I think it's too stupid to pinch the thunder seeds one by one, so I simply set up an additional spell. As long as the body has the eye of thunder and evil, then after reading this sentence, It can directly trigger the spell, and then transform the Eye of Thunder and Punishment into a thunder seed that can transform my clone."

This spell was developed by Kang Na in the house when she was in confinement before. It looks very tall, but it is actually a basic trigger spell in the spell.

And the spell that was triggered was also out of Kanna's pure and playful psychology. Using other methods to trigger it always felt a bit boring, and finally she made a decision to use the eight characters "Chang Dao Magnificent Ming Shen Eternal" as the name of the spell. Triggering conditions.

"As long as you are in this cloud and rain, you can give this eye of thunder and evil? Is there no distance limit?"

"As long as it is still in the rain, there is no limit, but if I enter the house, I can track it for up to 5 minutes." Regarding the new effect of her praying for rain, Kang Na has been experimenting a lot just now.

If it is not in the open air or in contact with rain, Kanna can't lock the person in the house. After contact with rain, if the other party enters the house, regardless of whether it is enemy or friend, Kanna can continue to track for up to 5 minutes.

And she doesn't see the opponent's actions, but a small map equivalent to a strategy game. She can only judge the general direction of movement and stay of the crowd through all the moving points on the small map.

Chapter 152 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Additional Reinforcements

As a top combat expert, Misery is naturally very aware of the value of what Kang Na said. If conditions permit, Kang Na can complete all the defensive and reconnaissance work by herself.

If there had been Connor during the Kazdel Civil War, and with the tactics of the Swordsman Tower, Tracy would have been pushed all the way by them.

But it's not too late now, he is one of the people who knows Amiya's thoughts, and before that, he didn't think that the return of the Swordsman Tower would be of much help to Rhodes Island.

As a chess player, Swordsman Tower is good at layout, and simply treating him as a battlefield commander is purely overkill.And with the other party's mind that regards human life as nothing, it is difficult to guarantee whether Rhodes Island will become the next existence to be abandoned by him in the end.

He used to be very worried that Amiya would be unknowingly seized by the Swordsman Tower, but now Wen has Kyle Xiwu and Kang Na, and with the escort of a group of old guys like himself, it is bound to be a tragedy for Teresia. will not happen again.

Suddenly, Kang Na looked outside, "There is something approaching rapidly in the southwest direction! That's the direction of Rhodes Island, it should be our support."

Hearing Kang Na's words, Misery picked up the unconscious enemies one by one

"You go to contact the helicopter. We have to send these two captives back to Rhodes Island as quickly as possible. I suspect that our opponent this time may be a certain nobleman, or even a country."

After listening to Misery's words, Kang Na nodded, and then jumped out of the room in two steps in three steps.

After coming out, I looked towards the sky, and it turned out that the helicopter with the Rhode Island logo was approaching rapidly. Normally, the helicopters that returned from my side may not have returned to the land-ship, which is impossible. There was support so soon, it was obvious that Kelsey arranged for someone to come to assist after Kang Na and the others left.

Relying on her extraordinary qualities, Kang Na quickly came to the tallest building near the safe house, and then picked up the communicator to search for the helicopter's channel.

After a burst of noise, Connor successfully connected to the channel of the support team on the helicopter.

"Hey, hello! I'm Kang Na, can you hear me from above..."

After a brief silence, Amiya's voice came from the communicator, "This is Amiya and the ACE team. We have rushed to the edge of the battlefield. Please report the situation on the battlefield and where we need to respond."

"It's Amiya! We have successfully wiped out most of the enemy's vital forces, and the enemy is fleeing outwards. Misery has captured two prisoners, saying that they are very important, and they need to be brought back to Rhodes Island for interrogation immediately. In the third gray house to the left of the red building."

While speaking, Connor jumped to the top of the house, waved her little hand at the helicopter, and then released lightning to signal to the other party.

Although the vision of the helicopter was not as good as imagined in the cloudy weather, they could still see Kang Na's position at a glance after approaching the battlefield.

After all, the thunder and lightning that fell on the opponent's head at every turn was too conspicuous.

After the helicopter approached, Connor stopped the discharge, and guided the helicopter close to where Misery was.

Soon ACE led the team down quickly and entered the room to have a round with Misery.

On the way, they met the helicopter carrying Rosemary back, and knew from the brief communication that the other party was very powerful, but they did not expect that the enemy who almost defeated them in the mouth of the Rosemary team was defeated by the Misery team and Kang. Na directly annihilated.

At this time, the sniper operators discovered the abnormality on the battlefield, that is, those "Kangna!" appearing everywhere on the battlefield

An operator who knew about the source of these "Kangna" told them, but this made them even more confused. From what the other party knew, the effect of the clone only lasted for about 1 minute, but from the edge to the At the center of the battlefield, more than three minutes had passed, and the number of "Kangna" in such a long period of time was not less than the visual inspection, which is very unreasonable.

Amiya jumped out of the plane, looking at the battlefield around which could be said to be littered with corpses, her face looked ugly.

ACE fiddled with the dead body on the ground and said, "Ah! Victorian!"

After hearing the words of ACE, everyone said that they paid attention to the past.

"Although the weapons and equipment used by these people have no markings, and they look like three-no products, I am too familiar with the taste of the Victorian army. According to Misery, I probably have a clue about the identities of these people. A guess, Victoria Military Intelligence, they come from the agency that made Agent Bond famous all over the world."

As an experienced fighter, ACE is very precious to the troops of various countries. After a short survey, he almost guessed the origin of the opponent.

"Could it be that the Victorian authorities are planning to attack us? No, Dr. Kelsey said that there are allies in Victoria. Why don't we have any news at all?"

Amiya looked flustered when she heard ACE.

"Don't worry, Amiya! It is absolutely impossible for our allies in Victoria to betray us. Do you remember the boarding and inspection back then? I suspect that this time it may be the other party's hand. After all, as a Grand Duke, If he wants to secretly mobilize agents to siege Rhodes Island, he can pass through the parliament. However, the premise of all this is that the siege is successful, and the losses of the agents are not much. In Mi's case, even if we don't take action and lose so many agents and manpower at once, I believe that after the news reaches Victoria, the Grand Duke's life will not be easy."

Seeing that Amiya's ears were beginning to twist together, Misery came over and patted her on the head, comforting her with confident eyes.

"If it is really that grand duke, we can pass the news in advance through our allies, and give the other side a ruthless blow in international politics. With so many people and such elite equipment, I believe there must be many elites arranged by him." .

If you die here, after the news is sent back, even if you can keep your position, you may have to bleed profusely. "

ACE commented on this.

"However, these two captives should be sent to Rhodes Island. We must confirm the correctness of this conjecture as soon as possible before the other party reacts." Misery pointed to the two captives who fell unconscious on the ground and said.

"Amiya, you and Kanna go back with the prisoners first." After deciding on the next thing, Misery, who was the temporary battlefield commander, said.

Chapter 153 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Flying Around

After accepting the mission, Kang Na didn't dislike it either, she walked out the door with a prisoner in one hand, and jumped onto the helicopter that was still hovering in mid-air.

Although Amiya wanted to stay and fight side by side with Misery and Ace, she also understood the importance of these two captives to Rhodes Island, so she nodded and walked outside the house.

"Hey Uncle Ace, is it okay for you to deal with those guys after I leave?" After putting away the captives, Kang Na jumped down again to meet Amiya, and asked as she watched Ace and Misery come out.

Ace waved his hand with a thunder seed, obviously in this short period of time he had already communicated with Misery and learned about the new usage of Kang Na's spell.

"Don't worry, if the opponent's morale has not collapsed or there is still a desire to fight, then I will definitely not agree to head-to-head with the opponent, but now, these are just Perlos without a home, even if a young child is chasing them with a knife I don't have the courage to turn back. And don't we still have this big killer!"

Connor gave a thumbs up, "Then we will wait for you to return safely in Rhodes Island."

"Okay, it would be even better if I could have a jug of wine!" After speaking, Ace and Misery led their teams and chased after the fleeing enemies.

When she was leaving, Amiya suddenly said, "Can you bring back the dead operators of the Rosemary team? They died for Rhodes Island. I hope to hold a funeral for them in Rhodes Island."

Kang Na pointed in the direction of the safe house, "No problem, it's all in the safe house. The location is very empty and the enemies have been cleaned up. The helicopter can land directly."

Under Amiya's order, the helicopter came to a flat ground near the safe house and stopped. Except for Amiya who stayed on the plane to monitor the two prisoners, the others were divided into two teams. One team stood vigilant near the helicopter. With the surrounding situation.

Although Kang Na said that this place is safe, it is a war zone after all. It would be bad if there is a sixth child who has been lingering nearby without being discovered by Kang Na, and then sneak attacking the helicopter while it is now.

And the other team is all male operators who are obviously relatively strong. Under the guidance of Kang Na, they picked up the bodies of those sacrificed operators on the battlefield where it was almost impossible to tell who was who, and then silently moved towards Go in the direction of the helicopter.

Although Kang Na said it lightly, after observing the battlefield at close range, the traces and corpses all showed how dangerous the battle was at that time.

Soon the remains of all the dead operators were brought back to the helicopter. After all the personnel returned to the helicopter, the helicopter took off again and rushed back in the direction of Rhodes Island.

Sitting in the helicopter, Connor looked at the body bag, because after the death of the infected person, according to her knowledge, the amount of origin stone in the body should increase sharply, and finally turned into a human bomb.

But Amiya and the other operators didn't seem to be worried. Although everyone in the aircraft cabin was silent because of the death of their companions, they were not too far away from the corpses, and no one showed any signs of fear. mood.

After sitting next to Amiya, Kang Na curiously asked about the situation

"The situation you mentioned is generally an infected person who died due to the origin stone disease. Because the infected person cannot suppress the increase of the origin stone concentration in the body, the concentration of the origin stone in the body will still rise rapidly after death, exceeding the body's capacity. Explosion occurs after the limit.

Like this kind of death that is not due to Originium disease, although the Originium in the body will continue to grow, but the speed is correspondingly much slower, and the time to reach the limit of the body's capacity will be correspondingly extended.

If the former erupts within a few minutes to a few hours, the latter may take weeks or even months. "

Regarding Kang Na's question, Amiya explained in a low voice.

After hearing this, Kang Na nodded, no wonder that although patients in Rhodes Island often died due to the outbreak of Originium Disease, they had never heard of doctors or nurses being injured because of this, except for everyone's in-depth and meticulous research on this disease In addition, it is also related to the fact that medical personnel have been in contact with Originium Disease for a long time and understand all aspects of this disease.

Soon, the helicopter returned to the deck of Rhode Island. At this time, there were several teams on the deck ready to go. It was obvious that the Rosemary team that had returned earlier had passed the information to Kelsey, and Kelsey had already arranged follow-up support team.

Jumping directly back to the deck with Amiya from the helicopter, stopped the helicopter full of people who were about to leave.

"No need to go, the battle over there is almost over!" Hearing Amiya's words, the support team on the helicopter seemed a little dazed and relaxed.

After all, everyone was prepared before going back, because through the explanation of the returning Rosemary team, Kelsey told the support team with certainty that what they were facing was probably a regular army from a certain country.

Soon the helicopter of the Amiya team landed from the sky.

First, the two prisoners who were still unconscious were lifted out by the operator, and then several body bags were carried off by the remaining operators.

Everyone seemed very happy when they saw the prisoners, but after seeing the body bags, everyone on the deck fell silent.

At this time, Kelsey, who had received the notice of Amiya's return early, also walked out of the door with someone.

She first looked at the corpses of the operators who were carefully placed on the ground, and then said to the scout on the side

"Bring the two captives to the isolation room of the medical department. Leave the rest to Amiya..."

Scout nodded solemnly, then lifted one in one hand and walked into the interior of Rhodes Island.

After speaking, Kelsey looked at the operators who were ready to go and continued to say

"Since the battle is over, there's no need to go to so many people to support, Kanna, you make an extra trip, and take the action team A4 to bring Ace and the others back."

After Kelsey finished speaking, the captains of several action teams breathed a sigh of relief, and walked back to the island with their men, leaving only a few members of the A4 action team ready to go.

Kang Na and Amiya boarded the helicopter again after a brief farewell.

"Kangna just came back, and let her go again, is this really good?" Looking at the helicopter flying away, Amiya was a little discouraged, feeling that it was such a difficult battle, but she didn't do anything to help .

"Rosemary is not in a good state of mind, Amiya, go and help the perfumer to control her." As the "mother" of the little rabbit, seeing Amiya's ears drooping, the experienced Kelsey understood The other party started thinking wildly again.

Kelsey calmly used a simple sentence to cheer Amiya up again.

Chapter 154 Offer a Reward

It’s a new month, and there’s a recommendation (from the first one. ——Youth Nightmare), so let’s offer a reward to try it out.

It's still the same as last time, until 12 o'clock sharp tonight

Monthly pass 66 plus one more

Blade 88 plus one more

Reward 5000 plus one update

Although I think no one will vote, but I still add these two, after all, people have to have a dream (kimbo)

Silver Treasure Chest Plus Ten Changes

Golden treasure chest plus fifteen more

The recommendation ticket continues to be counted (dog head)

But let's talk up front. . . .Take it easy, everyone, it’s almost enough to make up ten more. I can finish it after a while. If there are too many, it will take a long time to finish.

PS: What if there is nothing in the tenth watch... I am a little nervous

Chapter 155 Chapter 140

Boarding the helicopter again, Kang Na felt her butt was a little numb—sit back and forth for too long, and the amount of exercise just now was not enough for the battle.

After the helicopter returned to the direction of the battlefield, Kang Na glanced down at the ground and checked the direction of the last trace left by the skill of praying for rain. Without hesitation, she pointed to the direction where ACE and his party left and said, "That's over there!"

The scimitar old man in Scarlet Valley looked at him and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

In this rainy environment, many traces will be buried by the rain, and the field of vision is also limited. He only detected the direction of ACE's action from the clues around it after Kang Na pointed out the location, that is to say, by looking at the answer. The problem is that it is still a bit laborious, but Kang Na can point out the position without hesitation, which proves that there is a huge gap between himself and Kang Na in terms of field of vision.

If the two sides are enemies of each other, in this gap of vision, there is almost no difference between him and the blind man in front of Kang Na.

Fortunately, Kang Na was on Rhode Island's side.

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