"Yi Chen, you are really amazing, this time you are really famous!"

Another girl also said excitedly: "The Internet is full of discussions about you, Mr. Yichen, the youngest well-known game developer! My friends who don't play games usually know about it too!"

Well, it seems to be really famous.

After going upstairs to the classroom and dealing with the students in the class, Yi Chen took out his mobile phone and found a lot of discussions about himself on the Internet.

Most of them are focused on their own age, and some don't know from what channels they learned about their family situation and school grades.Even his love affair with Shi Yu was reported.

Rubbing his chin, Yi Chen frowned and said: "This is not a good thing, it seems that it was not a good decision to show up at the face-to-face meeting before."

Yi Chen doesn't mind being a celebrity producer or something, but the game hasn't come out yet, and the reports about him on the Internet feel a bit flattering.

Shi Yu also moved the chair and leaned over, glanced at Yi Chen's cell phone and said, "Mr. Chen, is there any problem?"

Yi Chen shook his head: "Don't pay attention to small things, just do what you should do."

There is still some time before the live broadcast will start. During this time, let's be quiet for a while.

Chapter 287

After the opening ceremony of the new semester in the morning, Yi Chen was naturally called to the office by Shizuka Hiratsuka.

As soon as he entered the office, Yi Chen found that the other teachers were all looking at him.

When he came to Hiratsuka Jing and sat down, Yi Chen whispered, "Teacher, does everyone know?"

Shizuka spread her hands and said: "Yes, I know, after all, you have appeared on the stage in person, and the information on the Internet is circulating so fast, it's hard not to see it. But you can rest assured that the teachers will not bother you. Yours, but you may have to face the curiosity of some students from time to time. After all, they have never seen a peer as powerful as you."

Yi Chen scratched his cheek in embarrassment: "It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"Exaggeration or not, you should be very clear in your heart."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said with a light smile, "All in all, you should be a little quieter during this time. As for the number of places recommended by Dongdae University, the head teachers of several other classes originally had to argue, but now because of your career exposure, It's pretty much stabilized."

"Can it still have this effect?"

Yi Chen froze for a moment, he didn't expect it to be like this.

"Wait, what about Shiba's?"

"I knew you would ask her." Pointing her finger on the table, Hiratsuka looked around at the other teachers around, and said in a low voice, "The students from the third to fifth grades, the teachers in their class all I still want to fight for it. So I was thinking, do you want to do homework for Xia Zhiqiu, so that I can tell the principal and grade director about her publishing novels. You have special talents and outstanding academics. Students will definitely be able to win the quota."


Yi Chen rubbed his chin, and then made an OK gesture to Hiratsuka Shizuka, "Okay, I'll go ask Shi Yu right now, if she agrees, I'll send you a text message, teacher."

After finishing speaking, Yi Chen left the office and went back to the classroom to find Shi Yu.

Back in the classroom, Yi Chen told Shi Yu what Shizuka Hiratsuka had said to herself, the girl nodded after thinking for a while and said: "Mr. Chen, please tell Mr. Hiratsuka, you can tell the grade director and the principal, but don't continue It’s spread out, I don’t like to put my identity as a light novel writer on the table, writing a book quietly is more suitable for me.”

"Okay, then I'll send a message to the teacher."

Taking out his mobile phone, Yi Chen quickly edited the message and sent it to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

The other party responded with "OK" after seeing it, and the matter was considered settled.

"OK, let's wait for the news. If you get a place, you just need to attend an interview and then take the central exam in January next year."

"Will it be so easy?"

Shiba raised a question.

"Don't worry." Gently pinching Shiyu's face, Yi Chen said with a smile, "If neither of us in Toyosaki can get the recommended quota, then it's even more impossible for others to get it, isn't it? ?"

"It seems so."

Originally, Shi Yu thought that the grades alone might not be enough, and he had to participate in other competitions, but he didn't expect that it could be settled directly.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that whether it is Yi Chen's grades or her own, just their own grades at school can basically secure admission to Dongdae University.

In this situation, they can indeed feel at ease.

As for whether it will be unfair to other students who are fighting for places, Shiyu doesn't think so. To be able to get the first and second grades, of course both of them have studied hard.And the achievements outside the school also cost efforts that others don't know.

When I first started writing novels, I was often busy until midnight or even all night, otherwise it would be impossible to catch up on sleep during the daytime class at the beginning.Later, when the novel was published, it didn't go well at first, and it took a lot of effort to revise it.

Not to mention Yi Chen, playing games alone is much more terrifying than writing novels.Although Shiyu herself has only been in touch with the screenwriting of the game, she has also learned more or less about the work of game development.

A person, a series of things such as programs, art, numerical planning, etc. must be considered and done by themselves, which is not something ordinary people can persist.

In the industry, there is indeed one person in the industry who can make a game and do it so that it sells well, except for Yi Chen. All of them are also extremely capable and talented, but they all also paid for it. Great effort.

So for Yi Chen and Shi Yu, there will be no burden.

At noon, when they were having dinner in the service department, Xue Nai and Ying Lili also knew that they were basically guaranteed the recommendation places from Dongda University.

Xue Nai looked at the two of them, with a smile on her face: "Senior senior sister, Gong Xi."

Ying Lili also clapped her hands in surprise: "It's basically settled? Then will you reduce the number of times you come to school and spend your time on developing games and writing novels?"

"That's not going to happen."

Yi Chen shook his head and said, "We will still come to school for class every day, but if something really happens, we will be more decisive in asking for leave than before. Of course, we will still take the exam. I don't want my first place in the grade to be robbed gone."

Saying that, Yi Chen also glanced at Shi Yu beside him.

Shi Yu looked back without admitting defeat.

"I will also take the exam, and I still want to take the first place in the grade in the remaining months."

Seeing that the two were about to confront each other about the grade ranking, Ying Lili quickly terminated their conversation.

"It's still early for the exam! There is another thing now. I remember that you will go on a school trip in October, right? Has the place been decided for the school trip for the third year of high school?"

"A school trip?"

Speaking of this, Yi Chen and Shi Yu really stopped.

Yi Chen thought for a while and said: "During the class meeting in the morning, someone asked Hiratsuka-sensei, and she said that although she hadn't made a final decision, she was probably going to Kyoto. There aren't that many interesting things in Japan, and it's too far away. It’s like Hokkaido is impossible, and the only place where you can have fun is Kyoto. Anyway, I won’t go to other countries.”

For a three-day school trip, don't expect to go to any good places.

Shi Yu nodded and said: "That's right, anyway, Mr. Chen and I will tell Mr. Hiratsuka that we won't go on the school trip. I will be busy with the release of new books next month. I don't have the time. Mr. Chen We also have to arrange live broadcast promotions every month, and this kind of event lasts for several days, so we won’t go.”

For travel and so on, we went to Sichuan for a week during the summer vacation, but we are really not interested in Kyoto or anything.

Ying Lili suddenly said: "Yes, there is really nothing interesting, but I don't know where we can go on a school trip when we are in our third year of high school next year."

"I think you should think about what university you will go to when the time comes."

"No way race! I'm no longer the original me!"

Chapter 288 Live Preview

Today is the first day of school, and there are not many classes, so Yi Chen and Shi Yu headed straight to the studio after class in the afternoon.

Ying Lili didn't come with her, because she was stimulated by Shiwa's words at noon, so she planned to surprise Shiwa during the midterm exam, and followed Yukino to her house after school, intending to let Yukino guide her well one time.

Xue Nao naturally has no problem with this, it is the same wherever she studies.And if there is an entrustment from the Ministry of Service, Shizuka Hiratsuka will definitely know about it, and it will be fine to find out later.

After having the goal of becoming a lawyer, Xue Nai is not so persistent about the affairs of the club.

After all, how can high school students have so many things that need help?

Arriving at the studio, Yi Chen was called by Shizuku Ye Yue to her office before Yi Chen went to her office.

Entering Hazuki Shizuku's office, just in time to see Shuiyun resting on Hazuki Shizuku's desk.

Picking up the chubby guy, Yi Chen sat on the sofa and said while stroking the cat: "Sister Ye Yue, have you decided on the arrangement for the live broadcast?"


Hazuki Shizuku said with a smile, "The live broadcast will be scheduled for next Friday and Saturday. Friday night will be at Station B, and Saturday night will be on Youtube. As for the candidates, apart from me and you, I will call Fukuyama Junhe Palace No Mamoru. One is the actor's voice actor, and the other is Ryuji's voice actor. There will be many topics for everyone to talk about, and the schedule of these two is no problem."

"Okay, then it's settled."

After taking the live broadcast content planned by Shizuku Ye Yue, Yi Chen watched it.

The duration of the live broadcast is set at about one hour, starting at [-]:[-] p.m., and the location is set on the studio side. The conference room can be well arranged for live broadcast, and the sound insulation effect is also very good.

In terms of content, first of all, I will put aside the publicity PV that has been announced, and then briefly introduce the characters dubbed by the two voice actors. Then, it is time to show the action and battle content in the first hall.

For my own live broadcast, I only need to pay attention to the content of the game, so I will not engage in any gaudy wrangling sessions, and strive to put all the dry goods that everyone wants to watch within an hour.

Ye Yueshizuku's program schedule is basically fine, Yi Chen said to her after reading it: "Okay, just follow this, I will also think about it in the next few days to see if I can add something to it. "

Although there will be two live broadcasts, Yi Chen knows that apart from the program arrangement, the effects of the two live broadcasts on different platforms will be completely different.

Because of the participation of voice actors at Station B, it is reckoned that Yi Chen will still have to work as a translator.But these are trivial matters. After all, apart from myself, I can find a few good translators to translate in real time during the live broadcast. Anyway, it is just a matter of paying some salary.

But Fukuyama Jun and Miyano Mamoru, if these two people come in the first game, it will probably be very difficult.

After all, one of the well-known characters played is Lelouch, and the other is Ultraman Zero.


Yi Chen looked at Ye Yueshizuku, and said on a whim, "Do you want to add some references to Lelouch and Sai Luo in the game?"

Ye Yueshizuku looked at Yi Chen speechlessly after hearing this: "Please, dubbing work has been going on for a long time, don't increase the workload for everyone. You can play it during the live broadcast, but it's okay to add it to the game Bar."

"Hahaha, I just thought of it suddenly, let me tell you, I still have some sense of propriety."

After reassuring Ye Yueshizuku, Yi Chen didn't stay here any longer, and took Shui Yun with her when she went out.

Watching Yichen go out, Ye Yueshizuku smiled and shook her head: "Really, I didn't forget to walk with my cat when I went out."

Back in his office, Yi Chen turned on his computer and boarded station B, and posted a news about the live broadcast preview.

[Next Friday night at 7:[-] Beijing time, we will conduct a live broadcast of Persona at Station B. At that time, two voice actors who dub the game will be invited to participate in the show. If you are interested in the content of the game , You can come to our live broadcast room to see it then.Of course, there will also be a live broadcast on YouTube on Saturday, so you can watch it if you want.In this way, I continue to work hard for the development of the game, everyone, please look forward to the live broadcast next week! 】

After posting, Yi Chen didn't care about this post, and within an hour, there were more than 1000 comments below, and the number continued to increase.

And what Yi Chen didn't notice was that after the announcement of Persona, the number of fans of his verified account began to rise in a straight line, reaching more than 50 before he knew it, approaching 60.

Yi Chen didn't discover this until he returned home at night and turned on the computer and logged on again.

"What's going on, there are so many followers?"

After refreshing, Yi Chen found that the number of followers had increased by more than a dozen.

Then I looked at the promotional PV of Persona on the homepage, and the number of views has reached 500 million.

Shi Yu, who came in with two cups of freshly squeezed juice, found that Yi Chen was acting stupid, and walked over and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Following the direction of Yi Chen's finger, Shi Yu also saw the number of views of this video.

"500 million? When did it happen?"

"I do not know either."

Yi Chen shook his head, took a sip of the juice from his cup and said in shock, "I really haven't read much these days, thinking about two or three million, it's about the same, but it went straight to 300 million, even with the number of followers on the account It has also risen to more than 500."

While talking, he opened the Youtube and found that the number of views of the video here is also exaggerated, more than 600 million.

Sitting down beside Yi Chen, Shi Yu said with a smile: "But it's a good thing, right?"

"Well, it's really a good thing."

At this moment, Yi Chen also showed a smile.

"After our game announces more and more content, it will only attract more attention. After all, what we promote is all in the game itself, so we don't have to worry about being questioned, we will only put the game Getting better."

"I get the feeling you're implying some Polish jackass."

"Don't talk nonsense~~~ That person is a senior in our industry, why do we say that about the seniors? They just set an example for us, let us keep in mind the fundamentals of being game developers!"

No, you are definitely being eccentric.

Shi Yu didn't bother to talk to Yi Chen, after poking his cheek with her finger, she took her laptop and continued to write the second volume of the new book.

Shi Yu's new book has passed the review of the library, and it will soon enter the publicity period, and Yi Chen can finally know the name of her new book.

Looking at Shi Yu who began to type with a smile on his face, Yi Chen couldn't help thinking that he hadn't let himself see the specific content of a new book until now, and he learned the ability to hold his breath from himself.

Chapter 289

The first live broadcast of Persona immediately entered into intensive preparations.

After confirming the script and sending it to the two seiyuu, Hazuki Shizuku led everyone to start renovating the conference room so that it could be better used for live broadcast.

It is said that it is going to be remodeled, but in fact there are not many things to do. The main thing is to ask Yagami to design a poster with the theme of Persona, and then print out a large one and stick it on the wall behind the seat.

As for the others, it is nothing more than moving out the unneeded seats, and then vacating the space for cameras and computers.

After looking at the conference room after the decoration, Hazuki Shizuku said with satisfaction: "OK, that's it!"

Hikari Yashen moved Lao Gao's arm that was stretched because of the poster, and then moved his neck and said: "The live broadcast will start in a few days. I hope there will be no live broadcast accidents by then."

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