Of course, at that time, the value of the sovereignty of the moon and stars will be difficult to compare with the sovereignty of the sun and the sovereignty of the earth and stars, but compared with the value of the sovereignty of the moon today, it is completely a heaven and an earth.

The Mother Earth Goddess who holds sovereignty over the earth is almost all top three digits.

If the moon can become the second home of mankind and the first step for mankind to step into space, the sovereignty of the moon is divided into [-] parts. Holding any part is enough to make the four-digit Luna become a three-digit number. Enough to make the three-digit Luna a top three-digit figure.

At this time, the sovereignty of the moon may even be more important than the sovereignty of the sun.

Sovereignty of the sun is precious, but without the corresponding favor of the sun attribute, there is no way to exert the true power of the sovereignty of the sun. It can only be used in the original book as the nature of the sovereignty of the sun, which is not afraid of any weapons, which is not a big improvement in strength.

But under the premise that human beings are about to develop the moon, even if it is not the moon god, the achievements of the feedback of human history alone are enough to make any three-digit number salivate.

——One thing to say, Di Shitian is really generous.

The Moon Rabbit belongs to his family, and he left the Moon Rabbit's sovereignty to the Moon Rabbit family, but Di Shitian himself has no intention of taking it back at all.

Make a reward list for no name, Di Shitian is definitely at the top, slightly inferior to Bai Yasha who can go out to get the sovereignty of the sun.

Thinking about it carefully, no name didn't go back to Izayoi's generation to be full of mysteries. Before no name was founded, the backgrounds of each member were not so blue.

Yawei raised three fingers and said, "Leticia's combat power mainly focuses on three points."

"First, pure blood dragon species, pure blood dragon species explained from a human point of view, this...have you heard of it? The creator of vampires is a pure blood dragon species."

"World Dragon." Su Qing replied.

"That's right, the world dragon also has another identity, which is Xuanwu, one of the four holy beasts of the Chinese family."

Yawei said: "The Chinese department is an epic of dragons. Through a long period of time, the dragon species has been integrated into the civilization of the Chinese department at a conceptual level. Every time there is a historical transition period, some people are awakened as dragon species."

"The Chinese department is also one of the gods that understand the concept of dragon species best."

"Different from the dragon species of other gods that develop their own powers, the pure blood dragon species of the Chinese system are relatively average in combat effectiveness, but they are more focused on allowing humans to obtain the identity of pure blood dragon species, and at the same time they are recognized by human history as humans."

"The fusion of the strongest species and humans is both a dragon species and a human being—because of my cooperation with Xuanwu, Leticia is regarded as a human being, and at the same time can exert the power of a pure-blooded dragon species."

"Second, it is the sovereignty of Ophiuchus."

"Only relying on the identity of the dragon species, it can only be considered acceptable in the four digits, but with the Ophiuchus sovereignty providing the dragon with a steady stream of energy, even in all the four digits, Leticia can be considered first-class .”

After thinking for a moment, Yawei said: "Based on the current situation, it is extremely possible for Alger to crack Leticia's game... Leticia's dragon should last for an hour to an hour and a half about."

Yawei said: "If you want to do something, take advantage of this time."

"One hour..." Su Qing nodded slightly, signaling her understanding, and then asked, "You said that Leticia's combat power is mainly divided into three points? What about the third?"

Yawei thought for a moment, and said.

"Simulated Star Creation Map."

"——Sure enough, she has it too?" Su Qing asked.

Somewhat unexpectedly, in the original work, in Little Garden, he had never heard of Leticia's simulated star creation map.

But it is not too surprising that the candidate for the first generation of the original scriptures, the founder of Hakoniwa's existing class ruler system, is very unlikely to have simulated the star creation map.

"As a candidate for the first generation of original scriptures, of course there are—but she doesn't want to use it."

Yawei sighed, "She's different from me. I'm just a god. Leticia is a good child. She resists my simulated star creation map from the bottom of her heart."

"However, if she really uses it... Alger, who is in a limited spiritual state, can't win."

"Different from the immature simulated star-creation map of Reverse Izayoi, that simulated star-creation map is out-and-out complete, and the degree of fit with Leticia has reached the limit."

"Since the class ruler system that symbolizes the hard work of the vampire family has been handed down, although it is far from the original, even if the child dies, he will not be willing to deny the glory that has deteriorated."

"Leticia's use of the simulated star creation map is a denial of vampires and the ideal of no name."

"She spent her whole life maintaining the lower order and building a system of class rulers, but in the end everything accumulated was ended because of gods and Buddhas. This resume is perfect for that simulated star creation map."

"Human beings on the ground work together to create a tower that leads directly to the sky. In the end, under the punishment of God, human beings are no longer united, and the world view begins to be dominated by the gods—"

"My 'Babel'!"


Ever since Su Qing came to Little Garden, her top priority was survival—however, now that Yawei appeared, the possibility of him being exposed was already very low.

At the same time, he also ushered in a turning point.

"What is your true inner thought, what do you believe most, what do you expect?"

"If you don't understand this point, if you don't recognize the 'worldview' you believe in most, even if you become a four-digit number, it will be the bottom of the four-digit number."

"——It's just as hard as Thor's reckless man."

That's what Yawei said.

Su Qing really wanted to say that he would be content with being able to become a three-digit figure who descended to heaven and become a human being.

When it comes to what to believe, Su Qing is not confused.

But... always have to look at how other people construct worldviews.

Shaking her head, Su Qing drove the distracting thoughts out of her mind.

With a four-digit, three-digit God-King descended from the sky as an opponent, it should be a suitable battlefield for him who is connected to the incarnation of Kargi and can replenish consumption from the simulated star creation map at this moment.

After taking a long breath, Su Qing's expression returned to calm.

In the towering castle, the open dark door exudes a sense of aura.

With the rustling of shoes on the leaves, Su Qing walked to the gate of the castle step by step.

"Not ready yet?"

A smile appeared on Su Qing's face, and said calmly.

An iron rod fell from the sky.

"Facing the devil king, no amount of preparation is enough."

Accompanied by the iron rod is a slightly deep middle-aged voice.

The stick came from top to bottom, mixed with the aura of smashing the stars, even if it was a three-digit number, it was impossible to ignore it easily, as if everything was blocked on this blow-it seemed so.

But the horns on the assailant's head revealed his identity.

Bull Demon King.

The information about the Bull Demon King came to Su Qing's mind, some were from the original works, some were read from human history, and some were learned from Yawei.

The Vigorous Bull Demon King, the big monster with one of the best coefficients in China, with a four-digit number, has a mountain-like body and indescribable strange power.

I feigned death, and joined the Demon King Alliance in the second part of the original book—but at the same time, it is also one of no name's most trusted allies.

After cheating his own death, he went outside Little Garden, and found the canary even earlier than the Queen of Halloween.

The Halloween Queen's search ability cannot be weaker than that of the Bull Demon King.

Su Qing speculated that it was probably Canary who contacted the Bull Demon King on her own initiative. Canary trusted him more than she trusted the Queen of Halloween.

——Of course, it’s also possible that the Halloween Queen’s goal is too big, and if the canary is not cultivated well, you will not want to contact the Queen before Sixteen Nights, for fear of being exposed in advance.

During the outside world, Canary's orphanage adopted a large number of orphans in addition to the adoption of Reverse Izayoi.

The Bull Demon King is the biggest funder of the orphanage.

For Nihui Izayo who lives in the orphanage, he is an acquaintance at the level of the concierge's grandfather-although Nihui Izayo doesn't know this, the Bull Demon King has been hiding his identity and pretending to be an ordinary person in the outside world.


In the second part of the original book, he had a pure physical battle with Nigai Izayoi. Nigai Izayoi was slightly injured, and he didn't have any scratches on his whole body.

The development direction of Lingge is weapon manipulation.

Chapter 43 Overshoulder throw

Among the four-figure powerhouses, the Bull Demon King is definitely on the list.

What Yawei said was not even weaker than a two-digit four-digit strongman. Su Qing was still not sure who it was, and Yawei didn't want to say it.

But for the remaining four digits, on the bright side of Hakoniwa, the strong man who really stands on the limit of four digits is the Bull Demon King.

—but it’s four digits after all.

Facing the iron rod that was chopped from top to bottom, Su Qing's spirit emerged.

Using his unknown as a medium, it calls for the liquidation of the "unknown" in human history, and the ability to re-transform the original blessings from human history into pure human history achievements.

Using five-digit numbers against four-digit numbers, the first point is that the fox pretends to be the tiger.

With Su Qing alone, ten of them together are not enough to fight the Bull Demon King. It is very difficult to let the ability be applied to the Bull Demon King.

But Su Qing was just starting out, turning the source of grace into pure human history merits, which is the work of human history.

This can be regarded as inviting the gods, Su Qing provides sacrifices and cultivation base (spiritual capacity), and the gods (human history) use his body (spiritual capacity) to fight instead.

In the blink of an eye, the momentum of the Bull Demon King's all-out attack dropped sharply.

The ineffectiveness stems from the favor of human beings not to the power of God, which is valid for almost all non-human beings.

The power of the gods comes from people's beliefs, and the gods have no way to resist the backlash from human history.

Protoss should not be affected by human history, if Protoss has never absorbed the grace from human history to grow.

The dragon species should not be affected by human history, if the dragon species has never absorbed the grace of human history to fill itself.

Human belief is not a necessity for dragon species and protoss, but it can also promote the growth of dragon species and protoss-powerful dragon species and protoss will naturally gain a share of human history.

Many stars left their names in the history of mankind, either they represented something in the history of mankind, or they left some good stories in the history of mankind.

Many dragon species are regarded as dragon gods in human history, and they accept belief from the perspective of gods. In human history, even the word dragon itself contains the meaning of gods.

The growth of dragon species and protoss does not require human participation, but during the development period of Hakoniwa, achievements derived from human history were too easy to obtain, and it was so easy that a three-digit figure could get a big slice of the pie.

Hakoniwa talks about strength, but it doesn't just talk about the world of strength and weakness. The symbolic meaning is also a kind of strength and weakness. The weak Black Death can also silence the sun to a certain extent by virtue of its specificity.

The achievements of human history must be paid back.

As long as Su Qing pays a full amount of spiritual status, this is the ability that can completely defeat any god. This ability can also be used for dragon gods who have left their names in human history, and for corresponding star spirits whose star names have appeared in human history. effect.

Purely human beings can ignore this ability. The favor of human beings is part of human history, but it can also have an effect on races such as fairies and phantom beasts.

The higher the degree of "inhumanity" of the party concerned, the higher the "human favor" content of the party's ability, and the stronger the effect of the ability.

——The Bull Demon King's attack, which made three-digit figures need to be vigilant, was weakened to the extent of entering four-digit numbers for the first time.

Correspondingly, Su Qing's spiritual capacity plummeted by half.

Elimination of human powers taken over by non-humans - seemingly omnipotent, but not very effective.

Su Qing's mobilization ability, human history execution ability, and correspondingly, the benefits of ability operation all belong to human history.

This is completely the ability to injure the enemy one thousand and self-damage one thousand, and it is an absolute anti-consumption ability.

At the same time, a fiery energy surged in the body, and Su Qing's spiritual grid was filled again.


Calji's simulated star creation map, through simulating the back door left by Yawei when the star creation map was born, Su Qing draws energy from small and medium scale.

The incarnation of Karji contains ten kinds of universe views of different god groups, which are full of back doors left by other god groups, but leaving aside the loopholes everywhere, just from the perspective of energy, it is even more than three. number of energy sources.

It is more than enough to fill Su Qing with five figures.

The Bull Demon King was as calm as water, fully adapted to the sudden weakening of power, and did not show any hesitation in the attack in his hand.

Su Qing took a step back.

The Bull Demon King followed up with a swinging iron rod and stabbed Su Qing in the abdomen.

Su Qing took a step to the right.

The shadows of sticks were continuous, and one blow was stronger than one blow.

Fighting in a weak state, the Bull Demon King has long adapted to it - in the dystopian war hundreds of years ago.

The closed world of the dystopian demon king denies all external beliefs. It is essentially different from Su Qing's ability to decompose the grace of human beings, but the effect is similar. It greatly weakens gods and Buddhas, and slightly weakens races such as elves and phantom beasts.

It is precisely because of the Dystopian Demon King that the Bull Demon King can instantly adapt to the weak state.

But it was also because of the Dystopian Demon King that Su Qing was able to know the information about the Bull Demon King in advance.


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