"Recycling godheads with high side effects at a high price, recycling old targeted favors, recycling special godhead weapons, and recycling old simulated star creation maps."

Canary put two fingers in front of her eyes: "We will charge a little, a little profit."

"Your four-digit promotion to three-digit achievement is also complete."

"And the source of merit is absolutely innocent."

Chapter 78 The World

In Little Garden, everything is quietly changing.

Among them, what attracted the attention of the Hakoniwa gods and Buddhas was the research of the Greek gods on the final trial of human beings, and the claim that they had a better understanding of Azdahaka's spiritual status and weaknesses.

Different god groups have different views on this, but their actions are almost the same. Anyway, no one thinks that as long as there are enough god groups to test the pressure, the Greek god group will hand over this method.

The group of gods who are too easy to be kidnapped by morality, if they don't have the background of Bai Yasha, and it doesn't hurt to be tricked once or twice... then they will be gone.

The upper gods are more discussing the division of interests after the crusade against Azdahaka.

It was half-time champagne, but no one could do anything about it. Today's Hakoniwa is somewhat introverted in terms of achievement.

Even if some people think it is awkward to discuss the division of merit before winning, the fact is here that it is difficult for people who can't save face to make profits.

One group of gods negotiated with Greece one by one. If in the end, Greece and more than half of the gods in Hakoniwa negotiated...then the opinions of the remaining gods are not important.

The group of people who have negotiated will be able to share the achievements of the final trial of the crusade against mankind. More than half of the people will gain, and the rest will not be able to make waves even if they have nothing to gain.

Opening champagne before the game is really not a good thing, but... If you don't open the champagne before the game, you won't get the prize money after the game.

Most of the gods focus on Greece, and only a small number of gods focus on the lower levels.

Changes in the class dominance system.

In the eyes of the gods and Buddhas, Hakoniwa is still a world where power comes first.

Some changes in the class ruler system are just adding a little electoral color to Hakoniwa.

This doesn't really change anything.

Even in human history, isn't the core of elections in the United States still two words?

Throw money!

Hakoniwa probably wasn't even as good as that.

In reality, if the upper class in the United States does not do well, how much impact can it have on the bottom?

Suffering means occasional power outages, soaring water and gas prices, frequent shootings, and frequent zero-dollar purchases.

In Little Garden, the class rulers did not do well, or did not do well on purpose - the devil attacked, and the death may even be the entire outer gate.

In human history, the upper class is absolutely inseparable from the lower class. Elections are only to that extent.

If we first create a large alliance at the lower level, and then come up with a system dominated by the replacement class through elections, it may really allow some power to be transferred downward to the lower-level community, and the gods and Buddhas may be more cautious.

But now, this system is more of a situational effect, just like the election in the United States.

Whoever's enterprise (community) has more employees, the employees' votes must be his.

Most gods and Buddhas think so.

For Su Qing, this is actually enough, and it can also end her achievements.

However, it may be that there are too many headwinds. Canary feels that the current situation is quite optimistic and it is very easy to fight.

She even had a question involuntarily...

Ah this?Can the original layout be so rich?

Choose the one that is best for you from two or more acceptable alternatives?

Based on her previous experience of facing the final trial of human beings and trying to fight against gods and Buddhas... to choose a slightly acceptable choice from two unacceptable choices, this is the difficulty that should be faced against the general trend, right?

Canary is a little uncomfortable.

——Most of the gods and Buddhas in the box court think that the form of voting to determine the class controller is harmless to them.

It is indeed true now.

But... the problem is that voting rights are indeed in the hands of the lower community.

And it was she who held the voting-related matters...or rather, Su Qing's part of the sovereignty.

It's not hard to make a class-dominated voting system a situation, but it's also not hard to make it work.

Vote completely anonymously.

As the person in charge of the voting system, it is only necessary to set that each voter must go to the private space in the store, make sure that the voting information will not be exposed, there will be no receipt after voting, and the core of Hakoniwa will ensure that the results are correct...

That class ruler dared to be a vegetarian, she played such a trick when voting, no matter how deep the background behind that person, no matter how many gods there are, it is useless.

Anyway, it is the lower community that votes,

If the group of gods behind the community can't confirm who the lower level voted for... then it's not the same for voters, who they vote for?

You can also play even more amazingly. In order to prevent the gods and Buddhas from showing the favor of controlling people's hearts and humans, they simply let the core of Hakoniwa take action. After the voters finished voting, they directly forgot who they voted for.

Anyway, there are Hakoniwa cores and Moon Rabbit, which can absolutely guarantee the fairness of the organizer, and the credibility is full.

Even if she harms the voting system in various ways and operates in secret... At a critical moment, if she finds a moon rabbit to sway into the process, the whole court will believe that at least this time she is absolutely fair and has no shady scenes.

The voting system is well used. At critical moments, it is absolutely possible to stab the gods and Buddhas in the back, and let the classes supported by the gods and Buddhas dominate and drink a pot.

Of course, it's not that the gods and Buddhas didn't think of this, but that they didn't care even if they thought of it.

——Because this favor is temporarily affiliated with Qianyan, Qianyan is not clean.

Canary knew that if this was held in Noname's hands, there would inevitably be some gods and Buddhas secretly probing and making some small moves.

no name has contributed to Hakoniwa, just the achievement of surpassing the dystopian demon king, it is doomed that the group of gods cannot face no name head-on.

Even if some gods are dissatisfied with No Name, it is impossible to accuse No Name of unwarranted charges, so they will set up the flag and No Name as their enemies.

If No Name held this voting system back then, the upper-level gods would definitely be more vigilant, worried that if No Name borrowed this system to replace all the class rulers with theirs, and then interrupt the gods' interference in the lower levels.

Even if no name is really done, can these gods and Buddhas directly destroy no name?

Even if all the gods are dissatisfied with the behavior of no name, it will never prevent these gods and Buddhas who are dissatisfied with no name from personally getting rid of the gods and Buddhas who attacked no name.

After that, she shed a few crocodile tears and cursed a few times, feeling that Hakoniwa lost a hero and a hero who was beneficial to the completion of human history.

For no name, you can only engage in small tricks, play tricks, any large group of gods can't end upright, and get rid of the hero who saved Hakoniwa—unless no name's collusion with the dystopian demon king is exposed.

And it cannot be a message, it needs to be undeniable evidence.

But sovereignty is different in the hands of Qianyan.

There are indeed double digits behind Qianyan, but if Qianyan dares to use this voting system to threaten the class rulers supported by other gods... then there is nothing to say, and it must be a direct war.

The reason for the war cannot be 'Your voting system is anonymous, no cheating, no manipulation'.

But for the upper-level gods and Buddhas, it is not difficult to find some black spots with thousands of eyes.

This is also the difference between Hakoniwa and human history.

The gods and Buddhas in Little Garden are not afraid of your mischief.

You took out the voting mechanism, the sovereignty is in your hands, let you take some merit... such as operating in the dark, and then signal the contestants to get some protection fees, that's what you should.

If you go too far, hit it.

In Little Garden, as long as there is a reason, let alone a three-digit number, even a two-digit number, real battles can happen.

In the history of mankind, even if the two factions in the United States accuse each other of manipulating votes, at most they will stop at the step of accusing, and it is impossible to easily start a war.

This puts Canary at ease.

In many cases, the right position is far more useful than calculation.

When she was in No Name, she thought she was careful enough, but in the end she was discovered by someone.

Now...she doesn't even need to turn her head.

Shenfo is not worried about her abusing the voting mechanism to count class rulers, because it is a big deal to start a war with Qianyan. Shenfo believes that Qianyan also knows this, and she will only profit a little from it if she dies.

But Su Qing is the final trial of human beings. Once exposed, it doesn't matter whether the gods will want to kill Su Qing, after all, Su Qing's spiritual quality is special.

But most of the gods will definitely be enemies of Su Qing, at least seal Su Qing, or find a way to subdue him.

Each other is an imaginary enemy, and it is almost doomed to fight in the future.

Nowadays, it is one point that can lay a little bit of cards to threaten the gods and Buddhas.

But even if they laid down their trump cards, some gods and Buddhas still thought, 'It doesn't matter, he won't really want to start a war with us, so there is no need to be vigilant'...it seemed too easy.

Canary wants to be a character more and more, and it is really useful at critical moments.

If she had acted a little crazy back then, don't talk about dreams and ideals, it would be impossible for someone to guess that she secretly experimented with the power of the dystopian demon king... But if she had kept it hidden back then, she might have been directly beaten to death by dystopia .

The gods and Buddhas at the upper level did not resist, and the lower level relied on Leticia's once-no-name network to bridge the gap, and the former Thousand Eyes store was converted and used immediately, and the construction of the lower level voting places was extremely fast.

Hakoniwa's acceptance of the voting system was also extremely fast.

Similar things were done in ancient Greece back then, but they failed to popularize.

Moreover, there are people from different eras in Little Garden, such as Leticia who came to Little Garden from the future at the end of time.

Hakonien has closed history to 2000 AD, which does not mean that people after 2000 AD cannot come to Hakoniwa. In the 2122nd century, or even in the distant future, Hakoniwa just has no basis to close the history of Hakoniwa.

With a sufficient network of contacts, no one deliberately found fault with blocking it, and the people in Hakoniwa understood the voting system very well, so everything went smoothly.

In Qianyan's residence, Canary looked worriedly towards the inside of the palace.

According to the usual theory, although there are not many achievements, it is definitely enough for Su Qing to become a four-digit figure.

But... an ordinary four-digit number may not be enough for Su Qing.


"Simply accumulating spiritual status, three digits is the upper limit. With your status as the ultimate human trial, you may be able to become a two digit."

"Continuously accumulating achievements in the spirituality of the final trial of human beings, you should not have any bottlenecks before you become a double digit."

"But that's nothing."

"It's just that Little Garden gave you a seed that can grow into a towering tree. You keep watering and fertilizing it to cultivate it to maturity."

"Even if it grows to the limit, it will be just a big white Yaksha in the end."

"Strong, but only stacked strong."

"in other words."

"If there are other people who share Shiroyasha's merits, their fighting power will definitely be higher than her."

"Only in terms of Hakoniwa, as long as it reaches this level of strength, it's enough."

"But if you expand your 'unknown' world view, you are not sure when you will meet a stronger enemy, and you can maximize your use of merit, which is safer for you."

Yawei said that before, and Su Qing felt that what she said was not unreasonable.

Just messing around in Little Garden, with Shiroyasha's strength, he can be completely ruined.

Don't care if I don't understand the world view properly, don't care if I don't waste my merits, just ask if I can blow you up?

For Su Qing, the enemies she meets across the world may be pitifully weak or surprisingly strong.

As long as he doesn't want to die, it is undoubtedly the safest way to use every bit of merit as much as possible. In the face of the unknown, the stronger he is, the safer he is.

Worldview... Su Qing still doesn't understand enough.

In his view, worldviews are presumably structures.

Comparing achievements to carbon elements, good people accumulate achievements into graphite, and strong people accumulate achievements into diamonds.

The ratio of graphite and diamond of the same magnitude is naturally broken at the first touch.

For example, although Reverse Izayoi has not yet started, the perpetual motion machine is his core favor, and he will definitely use the perpetual motion machine as the center of his worldview in the future.

Su Qing's worldview...he was also a little puzzled.

He can ignore everything and accumulate the spiritual status of the final trial of human beings. This is a mature power system, and his merits are enough to reach the top three digits, and he will not be weaker than other three digits.

Double digits are probably possible.

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