On this basis, the physical attributes have doubled again?

If you upgrade from lv5 to lv6, the attribute is not just doubled. Every time you upgrade, the grace of God will strengthen the basic attribute, which can even be called the evolution of body and mind.

But the matter of upgrading requires the blood of the gods.

From lv5 to lv6, it is not surprising that the strength has increased by two or three times or even more.

But at the stage of lv5, after the attribute has been trained to the extreme, it has doubled again, which can be called a miracle.

Bert's agility has exceeded 900, so what is his agility now?


The era of adventurers has lasted for a thousand years, and such numbers have never been seen!

Finn took a deep breath and looked at Loki, who nodded slightly.

Riveria blindfolded Aisi.

The werewolf brother tilted his head, looked at Finn who was approaching him, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"... Captain?"

"Don't move, Loki wants to help you renew your grace."

"Huh? In the reception room in front of a large crowd... Wait, leader, don't do anything, you have something to say."

"It's all companions anyway, it doesn't matter."

"There are outsiders here, so stop it!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, your attribute growth is the manipulation of outsiders, there is no need to hide it."

"This is not a question of concealing or not! Finn, stop it, Loki, don't just watch, help!"

Loki was silent for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face: "Don't worry, it will be fine soon."


The werewolf brother was lifted off his clothes, and his back was exposed in the public. The little brother who couldn't bear this kind of shameful play was struggling, but the gap between him and Finn was not small, one was the limit of lv5, the other was The limit of lv6 is far from being compensated by twice as strong a body.

A few minutes later, Burt looked at Finn and Loki viciously, with an expression that the copy wolf would definitely come back with revenge.

Finn smiled and spread his hands, indicating that he had no other choice.

Loki was silent for a moment while holding the favor data engraved from Bert's back.

Riveria stuck her head out and stayed where she was.

"—Goddess of Cannian, old elf woman, don't just stare blankly, that's my attribute, let me see!"

Burt, who is broken and broken, is fearless.

He also noticed the abnormality of his body, and he couldn't even control his own strength—but according to common sense, it shouldn't be like this.

Every time an adventurer upgrades, his physical fitness will only improve even more, but there has never been a situation where he can't control his strength well.

Although after each upgrade, adventurers have to adapt to some attributes, but that is to integrate the growth of attributes into their own combat system.

For example, the previous attack methods were only applicable to the previous attributes. In the face of thick-skinned monsters, they could only attack weak points. Now that the attributes have been improved, they can completely compete head-on.

For example, facing the monsters in the past, it needs to consume a quarter of the magic power to cast magic. Now after upgrading, it only needs to consume one-tenth of the magic power, and then adjust the output when using magic.

Adventurers adapt to the attributes after their growth, mostly in the process of sorting out their combat system in this way, not to adapt to the existing attributes, but to adapt to how to use the existing attributes.

But obviously the growth this time is not as big as the upgrade, but now, he can't control his strength completely, and he will step on the floor if he is not careful.

Burt was also curious about what happened to him.

Loki was silent for a moment, and handed the data to Burt.

【Bert Rocca】


Power: ss1079

Durability: s989

Smart: sss1560

Agile: sss2034

Magic: a899

Bert froze in place, rubbed his eyes, and looked again.

What the hell is this?

"...Loki, the limit of attributes should be 999, right?"

"Well, the gods never said that is the upper limit, it's just what the adventurers think."

Loki took a deep breath and said slowly: "However... your situation is beyond my expectation."

Loki explained: "For the 900-999 part, the rating is S, but above S, there are two evaluations of ss and sss, although in the past thousand years in the lower realm, no one has achieved it."

The God's Favor system is a system designed by the gods. It is only a numerical value. If the gods do not set a display upper limit, no matter how much the party's attributes have reached, it can be displayed according to the set standard.

But the evaluation is different.

From the lowest, 0-99 is evaluated as I, to 900-999 is evaluated as S... If the gods think that S is the upper limit of attributes, then even if someone exceeds this limit, the evaluation will still be S.

God's grace can show ss, sss, because from the beginning, the gods felt that it was possible for human beings to reach this field, and adventurers who had not reached this field set ratings.

For something like numerical value, even if it breaks through the limit, the grace of God can show a number according to the existing standards.

Evaluation of this kind of thing, if there is no setting, there is a setting. The system of God's Grace will not give a new rating that has not been set for the part that exceeds the preset on the basis of I-S.

If God's grace can do it, then it is not a dead system, but a living creature with intelligence.

Loki took a deep breath and explained: "Before the lower realms, the gods didn't know how much potential human beings have... To be precise, even now, the gods don't know this. No matter when, there are humans who can conceive Miracles that the gods have not seen come."

"The gods created the God's Grace system, and even displayed the adventurer's growth in numerical standards. Naturally, a fixed standard is needed."

"The gods have been in contact with the avatars of the gods, and the strength of the ancient heroes has been set into the standard."

"The 999 attribute of S-level is the boundary between ordinary strong and heroes."

"Below 999, it's ordinary powerhouses, and above 999 attributes, it's the domain of heroes—that's what the gods originally planned."

Loki spread his small hands and said with a wry smile: "But after going down to the world, in the past thousand years, I haven't seen an adventurer with more than a thousand attributes. I used to think that the gods made a mistake in judging the potential in the heaven."

"But if that's right..."

Loki took a deep breath and said: "I can only say that if you want to grow to the peak strength of an ancient hero, according to the calculations of some gods when they were in the heavens, at least one attribute must exceed S-level every time they upgrade."

"Also, it needs to be upgraded to lv9."

"The upper limit of an adventurer's level is lv9. The growth of an adventurer requires great achievements. The great cause of being promoted from lv9 to lv10 is already set by the gods before the lower realm."

"Overcoming the trials completely and defeating the one-eyed black dragon is the only key to advancing from lv9 to lv10. It is the laurel crown that the gods originally intended for the victor."

"Who knows, in the past thousand years in the lower realm, even lv9 has only appeared once."

A bit of helplessness appeared on Loki's face.

The details of the black dragon, the details of the dungeon, their gods are clear.

God's Grace sometimes locks the upper limit of growth, but never locks the potential of the strong.

No matter what attribute the adventurer's potential can support growth to, God's grace can be expressed.

Calculated based on the passing line of ancient heroes, and based on the system of God's Grace, each upgrade has an attribute that can exceed 999, and it can be reached when it is upgraded to lv9.

The upper limit of life in the lower realm... Actually, the gods expected it to be [-].

That is based on the strongest hero as the standard, and rounded up.

In fact, the strength of the strongest ancient hero, Aisi's father...according to the attributes known by the gods, in terms of his best abilities, and according to the system of God's Grace, each upgrade needs to reach 1800+, Until it is upgraded to lv9, that potential can be touched.

Even the strongest hero cannot use every potential of himself perfectly.

Many gods predict that each growth will exceed twice that of ordinary heroes, which is about the limit of life in the lower world, although they have never seen it, even if they touch this level of life in the lower world.

There is also a certain distance between the attributes that the strongest heroes are best at.

There is no basis for this kind of speculation—for example, human beings once thought that [-] meters and ten seconds was the limit of human beings, and the human body structure could not cross this gap.

Although this guess does not have any theoretical support, it is just guesswork out of thin air, but at that time, many people still believed it.

But now, the agility has surpassed two thousand?

Loki's heart is very complicated, perhaps at least one point, the gods have not miscalculated?

Although Burt is her family member, Loki was the first to object in real name to say that his aptitude is higher than that of the strongest hero ever.

That is to say... the grace of the gods, the gods actively provide power to cooperate with the hero, is really better than the hero using the power of the fairy spirit.

Just remove all kinds of lock attributes in God's Grace, and remove the ability to adapt to the ideas of adventurers... If the gods only provide a simple system without plug-ins for the people of the lower world, so that the people of the lower world can develop according to their own ideas, this system is true. Are they better than fairy spirits?

Chapter 34 Conditions

Training Course.

As one of the largest families of Orario, the Loki family also has its own training ground, which is better than nothing for top adventurers, but there are also a large number of low-level adventurers in the Loki family.

The adventurer system in the Earth Wrong World, although it is a shame that the speed and upper limit of the adventurer system's strengthening speed and upper limit are already poor in terms of the standard of "from the hands of multiple star-exploding powerhouses", but that is only the same as the star-exploding level compared.

Alfia of lv7, the magic after the long text chant, can already blow down an entire floor in the dungeon, and it is not difficult to destroy a city with one blow when placed on the ground.

The levels of lv5 and lv6 naturally cannot reach the level of Alfia, but it is almost impossible to build a venue in the family that can fight with all their strength.

But if it's just to test the attribute, not to kill the opponent, and not to use mass destruction skills, the training ground can barely be used.

In the empty training ground, the two sides fighting are Ai Si and Bert.

"...If you only test Burt's attributes, it should be better to let me do it."

Looking at the two standing on the training ground, Finn sighed.

After all, he is an avant-garde, and he is still good at melee attacks. He is of the same type as Bert, and his strength is better than Burt's today.

Riveria's strength is enough to deal with Bert, but the battle of the magic guards is far more dynamic than their physical vanguards.

But if it's Ace...

"In the past, Aisi should be stronger, but now..."

Finn shook his head, not very optimistic about Aisi.

Not only him, but the older generation of Loki family adventurers, including Loki and Riveria, were originally optimistic about Ais's future.

She and Burt are both lv5 adventurers, but there is also a gap between adventurers of the same level - the basic attributes of the two are not much different, but the magic awakened by Aisi is too easy to use.

Originated from the power of the fairy blood inherited from her mother, the magic called Fengling Sprint, after wrapping her in the wind, it will improve the attributes of attack and defense and many other aspects.

Most of the top adventurers in the Earth Wrong World have skills or magic to improve their own attributes, but these have more or less side effects.

Finn's own magic will fall into a state of madness, the activation of Ota's skills will greatly reduce his physical and mental strength, the skills of the Amazon sisters can only be activated when they are near death, and so on.

But Aisi's Wind Spirit Sprint has no such negative effect. When others use this ability as a trump card, she can completely use Wind Spirit Sprint as a normal combat skill, even for leveling.

In the same level, Ais is probably one of the strongest adventurers.

——In the conventional sense.

But thinking back to Bert's current highest attribute of 2000+, Finn doesn't think she can win at all.

Such as skills, such as magic, Finn originally thought that possessing those was considered a top adventurer, but now...he suddenly felt that these things were really gimmicky.

Strong basic attributes are really strong.

How much of their potential has been exploited by the various abilities evolved from the grace of God!

Finn smacked his tongue inwardly.

"Is the potential development of God's Grace really so bad?" Finn couldn't answer this question, and Loki asked without hesitation.

Putting her chin on her hand, the goddess frowned slightly and said, "I did some calculations just now, even if the unreasonable part of God's grace is excluded... Bert's highest attribute can grow to about 1500-1600, which should be the limit."

After all, she is also a god, and she has a good understanding of the technical level of the gods.

It's fine if she didn't realize it beforehand, but after she realized the problem, she recalculated. It would be difficult for her to get accurate data. It's not difficult to roughly estimate the attrition rate and potential.

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