
In the reception room, Artemis looked a little troubled.

If you want to prevent Su Qing from attacking the gods, even if you are an enemy of the gods in an upright manner, it is better not to lower the reputation of the gods in the eyes of the surface people in this way.

In the eyes of the gods, Artemis is more reliable, but she is not the type who cannot tolerate killing.

She is not the God of Justice, she is the Moon God, and at the same time, she is also the God of Hunting, and she even has a side as the Goddess of War.

Competition, survival, the jungle, etc., Artemis at least has a tolerant attitude.

For her as the Moon God, it is normal to kill prey in order to survive, but it is not for the purpose of survival, but to play with the beast in the trap, she can't tolerate it.

Two countries in human beings are at war, and the warring parties are fighting to the death. Artemis will only think that is reasonable and will not take action.

Artemis could just watch when the victor took over the defeated country, but she couldn't bear it if the victor sold the loser as a slave.

The divinity of Artemis is quite complicated.

Leaving aside the most famous moon god, besides the moon god, Artemis is both the goddess of virginity and the goddess of midwifery, the goddess of hunting and the goddess of nature, the protector of fish and beasts in nature, the goddess of disease and the The Goddess of Healing who can drive away diseases.

But to sum it up in one sentence, these divinities actually revolve around one thing...survival.

There are many things that can be done, but not too much.

Not sticking to justice, in the natural world, it is a normal thing for humans and beasts to fight. Only by hunting wild beasts can the first people survive and eat meat.

While teaching humans hunting skills, Artemis is also the protector of wild beasts, prohibiting hunting that is not for the purpose of survival.

Compared with the idealist who pursues justice like the goddess of justice, Artemis is more like an idealist based on the framework of reality.

The hunting of wild animals by human beings is correct for the survival of the race, and human beings can survive because of this, but the indiscriminate killing of wild animals is not.

Fighting between countries, no matter what the reason is, is correct and will definitely exist. It is a historical necessity for a strong country to annex a weak country.

But it's not right for the winner to wantonly insult the loser, it's just out of the winner's selfish desire, which the Moon Goddess cannot tolerate.

Plague and recovery, virginity and midwifery... similar theocracy wrapped around Artemis.

The goddess of justice pursues justice because she is dissatisfied with the framework of reality, and feels that there are too many "always like this" in it, but that is not right.

Artemis is completely different, and is not dissatisfied with the status quo that has always been like this, but recognizes that it is the common sense of the world, and only does things in his own way within the established framework.

Therefore, Artemis is the goddess who protects pure girls and hates impure heterosexual intercourse, but she never thought of forbidding all intercourse between men and women.

In addition to being a virgin goddess, she also has the priesthood of midwifery, understanding that the relationship between men and women is inevitable for the survival of all races.

Artemis only shelters pure girls, but she understands the necessity of intercourse between men and women, so she does not prohibit intercourse between other men and women, because it is impossible.

But she is a virgin herself, and she doesn't prohibit other men and women from interacting, so she has the right to control herself, right?

This is the idea of ​​Artemis, and after she descended to the realm, this idea expanded to her family.

I know that communication between men and women is necessary, but I, Artemis, don't like it. If I can't control others, then I will take care of myself and the family members. The family members have received the favor of the gods, so they must act according to the requirements of the gods.

Anyway, the prohibition of impure intercourse between men and women is the rule of the Artemis family, and those who don't want to abide by it don't have to come.

Artemis knows herself well, unlike those pure idealists, she is the type who accepts the reality and behaves as high as possible.

Quietly casting a glance at Astoria, Artemis looked away.

The Moon Goddess felt a little guilty in her heart.

For today's Olalie, her bottom line is actually not high.

She wanted to save these gods, but the reason why she acted was that after careful consideration, she felt that her goal could be achieved.

Although there are quite a few of those gods who acted as demons in the heavenly realm, what they have done in the lower realm for thousands of years can be said to be more meritorious than faulty.

The bottom line for Artemis is to at least let these gods die in a decent way.

The gods who give power to the people of the lower world, help them to repel the monsters from the ground, and gain peace, as long as they don't die and be hated by the people of the lower world, she will be content.

——Just as she would ignore the battles between countries when she ventured outside of Orario, but when the loser had no dignity and was trafficked as a slave, she would act the same.

Facing outsiders who are far stronger than the gods, if she is really not sure and insists on fighting hard, then she can only say that she has a brain twitch.


Artemis was actually a little worried about Astoria.

That's different from her counterfeit. The goddess who sincerely pursues justice can't just sit back and watch the gods die for this reason.

——Facing the guilty, punishing them according to their crimes is justice.

Protecting the rights and interests of criminals is also part of justice.

Artemis sighed inwardly.

Therefore, she actually didn't confess her bottom line to Astria, she only said that she couldn't accept the death of the gods because of this.

She felt that what she said was Astoria's bottom line.

I am really worried about Astria's tyranny, and would rather die than accept the result of the death of the gods.


Astoria turned her face sideways, suspicious in her heart.

What is Artemis looking at me for?Could it be that she sensed that I was fooling her?

Not knowing that Artemis regarded her as a purely idealized benchmark of justice, Astoria was at a loss.

She talked to Artemis before.

It is impossible to tell Su Qing not to attack the gods by presenting the facts—Asteria gave some reasons.

Starting from Su Qing's position as an ordinary person, he talked about the various behaviors of the gods in the lower realm.

Acting recklessly, persecuting ordinary people, not obeying urban order, and so on and so on.

Too many to read.

As the goddess of justice, Astoria has something in her heart. When she was still in Orari, she could naturally discover some illegal activities of the family members.

She told the illegal deeds she knew, many of them... Humans can't imagine that they can play like that.

You know, the Loki family, the second largest family in the city, can almost be called Olalie's moral benchmark.

——Let the evil god Loki, who was originally afraid of chaos in the world, almost become the moral benchmark of the god Orario.

Freya's family, as long as Freya sees a child who is interested, she will use the charm of the goddess of beauty to get it, and even start a family war.

In the original book, after Bell joined the Hestia family, Freya just watched normally, and occasionally made some trials for Bell—that doesn't mean that Freya is the kind of person who can control her desires.

On weekdays, Freya had already destroyed the Hestia family, ignoring Bell's own wishes, and forcibly snatched Bell away.

As long as you fancy something, it's Freya's nature to start desperately.

——One of the largest families in the city, Freya has such an attitude, one can imagine what other gods will be like.

There are not many gods who are willing to abide by the rules of the guild. Even if Uranus holds certain privileges, the gods who act recklessly don't care too much.

The gods are afraid of being bored after returning to the heaven, but they are not afraid of the danger that will send them back to the heaven. When they encounter something interesting, they don't care whether they will offend Uranus or whether Uranus will secretly dress them. Thank you.

The guild has all kinds of privileges. As long as it arranges dangerous tasks for the family, or cooperates with merchants to purchase precious materials obtained by the family at a low price, it is enough for the gods to drink a pot.

——But they clearly have chips in their hands that can threaten the gods, and the gods are also afraid of returning to the heavens, but they still go their own way when they encounter something they are interested in, and they don't care about offending Uranus.

It's magical.

Freya's act of wantonly snatching the family regardless of other people's wishes... Among the gods of Orari, they are all considered to be of high character.

In the final analysis, there was only one reason why Bell could successfully grow to lv4 in the Hestia family.

Freya changed her game.

She was incarnated as Hill at that time, experiencing life in Orario.

It was Hill who met Bell, so Freya planned to get Bell as Hill, as an ordinary person, so she didn't use the identity of God of Beauty to snatch Bell over.

The gods of Orario can be roughly divided into the righteous faction that abides by the guild management and the evil faction that acts recklessly.

Evil is really evil, destroying Orari, human experiments, slave trade, terrorist attacks, etc., there is no taboo.

But the fact that the evil faction is really evil does not mean that the righteous faction is really just.There were far more than one or two family members who violated the guild's regulations.

It's just that they are taller than the dwarfs. These family members occasionally violate the rules, but generally they are willing to play according to the rules of the guild.

Chapter 53 Attract

Artemis was apologetic, feeling that she had taken advantage of Lady Justice's insistence.

Astoria was equally apologetic, feeling that she had taken advantage of the purity of the Moon Goddess.

In front of the two goddesses, Su Qing shook her head slightly, not knowing what they were paying attention to.

He focused on Artemis. Although he didn't know what Artemis' view of love had to do with him, it was indeed one of the incomprehensible points for him.

Seeing Su Qing looking at Artemis, Astoria breathed a sigh of relief.

The first step of the plan did not go wrong.

I paused in my heart. For Astoria, and even for most of the gods in the world, the Moon Goddess' view of choosing a mate is actually a bit incomprehensible.

Let alone whether it was true love or not, the object was not even chosen by Artemis himself.

It is precisely because of this that Astoria, the goddess of justice, did not hesitate too much in the matter of fooling Artemis.

Anyway, what she is waiting for is only the person selected by the Orion's Arrow, and she didn't say the specific selection conditions. I recommend someone who can be forced to be selected by the Orion's Arrow...that is also selected, isn't it?

Astoria cast an approving look at the Moon Goddess.

Artemis took a deep breath.

According to what was said before, she wanted to save the gods of the earth-wrong world—although her own bottom line was to let the gods die a little more quickly, she felt that was Astoria's bottom line.

When she talked with Astoria, it was on the basis of this bottom line that she acted.

One of the most critical points is-strength.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, the plan is careful, and if you don't have enough strength, it will be a waste of effort.

According to Astoria, Su Qing firmly stood on the side of ordinary people, and couldn't bear the reckless behavior of the gods in the lower realm, so she adopted the method in front of her.

On the premise of saving the gods, talking alone won't work. The most important thing is to find out the source of Su Qing's strength or flaws.

——In the face of an invincible devil, find a way to get close to the opponent, and then set out the opponent's weakness in the contact.

to this end--

Artemis took a deep breath, looked at Su Qing with flickering eyes, seemed to be hesitant, but faced Astria's gaze, finally gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Mr. Su, I heard that you are a strong man from another world?"

Su Qing nodded and said, "That's right."

A trace of confusion appeared on Artemis' face, but he still said: "I would like to ask you to do me a favor!"

"……Appreciate further details."

As Su Qing spoke, she thought to herself that goddesses do have privileges. If a male god like Hermes came up to ask him for a little help, then Su Qing would not even bother.

Artemis stretched his hand under the table, and when he brought it to the top of the table again, a rectangular decoration wrapped in white cloth strips appeared on his hand.

Open the white cloth strips little by little, revealing the Arrow of Orion inside.

Artemis looked at his artifact, and said with a bit of embarrassment, "You...should know the function of this arrow, right?"

Choose a husband.

Su Qing nodded and said, "I heard a little bit."

He still remembered that Uranus said that Artemis is an excellent strategy, as long as it can be adapted to Orion's arrow, the progress of the strategy will reach [-]%.

Did he say something superfluous?Said he can adapt to Orion's Arrow?

He can force it to be suitable, but if it is pure, he obviously can't match it.

When it comes to issues such as Orion's Arrow, Artemis' character is still a bit overwhelming.

With a red glow on her face, Artemis instinctively raised her eyes and couldn't help but look at Su Qing's face. This is one of the manifestations of lying. Get evidence of feedback.

Artemis took a deep breath and explained: "You also know that I have been alone in the heavens for hundreds of millions of years."

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