Arriving at the gate of the Sumo family, Artemis was keenly aware of this strange feeling from the attitudes of the members of the Sumo family.

She is probably one of the gods who understand the lower world best. The other gods are mostly answering questions for the family members and taking care of daily life, but she is adventuring with the family members and facing all kinds of monsters together.

The attitude of the Suma family...

It's not like after getting close to and understanding the gods, respecting the life experience of the gods or god-level technology or human beings, but... the attitude of those who have not seen gods much.

Artemis has been adventuring in the outside world all year round. In various villages and towns, she may have never seen a god a few times in her life. After seeing her, her expression is almost the same as that of the Sumo family.

The more you understand the gods, the less unconditional respect you have for the gods, and it will gradually transform into other emotions such as love or even disgust.

Even if Su Mo doesn't appear in front of the family members very often, doesn't it mean that he occasionally attends large gatherings within the family, shouldn't the family members have this attitude?

Artemis was suspicious.

One or two is enough, but the few family members she came into contact with guarding the gate were too gentle with her.

Artemis shook her head slightly, and said to the gatekeeper: "Please go and inform Somo again, as the Moon God, I have something important to see him."

She is also a little worried.

As the Goddess of the Moon, she has always been the type to speak directly and rarely hesitates, but the situation of the Suma family...

Reason told her that she should take care of this matter, and she has the ability to interfere with this kind of injustice... But she really didn't think about how to deal with this matter.

Even if he sold his companions from the same family as slaves, no matter what, it is impossible for Sumo to be irresponsible as a god, right?

But... if Su Mo really has any bad intentions, she doesn't have to worry about it.

Artemis sighed inwardly.


Facing her request, the gatekeeper shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "My lord, please don't embarrass me... The higher-ups have rejected your visit, and if I go to report it, that would be a dereliction of duty."

The gatekeeper said, you can just go straight in, anyway, that's how Loki broke in, and no one dared to stop him.

Family secrets and so on belong to the family, and those that are really cared about by other gods are their own, and their own gods will not let themselves out.

Artemis sighed and turned to look at Su Qing.

Wei Wei spread her hands, the peaceful visit failed.

Su Qing took out the guild's identity certificate.

"I have received a tip that the Sumo family members are suspected of mixing alcohol with addictive substances. Please cooperate with the investigation."

Chapter 71 Immersion

Su Qing scanned the situation inside the Sumo family.

When he said that he was a staff member of the guild, the guard at the door immediately went to the door to report.

And when he said that he wanted to further observe the specific situation of the Sumo family and that the traces needed to be kept secret, the guards really didn't even report.

It's magical to let people walk into their own family's residence swaggeringly.

Probably because there is no decent order?

Today's Sumo family is completely based on divine wine. On this premise, if the leaders and managers are clear that when someone does something beneficial to the family, they will be given divine wine and punished when it is not, then the family may still be stable. , creating a reasonable order.

But if the leader acts recklessly and acts only on his own subjective assumptions, no matter how happy he is... It is impossible to expect the people below to do their duty.

It was natural for the gatekeeper to ignore his duty to keep the gate, which is certainly a dereliction of duty, but who cares?

In this kind of family, dereliction of duty and being punished are not linked.

Dereliction of duty, causing dissatisfaction with the leader, and then being punished, this is the logic of most people in this kind of family.

When faced with a choice, the guards at the gate will naturally have no bottom line between dereliction of duty and law enforcement officers who obstruct the guild.

Anyway, dereliction of duty may not necessarily be punished, you just need to apologize to the leader as soon as possible and admit your mistakes, and please the leader.

Taking a step back, even if there is no way to please the leader... If you conscientiously block the guild's unannounced visits from the family, can you get the reward from the leader?

It's not that the family members are investigated by the trade union, and the leader is angry, and even looks at you as a gatekeeper.

The more talented you are, the more you will care about order, the bigger the goal you want to accomplish, the more external force you need, and the more people you need to gather.

Like the Sumo family, who are happy with the situation, the lower limit is unexpectedly low. As long as there is Sumo and divine wine, it is inevitable to build a family that allows the head of the family to squander and enjoy themselves. Unscrupulous inside.

Looking at the situation of Su Mo's family, Su Qing shook his head slightly. How to manage his subordinates also involves his cognitive blind spot.

Simply improving one's strength, as long as he is strong enough, there will be no such thing as subordinates rebelling, but it is really difficult to let his subordinates perform their duties conscientiously.

Su Qing glanced at Artemis.

Create a system with clear rewards and punishments, and in terms of 'rewards', can seduce others?

Su Qing shrugged. In fact, he also knew his problem.

In Little Garden, after he exposed his identity, most of the people who can get along with him are those idealists who do not seek fame and fortune.

In Little Garden today, the conflict between the history of humans and the history of gods can only be temporarily alleviated by relying on his ability to travel through the world.

Pure egoists, why worry about this?Little Garden collapsed, human history died, and Little Garden was just recreated.

Standing on the same side with people who are partial to idealists naturally has a lot of benefits. For example, even if the other party does not like you and intends to be your enemy, they will generally not stab you in the back, but will throw a sentence of "Zizi is not enough and "Conspiracy", cut off the relationship with you first, and consider the matter of being your enemy.

Or, even if you are hostile, you can still get rid of those idealistic people... For example, if you give your relatives, friends and children to the care of the other party, although the other party is hostile to you, they may be willing to sacrifice to protect your relatives, friends and children. Unlikely to betray you.

But there are also downsides.

Su Qing thought, there is no need to worry about a goddess of justice like Astria, the goal of justice is too big, if no one in Little Garden can give her a broader prospect, she will probably embrace Su Qing Don't let go of this thigh.

Same goes for canaries.

But Artemis, including Hestia, is a bit of a salty fish type.

They have enough reasons to leave Earth Wrong World. Most of the gods in Earth Wrong World don't care about human affairs, and they are annoying to everyone.

But after going to Little Garden... at least reaching their goal, being able to kill the gods of this world, as a moon god and a house god, Su Qing doesn't seem like the type who will practice hard and work hard.

Self-interested people are actually easy to control. If you have thousands of dollars, you want to have thousands of dollars, and if you become an emperor, you want to become a fairy.

As long as the road ahead is not difficult and out of reach, the ambitions of most self-interested people will gradually expand, and ambition will drive self-interested people to grow.

But those who are altruistic...the ideals are far away, but those who still don't give up are only a minority after all.

More, in fact, the kind of Artemis and Hestia.

To say that they are firm means that they are firm in their hearts, but they don't have great ambitions. They may just want to live a peaceful life.

In the case of Hakoniwa, it is obvious that the more you believe in yourself, the easier it is to become a three-digit or even two-digit strongman. The more ambitious your goals and pursuit of ideals, the stronger the worldview you build...

Su Qing came into contact with all the top three-digit bosses with good personalities, but in Hakoniwa, the conflict between human history and Hakoniwa has reached an irreconcilable level. Human history is stuck in 2000 AD and cannot be pushed forward.

This is naturally not without reason. Except for those big bosses who know that they can’t do it, see no hope of realization, and still stick to their ideals, the desire to become stronger by the strong who favor others is not as good as that of the self-interested.

There are not a few altruistic and selfish people in the upper class of Little Garden, but most of the most extensive middle class are exquisite selfish people.

Su Qing sighed inwardly, feeling a little confused. Management is indeed a subject worthy of further study.


Not long after, the three of them came to the brewing room, and with the creaking sound of the door being pushed open, the people in the room came into view.

It was a man in an old white robe with a disheveled head and hair covering his eyes.

Male is holding a small hoe, plants in trimmer pots, like an old farmer plowing.

If this demeanor appeared in the field, there would probably not be any sense of disobedience.

Facing the sudden visitors, Su Mo didn't raise his head, and said calmly, "What's the matter."

The tone was quite repulsive and indifferent, and he didn't want to communicate with outsiders at all—it seemed so.

Artemis opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.

She is knowledgeable, and she is also a moon god. Most creatures like moon gods have a similar aloofness, and they don't pay attention to people or things they don't want to contact.

Most of the moon gods have a biased personality, but in fact, this bias is also somewhat different.

For many evil things, Artemis is the type who can control it, but that is true for all moon gods.

Many moon gods will just be indifferent - but generally speaking, this is also a benign character.

Faced with things that he is not interested in, Luna is not even willing to touch, at least it shows that it is not Luna who is hurting people.

neutral preference.

Obviously capable of solving the tragedy, but not interfering, some moon gods can do it.

Someone may accuse such a person, but this kind of innocuous onlooker attitude is at least harmless.

In the heavens, some moon gods are always troubled by other gods, and other gods don't like you, thinking you look down on them.

However, creatures like the Moon God obviously won't change, anyway, they are quite capable of fighting, and ordinary gods are no opponents at all.

And... Artemis complained in his heart, Sumo, can't you just speak up if you have something to say?

She is aware of Luna's indifference in the face of things she is not interested in.

If Su Mo can speak, it is by no means refusing to communicate.

——If he really doesn't want to communicate, no matter what the people who come can say, if he can reply with the word 'um', he is considered polite in Luna.

At least I didn't take the people who came as air, and I knew how to deal with it.

Artemis resisted the desire to complain, patted Lily on the back, and gave Lily an encouraging look.

The little human girl took a deep breath, feeling a little more at ease.

When she came before her god, she flinched a little.

This is a typical mentality of a victim. She attributed her misfortune in life to Su Mo not doing anything, and to the fact that she should not have been born in the Su Mo family.

But when she really came in front of Su Mo, she didn't dare to show what she thought, on the contrary, she was more cowardly than anyone else.

——When facing law enforcement officers, many victims are often very tough, but when facing criminals who are really capable of harming themselves, they are often more honest than one.

Because she knew that her fate was indeed in Sumo's hands.

Faced with Su Mo's obvious rejection of communication, it is impossible for Lily not to be worried.

According to her thinking, although Artemis helped her to uphold justice, Su Mo insisted on killing her, even if she was not allowed to leave the family, no one could do anything about it.

Lililuka took a deep breath and said, "Long time no see, Lord Shangshen."

Su Mo's heart moved slightly.

It had to be said that he was actually somewhat disappointed with the children from the lower realm.

In the beginning, he was really immersed in building the family and the joy of accompanying the children to grow up. As the family became addicted to the divine wine, he stopped managing the family.

But at the same time, he was also secretly observing the entire family. After Lily's parents died, it was no coincidence that he was able to pick up Lily who was begging alone and take care of her.

At that time, he also hoped that the children would realize their mistakes and correct their mistakes.

Indulging in divine wine is just a hobby, but what is it to frame a companion of the same family because of interest?

But when the children showed no signs of correction, he also began to be a little disappointed.

It's not that they have begun to hate children in the lower realms. The gods' concept of time is different from that of humans. Even if it is a few decades, it is nothing to the gods.

But regardless of whether he hates children from the lower realms or not, Su Mo really doesn't want to continue running the family. He feels that he doesn't have the talent.

What supports him in continuing to run the Sumo Familia is definitely not the love for the children of the lower world that has not completely dissipated, but the simplest...responsibility.

Most of the moon gods can be completely indifferent to things they are not interested in, but they are not very good at doing half of it, because they don't want to do it if they don't want to do it.

Most of the Lunas have a bit of mental cleanliness. It's not that they are too lazy to take care of the things they provoked, but many Lunas will find a way to end the things they provoked.

For Su Mo, he joined the family's children after letting go of the family's management, and that had little to do with him.

But there is no guild rule that stipulates that children and Shangshen must be a family relationship.

The head of the family clan recruited him. He did bestow God's favor on the other party, but he didn't say a single word during the process, and he didn't promise at all. Take charge?

But Su Mo still cared about the children he joined when he was running the family.

If these children are still indulging in the divine wine, wait for these children to die of old age, enter the dungeon and risk their death, until the children who joined the family when he was running the family are gone, he wants to disband his family.

It's okay to find other gods to raise him, or simply return to the heaven.

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