If he did...

It is also early to discover the magic of Lily's awakening.

In the original book, after discovering Lily's magic, the head of the Suma family wondered whether her magic could transform her into a monster.

After getting the exact answer, he plans to use Lily as a cash cow, go to the dungeon to lure monsters to capture and sell.

Even if this is the result, no matter how you look at it, it is better than Lily being abused by her own family members. No matter how you say it, you can eat and drink enough, and maybe you can drink the divine wine until you get rid of alcohol addiction.

Lily's shapeshifting magic...she only uses it to shapeshift and steal, that's a real waste.

Just because it can't be used for fighting doesn't mean that magic is worthless. There are too many ways to use the ability of transformation.

But among the countless possibilities to get out of the predicament she was in, Lily avoided it perfectly and chose the worst ending.

Su Qing wasn't even sure whether it was bad luck or luck.

Lily, Su Mo, the head of the Sumo family, if the three parties make a mistake, the treatment for Lily may not be very good, but it is definitely better than being beaten and bullied by the family members.

Su Qing tried to search in her mind whether there was a prototype of Lily in the myths and legends, which caused her to be so unlucky in theory, but she couldn't find it for a while.

Chun Ji is really in a desperate situation. Chun Ji doesn't have many choices. She may be able to gain certain privileges in the Ishtar family for a short time by upgrading the importance of magic, at least before being made into a killing stone. In theory, Chun Ji can enjoy princess treatment in the Istar family instead of being a whore.

But if Chun Ji is alone, the final outcome is probably not much better. After living the life of a princess for a period of time, she dies in the killing stone ceremony, praying that in the plan of the Istar family against the Freya family, the killing stone If it is not broken, then she still has a chance to survive.

But Lily is different, Lily alone has a way to escape from the family.

Even if she escaped from Orario and became a traveler, wouldn't she stay in each village for more than a month?

The gods can perceive the position of God's Grace on her back, but can they still keep chasing after her?

With transformation magic, you only need to pay a little attention to changing identities. Even with the perception of the gods and the pursuit of the guild, there is no certainty of catching her.

If the gods only provided the guild with the approximate location of Lily, there would be absolutely no possibility of catching them—this transformation magic can even change monsters in the dungeon.

If only the approximate location is known, the guild will take the lead in hunting down an individual whose appearance is unknown, gender is unknown, and even whether he is a person or not?

Among the countless ways to get out of the predicament, Lily went to the worst result...

Su Qingxin said, come and tell him personally that this is actually a conspiracy deliberately designed by someone, so he can still think it is more reasonable.

But no matter how much Su Qing thought about it, she didn't realize that there was any trace of calculation in it. This degree of coincidence exists in the world.

If it is really calculated, it will only be full of all kinds of irrationality, so it may be so natural?Coincidence to the extent that it doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Su Qing and Artemis looked at each other, and there was a little spiritual power in the eyes to convey the message.

Is it really necessary for Lily to know about such a cruel thing?

I was really in a desperate situation, and I overcame the desperate situation with difficulty. After thinking about it, I feel wise and happy.

In what I thought was a desperate situation, in fact, if the operation was even a little bit worse, I would get out of the desperate situation directly. After crossing the desperate situation, thinking about it... probably the more I think about it, the more I feel ashamed.

Artemis gave Su Qing a firm look.

Of course, this is what happened, and escapism is not good.

The goddess of the moon used her own characteristics to be indifferent to the things she didn't care about, and she decided to be perfect in the things she took care of, and stepped forward in two or three steps, unceremoniously—

He hit Somo hard on the head, forcing Sumo to stop making wine.

He pulled Lily again, pulling in the distance between Su Mo and Lily.

Artemis took a deep breath.

"From now on, I am the master here, and I will not accept rebuttals."

"If you have any questions about each other, you can ask them, and I will translate."

Su Mo tilted his head, was his expression unclear?

Lily forced a smile on her face, and said to Artemis: "...Thank you for still considering my feelings, Mrs. Artemis, but there is no need, I am not surprised by this result. "

After all...

Lili thought to herself, if God takes even a little bit of responsibility, it is impossible for the family to be run like this, right?

As long as Artemis uses his fist to make Su Mo say that he actually cares about this family... Lily thought, I can't believe it, right?

Artemis nodded slightly: "You feel that you are no longer expected by your god, right?"

Lily nodded slightly, forced a smile and said, "That's right, and it's not a bad thing for me."

The little human girl bowed slightly, and said to Su Mo, "My lord, I want to break away from Su Mo's family."

She also thought about it. If Su Mo was really irresponsible and didn't care at all, then she didn't need to worry about it.

Just get out of here.

Su Mo didn't even care, so he naturally wouldn't stop her from leaving the family. Perhaps, for the sake of being the same god as Artemis, she would be relieved of her god's grace.

If Su Mo ignored the family members to such an extent that he didn't even bother to remove her god's favor, then he definitely wouldn't entrust the guild to track down her whereabouts.

Lily thought for a while, and thought to herself, can't she just leave?

Artemis waved his hand and said, "Leave aside the fact that you left the family, let's talk about the previous question first."

The Goddess of the Moon looked at the unkempt Dionysus with a smile, and said, "I have let my family down completely, what do you think, Sumo?"

Su Mo replied, "Yes."

The corners of Artemis' mouth twitched slightly, and a nameless anger surged from his heart.

Artemis clenched his fists, took a deep breath and said, "Speak out what's in your heart."

Su Mo tilted his head, thought for a moment, and expanded his words: "Goodbye."

Artemis gritted his teeth and said, "Give me more than fifty words, or I will send you back to heaven today."

How the hell do I want to kill you with an Orion arrow.

Su Mo tilted his head, thinking, do you need it?

But against Artemis' eyes that seemed to kill him, Su Mo still chose to follow his heart.

Su Mo said bluntly: "I didn't think enough. It's my problem to provide the holy wine for the family members. Some people are disappointed in me because of this. I can accept it. If I can't accept it, I plan to treat the follow-up members of the family members purely as a transaction. If you want to If you want to leave the family, I will not stop it."

Lily blinked in confusion.

Lily thought for a moment.

Lily: "???"

Is this related to what we just talked about?

Chapter 74 Methods

Artemis let out a long breath and showed a satisfied smile

In fact, she is not very serious, and compared with Su Mo, she only has a few more friends in the heavenly realm.

The Luna family pretends to be cold and unwilling to waste words, and she has also experienced it. Most of the words she communicates are full of ellipsis, which means that the other party can understand her meaning.

The difference probably lies in the fact that she still has a few friends who drop by from time to time. Sumo may also have some congenial friends in the heavenly realm, but it is likely that they are really just congenial, and there is little communication.

After all, Su Mo is also obsessed with brewing wine in the heavenly realm. She is actually the type who does nothing in the heavenly realm, and occasionally breaks up some impure love relationships.

This may not be a big difference in the heavens. After Artemis was in the lower realms, he quickly adapted to the concepts and logic of the people in the lower realms, but Sumo still hasn't been able to figure things out.

Artemis reckoned that Sumo was used to not speaking human language in the heavenly world, and maybe his god had also adapted to his habit. As soon as Sumo spoke, he directly translated and decompressed it in the ear of the god friend.

So much so that even when he came to the lower realm, his problem still remained unchanged.

Artemis thought, as long as Somo can speak seriously, everything will be fine.

As the moon god, Artemis firmly believes that there are no bad people among the moon gods. There may be some who are completely neutral and do not care about world affairs, but there is absolutely no one who does whatever he wants regardless.

Lily also looked confused, her own God...how could she communicate with her without the words of a donkey and a horse?

Lily took a deep breath and asked, "Is it just a transaction for those who join the family later?"

Su Mo nodded and said 'Yes', just opened his mouth when Artemis put the arrow on the bow.

Su Mo closed his mouth resolutely, remained silent for a moment, and said, "That was a deal in black and white."

Lily said, "What about the others?"

She thought to herself, it's over, I'm afraid it's not senile dementia.

She asked if the people who joined the family later were trading, didn't they mean the people who originally joined the family?

Those who take the initiative to join the family... who cares?

Knowing that joining the family will have to bear the capriciousness of the gods, this is the common sense of all Olali and even the whole lower world, and those who have not investigated the truth of the family they want to join, and have no ability to investigate, but take the risk. Isn't it a personal choice to join?

Lily has no sympathy for those who don't care about their own lives, but just thinks they deserve it.

The choices you make, you have to bear the consequences, and you can't blame others.

But what about people like her whose parents belong to the Sumo family?Naturally, the only option is to stay in the Sumo family.

Su Mo said, "I'm watching."

Lily let out a long breath, resisting the urge to take out the magic sword and give Su Mo a shot, and asked, "You just want to see?"

"if not?"

Su Mo looked at her suspiciously and asked, "What else should I do?"

Lily: "..." I, he...

Can't be angry, can't be angry.

Lily repeated a few words in her heart, calmed down her mind, and gritted her teeth: "Haven't you thought about doing something?"

"Think about it." Su Mo said.

"Then what?" Lily asked, wondering if it's possible that when her god was planning to act, she was stopped by the group leader?Then she...

Su Mo said, "I'm still thinking about it."

Su Qing grabbed Lily's collar with a slap, and lifted the little human. Lily, who was grabbed by her, took out the magic sword from her waist, and was about to hit Lai Sumo.

Being pulled by Su Qing, she was still shouting 'Don't stop me', 'Let me go' and so on.

Lily stared at her little arms and legs, but she couldn't use her strength to resist. She couldn't even touch Su Qing.

Su Qing waved her hand and said, "Killing God is a serious crime, be careful."

Shenwei is not absolute.

It is very difficult for the people of the lower world to kill the gods, but it is only difficult. Within the range that the power of the gods can affect, it is subjectively difficult for the people of the lower world to kill the gods.

But borrowing props is enough, such as stepping on the explosives on the way forward of the gods.

Or... the mental state is extremely unstable.

Kamui is a kind of power, and in the hands of the gods who exert their full strength, they can interfere with reality.

For example, Uranus borrowed the Tower of Babel as a ritual altar, which can suppress the dungeon through divine power.

But at least for individual gods, when they do not use altars to increase their divine power, their divine power is only similar to aura, and they cannot interfere with the material world.

Back then, Lyu violated the guild's rules for revenge, but failed to attack the gods of the dark sect... One of the most important reasons was actually time.

When her family was wiped out, if the spirit of the person concerned was on the scene, it is impossible for her to be unable to do so.

After sealing the divine power, the divine power is only effective on living bodies, and on the premise that it is effective on living bodies, there is a derivation.

When the client's inner emotions exploded and he acted impulsively, he couldn't control his own body, and Shenwei couldn't take effect at all.

The ability of Shenwei... is more about guarding against, not preventing the gods from dying from the attacks of the people from the lower world.

And it can't be prevented.

What is being guarded against is the subjective malice of the parties to the gods.

For example, some nobles of the royal family fell in love with a certain goddess, and they didn't even care that their souls would return to the heavens after death. They felt that death was worth it, and forcibly captured a certain goddess.

For example, secretly kidnap a certain god and force the god to mass-produce adventurers for him, until the level of severe ischemia.

In short, there are more or less methods that can force others without harming their lives.

The existence of Shenwei is more to guard against these.

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