"Okay, today's live broadcast is over. Hello, thank you, Xiaolongbao, ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~."

After completing the mission of the live broadcast and defeating the team designated by the admiral's fan 'Kerni', Zhuo Wen was honored to broadcast.

Cattleya's thigh was finally spared and was no longer touched.

Seeing the little girl's flushed face, as if she could drip water, Director Zhuo pondered for a moment, then said seriously.

"It seems that your mentality has been trained really well recently?"

If this had been the case in the past, with Cattleya's flammable and explosive temper, which seemed calm on the surface, maybe the entire building would have been demolished by her violent superpower fluctuations.

"Oh yes...."

Cattleya hesitated and nodded.

She doesn't dislike physical contact with Zhuo Wen, which is an unprecedented feeling for Cattleya.

In the past, she was a rose of thorns with irritability and superpowers who were prone to runaways and out of control. Not to mention contacting people, there were not many peers who were willing to play with Cattleya.

Sirona is a few years older than Cattleya, and relying on the extraordinary strength of the "goddess of battle", she dares to deal with Cattleya, who ordinary people dare not contact, but Sirona is the same woman as herself after all.

But the physical contact with Zhuo Bao did not make Cattleya feel disgusted, which means...

It means that the superpower practice of "in harmony with water and milk" all day long has also been reflected in reality to a certain extent.

Zhuo Wen also thought about whether his act of groping Cattleya's thigh tonight seemed a little too 'presumptuous'.


But thinking about it carefully, when Cattleya first met her, she was much bolder than Zhuowen!

We dared to ask to stay in the same room on the first day we met.

Even Cattleya, who was mentally tense at the time, made such an extreme behavior because she had grasped the last hope of being able to cure her superpower.

But if Zhuo Wen was a little less gentlemanly, a little bit less good at using 'meditation' to restrain his nature, then Cattleya would be like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

At any rate, he is a full-blooded, normal man with the characteristic of "smelling when he is full". Facing Cattleya's hard work, it is not too much to ask for a little "interest".

"Since the emotions have already been brewed, now is an excellent opportunity."

Zhuo Wen said.

"What... what?"

Cattleya panicked, her heart pounding like a deer.

When she was prone to lose control of her super powers and was irritable and irritable, it was not easy for Cattleya to have such a little girl's reaction.

Now that the negative impact of superpowers on Cattleya's spirit has been slightly cured and alleviated, she has started to feel shy instead.

And looking back, Cattleya realized that her previous behavior was too extreme and bold.

We lived together as soon as we met.

For lonely men and widows, it is not surprising that they suddenly rose to any relationship.

"--Practice 'meditation' of superpower cultivation."

Zhuo Wen seriously explained, "When the mood is ups and downs, the mood is high, especially high, the meaning of 'meditation' becomes more important, and the effect is excellent."

"It's like Cattleya, if you can control your own spirit and superpower fluctuations when your emotions are rampant and your superpowers are about to get out of control, it means that you are one step closer to fully controlling your superpowers. "

Ah, what a pain to comprehend.

Zhuo Wen has only realized this point from how many times he has suppressed the characteristic of "satisfaction", and his proficiency in "meditation" has risen rapidly.

I have entered the 'sage mode' more times, but I am gradually becoming more and more like a sage.

"It turns out...that's how it is."

Cattleya nodded, but she didn't expect Director Zhuo to remember the pain points on her body better than herself.

Always worry about yourself.

he really...

I cried to death.


After a 'meditation', Cattleya, who was on the superpower WIFI, fell into a deep sleep, revealing a sweet and lovely sleeping face.

In the past, she was described as a quiet 'sleeping beauty',..., which just proved that Cattleya's sleep quality was very poor before she met Zhuowen.

That's why she looks drowsy and sleepy all day long, with her eyelids lowered and her beautiful eyes half closed.

Either it looks like her hair is going to dance wildly with super powers, and she looks like she got up early and is depressed. Anyone who sees her will have to weigh whether Cattleya is in a bad mood today.

Accompanying Zhuowen these few days, due to the influence of 'meditation' to relax the spirit, Cattleya was able to let go of any scruples and fall asleep at ease.

The slender brows that were always frowning because of worrying about her future and self-doubt also felt relieved and gradually eased.

Get a moment of peace and a long snooze.


Does the meaning of 'meditation' really mean a good night's sleep?

In fact, it is more than that.

Generally speaking, "meditation" is to nourish the growth and stability of spiritual power and superpowers, and control superpowers after letting go of disturbing spirits and messy thoughts.

So the effect is 'Special Defense and Special Attack go up a level together'.

Instead of 'instant amnesia', it's just 'special defense increased by two levels'.

However, ordinary people are not like Pokemon of the psychic type, and there is an upper limit to the strength of superpowers that can be increased in one day.

So no matter whether it is Zhuowen or Cattleya, there will be such a result after 'meditation', nourishing the growth of mental strength and superpowers, and taking advantage of the opportunity to sleep well.


Moreover, don't underestimate the extra effect of "sleep well" this "meditation".

How many people want to sleep peacefully and have a good night's sleep, it's not that simple!


After putting little princess Cattleya to sleep, Director Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes again.

You haven't finished dealing with today's affairs, so you can't rest yet, trainer.

I always felt that there was a voice lingering in my ears, as if waking up myself who was about to fall asleep.

It is really not easy to be a 'time management master' and deal with many people and affairs calmly.

Zhuowen opened the Poke-line, and found that there were messages from his cheap apprentice, Xiao Cucumber, and the mysterious Ms. Lihua, the evil king of Chengdu.

Then I turned on the computer that was just sleeping, and found that a long-lost Poke-TV live broadcast today also brought me two new admirals.


Now I have to show the true strength of 'Master of Time Management' and 'Pokémon Aquaman'.

Chapter 170 [-] 'Internal Disciple' Kerni

Zhuo Wen glanced at it. Among the messages sent by Kerni, there were many "rainbow farts", all kinds of boasting about how powerful her master is.

However, every word and sentence seems to be sincere, full of the sincerity of a child, and it is not deliberately done.

A "flattery" from the cute little blond Loli still made Director Zhuo feel very helpful.

This wave...

This wave of "boasting" will make Zhuo Bao fall into chaos, and at the same time Zhuo's special attack will increase by 1 level.

"Actually, the 'Iron Wall' + 'Pounce' style of play is the strongest hippopotamus after Mega evolution!"

Zhuo Wen smiled and replied to his apprentice.

Online apprentices are also their own apprentices, and they must be given daily guidance.

Master-apprentice relationships established online are not uncommon these days, and there are not a lot of people pretending to be lovers online.

Since Kerni wants to become the messenger of Mega evolution in the future, Director Zhuo inevitably talked with Little Cucumber about Mega evolution during her daily conversations.

And just so...

The knowledge about the evolution of Mega is also what the little cucumber Cornie is most interested in.

"Why? Master."

"Because the mega-evolved dumb beast injected all the energy into the big tongue shell at the tail, this amazing energy strengthened the power of the big tongue shell on the tail, and it became an armor like a copper wall. And for the dumb beast inside There has been no particular change.”

"To put it simply, the racial value of physical defense has increased too much, from 110 to 180. This effect is an unparalleled increase."

A dumb beast with a race value of 110 physical defense, the "pounce" it played can only be said to be no loss, no gain, and it has made good use of the boost effect of the "iron wall".

And the Mega Silly Beast with 180 physical defense race value, the "pounce" played by it is really a drill that breaks through the sky!

Spiral piercing.

"That seems to be a bit high."

Little Cucumber thought about it and nodded.

"Normal Mega evolution, dare to directly provide such a high increase in a single attribute to a Pokémon?"

"Look at the Mega-evolved Bite Land Shark next door, yo, it has added 40 race points, --- it looks like it's added to special attack, and it also deducts [-] speed race points."

While praising Hippo's Mega evolution, Director Zhuo also "humiliated" Dilong once in a long time.

Suddenly feel very happy.

No wonder insulting 'dodo bird', 'can't fly', 'earth dragon who can't dance with dragons', these Pokémon stalks have endured for a long time, and it feels too stress-free to insult them every day.

"I see, there is so much knowledge about Mega evolution. Master, why do you know everything?"

Little Cucumber said with stars in his eyes, with an adoring look on his face.

Cornie's favorability +1.

"Because I stand on the shoulders of giants as a teacher."

Zhuowen said with emotion,...., he just "picked up people's teeth and wisdom", picked up the relevant knowledge about Pokémon cultivation and Pokémon battles from the introverts and battle madmen in the original world.

But since in this Pokémon world, Director Zhuo put forward the tactical theory first, it belongs to him.

----Anyone who has time-traveled has to copy something to pretend.

Hold your chest up and be confident.JPG.

"That, that, is Master planning to become a Mega Evolution user in the future?"

"of course."

"I see, master, you have been running to the Galar region all day long, and you have subdued a fast dragon that is 'permanently gigantic'. I thought that, master, you were more interested in the unique 'gigamax' battle mechanism in the Galar region. .”


That's because the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to care about Lulina.

"I'm an all-around player, and I don't care about any mechanism."

Zhuo Wen nodded and said, sooner or later the 'Mega Evolution Keystone', 'Z Skill Bracelet', and 'Extremely Giant Wristband' are all worn on the body, and it is not impossible to try the 'Bond Evolution' or something.

As for 'too crystallized'....

talk later.

Everyone can ride the Padiya region of the mythical beast on the cover.... What kind of open world is it like?

Guidance Zhuo is not clear now.

"That's right."

Kerni agreed. She herself felt very strenuous just learning about Mega evolution, and it was very difficult to practice.

I really don't know how my master is so familiar with any mechanism, Pokémon battles, tactics, etc., and can get it at his fingertips.

"After Riolu evolves into Lucario, can I take Lucario to practice Mega evolution with Master?"

"What do you mean?"

"It is just like the disciples practiced in ancient times, imitating and learning the skills of the master at close range."


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