Lillie stared at her mother, Lusamine, with resolute eyes, making the latter unable to help but continue to waver.

"To be honest, I don't know why Lillie suddenly appeared in this situation and became unable to touch Pokémon. She was obviously normal when she was a child, and she could touch and play with Pokémon."

Lusamine rubbed her temples with some headaches, a trace of worry appeared on her fair jade-like cheeks.

Many people,....even Lusamine's son, Lillie's brother Gladion, felt that Lusamine should know why Lillie had mental illness.

Gladion was puzzled and even resentful that Lusamine did not protect Lillie well and ignored Lillie's illness.

In addition, he blamed himself for being too scared to help his sister when the 'accidental attack' happened.

It was also for this reason that Gladion sneaked out of the mansion with 'Attribute: Empty (Silver Companion Beast)'.

In order to become a powerful Pokémon trainer who can protect his mother and sister, Gladion started his own training.

But in fact, Gladion had misunderstood,... Lusamine did not know about the accidental attack.

Although she is the chairman of the 'Ether Foundation', she can't understand all the movements of her staff.

Zaobo, the director of the research department under the "Ethereum Foundation", used Dr. Barnett's equipment without authorization to open the "Ultimate Cave" in order to study the "Ultra Beast", but Lusamine didn't know it. Affection.

The "Ultimate Beast, Void Ide" that appeared from the "Ultimate Cave" attacked Lillie when she was a child, which left her with a strong psychological shadow of being afraid of contacting Pokémon.

She was so frightened that even Lilia's brain chose to 'forget' that memory.

It's just the body's subconscious, which still retains the reaction of fearing the Pokémon, and froze under the attack of the Pokémon.

The moment he touches a Pokémon, he goes into shock.

"I've already hired many doctors and researchers for Lillie. They are all helpless to deal with Lillie's mental illness. You are so sure that you have a way to help Lillie."

Lusamine asked back.


Zhuo Wen had no choice but to continue talking about his plans.

Let's start with Dr. Shinji's dream world research facility.

Justified and convincing.

Wherever she won't click,---where Lillie has left a psychological shadow, she uses the 'dream research equipment' to locate the memory that remains in the subconscious mind, and intervene and correct it.

This is very simple and easy to understand.

It's just that under normal circumstances, with ordinary medical methods, it's not so easy to locate the dream subconscious and turn it into a reality.

It's not "idealism" at all, it's not relying on fetters, feelings and other fancy excuses, it's relying on "technology", ..., or Pokémon's "black technology" to heal Lillie.

Lusamine, who is also a Pokémon researcher, is impeccable in Zhuo's precise planning.

Even clearer than Lillie, this method is very likely to work.

In all aspects, it is a well-thought-out plan.

Just wait for Lilia herself to join in and put it into practice.

"That's it, I understand."

Lusamine put down her raised legs, indicating that she was no longer as arrogant as before and didn't trust Zhuo Wen, a stranger.


However, Zhuo Wen said that Lusamine could continue to raise Erlang's legs. He still prefers Lusamine's arrogant and unreasonable posture of Erlang's legs that highlighted her figure and slender legs just now.

"It's just that this only solves a problem. Let me believe that there is really a way in this world to treat the mental illness that Lilia left behind when she was a child."

Lusamine went on to say, "But you still need to solve a more important question: why should I trust you?"

----'First ask if, then why. '

Lusamine is always 'forced' to understand my sister.

"I was the first to rack my brains and come up with this method, and I carefully planned for it and contacted all the necessary researchers and doctors. Isn't that enough?"

Zhuo Wen laughed dumbly.

"not enough."

Lusamine shook her head.

No single mother can let her underage daughter leave her side with a man she doesn't know just because of this reason.

"..., then I can't prove myself."

Zhuo Wen couldn't help spreading his hands.

It is said that "everything can be proven or not". It is much more difficult to prove that you have no "bad intentions" than to prove that you have any "bad intentions".

And if he really took out the 'lie detector' to test it like this,... maybe Director Zhuo was found to be lying, and there was some 'bad intention' in his heart.

'Mrs. Lusamine, you don't want something wrong with Lillie, do you? '

'Lillie, you don't want any trouble for Lusamine, do you? '

Ouroboros snake, connected end to end, is a perfect closed loop.

The problem is that there are some 'evil' little jiujiu who just drift through the mind occasionally, which is not really a 'criminal act'.

For example, people will stand on a tall building, look at the tiny pedestrians on the ground, and occasionally have the secondary thought of "human beings are like scum, let's all die cleanly" in their minds.

Is this a crime?

It's not a crime!

'Think about it', just a wisp of evil thought floating in the head by chance, but not put into practice, it is not a crime.

"Forget it, ByeByeBye. Just pretend that Cattleya and I haven't been here before, but just visited the Alola region."

Zhuowen stood up, said goodbye in a frivolous tone, greeted Cattleya and was about to turn around and leave.

"Director Zhuo..."

Liliai immediately stood up, trying to keep Zhuowen.

Compared with Lusamine, she understands Director Zhuo's painstaking efforts and intentions for her better.

I also feel wronged and unfair for Zhuowen's making things difficult.

"Needless to say, Lillie. I didn't feel angry either. Because Ms. Lusamine's reaction is normal. If I have an underage daughter and have to leave for a while with a stranger I just met on the first day , it is absolutely impossible for me to nod my head in agreement."

There's no way to compromise on this.

It was impossible for Lusamine to trust him easily.

It's impossible for Zhuo Wen to stay in the Alola area for a while to let Lusamine test his sincerity, right?


And it doesn't make much sense to do so.

Lusamine and Zaobo have been colleagues for more than ten years, so far they haven't discovered that the reason why their daughter is left with mental illness is because of Zaobo's ghosts?

'Knowing people, knowing face, not knowing heart'.

----'A gentleman doesn't care about his deeds, but no one is perfect in the world'.

Those who are willing to trust each other are like the Pokémon researcher Olivia that Zhuowen had contacted in the building of the Mallokmon Group before.

It was the first time they met each other, and one of them followed him away with a 'naked resignation' at the speed of light.

The other party also directly left the precious 'Infinity Dragon' in Olivia's hands, as if they didn't take it seriously at all.

Can't trust each other.

After spending more than ten years, it is still impossible to see through a person's true heart as usual.

Did Lusamine see Zaobo's sneaky behavior?

Before leaving Lusamine's mansion, Zhuo Wen suddenly reached out and patted Lillie's shoulder three times, saying earnestly.

"Let's stop here. Take care, Lillie."

You know everything.

'I understand~! '

The smart and studious Lilia gave Director Zhuo a look, indicating that I understand what you mean, Director Zhuo.

----It means that at midnight tonight, I escaped from home over the wall, and left the Alola area with you, right? !

This is a classic plot in the classic novels in the Donghuang area, right?

Lillie, I happen to have read related novels.


No, not at all.

Zhuo Wen simply said that he was powerless and let Li Liai take care of herself.

He wanted to be a good person and help Lillie, but he encountered many difficulties from all sides, including Lillie's mother, Lusamine.

His heart is already very tired.

Squeeze Ma Ma Di, if you want to be a good person, you have to be pointed at with a gun, right?

Making things difficult comes and going, even if they are all "reasonable and well-founded" making things difficult, it still makes Zhuo Wen himself feel boring.

Buxiangwan spicy (don't want to play).

It's better to lie down and do nothing well.

Chapter 190

Being angry means not being angry, Director Zhuo just feels a little tired.

Naturally, Lusamine did not do anything wrong,..., this mainly involves the compatibility issue between the two, as well as the difference in 'psychological expectations'.

It was also the first time we met.

Originally, Zhuowen went to the researcher Olivia found in the Marokom Group building with the intention of 'Olivia, let's make a deal'.

So even if the other party has a lot of conditions and makes things difficult for him...., he has the 'psychological expectations' that he can accept and deal with Olivia patiently.

However, it does not.

Olivia is a person who is much more straightforward than Zhuo guiding herself, and she has the same mind.

So that was originally just a 'trading' behavior, but it turned out to be a very good first encounter and communication.

And this time to the Alola region.

It's not a 'deal', it's purely Zhuowen's willingness to help a bunch of Lillies.

As the old saying goes, 'To help is a matter of affection, not to help is a duty'.

Even if Zhuowen never took Lillie's mental illness seriously from the beginning to the end, no one has any reason to blame him for it.

After all, the two of them only had an online relationship at first, so there is no need to turn it into an offline relationship.

Lillie's mental illness caused by the attack of the ultimate beast was not caused by Zhuowen.

But Zhuo instructed Dong to work hard and West to work hard.

Please ask Dr. Yew today, and contact Dr. Zhenmo tomorrow.

Before coming to the Alola region, a series of preparations had been made several weeks in advance.

Under this ever-increasing 'psychological expectation',...., if you are questioned, Zhuo Wen will feel very, very impatient.

What he thought was, I, Ta Meow, have helped so much and done so many things?

You still have so many doubts?

This is mainly a matter of 'psychological expectations' control.

Lusamine didn't do anything wrong, her doubts and caution were all taken for granted.

However, from Zhuowen's point of view, he has already put in enough effort, and he feels that his hard work is like a hot face with a cold butt.

In any relationship, there is only one-sided contribution, which is completely unreasonable. Sooner or later, some people will not be able to bear it, and they will not be able to stretch it.

Although Director Zhuo is not a bad person, he doesn't want to be the kind of Holy Mother who smiles and puts his right cheek up after being slapped on the left cheek.


Seeing that the "treat out" was really about to succeed, Lusamine changed her mind instead.

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