Then Zhuo Wen had nothing to say, so he just went down the slope.

It's not 'retreat as advance', but 'retreat as retreat'.

Just take advantage of the situation and leave.

'The hot face is stuck to the cold butt', there must be a degree.

Zhuo instructed him to be very enthusiastic and wanted to help Lilia and treat her mental illness.

----But don't make it seem like Zhuo Wen is Li Liai's real father, and he is anxious to cure his child's mental illness.

It's not Lusamine who is Lillie's mother.

The initiative in this matter should have been in Zhuo Wen's body.

Lillie and Lusamine are the passive ones who ask for others.

"But Brother Gladion also ran away from home. I want to do the same, it's not impossible!"

Lillie puffed up her cheeks in disbelief, looking really cute.

"Because your elder brother has already run away from home, if you also run away from home..., then I think Ms. Lusamine will really go into 'cardiopulmonary arrest'."

Zhuo Wen smiled lightly.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed not easy for Lusamine.

----So he wasn't really angry before.

We are all adults and we all stand for each other.

If you can talk with Lusamine, you can talk, but if you can't talk, Zhuowen just plans to turn around and leave the Alola area calmly.

Although there were unavoidable twists and turns in the middle, but as far as the result is concerned, it can be regarded as a 'negotiation'.

"Mother, it's true. Even if she has her own considerations, she still has to trust Lilia's vision of people. How could Director Zhuo be that kind of person with evil intentions?"


Seeing Lilia's innocence, who completely regarded herself as a "person of admiration", Zhuo Wen remained silent.

What if I have a guilty conscience?


"Bike, Barnett, Zaobo. I have something important to leave the Alola region for a day or two. During this time, I will entrust the affairs of the 'Ether Foundation' to you three."

"To monitor the fluctuation of the ultimate aura at any time, if any emergency happens during the time I leave the Alola region, please contact me immediately."

Lusamine, who was sitting alone in the mansion, was arranging her affairs after she left through a video conference.

"no problem."

"Even if you, Lusamine, are the most important chairman of the 'Ethereum Foundation', but you are only away for a day or two, it won't have much impact."

Bi Ke and Dr. Barnett said with a smile.

"The 'ultimate aura' has maintained a steady fluctuation for a long time. In a short period of time, it doesn't look like there will be an 'ultimate hole' opening, and there will be signs of an 'ultimate beast'."

Dr. Barnett went on to say that she is a well-respected Pokémon doctor who specializes in the 'Ultra Hole' phenomenon that occurs frequently in the Alola region.

"However, the chairman received a call from Lillie in the morning, and suddenly took a helicopter from the artificial island back to the main island. This afternoon, he informed himself that he would leave for a while. What happened?"

The cadres under the 'video conference' are all my long-term friends, and they are worthy of my trust.

So Lusamine didn't hide anything.

She folded her hands and dragged her clean chin as she said in the 'video conference'.

"Because thanks to someone, I found a method that can really help Lillie, maybe it can cure her mental illness, let her return to her original appearance, and become like a normal child from other people's family. Pokémon touched."

"That's great, congratulations, Lusamine."

Bico, who has been working with Lusamine since she was a Pokémon researcher, smiled and sent her blessings. She looked very amiable and approachable.

"Is it true? Will I be deceived?"

Zaobo, the research director of the 'Ethereum Foundation', questioned.

"Of course I have carefully considered this concern."

Lusamine said.

"However, I searched the Internet for news about the 'Dream Research Institute' in Sanyo City in the Hezhong area, as well as the resume of 'Dr. Zhenmu', and found that the other party is indeed a reliable and trustworthy senior Pokémon doctor. "

In a sense, the Alola region is indeed just a few small islands in a remote area.

It is an unofficial area where even the Pokémon League has not yet been established.

It cannot be compared with the large-scale Pokémon Alliance area such as the "Hezhong area", which is upright, vast in territory, and extremely developed in economy and technology.


Alola region (prototype Hawaii).

United States region (prototype America).


It goes without saying who is bigger and who is smaller, and who is more authoritative.

Although the 'Aether Foundation' is undoubtedly the most authoritative research institution and Pokémon protection organization in the Alola region.

But they are just local snakes in a small remote area, and there is no need to question the authority of the Pokémon doctors in the Hezhong area.

Chapter 190 Three 'Business Wizards'

Alola region and Union region.

To use an inappropriate example,...., the son wants to hit his father, right?

In short, Lusamine has no reason to doubt the regional doctor Yew of the Hezhong area that Zhuo Wen mentioned to her before, and her junior sister, Dr. Zhenmu.


As for why before this, Lusamine had never heard of the names of 'Dr. Zhenmu' and 'Dream Research Institute'.

First of all, the Alola area is a remote area where even the official Pokémon League has not yet been established, and there are relatively few contacts and communications with other Pokémon League areas.

Secondly, although Dr. Zhenmo relied on the technology and qualifications of "resurrecting Pokémon fossils" and other aspects, he has become a Pokémon doctor from a Pokémon researcher.

However, Dr. Zhenmo's follow-up research direction "Dream World" can be regarded as too small a project, and the reputation is not obvious.

It is a specific item produced according to the dream ability of the evolution chain of Pokémon "Dream Eater" and "Dream Eclipse" unique to the Hezhong area.

It is impossible for many people to know each other before the research results of the project are really achieved and success is achieved.

Every year, there are countless Pokémon researchers and related research directions, projects, theories, etc., like the "crucian carp across the river". project, that is also normal.


Zhuowen, who was able to discover this little-known little project, knew the true usefulness of 'dream research', and was able to combine it with Lillie's mental illness, seemed quite remarkable.

Being well-read and knowledgeable is itself an excellent manifestation of ability.

Relying on the "God's Perspective" to dabble in many fields, know a lot of unknown knowledge about Pokémon, and the legendary Pokémon Zhuo's guide may not be a professional Pokémon researcher.

But he is a person who can "guidance" professional researchers with his broad vision and leading insights.

Dr. Yew, Sonia, Olivia and other Pokémon researchers and doctors have all gained a lot from Zhuowen.

This is enough to show that Director Zhuo's ability and vision are extraordinary.

"Ahem, all in all, whether it's true or not. But this method, in my opinion as a Pokémon researcher, is also extremely operable. It's worth going to the Hezhong area to try it out."

Lusamine said, "It has been more than 4 years since Lillie suffered from a strange mental illness and was unable to touch Pokémon. In the past four years, because of this reason, not only Lillie and I have had different births. At least..., even Gladion was angry at my inaction, and ran away from home."

"So..., even if there is only a little hope, I will never give up. I hope you can understand."

"Lusamine, I also watched little Lilia grow up, and I also hope that she can recover as soon as possible, and that she can get her own initial Pokémon partner like other children, and be free with Pokémon Play around."

Bi Ke patted the giant tree fruit on her chest, and said with a smile, "You can take Lillie sauce to treat your illness with peace of mind, and the 'Ether Foundation' is wrapped around me, and there will be absolutely no trouble. "

"Although I was only invited to join the staff of the 'Ether Foundation' halfway through, I also like Lusamine, your cute little Lillie."

Dr. Barnett said with a serious face, "Besides, in this world, the mental illness that cannot be contacted with Pokémon is not just a minor cold or fever. It can affect Lillie's life from now on. An important question."

"So, please, Lusamine, you must put down what you are doing and take Lillie to cure her illness with peace of mind."


Even though she is the chairman of the 'Ether Foundation', Lusamine was very moved to receive the full support of her two subordinates.

"whispering sound...."

Zaobo spat, turned his head away, and said with a dissatisfied look.

"I don't know if Lillie can be cured yet, so it's not a good sign to have such high hopes. As a researcher, I should know that there is no [-]% probability of everything, Lusamine, you'd better It’s better to lower your expectations to save yourself from being disappointed.”

Although at this juncture full of hope and mutual encouragement, what Zaobo said was a bit too 'down'.

But his words are not without reason.

Scientists (researchers) generally don't use the phrase 'something must happen'.

They usually prefer to use probability to describe the likelihood of an event happening.

No matter how high it is, it is 90.00% nine point nine nine nine.

Rather than the absolute terms of 'certain', 'certain' and 'certain'.

"Hey, what Zaobo said also makes sense."

Lusamine restrained her expression for a while, and said with a straight face, she was indeed a little too excited and lost her composure just now.

"However, Lillie has been suffering for more than four years, and now there is indeed the only reliable way, not to say that Lillie can rest assured. I hope that the research of the 'Dream Research Institute' can take effect."


Zaobo, ----'dangerous'!


The next day, I took off from the airport in Melomele City on a private plane with the logo of the "Ether Foundation" painted on the outer cabin, and flew towards the Hezhong area, which is far away across the ocean.


These people I have dealt with recently, are they all a bit big problem?

How does everyone have a 'private jet'? !

Zhuo Wen, who is bent over five buckets of rice every day, is almost emo.

As a 'worker soldier', a hard-working Poke-TV anchor.

In order to protect himself from being smashed by the underage Lilia as a 'piggy bank', Director Zhuo also took great pains.

In order to stabilize Lillie.

Calculation and calculation, back and forth between several regions in accounting, the funds spent back and forth and the debt of favor that cannot be calculated specifically.

Zhuowen's sunk cost may have been more than the gift Lilia gave him.

'Hiss ----, what a 'business genius', after all these twists and turns, I seem to have really lost a lot? '

Zhuo Wen rubbed his temples with some headaches.

It seems that I shouldn't get involved in the wealth management industry in my life, otherwise I will lose myself to death.

"Director Zhuo, what do you want to drink? Juice? Beer? Drink?"

Although there were flight attendants on the private jet, Liliai still asked about Zhuowen's taste very actively and obediently.

Looking at the lively and lovely blonde girl in front of her in a smart white dress, Zhuo Wen's depressed mood was quickly relieved.

Forget it, this account, lose it.

As long as Lillie is happy.

"It's enough for the ice to fall."

"ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)? Okay."

Li Liai took the initiative to pour a cup for Director Zhuo, but she was like a number one little girl.

Although they initially became attached to 'on the Internet', the relationship between the two can be regarded as having a fairly solid foundation.

If he hadn't had the support of Liliai, a wealthy loli, when he first started working as a Poke-TV anchor, Zhuo Wen might have given up a long time ago, thinking that he didn't have the eloquence and ability to be an anchor.

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