Zhuo Wen corrected himself.

"If you feel sorry, just remember to leave me a rattan snake with hidden characteristics."

Yew, who is a regional doctor, handles a lot of "Vine Snakes, Nuannuan Pigs and Water Otters" series of initial Yusanjia every year, and sends them to newcomer trainers who set off on adventures in the Hezhong area.

However, Director Zhuo didn't care much about the general 'prosperity' characteristic of the vine snake. It had to be the 'anti-tune' Tsundere Grass Snake with hidden characteristics.

The ability changes received by Pokémon with the "Negative" characteristic, and the ability changes become the original reverse changes.Ascending becomes descending, descending becomes ascending.

Combined with the grass-type powerful skill 'Flying Leaf Storm', the high power of 130, after using it, due to the reaction force, the special attack will be greatly reduced, which will be reduced by 2 levels.

It is equivalent to saying that the "Negative" Monarch Snake has dealt high damage in one round, not only without any negative effects, but also used a "trick" at the same time, and the special attack level has increased by 2 stages.

Only one skill is used to achieve the effect that other Pokémon can only achieve with almost 3 skills.

If it weren't for the weak penetrating ability of the grass-type skills, otherwise the high-speed 'rebel' Monarch Snake, relying on the 'Flying Leaf Storm', is enough to easily penetrate the team.

Then bring props such as 'Special Glasses (Special Attack Increased by 50.00%)' and 'Metronome', the effect will be even better.

"Unfortunately, you didn't come at the right time. Tomorrow and Monday, there will be a group of new novice trainers ready to receive the initial Pokémon and embark on a journey. I don't have any more initial Pokémon here for the time being. "

Dr. Yew said helplessly.

Otherwise, if a 'Vine Snake' can be used as a reward, she doesn't care about a mere initial Pokémon.

"It's okay, anyway, I don't really care about the common 'luxury' feature 'Vine Snake'. If you notice a particularly tsundere and likes to sing a different tune, then tell me."

Zhuo Wen smiled lightly.

In addition, what do you mean by 'you came at the wrong time', this is obviously the right time.

"That's it for now. You can continue to study the details of these two photos. I still need to go to the 'Dream Research Institute'. See you when I have time, Dr. Yew."

As for 'what time'?

Tomorrow, of course!


After spending a few 10 minutes on the incident and dealing with some high-emotional sophistication, Zhuowen returned to the airport and continued to Sanyao City in the Hezhong area.

Sanyao City is very close to Luzi Town, and it is the place where the first gymnasium badge in the Hezhong area was obtained.

So close that one wonders if a 'private jet' is needed for this purpose.

But forget it, Zhuo Wen doesn't need to think about money for Lusamine.

That was territory he couldn't understand.

Although it is a weekend, Dr. Zhenmo is still conducting research in the 'Dream Research Institute'.

'Dream Eater' and 'Dream Eater' are Pokémon unique to the Hezhong area that look like 'Dream Eater'.

They are always dozing off and dreaming, and can materialize the dreams they eat.

The smoke from the forehead is filled with dreams of many people and Pokémon, and it can transform into objects that appear in the dream, and it will change into various colors according to the content of the dream it eats.

Through this phenomenon of materializing dream memory, Dr. Zhenmo wants to research more application points of the special powers of "dream eating dream" and "dream dream eclipse".

"'Dream Research Institute', is this the place?"

Lusamine raised her head and looked at the ordinary-looking building in front of her, which was filled with the unique cold and pale style of scientific research facilities.

"That's right, the hope of being able to cure Lillie's mental illness is here."

Zhuo Wen said, and walked to the front.

After waiting for a while, Dr. Zhenmo came out with a smile on his face to greet Zhuo Wen who had greeted him in advance.

Dr. Zhenmo has a soft appearance, with a gentle oriental beauty. His long black hair exceeds the waist and falls straight to the knees, which is impressive.



Whether Cattleya, Lusamine, or Dr. Zhenmu's hair is so long.

It's not the ordinary level with long hair over the shoulders and waist.

It's already knee-length hair.

Zhuowen didn't intend to ask a question that was too 'disrespectful', but he still had to say with emotion that the hair and physique of people in this Pokémon world are really good.

Most people will feel a lot of discomfort if they have long hair below their waist, not to mention their long hair below their knees.

Although long hair looks beautiful, it is very cumbersome and inconvenient to take care of on a daily basis.

"Are you the little boy that senior sister has taken a fancy to?"

Dr. Shinji said with a smile.

She's not a researcher with thick glasses and a deadpan aloofness, but a feisty woman who would call herself a 'dreamy' teenage girl.

It's no wonder that he and Sonia cling together, mingle with each other, and run on their senior sister, Dr. Yew, together.

"What is this talk? Has the rumor spread to this place?"

Zhuo Wen said with a surprised face.

He and Dr. Yew obviously haven't met a few times in total, although due to various reasons, they have dealt with each other for quite a long time.

"Sonia said so."

"Can you believe the gossip that guy said? Oh! God, Sonia is a bad guy! I swear, next time I go to the Galar region, I will take my boots and kick her ass hard."

"Anyway, please come in first, everyone."

Dr. Zhenmo said with a smile, always maintaining a kind smile.

"Although the research on 'dream materialization' of the 'Dream Research Institute' has initially matured, it only uses the power of a series of super-power Pokémon, 'Dream Eater' and 'Dream Eclipse', to mobilize sleep. The dream memory of the Pokémon in it is just 'turned into a dream world'."

She explained seriously, and the meaning was very clear.

"That is to say, it has not yet reached the stage of applying the power of dream erosion to sleeping human beings. This is why I did not agree to your request at the beginning."

"Zhuowen, do you actually want to use an immature technology to treat Lillie's mental illness? It doesn't matter if it's 'Dream Eater' or 'Dream Erosion', what if the power of Pokémon hurts her? What should we do when we get to Lillie?"

Lusamine stared at Zhuowen unkindly.

As a single mother, she could no longer accept Lillie being hurt in the slightest.

"Don't worry, Madame Lusamine."

Zhuo Wen curled his lips indifferently and said, "I am very confident in Dr. Zhenmu's research."

"Obviously even I don't have that confidence in myself."

Makoto scratched her hair, feeling that there was an inexplicably heavy expectation on her shoulders.

"Just relying on your confidence, there is no way to be sure."

"So I plan to be the little Lada in the laboratory first, and try Dr. Zhenmu's dream research equipment. Now you can rest assured."


Lusamine was speechless.

Chapter 190 "Dream Builder" and "Dream Stealer"

Since Zhuo Wen himself is willing to step forward and act as the first human subject of the "dream research".

----Lusamine really has nothing to say.

Director Renzhuo contacted him, and Dr. Yew also gave him face.

Otherwise, Dr. Zhenmu, who is still in the initial stage of 'dream research', would not easily nod in agreement.

Even Zhuo Wen is willing to personally participate in it to help advance the progress of the 'dream research'.

'All is ready except for the opportunity'.

When he came to the Alola region, what Zhuowen said was not false.

It belongs to the extent that the food is fed to the mouth, and it is enough to wait for Lillie or Lusamine to say "Ah~~".

to this point...

Lusamine could more or less understand why Lillie felt resentful towards herself at that time.

There is little doubt about such a sincere person.

That's not Zhuowen's problem, but Lusamine's problem.

'Are you Lillie's parent, or am I Lillie's parent? '

Lusamine couldn't help feeling astonished.

I feel that even if I treat my daughter Liliai with far less thoughtfulness and consideration.


No wonder Gladion was angry at Lusamine's inaction.

No matter how much she said she cared for her children, Lusamine didn't protect Lillie well, and she didn't pay enough attention to the follow-up of the accidental attack, and the investigation wasn't thorough enough,.... It is an indisputable fact!

Lusamine is blinded by her own kindness and blind trust in others.

If an iron fist is used to investigate carefully, Dr. Barnett's instrument was used by an 'outsider' to open the record of the 'Ultimate Cave', the fluctuation of the 'Ultimate Aura', the appearance of Xuwu Yide, the 'attributes' : Kong (Silver Companion Beast)' plan is carried out in secret and so on....

These are actually clues that can be found.

Even if Lusamine can't cure Lillie's mental illness caused by the attack of Niwu Yide, she should make up for it and severely punish the person who hurt Lillie.


But Gladion also has big problems.

Since someone else was there at the time, knowing that Zaobo, the director of the research department of the 'Ethereum Foundation', was responsible, he explained it clearly to Lusamine, why bother to go around in circles, and even ran away from home later.

In short, this family has a lot of problems.

Only Lillie is a pinch of cute little angels.


"There are many ways to study the 'dream world'. The first stage is just 'observing the physical dreams formed by Pokémon or humans'."

"The second stage is to 'interfere with the physical dreams formed by Pokémon or humans' to change the memory of a dream or nightmare."

"After listening to your narration, it should be clear that you want to fast-forward to the second stage directly, and you want to 'interfere with the physical dreams formed by Pokémon or humans'. I'm not wrong."

Dr. Zhenmo sat in front of a bunch of complicated professional instruments, operating and adjusting the specific values.

The dream smoke emitted by 'Dream Dream' and 'Dream Eclipse', special super powers, etc., are just an induction mechanism.

A carrier of special superpowers.

Although the power of Pokémon is amazing, because of the confused appearance of 'Dream Eater' and 'Dream Eclipse', the dream memories they devour and absorb are somewhat random.

Dr. Zhenmo needs to use the corresponding equipment to adjust the sleeping Pokémon or human dreams to the part that wants to 'observe' or 'intervene'.

After all, 'Dream Eater' and 'Dream Eclipse' are just ordinary super power Pokémon, and they have a special dream-eating ability for dreams.

If this is 'Sweet Dream God, Cresselia', or 'Nightmare God, Darkrai' here.

It is estimated that there is no need for such troubles. These two legendary Pokémon must have far more control over dream memory than 'Dream Eater' and 'Dream Eclipse'.

Zhuo Wen was lying in a clean and transparent experimental cabin, and after being hypnotized by the special super power of 'Dream Eclipse', part of his dreams and subconsciousness would be extracted and turned into a solid dream world.

In fact, it was similar to the 'spiritual illusion' created by Na Zi's powerful superpowers.

But on Nazi's side, it's simply her powerful ability to control superpowers, as well as her interference with dreams, memories, and so on.

The "Dream Research Institute" on Dr. Zhenmo's side, in addition to the series of super power Pokémon powers of "Dream Eater" and "Dream Eclipse", also added elements of technological equipment manipulation and interference.

"Cough cough!"

Director Zhuo stood up, cleared his throat and said, "Before I fall into a dream, there is one thing I must emphasize. Dr. Zhenmu, remember to locate the triggered dream memory fragments accurately, and don't be too loose. See Too many random dream memory fragments."

"Otherwise, if someone sees some weird dreams, I'm afraid I will die socially on the spot."

"I understand, I understand, you are also a young adult. It's not strange, it's not strange."

Dr. Zhenmo said with a smile in the tone of a mature big sister.

What are the subconscious dreams that lead to 'social death on the spot'?

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