It's just that only Zhuo guided him to 'forget'.

Changes in the subconscious mind in dreams have a great impact, and a single hair can affect the whole body.

The "reality nightmare" of Zhuowen not catching the plane was changed and interfered by Dr. Zhenmu.

In his dream subconscious, he became able to board the plane in time because of the help of a strange and kind big sister.

In this way, "being late for the plane" is indeed no longer a nightmare deep in Zhuowen's subconscious mind.

But "that strange and kind big sister" has become a new obsession deep in Zhuowen's subconscious.


What Dr. Zhenmo interfered with was just a simple 'shallow dream'.

The impact time and intensity will not last long, and there is still room to be able to get rid of this influence.

If this interferes with the 'deeper level of dreams', the 'influence' and 'suggestion' effects on the subconscious will only be exaggerated.

In "Inception", a group of "dream masters" planted "a toy windmill" on the third floor of the dream to the son of a rich man who was hijacked in the dream, such a simple psychological hint.

As a result, the son of the world's number one energy tycoon made a major decision to dissolve and reorganize the entire company without hesitation when he woke up from his dream.

If Dr. Zhenzhu helped Zhuowen in a deep dream.

Now that Zhuo Wen is "waking up from a dream", I'm afraid it's not just that he suddenly feels that seeing Dr. Zhenmu is very eye-catching, and there is a vague feeling of gratitude and liking.

Instead, she directly turned into a nympho like "Xiao Gang" face to face, knelt down to Dr. Zhenmu and confessed that she would never marry in this life.

"See no evil, see no evil."

Zhuo Wen looked away, trying to make himself look more comfortable.

As long as you don't stare at Dr. Zhenji's smile, it won't have much impact. As time goes by, the effect of this faint 'dream subconscious' will disappear naturally.


At this time, Director Zhuo's eyes came into contact with Lillie.

The latter's fair and jade-like cheeks immediately blushed, and he shyly turned his head away.

'very strange? ! '

It was Lillie's turn to feel that her psychological reaction when she saw Director Zhuo was a bit strange.

Before that, Li Liai also admired Zhuo Wen very much. She has always been a senior fan under the guidance of tactical anchor Zhuo.

But at that time, Li Liai's feelings were still very pure, she just admired Zhuo Wen very much.

She is just a child, and her feelings are not that complicated.

But now....

It's more than admiration and admiration. Li Liai suddenly felt that Director Zhuo in her eyes had become radiant and charismatic, as if she had added a filter of super beauty and MAX affection of.

But when looking at other people, Lillie's feeling is still very normal.

The mother is still the mother.

Dr. Mushroom is still Dr. Mushroom.

Miss Cattleya is still Miss Cattleya.

'why?Only when I see Director Zhuo's face, my heart keeps pounding and I can't stop...'

Lilia covered her face, feeling that her reaction was really embarrassing.

Calm down, you have to calm down, Lillie.

Even if Director Zhuo has become a radiant hero in his own mind, he must not show embarrassment like a nympho.

Lillie reminded herself in her heart, and then pulled herself together again.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The effect and ability of 'Dream Research' is really great, Dr. Zhenmu. You shouldn't just stay in this small research institute with no name, join the 'Ether Foundation', and work with us to research and protect rare How about Pokémon?"

After Lillie's dream treatment was over, Lusamine warmly invited Dr. Zhenmu.

The "Dream Eater" and "Dream Eclipse" in the Hezhong area, a series of nightmare-eating Pokémon, have unique hypnosis and dream-eating superpowers, which are of course the reason why Zhenmo can research and discover the unique effects of "dream world". where.

But Dr. Zhenmu himself is obviously a rare researcher talent.

Lusamine thought for a while, considering that she would soon fire an old director of the research department of the 'Ethereum Foundation'.

Dr. Zhenmo will be a very good candidate for promotion.

Of course, she was not airborne to become the new director of the research department, but as a candidate talent.

"The 'Aether Foundation' in the Alola region, I don't think that would be a particularly suitable organization for me."

Dr. Zhenmo declined.

"Besides, moving to the Alola region is very troublesome. It's better to stay in a small research institute by yourself and conduct dream research by yourself."

"Anyway, the scenery in the Alola region is pretty good."

Zhuo Wen raised his mouth and said.

Among the several major Pokémon League regions, the Alola region is the most remote and not well-known. The only one who knows the Alola region better is the Hezhong region.

At least Dr. Zhenmo has heard that many people in the Hezhong area will go to the beautiful Alola area for vacation to experience the tropical island style of sunshine, white sand, blue sea, and blue sky.

"That's right. Many people I know also go to the Alola region for vacation every year. Sooner or later, I will also go to the Alola region to experience the scenery there."

Dr. Zhenmo changed his words.

----Of course, I still don't intend to be invited to join the 'Ethereum Foundation'.

"In any case, it's not bad as an alternative answer for future debriefing."

Director Zhuo went on to say, "And I heard that the 'Ether Foundation' was originally a related organization established for the purpose of protecting and saving the victimized Pokémon. However, with the further development of the 'Ether Foundation' , the tree is big and deeply rooted, and there are more and more types and research involved.”

"----like the research project of 'Ultimate Cave' chaired by Dr. Barnett, and the research project of 'Attribute: Empty (Silver Companion Beast)' chaired by Director of the Research Department Zaobo."

"In all respects, there is still a lot of freedom about the research projects supported."

"Dr. Zhenmo's 'dream research' project, Lusamine and Lilia have personally experienced it, so they will naturally fully support it."

"You can change to a place where the conditions are more comfortable and the treatment is more favorable, and continue to carry out research projects related to the 'Dream World'."

"That's right."

Lusamine nodded repeatedly.

I was a little puzzled in my heart, wondering why Zhuo Wen, an outsider, seemed to know more about the internal situation of the 'Ether Foundation' than she, the chairman of the 'Ether Foundation'.

The 'Ultimate Cave' research project, as a key project to study the unique abnormal space phenomena in the Alola region, and to protect the Alola region from the 'Ultimate Beast' will not be mentioned.

According to Zaobo, the research project of 'Attribute: Empty (Silver Companion Beast)' has been suspended long ago, hasn't it?

Could it be that she, the chairman of the 'Ether Foundation', is not as competent as she imagined?


If he said that, Dr. Shinko couldn't help being shaken.

Most Pokémon researchers are alone, and don't care much about the external research conditions.

Like the "Dr. Zhenghui" who met on the white cape, he stayed alone at the lighthouse on the cape for a long time in order to study the "unique phantom-like legendary Pokémon" on a remote and remote coast.

So much so that the lighthouse was named by Dr. Zhenghui and changed its name to 'Zhenghui Lighthouse'.

How remote is White Point?

----The gigantic body of the 'Infinity Giant Transformation Dragon' will cross the ocean every once in a while and wander around there.

As a result, apart from 'Dr. Zhenghui', there were no other redundant eyewitness reports, which is enough to show how deserted the White Cape is.

As a straight daughter of science and engineering, Dr. Zhenmo really doesn't care much about the external research conditions.

But if the external research conditions were better, no one would be so stupid as to refuse, right?

"But after all, I am a researcher in the Hezhong area. If I move the research institute to the Alola area, will there be some trouble if I am not familiar with the place?"

"Actually, I was also a Pokémon researcher in the Kanto area at first, and then I went to the Alola area to develop. The establishment of the 'Aether Foundation' was also after that."

Lusamine used herself as an example.

Her representative Pokémon has a powerful Pixie, which is indeed the first Pokémon to appear in the Kanto region.

"The world is so big, there is no need to confine yourself to one area. Although the Alola area is very small now, even the Pokémon League has not yet been officially established. It is located in a remote island area, and it only has a slight reputation as a tourist attraction. .”

"However, 'although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs'. There are no less Pokémon in the Alola region than in other regions."

...and even more to come!

Zhuo Wen thought to himself.

If you think of "Ultra Beast" as an existence on par with the legendary Pokémon and "Level [-] God".

Then the Alola region is the region with the most "secondary gods" among all generations of the "Pokémon" series.

The four island gods, Tapu Mingming, Tapu Momoo, Tapu Finfin, and Tapu Diedie.

And there are five of the 'Four Island Gods', which is 'common sense'.

Tapu Nana (Nazi), Tapu Orangutan (Dragon King Kong) and Capu Lias (Bite Land Shark) said that they may mix in at any time and become the fifth island god in the Alola region .

There are also a large number of "Ultra Beasts" that may appear in the Alola region through the "Ultra Cave" at any time.

'Attribute: empty' and the 'silver companion war beast' evolved from 'attribute: empty', who broke free from the shackles, are also rare man-made mythical beasts.

You can also switch combat attributes, known as 'Little Arceus'.

The Alola region may seem like a small, little-known area.

But for the "Legendary Pokémon" lovers, it is actually a generation of barbaric growth and a bumper harvest.

For ordinary players like Zhuowen who like to collect illustrated books of "Level [-] Gods", "Legendary Pokémon", and "Sacred Beasts", the number of powerful Pokémon that sounds exciting is naturally more the better.

"Well, please give me some time to seriously consider whether to make this decision."

Director Zhuo and Lusamine played a mixed doubles round, which made Dr. Zhenmu, who had no such idea at first, a little confused.

I dare say that you are not only here to treat Lillie, but also to poach Dr. Zhenmu and the research institute together, right?

"The 'Ether Foundation' is waiting for your good news, Dr. Zhenzhu, at any time. The director of the research department... oh no, for the time being, the position of deputy director will be reserved for you."

Lusamine said that the sincerity and treatment are sufficient.

Although he is only a 'deputy director', his status is considered very high.

Even if Dr. Zhenmu's research project is very powerful, there is no reason for a "newcomer" to directly parachute into the "Ether Foundation" and become the director of an important research department.

----Unless you are Dr. Oki!


In order to wait for Dr. Zhenmo's reply, by the way, let's take a look at Lillie's follow-up situation after receiving the 'Dream World Intervention Therapy'.

Zhuowen, Lusamine and the others did not turn around and leave directly after Lillie's mental illness was cured, but continued to stay in Sanyo City for a while.

Except for the 'side effect' of leaving a new strong psychological suggestion, the results of Lillie's treatment were very good.

Pixie, Miss Qun'er, Long-eared Rabbit, Menus, Wearing Bear, these Pokémon raised by Lusamine, used to like their little masters very much, and played happily with little Lillie.

Because Lilia suffered from PTSD and was unable to touch Pokémon, they all fell into autism and were unhappy for a long time.

Now I can finally go back to the good old days.

Sitting on a bench in Sanyo City Natural Park, watching Lilia and a few Pokémon playing freely on the grass, I can't see anything unusual at all.

Lusamine felt inexplicably sour at the corners of her eyes, and felt an urge to drip tears from the corners of her eyes.

This is the daily life she wants.

As a parent, seeing how your children and Pokémon are playing freely in the nature park in the afternoon, how could you not be moved?

In particular, Lillie went through more than 4 years of painful times when she was completely unable to touch any Pokémon.

Compared with the two, although it is just a very 'ordinary' picture, it still makes Lusamine have an urge to cry.

Zhuowen was sitting on the other side of the bench, watching Lillie and a few of Lusamine's Pokémon playing freely, and felt that his hard work and planning were not in vain.

"Lillie can finally get in touch with Pokémon like an ordinary child. Have you considered what initial Pokémon to prepare for her? Ms. Lusamine."

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