Dr. Barnett suggested.

"Let's go."

Lusamine nodded in agreement.

After some inquiries in the past, the answer was that the group of them had indeed conducted extracurricular studies in Karawei Bay, exchanged knowledge between different Pokémon League regions, conducted Pokémon battles, and various other activities. All kinds of friendly exchanges.

But 'grotesque Pokémon? ', that kind of thing, I have never encountered it before.

"Huh?! Has that kind of thing appeared? Maybe I was too focused on the exciting Pokémon battle just now, so I didn't notice it at all."

Dr. Kukui touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"That's right, Director Zhuo is really too strong. He let me and my Gala Gala go all out with just a hot meow. It's still a pity that we lost. To no avail."

The young man Kaqi also said frankly that although he is not good at lying, he only needs to tell a part of the truth.


Since the other party said this unanimously, Lusamine had no choice but to take it as such.

"Dr. Barnett, is the 'monitoring instrument' malfunctioning?"

Lusamine was puzzled.

"It should be unlikely."

Dr. Barnett muttered, "However, because we don't know enough about 'Ultimate Beast', and 'Ultimate Beast' is a kind of different world that exists with extreme weirdness and extreme abilities. biology."

"---Maybe there is an 'Ultimate Beast' with an extremely thin body but extremely powerful attack capabilities in another world, which can create an extremely small and narrow 'Ultimate Beast' over the Alola region The hole' is only big enough for a thin 'Ultimate Beast' to pass through, and the fluctuations in space are so small that it has not been detected by the 'monitoring instrument'."

"Because they come and go without a shadow and move as fast as the wind, even if Dr. Kukui and the others are doing extracurricular studies on Kara Wei Bay, they haven't noticed any signs of the 'Ultimate Beast' appearing."

Dr. Barnett guessed.

Although the direction of her imagination is wrong, the truth is not the case.

But Barnett's brain hole itself is indeed very appropriate to the actual situation of the "Ultimate Beast",----there is indeed such an "Ultimate Beast" with an extremely thin body but extremely powerful attack capabilities.

'Paper Yujian'!

A blade of grass can cut the sun, the moon and the stars. It is an 'Ultimate Beast' with an extremely light body but extremely sharp.

"It looks like the 'Ultimate Beast' research project has failed this time, but since there is no sign of huge damage, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Lusamine said she wasn't particularly discouraged.

It is not an easy task to study Pokémon...., let alone study the 'Ultimate Beast' from another world.

They came here full of expectations, but in the end they didn't get any reliable information. This is also a very common situation in the process of researching the 'Ultimate Beast'.

This is true of any Pokémon research, boring and tedious waiting and data collection take up most of the time.

Don't think of "Ultra Beast" like green caterpillars and small Ladas on the roadside, which can be seen everywhere.


"This pale golden Xuwu Yide, when did you tame it? Zhuo Bao."

After Lusamine and the others boarded the helicopter and left again, Cattleya couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked cautiously.

"I don't remember when you had any time or spare time, and ran out to subdue the 'Ultimate Beast'."

"Didn't I grab Xuwu Yide on a whim during the treatment in Lillie's dream world and go through the 'Ultimate Cave' to the Purple Sea of ​​the Void? I met a friendly Shining Light there So I tried to throw a Pokémon ball and subdued her in an almost 'friendly subjugation' way."

Zhuo Wen said.

This kind of thing, for Cattleya, there is nothing to keep secret.

And this luck is no one else.

Even for ordinary Pokémon such as Bibi Bird and Little Lada, it is not easy to "conquer with one ball".

If you want to tame Pokémon, you have to do it yourself...at least you must personally command your own Pokémon to defeat the opponent. This is common sense as a Pokémon trainer.

The situation of "friendship subjugation" is very rare.

And to "friendship subjugation", at least it takes a period of time, a process, to establish the friendship between Pokémon and the trainer,..., just like Zhuo Wen and apprentice Xiong.

However, I don’t know what to say about this light-gold Xuwu Yide. It may be because of his kind heart, which is very different from other Xuwu Yide in the ethnic group.

Moreover, she was tired of the boring environment of the Void Purple Sea, and was very interested in the human world, the emotions and interactions between humans, so she accepted the ordinary elf ball thrown by Director Zhuo without any resistance, and was given by him. 'Friendship subdued'.

"I see."

Cattleya nodded, Zhuo Bao still regarded her as one of his own, and had no reservations about some secrets.

I'm so happy.

---But wait.

"You mean, you subdued this Empty God in Lillie's dream world, and then brought her into the real world?"

The main perspective of the dream world is naturally Lillie and Lusamine's side.

When Zhuo Wen carried Xuwu Yide and played 'Amazing', he passed through the 'Ultimate Cave'.

Dr. Zhenmo and Cattleya in the outside world have no way to see his movements through the "smoke of dreams".

Therefore, except for Zhuo Wen himself, no one knew that he had subdued an 'Ultimate Beast' secretly in the dream world.

"Yeah, I also think it's too outrageous, and it's against common sense. I was just thinking that after Lillie's dream world ended, I woke up together,---this completely indifferent thought , I just tried it casually without any taboos. I never expected that after waking up from the dream, this pale golden Xuwu Yide really came to this world with me."

Zhuo Wen spread his hands and said, this kind of thing, 'You ask me, who should I ask? '.

The wonderful law of the 'dream world' is something even Director Zhuo can't understand and explain clearly.

But the "dream feature/hidden feature" really exists, and the "dream world" already has a mechanism to capture special Pokémon. This is an undoubted fact.

"I thought about it,... and finally decided to give up thinking. There are so many things I can't understand, why bother myself."

"Well..., that's exactly what I said."

Cattleya nodded obediently, agreeing with Director Zhuo's statement.

She and Zhuo Wen are still "superpowers", isn't it also a kind of power that is not so easy to explain?

"However, if the 'dream world' researched by Dr. Zhenmu really has the magical power to transform into a real body, wouldn't it be possible to repeatedly obtain rare Pokémon in this way?"

"It's not that simple. Didn't Lillie's psychological shadow and the dream subconsciousness attacked by Xuwu Yide disappear? There must be no way to open the same 'dream world' entrance."

Zhuo Wen said.

Passing through the entrance of the 'dream world', traveling to a different world where the ultimate beast exists, and subduing a shining Xuwu Yide, this kind of thing should be regarded as a 'BUG' accidentally stuck.

But don't keep thinking about it, counting on trying to get through the magical power of the 'dream world' over and over again, and tame rare Pokémon.

Let alone the creation god Arceus, even the glorious god 'Ultimate Necrozma' will be caught off guard when it is saved.

Accidentally got stuck in a bug between reality and fiction in the dream, they can ignore it and turn a blind eye.

There are plenty of adventures in the Pokémon world.

But repeated bugs like this, do you really think that Arceus is a harmless 'alpaca', who can let Zhuo guide it to pluck the wool casually? !

Chapter 210 VII Waiting for a Rabbit

"Then it's not too early. Today's extra-curricular study will come to an end."

After dismissing the group of 'Ethereum Foundation', Dr. Kukui said so.

"Then goodbye, Director Zhuo."

"See you again, both of you."

"Let's have a Pokémon battle next time! I will never lose!"

Several students of Pokémon School, including Lillie, also said goodbye to Zhuowen and Cattleya happily.

Today's extra-curricular study in Karawei Bay, everyone has gained something, it is a very effective day of learning, not a whole day of fishing and paddling.

Even Lillie is the same.

At least,...., she completely said goodbye to her former psychological shadow, "Ultimate Beast, Empty Wu Yide".

He even became a good friend with a pale golden one whose outline looks a bit like that of 'Lillie' himself.

"What shall we do next, Jorbo."

"What else can I do? Continue to play while 'waiting for the rabbit', waiting for the times to change."

Zhuowen shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to be something meaningful, the two of you, and your Pokémon, go on vacation together in Karawei Bay, this is the most 'meaningful' thing , isn't it?"

"makes sense."

Cattleya nodded happily.

Now this way of life is already the extravagant wish of her dreams, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Under this peaceful state of mind that is gradually becoming normal, Cattleya is becoming more and more proficient in controlling her own powerful superpowers.

Ever since I met Director Zhuo, Cattleya's temper is prone to fluctuate, causing her 'super powers' to run wild and out of control, causing huge damage to the surroundings... It is almost as a literal 'role setting' ', which never appeared.

However, this is the best portrayal of Cattleya's life now.


After Pokémon School is over, the butler James will drive a black limousine to pick up Miss Lillie at a fixed time.

At the same time today, Lillie boarded her car.

In the beginning, Lillie took it for granted that she was sitting in the car thinking about life, but she didn't notice any abnormalities.

When the car was halfway through, she noticed that the driver's seat in the front seat was not the familiar butler James, but Zaobo wearing a researcher's white coat.

"Zaobo? Why are you driving, butler James?"

"James has a stomachache, so he asked for sick leave temporarily, and specially contacted me to pick you up Lillie instead of him."

Zaobo said.

If Lillie still doesn't remember the memory of 4 years ago, then she won't think Zaobo's words mean anything.

The old butler James is not an iron man who doesn't need any rest and doesn't get sick around the clock.

Temporarily fell ill suddenly, and Jean was quite close to Lusamine's family.

With more than ten years of friendship, Zaobo, who can be called Lillie's 'uncle', is responsible for picking up Lillie, which is actually reasonable.

Zaobo is not only the director of the research department of the 'Ethereum Foundation', but also the branch director of the 'Ethereum Foundation'. He can be called the second-in-command of the 'Ethereum Foundation' just under Lusamine, how trusted he is , as one can imagine.

But Lillie has already recalled her past memories through the 'intervention therapy of the dream world'.

Even though there were certain deviations, Zaobo was the instigator who caused her to be attacked by the 'Ultimate Beast, Void', and Lillie still remembered this incident clearly.

As mentioned earlier, the 'dream subconscious' will of course be easily forgotten after waking up.

Anyone can dream, and there must have been a good dream or a nightmare, but after waking up, they quickly forgot all about the experience.

But those are some ordinary and bizarre dreams that I have every day, and forgetting them when I wake up is the best result.

Otherwise, the brain will be filled with a bunch of 'junk information' and overwhelmed.

If it is a special, particularly impressive 'dream', and if you try to remember it in your heart, there will occasionally be some dreams that can still be clearly remembered in your mind even after you wake up from the dream.

This is the case with Lillia's brand new 'dream subconscious' that has been interfered and healed.

Although it was still under the condition that Zaobo rashly opened the 'Ultimate Cave', Lillie was attacked by Xuwu Yide.

But because of the follow-up development, Director Zhuo and Lusamine suddenly appeared, repelled Xuwu Yide, rescued and comforted the panicked little Liliai at that time.

Lillie no longer created an autonomous protection 'mechanism' in her body due to excessive panic, and forgot this memory, but just the opposite.

She had a very deep memory and kept this 'past event' in her heart.

So now, Lilia knows exactly who Zaobo is.

Naturally, she would no longer choose to believe the other party's mouthful of lies.

"Lillie, I heard from Master Lusamine that after more than 4 years, you can finally get in touch with Pokémon again. This really makes Uncle Zaobo very happy."

Zaobo was driving the car, chatting seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

"--I don't know how far your memory has recovered, Lillia? Did you remember being attacked by some Pokémon and become afraid to touch Pokémon?"

"Not sure."

Li Liai smiled slightly, pretending to be stupid, and said in a daze, "After waking up from the dream, I can't remember many things that happened in the dream."

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