Holding 'Cosmog' in her hands, observing its lovely and vivid shape, Lillie frowned her beautiful brows, thinking seriously.


Zhuowen didn't speak aloud, at this moment, it's all right to leave it to Lillie.

"It's like a cloud-like extension of twinkling stars.... Let's call it 'Little Nebula'. What do you think? Director Zhuo."

"Just as long as you feel happy, Lillie. I don't have any objections."

"However, this child is like the baby Pokémon that Director Zhuo and I discovered together, just like our common child, so Lilia thinks that the name given to it must also satisfy Director Zhuo. Just do it."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Zhuo Wen coughed, continued to cough, the crazy cough of Ta Meow.

What's 'like a child we both have together', don't talk nonsense, Lillie.

Just this one sentence is enough for Director Zhuo to go to the police station and have a drink with Miss Junsha.

"Ah, no, what Lillie meant was that 'Little Nebula' is like a Pokémon born under the witness of the two of us, so the name must be agreed upon by both of us."

Lillie also quickly realized what was wrong, hurriedly waved her little hands in a panic, and explained incoherently.

But I always feel that the meaning is still weird, and the more it is described, the darker it is.

"In any case, we both witnessed the awakening of 'Little Nebula', and 'Little Nebula' will also be a Pokémon that witnessed the relationship between the two of us, there is no doubt about it."

Zhuo Wen smiled lightly and patted Liliai's head, and his palm fell on Liliai's head, so that she would not have to panic.


'Little Nebula' had a happy smile on his face, as if he was very satisfied with the role of witness he had assumed.

It really means a lot.

"In addition, the name is indeed quite good, and I am also very satisfied."


Li Liai felt herself blushing, and she was too shy to see anyone.

When will I be able to be as calm and poised as Director Zhuo, with the demeanor of a super reliable adult.


"Lord Lusamine, the instrument monitoring the 'Ultimate Aura' has responded again. Although the ripple sound is relatively slight, it seems that an 'Ultimate Beast' has indeed appeared in the Alola region."

Dr Barnett said.

In just two days, the aura fluctuations of the 'Ultimate Beast' appeared one after another, which made her feel a little unbelievable.

"Could it be like yesterday that the monitoring was wrong?"

Lusamine casually complained.

It was just yesterday that she ran out of space, just like the story of "Wolf is Coming", and only the next day, the aura of "Ultimate Beast" appeared again. Of course, she also felt a little tired in her heart, thinking I'm going to be lazy.

"Research on 'Ultimate Beast' must be 'rather believable than non-existent'."

Dr. Barnett said pragmatically.

Any research is repeated practice in countless experiments and failures, just to obtain an effective conclusion.

"makes sense."

Lusamine sighed, it really feels like an 'eventful season' recently.

"Where did the subtle fluctuations of the 'ultimate aura' come from?"

"Let me take a look, it's near the Pokémon school, and then... heading towards Lusamine's mansion on Melomele Island."

"..., huh?!"

Lusamine tilted her head a little cutely.

Commissioned in the morning.

The results came out in the afternoon, right?

Director Zhuo, who is this person? This is...


In the depths of the forest, after subduing the awakened 'Child of the Star, Cosmog', Lillie has been holding 'Little Nebula' in her arms.

The 'Cosmog' at this stage is as light as stardust and star clouds.

The weight and mass are less than 0.1KG in total, and even Lillie can be easily picked up.

And once 'Starchild, Cosmog' evolves.

Become the sleeping 'star cocoon, Cosmom', its weight and quality will instantly soar to 999.9KG.

This is only because the weight unit of the illustrated book is limited, and the heaviest can only be marked as 999.9KG.

Otherwise, Cosmom’s setting comes from white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes, and its true mass and density may also be astronomical.

At that time, if she can still hold 'Little Nebula, Cosmom', then Lillie will also be a Super Alola.

Does that shiny blond hair imply something?

---- Such statements are actually just jokes.

Although the quality of 'Cosmom' has reached the upper limit of Pokémon, it has the attribute of 'superpower', which can use superpowers to float, fly, and support its own weight.

So Lillie doesn't need two thousand catties of strength in her arms to be able to hold 'Cosmom'.

Little Nebula can float by itself, and as a top-level beast, even in its infancy, it can still fly by itself!

But the super real rookie Xiaozhi waved his arms, with the strength of thousands of catties, that was indeed true.

Master Zhi once had an astonishing deed of "pulling the weeping willow upside down", throwing a thick branch high, and saving a "baby dragon".

Li Liai hugged 'Little Nebula' and followed Zhuowen all the way back to her mansion.

Director Zhuo is about to leave the Alola region, and of course Lillie wants to see him off in person.

Although the distance along the way is not short, Liliai only hopes that this road can be longer at this time, and it is best to never go to the end.


After a while, she finally arrived at Lusamine's mansion. Cattleya had been waiting here for a long time, and was about to lose her patience.

At the same time, the helicopters of the 'Ether Foundation' also rushed to 'Huhuhuhuhu' again.

"Strange, my mother used to be busy with work, so I might not have time to return to the island once a week from the artificial island. Recently, I have to go back and forth between 'Ether Paradise' and 'Melomele Island'." Back and forth?"

Lillie looked at the helicopter flying across the sky, and couldn't help feeling puzzled.

To put it bluntly, my mother, has this been a 'convulsion' recently?

"Obviously, Ms. Lusamine came here for 'Little Nebula'."

Zhuo Wen nodded.

However, I feel that this Lusamine is not as morbid and fanatical as the Lusamine in "Pokémon, Sun/Moon" and "Pokémon Special", so it should not be a big problem.

Chapter 220 The Second 'Goddess of the Beast' Lillie

"Is this the legendary 'Ultimate Beast'?"

The story of "Wolf is coming" did not happen for the second time, and Lusamine finally saw the Pokémon emitting the "Ultimate Aura" wave, and the "Cosmog" held by Lillie.

"This child is called 'Little Nebula'."

Lillie introduced it to her mother.


'Little Xingyun' also greeted Yuanqi.

"I didn't expect 'Ultimate Beast' to become my child Lillie's initial Pokémon, this kind of fate is really..."

One of the reasons why Lusamine became acquainted with "Ultra Beast" and had an extraordinary interest in "Ultra Beast" was when she was still young.

Lusamine's father told her about the fierce battle between the legendary Pokémon that happened a long time ago.

In order to protect the Alola region, the four guardian gods of the Alola region fought against the incoming "Ultra Beast".

So far, those deeds have been described as several mysterious murals on the sacred and solemn 'Sun/Moon Altar' of Poni Island.

Since then, wanting to witness the existence of the "Ultra Beast" has become the dream pursued by Lusamine all her life.

"----It's really 'there is nowhere to go when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it', what a romantic feeling."

Bi Ke smiled and said with emotion.

"The 'Ultimate Aura' emitted by this 'Ultimate Beast' is still very weak. It seems that it does not have the ability to actively open the 'Ultimate Hole' at present. I really don't know how it is. Appeared in the Alola region."

Dr. Barnett asked curiously.

"Can you two tell me where exactly the 'Little Nebula' was discovered?"

"It was Tapu Mingming who guided Lillie to find the location of 'Little Nebula'."

Zhuo Wen answered first.

"'Tapu Mingming'?! Is that the patron saint of Melomele?"


"This is very interesting. According to the murals on the 'Sun/Moon Altar', the island gods in the Alola area and the 'Ultimate Beasts' that attacked the Alola area should be hostile. Why is Kapu Ming Master Naruto will guide Lilia to obtain 'Little Nebula'?"

"Perhaps not all 'Ultimate Beasts' are enemies of the Patronus; not all 'Ultimate Beasts' are evil existences that cannot communicate and can only cause destruction."

Zhuo Wen said.

"It's an interesting point of view."

Dr. Barnett's eyes lit up, and he said, "Indeed, before all the 'Ultimate Beast' bodies are researched and relevant information is obtained, many things are not enough to jump to conclusions. The truth hidden under the dust of history To uncover it, this is also the mission of a researcher."

"Lillie, do you want to take care of this Pokémon all the time and treat it as your partner?"

"That's a matter of course, Mother. Even if the 'Ether Foundation' wants to take Little Nebula away, even if it is Mother's idea, Lillie will never give in."


Lusamine sighed and said, "How could I compete with my beloved daughter for 'Little Nebula'?"

"However, Lillie, you have never had the knowledge of being a Pokémon trainer before. Since you use this Pokémon as the initial Pokémon, you must be able to take care of and control it."

"Anyway, 'Little Nebula' is also an 'Ultimate Beast', maybe it will become some violent existence in the future, and that would be dangerous."

"This kind of thing won't happen, 'Little Nebula' is a very kind-hearted Pokémon, and mother, look, it's so cute, isn't it?"

Lillie held the 'Little Nebula' and raised it high.

The latter was very cooperative at the beginning, squinting his eyes and making a 'Kira~☆' cry, and then suddenly cried out, emitting a piercing ultrasonic wave, which was quite astonishingly lethal.

Even the fluctuation of the 'ultimate aura' rose several steps, and the detector in Dr. Barnett's hand made a violent noise.

"What happened to 'Little Nebula' all of a sudden?"

"Is it finally about to reveal the ferocious nature of the 'Ultimate Beast'?"

"No, it's just hungry."

Zhuowen shook his head, denying Lusamine's guess.

The name 'Children of the Stars' is very apt. Little Nebula is moody like a baby. When hungry, he will cry loudly and emit ear-piercing ultrasonic waves.

Lusamine and Dr. Barnett became very interested in what kind of food the "Ultra Beast" would like.

However, no matter how many kinds of energy cubes were tested, the latest Pokémon food developed from the 'Ether Foundation' could not satisfy 'Little Nebula'.

"Take it, this is my last ripple."

Director Zhuo said, and took out a bag of 'Jinpingtang'.

This is a kind of rough snack that he went out to buy when Lillie, Lusamine and the others were busy experimenting with what kind of Pokémon food 'Little Nebula' would like.

It is a small candy grain shaped like a star, made of Yiluo powder and sugar water or sugar wine water, with small lumps around it.

It may be because the shape of 'Kopeito' is like a star in the universe, and it has a particularly high compatibility with the small nebula. It is not interested in any other flavors of food, but likes to eat this traditional wagashi.


"Because I met 'Little Nebula' with Lillie, it was delayed for a while. But seeing that Lillie got the initial Pokémon suitable for her, I can completely relax and end this in the Alola area. short trip."

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