I neither want to be promoted upward nor to be banned downward.

She is already extremely satisfied to maintain the current balance, maintain the current happy rhythm of life that makes Nazi feel unprecedented.

And Zhuo directed another powerful 'superpower' beside him.

Cattleya's [United Alliance] challenge is just around the corner.

This is her first public league challenge.

It has to be said that it is of great significance.

It was also an important competition for her to leave the [Battle Castle] where she used to live in seclusion, to announce to those who knew Cattleya, feared or cared about Cattleya that she had controlled her superpowers, and became an outstanding superpower trainer. .

Zhuo Wen thought about it, he didn't have any other important matters recently.

So I accompanied Cattleya to Higaki City in the Hezhong area to cheer for her important challenge.

This was also promised early in the morning.

Encourage each other and make progress together.

There is no better relationship between Pokémon trainers than this.


Friday, April 10.

Cattleya's private plane arrived in Higaki City in the Hezhong area.

This is the city where the United Conference and [Championship Challenge] are held.

The fifth generation of "Pokémon, Black/White" and "Pokémon, Black/White 2" are almost the best-rated and highest-rated works of Pokémon in history.

However, the reviews of the TV animation version are counted upside down.

-----It belongs to the normal performance of the animation production team.

He obviously has a very good foundation in the script, so he just needs to change it accordingly, and this can produce such a bad result.

Before the journey appeared, the black-and-white animation (BW) was almost the last one, and it gave people the most garbage animation.

There are many reasons for this.

Except that Pikachu was level-washed by Zekrom, and lost at the beginning to a novice trainer who had just received a level 5 rattan snake, and that trainer's face was very disgusting and arrogant.

There are many other factors.

For example, the heroine of the anime version did not follow the usual practice, and let the game version of the female player represent the role, Black and White One's "Toko" or Black and White Two's "Mei" appeared.

Instead, he chose the young owner of Ssangyong Gym, the future champion of dragons in Hezhong region 'Alice' Ainiang, contrary to the usual practice.

Of course, Alice Ai Niang also has its unique charm.

Her subsequent performance also allowed her to gain many fans.

But the two generations of cute game female characters, Toko and Mei, also have a large number of fans and are extremely popular.

The number of ordinary pictures and restricted pictures about Touko and Mei on a certain blue/P station can already explain everything.

It is also among the best among all Pokémon characters.

Is this fucking ten years old?

Can a ten-year-old have such excellent development?

Whether it's bud clothing or touzi...

In any female character, there is such a high popularity.

In the end, neither Touko nor Mei appeared in the TV animation, and they had the opportunity to show their lively and lively appearance.

Can this not disappoint the fans who are looking forward to it?

Anyway, Director Zhuo was very disappointed.

Obviously this is a multiple-choice question, whether you choose 'A', 'B', or both 'A/B', it can be the correct answer.

As a result, the production team cleverly filled in an option 'C' that did not exist: I have my own unique insights!

This shameless practice of BW animation ignores the real wishes of Pokémon animation fans.

It does not live up to the subtitle of this generation at all, and it cannot be called 'Best·Wish (Super Wish)' at all.

It was a point that Zhuo Wen, a gentleman, would never forgive.

As a gentleman who restrains himself and restores courtesy, Director Zhuo had to express a serious protest. The animation production team did not consider it at all, and did not respect the human rights of the two lovely female characters, Toko and Mei.


Is that because Zhuo directed him to love the bodies of Touko and Mei?He is a bitch!


One thing to say, indeed.

As for the follow-up, Xiaozhi took the pure 'baby team' to challenge the Hezhong Conference, but was defeated by an even more unreliable trainer, Hu Che, 5 to 6, and was humiliated...

This frenzied episode couldn't even make Director Zhuo's heart fluctuate in the slightest, and he even wanted to laugh.

It can only be said that the urination of the Pokémon TV version lies in this.

Occasionally chocolatey shit, occasionally shitty chocolate.

What remains the same is that no matter how you eat it, it will be uncomfortable, and no matter how you eat it, it will be a little disgusting.

Only in extremely rare cases can a work that is relatively perfect in all aspects be produced.

Yes, there are, but those cases are too rare.

Because the whole 'Pokémon Animation, Super Wish (BW)' gives people too bad overall impression.

So far, Zhuo Wen has left some memory anchors for the "Hezhong area", only the "shiny beauty" Miss Kamizlei, the "pure white rose princess" Cattleya, who appeared in the seaside villa in Lianyi Town The champion of Sirona on vacation, lovely Meloetta...  

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are still many elements worthy of attention?


Outside the huge stadium in Higaki City, Kamizlei, who had long black hair and looked very aggressive in her clothes, greeted Zhuowen, Cattleya and the others.

"Hello, (*?▽?*)."

Cattleya smiled and nodded.


Zhuo Wen greeted with a smile, the unique "greeting voice", like a "secondary two" boy who wants to find a sense of self-existence through some unique settings.


Sure enough, Kamizlei couldn't help frowning her slender brows at this strange greeting.

As the world's top fashion model, she is well-informed and of course has heard of 'Ciao'.

This is the way of greeting in Italian from the warm Mediterranean.

I have also heard of 'Hello', which is a common way of greeting almost the whole world, so there is no need to explain it.

And 'Alola', a warm greeting unique to the Alola region.

What does 'Ciallo' mean, 'Ciallo'.

After thinking about it, Kamizlei, who felt her brain throbbing indistinctly and tangled, asked, "What does Ciallo... mean?"

"Nothing special, just a combination of 'Ciao' and 'Hello'."

Zhuo Wen pouted and said.

"As a greeting after a long time, I want to show you, Miss Kamizlei, something unique and novel."

"Are you a teenager who hasn't left the 'Second Stage'?"

Camizlei couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"It's true, 'above junior high school' and 'less than sophomore year'."

Zhuo Wen nodded.

Really bad taste, the so-called 'Ciallo' is just a newly created greeting word that stitches 'Ciao' and 'Hello' together.

There is nothing novel and unique, but it seems very 'deliberate' and 'artificial'.

But the pronunciation of 'Ciallo' is very magical. Compared with 'Ciao' and 'Hello', it has a different flavor.

Make people want to stop.

Probably that Youtuber who also speaks in a very motorcycle way, and the little girl Qishu who likes strange stories, should like this style quite a lot.

"Don't you think 'Ciallo' sounds like the style that Qishu Qishu, the gym master in the Padia area, would call out? I think she should like it."

"You are in Hezhong, why did you start to study the gymnasium masters in the Padia area?"

Kameizlei's tone was slightly coquettish and dissatisfied.

"Eating what's in the bowl, looking at what's in the pot" and "thinking about what's far away in the sky", I'm afraid there is no one who is so insatiable as Director Zhuo.

"Hey, I'm already studying the S13 version and opponents in advance, and I'm going to be the champion of the S13 Pokémon World Championship."


Chapter 424 You can only come here, not beyond

As the Gym Master of the Hezhong area, Kamizlei will naturally participate in the annual "Gym Master Challenge".

In the Pokémon world, there are actually many large and small battles.

Although there is no mandatory requirement to participate.

But if you want to score high points for Happy and improve your trainer level, you need to participate in competitions frequently.

If you want to stay in relegation and take care of yourself, you have to at least take part in the necessary relegation matches once in a while.

If you want to lose the big points and "never adjust", then you will not participate in any official competitions.

Unless the basic score is too high, otherwise, within a year or two, he will become an unknown person who is "disappeared by everyone".

Audiences who love the new and dislike the old, who will remember who you are?

As the owner of the gymnasium, there is also the danger of being downgraded and banned by the Pokémon Alliance.

Although Kamizlei is not considered to be the stronger one among the many gymnasium owners in the Hezhong area.

But according to the experience of previous years, it is not a problem to win the relegation match.

But this year is different, she came here with the goal of 'Going to Oita, Happy~'.

after all......

The dignified 'Messenger of Thunder, Lightning Bird' cannot be silent and dim after being subdued.

"Let me introduce you, Director Zhuo, this is Fenglu. The owner of the Fuji Gymnasium, and also my good friend of Kamizlei."

Kamizlei pointed to her best friend who looked a little uncomfortable.

She has passionate red hair and a figure that is even better than that of a top supermodel.

Kamizilei's model has very long legs and a tall figure. She looks very slender and seductive, revealing an aloof and beautiful temperament.

Fenglu, on the other hand, is protruding forward and backward, with a devil figure, and with a head of hot red hair, she looks full of charm.

If it weren't for Miss Kamizlei, she would also have her advantages.


Instead of being a thunderbolt zebra for the 'shining beauty', it's better to be the 'chief swan' for Fenglu.

"You have also been in contact with online battles before, and you have also learned a lot of battles, haven't you?"


Zhuo Wen nodded.

Because Fenglu's unique 'meditation training method' really impressed him.

It is really the only one, there is no semicolon.

You are the Tui Tui Bang who pioneered the 'Meditation Training' style of play, right? !


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