If Director Zhuo accepted this question, he would probably be a little annoyed. It is enough to know how each Pokémon fights. What is the use of knowing how many eyes there are?

But Sirona frowned slightly, thinking patiently.

Chapter 523 Emotion, Wisdom and Will

Questions about Pokémon's physical characteristics begin with 'Who am I----? ', 'Pikachu' are typical.

One is better than a 'underworld'.

Normal people can't answer it at all.

Although Yuxi's question is difficult, it is not a "underworld".

As long as you know enough about Pokémon, you will be able to come up with the correct answer, no 'brain teaser' required.

"Those who are tested, please give your answer..."

Three bees Each bee has '2' eyes.

Sonic bats have no eyes.

Totem Unknown, Magneto Trinity, and Wandering Eidolon have one head and one eye.


The final answer is...

Sirona spoke.


"Beep beep beep beep -----"

Yuxi was floating in the air, dancing happily.

"correct answer."


"As the god of wisdom, I recognize your intelligent heart."

"In order to connect the world, I will grant you a part of my 'heart'."

Yuxi gave Sirona the 'Yukhi's Claw'.

"'Yukshi's Claw', it makes people feel an inexplicable warmth on it."

Although Sirona's tactical awareness and skill level... are often ridiculed by Director Zhuo.

However, this does not prevent her from being a champion who is very good at tactics, has a heart, and is extremely smart among many "alliance champions".

Tactics' 10 points' and full-score ratings are not bragging.

Pierre Zeus (Pi Shen) has a string of two tulle Dadan teacher's big spray teacher and flashing ace, highlighting Sirona who used the flower rock monster (ghost potted plant) to "same life" to kill Pikachu, and made sufficient tactical preparations .

Both talent and beauty and strength.

It is true that God did not give birth to her Sirona, Shenao is like a long night.

"'The Man of Superior Wisdom'..."

"Looking forward to meeting you again."

As soon as Yu Kexi finished speaking, Huang Mushroom 'teleported' left and disappeared in place.

"'A man of extraordinary wisdom'?"

Zhuo Wen pondered.

"Huh?! How did you hear Yuxi's 'telepathy'?"

Sirona was surprised.

"I have 'superpowers'?! Did you forget?"

"Oh... that's right."

Sirona frowned, "But you repeated the evaluation of 'a man of extraordinary wisdom', what do you mean?"

"No, I just want to say that 'God of Wisdom' Yukexi's evaluation really lives up to his name."

Zhuo Wen nodded.

"Then what does the 'God of Emotions' Emrido think of you? A person who is '... rich in emotions'? Really, and also 'worthy of the name'."

Sirona narrowed one eye and smiled slightly.

Through Yu Kexi's words, one can guess what Emrido might think of Zhuo's guidance.

"You're not 'yin and yang' me, are you? Sirona."

Zhuo Wen felt a chill.

"You're not doing 'Yin-Yang Qi' to me, so I'm sure I'm not doing 'Yin-Yang Qi' to you."

Sirona smiled.



After some tossing, the second trial from "God of Wisdom, Yu Kexi" was also successfully completed.

"But it's incredible."

Although it is only a 'witness', Zhu Bei really feels that he has encountered those Pokémon with magical powers one after another.

This experience is really too bizarre. "However, since the situation is so critical now, why don't they just hand over the red chain?"

"It's because they need tests. Are the people who want to get these things good people?" Guana said.

"I see... if that thing falls into the wrong hands, there's no telling what will happen."

Zhu Bei said, "But the bad guys use the 'red chain'. I really can't figure out what it can be used for."


That is Zhubei's knowledge is too short.

There are many things that 'Red Chain' can do.

But that's not what's happening in this day and age.

The third lake is 'Lizhi Lake'.

There are many theories about the birth of Lizhi Lake. One is that it was formed by a volcanic eruption, and the other is that it is a depression formed by a battle between Pokémon.

Guarding here is a Pokémon named Aknom.

Yaknom flying around gave birth to the willpower needed to get things done.

Therefore, Yaknom, the blue mushroom, is also known as the 'God of Will'.

"Which of us has the brightest will..."

Zhuowen stood on the small island in the middle of Lizhi Lake.

"Of course it's you."

Sirona smiled slightly, "Xiao Zhao."

"Although I only got to know you because of this miraculous incident in the Xicui area, I am still very impressed by your willpower."

"Master Arceus, there is no reason why he chose you."

"Really? I'm not that good..."

Xiaozhao touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Go, our 'total miso (general)~'."

Director Zhuo patted Xiaozhao on the shoulder, cheering her up.

To be honest, he and Sirona really took a lot of opportunities to take photos.

But it can also be said that they help each other.

Otherwise, if Xiaozhao was summoned to the Xicui area more than 300 years ago alone, he would definitely not be able to live like he is now.

It might even be on par with another "time traveler" ----- "Battle Subway" train conductor 'Beishang'.

'Spacetime' is a closed loop.

So Xiaozhao will definitely be summoned by Arceus to Xicui area.

But the details may not be impossible to change.

The current photo may not be as powerful as the "Super Emerald" in "The Legend of Pokémon, Arceus", but she has rarely encountered many life-threatening situations.

Overall, it's a good thing.

After all, 'live well', everyone takes risks, travels together, and finally returns together, this matter is more important than anything else.

"ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)? Okay, then I'm on it!"

Xiao Zhao nodded, entered the ancient temple, and accepted the trial of "God of Will, Aknom".

After painstakingly defeating the boss-level Ten Thousand Needle Fish.

Just like what happened to 'Xinqi Lake' and 'Wisdom Lake' before.


Yaknom, the blue mushroom, has appeared.

Although she was weaker and started at a lower level, Xiaozhao, who kept sharpening herself and would never give up, her willpower deeply touched Yaknom.

She is a strong human being.


"As the God of Will, I recognize your firm will."

"In order to connect the world, I will grant you a part of my 'heart'."

Yaknom gave Xiaozhao the 'Yaknom's Fang'.

"'The Men of Strong Will'..."

"I look forward to meeting you again."

Like the red mushroom Emrido and the yellow mushroom Yuxi, the blue mushroom Yaknom used 'teleportation' and disappeared in place.

"Looking forward to 'meeting again', what does that mean?"

Xiao Zhao couldn't help murmuring.

"When the time for 'again' happens, don't you know?"

Zhuowen smiled lightly, "Okay, now all the lakes have been visited, and the 'Emridor's Wings', 'Yukshi's Claw', and 'Yaknom's Fang' have been collected."

"Let's go to the 'Cloud and Mist Ruins' and complete the final ceremony."


Since ancient times, it has been said that clouds and fog can blur the boundaries of the world.

In order for the world of humans, the world of Pokémon and the world of 'myths' to intertwine, what is needed is such a misty stage.

"Having said that..., with all the materials collected, what should we do?"

Xiaozhao was puzzled.

"Huh..., I'm not late, am I?!"

A melodious voice sounded from behind everyone, it was the witch Wusi who had been belatedly.

"It actually appeared immediately after we collected the three materials. Have you been watching us from the sky?"

Zhu Bei was surprised.

"Well, because there are very powerful Pokémon that helped me a lot."

I smiled lightly without thinking.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this matter, how can we make a red chain?"

"It is said that it is an artifact that connects the world. How could humans make it?"

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