2 ......

1 ......

The countdown ends and the answer is revealed.

Turtle (Love Cloud) carries the barber shop (Huo Xia)!Don't go crazy here!

So is this why Huoxia will help Xiaozhao and Sirona capture the 'Love Cloud'?

Because she had a strong bond with 'Love Cloud' for some magical reason?

In fact, the reason is not that complicated.

It's just because when 'Love Cloud' is not by my side, I usually play in the sky above 'Red Lotus Wetland'.

The field leaders in 'Red Lotus Wetland' are Granny Xipu from 'Pearl Team' and Huo Xia from 'King Kong Team'.

The two of them are much clearer about the Pokémon ecology of 'Red Lotus Wetland'.

For this reason.

Coupled with the fact that they had done several 'Pokémon Camps' together before and had a pretty good relationship, Xiaozhao and Sirona sought Huoxia's help.

And the latter readily agreed.

Chapter 563 Huo Xia's Destiny Route

Director Zhuo, Xiaozhao and Sirona have been in the Xicui area for more than 300 months in this era of more than 2 years ago.

It's the middle of winter when I first arrived in the Xicui area.

I stayed until winter turned to spring, and 'Love Cloud' appeared here in early spring.

---- More than 60 days is not short.

As a double-speed "secret practice" in the "House of Spirit and Time", not only Sirona, who was originally the "Sinnoh Champion", has been greatly improved.

He made great progress, went one step further, and achieved a breakthrough.

Originally a novice Pokémon trainer with the lowest basic level.

Now he can at least be regarded as a strong person at the level of 'elite trainer' to 'gym master trainer'.

If you count 'God of Will, Aknom' and 'Love Cloud'.

Another 'Goddess of the Beast'---Super Xicui Ren Xiaozhao directly became a Pokémon trainer of the 'Four Heavenly Kings' level.

Finding a suitable regional conference, and relying on the legendary Pokémon like the well-known "Beast Man, Darkdo" to overcome obstacles along the way, becoming a "conference champion" level Pokémon trainer is definitely not a problem.

As for Zhuo's guidance...

If you don't count the two Pokémon of the "outside" level, 'Dialga' and 'Palkia', his gains and improvements during the time in the Xicui area are actually comparable to those of Xiaozhao and Sirona. All about the same.

The three members of the Xicui squad marched hand in hand, maintaining the same progress efficiency.

It's just that because their respective foundations are different, it seems that Xiaozhao has the largest improvement.

'Advanced, go further' Sirona's improvement is relatively small.

But maybe she has broken through the level of 'League Champion' now, and has become a Pokémon trainer at the level of 'Battle Legend'?

However, Director Zhuo's improvement has been kept in the 'middle', which is in line with the position he maintains between Xiaozhao and Sirona.


But Zhuowen can't say what level his current level of Pokémon trainer is.

Because he tamed and cultivated a lot of Pokémon, with various types and numbers.

If you use the "all-in-one" lineup of Blazing Roaring Tiger, Suicune, Xuwu Yide, Budo Kumashi, Emrido, and Sidran...

Blazing Roaring Tiger: That's right, I'm also a 'God', Gaou~~~

Even if you win the 'Conference Championship', challenge the road to the championship, become the 'Four Heavenly Kings' or even the 'Alliance Champion', it doesn't mean much.

Anyway, he felt that he was still young, and he hadn't even passed the new protection period (one year) of a 'novice trainer', so there was no need to rush.

Things to improve the ranking, just take your time.

It's not good to 'involve' too quickly and not give yourself enough room to rise.


After the 'Pokémon Camp' was over, only Director Zhuo and Huo Xia were left by the bonfire in the middle of the night.

"Are you...are you going to leave this era after tonight's carnival, and leave the Xicui area?"

Huo Xia couldn't help asking.


Zhuo Wen nodded and said, "Huo Xia, you know that too. We 'time travelers' don't belong to this era, and there will be a day when we will go back, it's just a matter of whether it will be sooner or later... .”

Huo Xia is not a fool, so she is very clear about this simple truth.

'Time Traveler', after solving the berserk problem of the 'King's Pokémon' in the Xicui area and eliminating the 'Crack in Time and Space', flitted away and waved away from this ancient era.

A period of legends and epics belonging to the "Super Xicui Man" has been left behind.

This can be called a beautiful thing and a strange story.

Even decades later, when the old Huo Xia was lying on the bed, talking about this old event with his grandson and granddaughter.

Huo Xia felt that she had become a gray-haired old woman by then, and her old eyes, which were originally cloudy and dim, would flash with a fiery light again.

Are you excited when you think back to the glorious years when you were with these "time travelers", went to "Pokémon Camp" and trained Pokémon together? !

The problem is that...

Huo Xia asked herself, is she willing to do this?

When the old grandmother lying on the bed.

Are you willing to just watch them leave silently like this, and in the days to come, keep thinking about and reminiscing about that time gone by yourself?



The two surrounded each other by the campfire that was gradually burning out, looking at each other in silence.

Zhuo Wen was about to speak, but stopped talking.

Does he like Huo Xia?

If you have to choose between 'like' and 'dislike', the answer must be 'like'.

It's just that Huoxia is different from Guana and Zhubei.

Guana and Zhubei, in the original era, there is no blood relationship suspected to be descendants left...

In a sense, it is completely reasonable for them to follow Zhuo's guidance to leave this era of Xicui and live in a new world without any additional impact.

But Huo Xia is different.

In the "now" timeline, Huo Xia has a "partner" who joined the "Galaxy Group" and became one of the four cadres of the Galaxy Group. Such a descendant of blood that looks very similar to her exists.

In other words, if Huoxia, like Guana and Zhubei, left this timeline with Zhuowen and the others.

It will cause a very classic 'paradox of time and space (Paradox)'----'grandmother paradox'.

Because Huo Xia left the Xicui area and left no blood inheritance, the suspected direct descendant of 'Huo Xing' must no longer exist.

Partner: I don't feel well.

Although the "Partner Star" is a small cadre of the "Galaxy Group", its status and influence are definitely not comparable to that of the boss of the Galaxy Group, Chihi, and Dr. Yamanashi, the doctor of Sinnoh...

Even if you don't specifically mention that the appearance of "Huo Xing" is so similar to that of "Huo Xia",..., it is estimated that few Pokémon players can remember the name "Huo Xing" at all.

Not many people can know who the four cadres of the Galaxy team are.

But it doesn't matter if the partner is not important, but at least there is such a person.

So Huoxia's situation is different from Miss Guana and Miss Zhubei.


Although Director Zhuo acts in a very bold and unrestrained style, doing whatever he wants, there is still a 'bottom line'.

He is also very entangled, whether he should attack Huoxia.

Why don't you marry him?

After conquering Huo Xia, there will definitely be no such person as a "partner star" in future generations...

Or the time point when the person named "Partner Xing" appeared, at least one era has to be pushed back.

Concerned about this, Zhuo Wen treated Huo Xia in a more polite and well-behaved manner.

He is not as unscrupulous and unceremonious as he was when he treated Miss Guana.

By the way, Director Zhuo treated Ms. Zhubei in a very respectful manner, without any fuss.

after all......

Do not push Loli, only control Loli, which is also one of Zhuowen's "bottom line".

"ε=(?ο`*))) Alas..."

After sighing lightly, Director Zhuo stood up and prepared to leave.

Why don't you marry him?

If you don't plan to attack Huo Xia, then just let her act like a "female passer-by", say hello in a friendly manner, and then say hello again, and let's say goodbye.

The bonfire burns out...

Huo Xia's story line ends here abruptly and enters the 'Bad-End' route.

Will she regret it for the rest of her life?

Or, in fact, there is no special feeling in my heart?

"Wait a minute, Zhuowen!"

The bonfire hadn't burned out yet.

Huo Xia took the initiative to speak and stopped Director Zhuo who was about to get up and leave.

"what happened?"


Huo Xia's face was flushed with embarrassment, and her fair and pretty face was stained with a glowing red fire cloud.


Huoxia's story line stops here abruptly and enters the 'Bad-End'.

---- Nothing to blame!

Regardless of her blushing face, Huo Xia worked up her courage and said, "Do you like me? Zhuo Wen."

"Strictly speaking, I like it a little bit, but not particularly."

Huo Xia asked a very straightforward question, and Director Zhuo also answered it in a somewhat straightforward manner.

Liked emotions should not be indicators that can be 'quantified'.

But it's really quantifiable...

Zhuo Wen can make it clear that he has absolutely no dislike for Huo Xia, but he is definitely not as good as Sirona, Xiaozhao, Guana and Zhubei.

It is too unreasonable to ask Huoxia to leave the Xicui area despite such a "cheap" liking, and to erase the bloodline of the "partner star" that would last for more than 300 years.

So Director Zhuo chose not to be too capricious.

But Huoxia can also have her own "willfulness".

"But I like you."

Huo Xia said loudly, "I really...I really like it! Auntie washes the railway!"

Miss Huo Xia, it wasn't Zhuo Wen who wanted to change her fate, it was her determination to rewrite her original fate.


Chapter 564 My Thoughts: Human Emotions Are So Complicated

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